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Complete Beginner

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So, I've just downlaoded FM2012....I havent' played since 2008 and even then I used Tug's training and downloaded tactics from here for most of my success.

FM2012 looks...over whelming! Can anyone point me to a guide on the newest features, developing tactrics & training etc. I think by the time I finish reading, 13 will be out!

Any novice guides?

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1. Check out the tutorials

2. Check out the training and tactics fora and maybe the good player guide if you don't mind that kind of help

3 Just browse through the screens of the game to make you familiar with the new options since 2008 and where to find which one

4 Just have a crack at managing a team in a test save. You'll probably underachieve at first, but you learning curve will be steep :) You can then still decide to continue or restart for a proper save

Good luck and have fun :):thup:

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