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Advise please on my 4312 and 4132 needed

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In the 4-3-1-2 it looks a little strange that the MCc has an attacking role but the attacking midfielder in front of him has a support role. Don't they get in each others way a lot? Personally if you want the wide MC's defensive I would make the AMC drift wide (trequartista role would probably be great) and have the middle MC as MC (attacking) so he runs past the AMC towards goal. You could also have the MC staying deeper in the classic playmaker role (probably AP (support) but (attack) would also work and the AMC in a more attacking role so the playmaker has more space to operate.

It might already work perfectly fine as it is but just something that looked "funny".

I also notice that you don't have someone who sits in front of the defensive line. I find that ball winning midfielders tend to get dragged away a lot which can leave a lot of space in front of the D-line. If you are heaving problems with leaving too much space in front of the defense you might want to give them a more conservative role like MC (defend). If you press hard enough as a team it shouldn't give too much trouble tho.

I also don't like playing with a DLF (support). I'd rather have him on an attacking duty or play him as a trequartista or complete forward. Nothing wrong with a DLF (support) tho, just personal preference.

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from the top of my head:

as a general rule of thumb, you should not have more closing down on the midfield 3 and any of the 4 defenders then half pitch, if you are closing down to much you will get draged out of shape in the most dangerus region of the pitch (the center), also you should use two very attacking forward roles, the amc is enough to deal with the link up

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I tend to go with a 4312 with my mc's set up as MCa, MCd, MCs from left to right, with a trequartista at AMC and a complete forward support and poacher up top.

I tend to leave my FBs exclusively on auto, then if I need their help going forward, I use the 'look for overlap' shout. In fact I tend to use play narrower, look for overlap and pass into space as a group of shouts. It tightens the midfield, gets the FBs forward to ive the width and has the trequartista ripping the defence apart with through balls

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