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"We need to improve our finishing"

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I get this message quite a lot in the ass man feedback widget under statistics. He either tells me we need to improve our finishing in general or that striker A or striker B is not doing well with his chances today. We generally do well in all other areas and control matches creating plenty of clear cut chances - just the finishing seems to let us down.

I play a 4-4-2 mostly with a complete forward (support) in Rooney and a poacher in welbeck/hernandez so finishing quality shouldn't be an issue. I'm working on the places shots ppm but it's the fact that the ass man mentions that we need to improve our finishing which makes me think I'm missing a trick here to do just that during a match.

Any thoughts? Could it be a team talk / press conference thing?

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I get this message quite a lot in the ass man feedback widget under statistics. He either tells me we need to improve our finishing in general or that striker A or striker B is not doing well with his chances today. We generally do well in all other areas and control matches creating plenty of clear cut chances - just the finishing seems to let us down.

I play a 4-4-2 mostly with a complete forward (support) in Rooney and a poacher in welbeck/hernandez so finishing quality shouldn't be an issue. I'm working on the places shots ppm but it's the fact that the ass man mentions that we need to improve our finishing which makes me think I'm missing a trick here to do just that during a match.

Any thoughts? Could it be a team talk / press conference thing?

There is no trick and you can't just magically improve your finishing. What you can do is change your tactic so you create different types of chances or better chances so maybe have a look at the chances you miss and see if the players have to shoot under a lot of pressure or from difficult angles. It can also be a man management thing. If you don't put enough pressure on your players and you are winning a lot or up against an easy opponent they might not be focused enough and too nonchalant with their chances. On the other hand if you put too much pressure on your players by demanding performances at the wrong time they can get nervous which doesn't help them with their finishing either.

btw. The ass. man. feedback is purely based on statistics and it's not "actual" advice. He might say the gap between defense and midfield is too big while it's just part of your tactic and not causing any trouble. The comment about improving finishing is also just based on statistics (shots vs goals or chances vs goals) and doesn't have to mean that there is something wrong.

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Thanks for the advice :)

I'll keep on trying with various man management options as the clear cut chances they're missing really are clear cut chances - in close, under little or no pressure. I think I'm demanding too much from them. It's not like they're not scoring at all or we're losing games regularly because of this - I just want them to have a better conversion rate!

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I get it a lot too. Most FM managers have tactics that are too attack-minded, which create a lot of chances but not good chances, or strikers snatch at the chances. What works for me is switching to my customised shout-combo "Cool it!". It's a series of shouts including keep possession, pass to feet and take it easy. It sounds boring and defensive, but what actually happens is my team build up more patiently, and whilst the number of chances are less, the quality is better and the forwards are more likely to convert their CCCs.

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Like the "Cool it!" shout idea. You're right, you can tell from the match when the team are just too hungry and are forcing it a bit - often due to the opposition parking the bus and giving us the space around the area. We'd need to draw them out to create useful space but instead end up firing hopeful balls in or playing through a crowded box. Thanks :)

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Like the "Cool it!" shout idea...............

Lowering mentality will give you that result.

As someone mentioned above...... most people are way to attacking..... I have won many things in this game and i mostly do it with a controlling setting. You can be attacking without to high a mentality. It just makes you do things that shouldnt really be done.

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another thing to check is on your main squad screen, insert column -> stats -> shots on target ratio, my 3 best strikers have over 50% in this category, which tells me I'm putting them in really good scoring positions, with a clear sight on goal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lowering the tempo will have your forwards put away more chances, without question!!!

Tempo, in game, is not '"Let's knock the ball about the back for hours on end" as most people seem to think; it equates to "Time a player has to assess his options".

Slow tempo = More time to think about "which corner of the net do I want to find, or should I go for cheeky dink over the keeper"

Quick tempo = "Oh boy, I've no time to think about what I'm going to do. Let me just welly it and hope for the best"

Where the ball is played is determined by Time Wasting (which can be taken to mean urgency of general play, not tempo.

Time Wasting rarely = Let's go like crazy for goal (irrespective of mentality)

Time Wasting often = Let my 2 CB and Keeper exchange passes til Kingdom come.

This is the reason I am in opposition to the (relatively) new TC. Attacking stratergy? Cool!!! I wanna go for goal like crazy and score loads.

But attacking and control stratergies utilize high tempo and low time wasting which = attack, attack, attack (low time wasting) + don't take the time to think about what you're doing (high tempo)

There is a great thread on Time Wasting and its utilization and implications on these forums, which was posted by Iam. High Tempo + High TW is, in the general view what Barca use (passing the ball around quickly but with loads of lateral and back passes) but you can (much as I do) go the other way about it and make use of Slow Tempo + Low TW which is essentially "Go on the attack, but take your time and assess options."

Slow Tempo + Low TW is an attacking stratergy, but one where players are accorded time to think about what to do with the ball. However a slow tempo doesn't come free of nasty surprises.

1. You create fewer chances as build up is slow & methodical (you can remedy this by using direct passing for your midfielders

2. Teams will tackle the living daylights out of you and unless you have a large squad you're going to be in a world of pain as a result of injuries incurred.

But it does accord players time to think about how to approach a multiude of different scenarios, i.e 'should I blast it or place it?', 'do I pass it or hold it up' ect....

You can use an allegory; a kid is learning to play football for the first time. He plays at CB and whenever the ball comes his way he panicks and hoofs it 60 odd yards down field. He's playing at a quick tempo!!!

Coach says: "Kid, take your time on the ball. Don't make rash decisions." Kid starts playing at a slower tempo.


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Oh, accord strikers more creative freedom. This ought to yield a greater goals to chances ratio. A few of the new TC's predefined center forward roles only accord strikers little creative freedom, i.e Target Man, unless you choose to pre-select high CF (creative freedom not center forward ;))

CF affords players the chance to do what they think best and a striker through on goal (even a mediocre one with low composure and finishing attributes) ought to (IMO) be allowed to do what they think is best and not be inhibited by the fact that you've only accorded them a little CF, but you needn't go OTT and give them full or even much CF (14-20 slider accretions), 11-13 slider accretions ordinarily does it for me.

Hope this 'elps

Disclaimer: My opinions, from empirical observation, not an expert......blah,blah.

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1) You need to tell us the exact sentence used in the advice cause there are many with finishing trouble.

2) Those AM advices are only statistical read. So if you see this sentence, look at stats and you find what is the trouble.

3) If you watch match, show the advice widget in front of you, you will see that it's helpful cause you will see immediately why the sentence is written. For example, after 3 minutes, the same player make two bad passes ? you will see an advice showing "too many bad pass from player X".....your team is making 10 short pass in a row between players, you will see the sentence "the team is making good short pass, perhaps ask the team to play shorter" etc.

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