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Gap between defensive line and midfield

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My assistant says about this gap how i fix this?Im playing 4411 high team mentality and with high def line but with 0 mentality on my defenders and midfielders as i focus on wings.

Also beside width and def. line is any way in wich i could control distance between the 3 major lines?

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OK thx for advice.

BTW can i put this to my advantage i wonder?For example if i face an oponnent that plays lone striker/trequartista that drops deeper or plays with back to goal,to stop him it would be logical to have distance between lines as minimum so if i set defenders mentality 20 and midfielders 0 would be this usefull?

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OK thx for advice.

BTW can i put this to my advantage i wonder?For example if i face an oponnent that plays lone striker that drop deeper or play with back to goal,to stop him it would be logical to have distance between lines as minimum so if i set defenders mentality 20 and midfielders 0 would be this usefull?

Depending on what style of football you're wanting to play, I'd be extremely cautious in putting your defenders on 20 mentality. They'll look to get the ball forward at every opportunity - in conjunction with passing range. You'll turn over a lot of possession by doing this.

But again, it's all dependant on what you want to do. I personally wouldn't recommend maximum mentality for your defenders.

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Depending on what style of football you're wanting to play, I'd be extremely cautious in putting your defenders on 20 mentality. They'll look to get the ball forward at every opportunity - in conjunction with passing range. You'll turn over a lot of possession by doing this.

But again, it's all dependant on what you want to do. I personally wouldn't recommend maximum mentality for your defenders.

yes this make sense since mentality affects other things beside pitch positioning such as passing length,higher tempo,more desire to close down/harass strikers leaving holes in defense and more willing in taking risks in wich defenders would not be smart to do such things.

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