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Player Values

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I know nobody from SI is going to give this away, and that's not what I'm expecting, but from playing the game, what's the general consensus about what makes up a player's value?

For example, I am playing as Truro, and have got them to the Premier League in 2020/21, albeit a struggling, battling to survive relegation team. However, I have 2 ML / AML that I kind of rotate. One is rated by my assman (Ricky Sbragia) as ability 1.5* and potential 3*. The other is rated as ability 3* potential 4*. I shall name them player A and player B as both are regens. Player A is 21, B is 22. Both are Italian and were released by clubs about 2 years ago and signed on FT's. Both favour the ML position and I play a standard 442.

Now player A is worth £1.4m and player B is worth £3.4m. Both have 3 1/2 years left on their contracts.

Now my query is this, Player B started the season as first choice, based on his higher value and his higher rating. After about 12 games, he had 1 assist, no goals and a rating of 6.74, so I gave player A a couple of games. He got 2 assists, 1 MOM award and a rating of 7.4 over those 2, albeit slightly easier games. So I stuck with him for a bit and gave him some game time, whilst still rotating occasionally as he gets tired after a couple of matches! He has become my first choice though.

Now in mid January, Player A has played 13 games, 2 goals 7 assists, 3 MOM awards and average of 7.35. Player B who has now played 18 games has 2 goals, 2 assists and an average of 6.86.

However, their values haven't changed. Player B is still worth £2m more. Also, their ratings haven't changed.

So what is value based on, I've got clubs interested in player B, who I am considering selling, because though player A has been the best player in my whole team, but nobody wants him and his value wont increase.

I would expect things such as contract length and current form to play a far greater role in the player's value, but as far as I can see they don't count as much as these hidden CA and PA attributes, which would be fine if they dictated how a player performed, but they don't seem to, hence why my 1.5* player is far out performing my 3* players.

Any thoughts on this?

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I think, mack4life is right. A player's value mostly depends on his reputation. And his reputation is linked to the reputation of his league/club. As ung_kung said, events like getting a call-up for the national team or an award can slightly increase a player's value. Of course age and contract length also play a part in calculating a player's value.

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What I also noticed is that a player who plays in continental games CL/EL will get a higher value especially if he has assists and goals. The assists and goals also counts for your domestic competitions. This is why you almost never see goalkeepers and defenders with a high value. So it's Competition, club stature, transfer price, contract length, yearly wage, position, assists, goals (domestic/continental/international) contintinental matches and international caps. So there are alot of factors what makes up player values.

For example: You buy player x for €30 mil on a 5 year contract with a yearly wage of €6 mil as Barca. This player will probably get a value around €40 mil. Player x is a striker and plays 40 matches for barca makes 30 domestic goals and 10 continental goals. He also get's 10 international caps and scores 6 goals. His reputation and value will rise even more and he will be worth around 60 mil. ;)

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Objection! A player value usually never exceeds 40 million €/36 million pound, unless the player gets bought for more. Although your goal and assists example may be true to an extend, in my savegames it is quite normal that Arsenal/Manchester/Chelsea reserve players who never even played for the reserve team have a value of something like 5-6 million, whereas my top striker aged 21 who scored 19 league goals this season and 17 last season but in a smaller country (=Germany^^) is only valued 1.9 million :-S

So league and club reputation is the mooost important factor because it vastly influences a player's reputation.

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