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Trequartista as a striker...

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I've read some interesting discussions on this topic, and it can be used to devastating effect.

I'm planning on using a TREQ in my new Sunderland save, but was wondering if he would be as effective with an AM behind him or if the AM would encroach on his space as he drops deep?

If I can accomodate the AM, would it be better to have him on attacking duty and running past the TREQ or to have him on Support to support the attack? It seems more logical to me that the attack duty would be better, although I still don't know if this would work at all and I'd be better served with a flat midfield two...

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Depends also on the players around the Treq and AM, what formation are you planning?

As a general I'd probably have the AM move past the Treq. I quite like the forward to move around (i.e. wide play set to move into channels) to try and create a central gap for the AM to run into but I think in this situation I'd probably have the reverse where the TQ drops deeper centrally and the AM moves forward into the channels to see what change he can get there.

The only issue that needs management with a TQ up top is that other players should be moving into more direct goal scoring opportunities which generally means they should move past him. Accompaniment by another striker is a good idea, as is an inside forward or two operating from AMR/L and possibly also a midfielder breaking forward (this can be an AM).

How do you see your plan A attack developing with a TQ up top?

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I've got a 4-3-1-2 formation, McClean as my left winger (attack, to support attacks) and Larrson wide right (support) to keep me sold defensively and be there to keep things flowing. I've got Cattermole as the ball winner to feed to Ji (the Treq, as things stand), Sessegnon as AM and Bendtner alongside as the advanced forward to feed on Ji's service.

So theoretically, on attacks I'd have Ji dropping deep playing balls for the onrushing Sessegnon and McClean as well as Bendtner waiting on any service (I'll likely replace him with Campbell as a poacher on his return from injury). I am toying with Bendtner becoming the TREQ instead, but his 'recommended role' is as advanced forward.

One problem I have with Larsson as a wide supporting midfielder is that Bardsley the right back is also on support, so not a lot will come down the right wing as opposed to the left wing where both players are on attack and may be exposed. Just about to play my first game at home to QPR, so will see how it goes.

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Assistant Reports can be helpful but taking the suggested roles and throwing them all together isn't the best way to make a tactic.. the ideas however are good and if I have the right player for the Trequartista position, in my eyes an RVP type who is creative, has good off the ball movement and likes to drop deep then I will use a trequartista in my preffered 4231(wide) usually flanked by two inside forwards and an attacking midfielder/playmaker on a support duty.. this has worked well and I found that they place in their own spaces.. try it with an AM and watch the full game, if you are not happy with the ST and AMC then change it up.

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With three up top and the TQ in the striker position I'd probably pair him with a poacher/advanced forward (who leads the line) and an attacking AM (probably an inside forward) and have a play around with their roaming and wide play instructions until I was happy.

With MR/ML though be careful you don't get over-run through the middle, particularly with a ball-winner in there. In theory Cattermole will just chase and chase and on those occasions where he doesn't win the ball (which will be fairly frequent) you are WIDE open. In theory you should move them into the middle - you can still encourage them to move forward (move into channels should see them move a little wider, they won't play anything like wingers though) and then when Cattermole doesn't get you the ball back you'll still have a solid midfield to shield your defense.

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With three up top and the TQ in the striker position I'd probably pair him with a poacher/advanced forward (who leads the line) and an attacking AM (probably an inside forward) and have a play around with their roaming and wide play instructions until I was happy.

With MR/ML though be careful you don't get over-run through the middle, particularly with a ball-winner in there. In theory Cattermole will just chase and chase and on those occasions where he doesn't win the ball (which will be fairly frequent) you are WIDE open. In theory you should move them into the middle - you can still encourage them to move forward (move into channels should see them move a little wider, they won't play anything like wingers though) and then when Cattermole doesn't get you the ball back you'll still have a solid midfield to shield your defense.

was thinking about playing Larsson as a 'defensive winger', as O'Neill does in real life...I don't know if this would help. I'm leaning towards playing a flat central two, but not sure whether to have them both on support duty or the classic 'defence and support'.

I'm thinking possibly two flat midfielders with 'central midfield' role on support (or def/sup) may keep me quite solid?

Thanks for the feedback. think I'm basically just going to have to toy till I'm happy. Against QPR On the attack I was quite pleased with what was essentially a forward 3 (and sometimes 4) but Sessegnon was always in 'the hole' rather than pushing further up and there were rarely any opportunities created with through balls. I switched it and brought Larsson off, put Sessegnon as a proper RW and Gardner on to make a flat midfield 2. It definitely improved with Ji dropping deeper and linking the play.

I think I'm going to play Sessegnon as in real life, the forward 'Trequartista' that everything goes through (rather than Ji who is very raw).

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also toying with the idea of two ball winning midfielders, Cattermole & Colback on def and sup so essentially two grafters in the middle to lay it off to Sessegnon...don't know if this would translate?

the problem is, ball winning midfielders aren't necessarily 'grafters'. For supposedly defensive roles, they're surprisingly attacking because they press a lot, and go hunting for players to tackle. As said above, if you don't have a CM who isn't on a ball-winning role, your midfield will get overrun something horrible.

I'd play Cattermole as a ball-winning midfielder (defend) and support him with another midfielder on a role that doesn't have a lot of forward runs; deep-lying playmaker would be best, but central midfielder support or advanced playmaker support are also good. That way, if Cattermole does go running around crunching into tackles, there's still someone sitting in the midfield so that you aren't overrun. Make sure whichever player you use for this doesn't have the "gets forward whenever possible" ppm, which is equivalent to making lots of forward runs.

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was thinking about playing Larsson as a 'defensive winger', as O'Neill does in real life...I don't know if this would help. I'm leaning towards playing a flat central two, but not sure whether to have them both on support duty or the classic 'defence and support'.

I'm thinking possibly two flat midfielders with 'central midfield' role on support (or def/sup) may keep me quite solid?

I switched it and brought Larsson off, put Sessegnon as a proper RW and Gardner on to make a flat midfield 2. It definitely improved with Ji dropping deeper and linking the play.

In all honesty I think this will probably yield better results.

There's nothing wrong with 2xFC's + 1xAMC but I think I'd want at least 2 central midfielders which then leaves you a wide player short (unless you go 3 at the back which changes everything) so you're left with either 41212 or 4312, each of which are good formations but I don't think that is really what you're after.

As for the roles for the middle two, it does depend on what you want really so trying out different things will probably be the best idea. Two defensive types (maybe deep-lying playmaker-def and central midfielder-def) would sit deeper and further try to help create space for your Treq but if you want Larsson as a defensive winger (which sounds like a good enough idea) then you'll probably want someone else heading forward which almost requires you to push a midfielder forward (a support role with run from deep on normal is fine for this), in which case I think box-to-box-supp or advanced playmaker-supp is fine.

Also, just thought of something else, the side you place your Treq will become important if you're not symmetrical. If you want Larsson to sit deeper on the right then it makes sense that you place your Treq at FCl and have the left winger running forward and the MCr being the most attacking of the midfielders. This way you've staggered your attack and created some nice diagonals which will help break down the defence whilst also having potentially three players advanced of your Treq and most importantly these movements will be dynamic.

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