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Trying to get more out of central midfeld

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I'm playing a 4-2-3-1 and I need a tactic that gets good use out of my central midfield. The rest of my team, I'm playing as Villa, are performing great,but my two CMs always have low ratings,no matter who I use or how I use them. I've used plenty of ideas I've found here,but nothing seems to work.

Does anybody have any ideas? I played CM 2010 extensively, also with Villa, and never had this problem. Even though the tactics I use now are the same, there seems to be a big drop in their average ratings.

Very frustrating.

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I personally wouldn't put too much weight into their ratings. They're not usually going to score a bunch of goals or contribute a lot of assists, they're there more for support and to recycle possession (which isn't going to translate into a very high rating). If they're doing their jobs then I wouldn't worry too much about the ratings.

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I personally wouldn't put too much weight into their ratings. They're not usually going to score a bunch of goals or contribute a lot of assists, they're there more for support and to recycle possession (which isn't going to translate into a very high rating). If they're doing their jobs then I wouldn't worry too much about the ratings.

You're right about them just needing to be doing their jobs, but in the 2010 edition I had them playing the same way and they still scored high. It's a shame if 2012 doesn't rate the work they do, seems an unusual thing to change. But without trying to make them more attacking players or changing formation, then I suppose I'm just going to have to live with it until 2013 edition. Cheers man.

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Try DLP-S and BWM-D or BWM-S and DLP-D

Works well for me.

Cool,I'll give it a try. Do you find that they still score highly or do they just 'get the job done'? Are there any tweeks you use for those positions?

Thanks for the help.

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