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The True North Strong and Free.......


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So I've got that urge to begin writing an FM story again...despite my numerous attempts to start and stick with a story, it never seemed to pan out. Maybe because I made things too easy on myself, a big club like Juventus can sign and keep pretty much anyone they want. So I decided to start a bit of a journeyman career (maybe) with my hometown club, Toronto FC of the MLS.

One caveat, I am using Miek Magnum's restructured USA league, so it's not the usual MLS rules, and there is promotion and relegation. Special thanks to Miek Magnum's hard work in creating the file.

So I guess I may as well start. FM 12.2.2 DB, USA down to level 8, as well as England, Italy, Germany, Spain, Hollland, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina loaded to all available leagues. Game starts Brazil 2010.

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Thanks 10-3. The database is on the site under the editor's hideaway. A ton of games and a ton of teams.....and even more cup competitions. A lot to keep up.

Anyway, onto the story...


Sometime in the not too distant future...or maybe too far away; I honestly can’t tell anymore it’s been such an emotional rollercoaster.

I look back, and can remember my successes and failures, as a son, a brother, an uncle, a husband, a father but most importantly, a man.

Mistakes? I’ve made quite a few; like the time I tried to pull a switch for my ex girlfriends’ younger, hotter sister, or the time I got into the argument with my captain in the changeroom before an important match that nearly cost me everything. Granted things worked out in the end, I ended up patching things up with that captain, and that younger, hotter sister became a special person in my life; not the way I wanted it though, but for a time, she was everything to me.

But now, as I look back, I wonder what was it all for?

The fame? Hardly. As much as I love the attention of being who I am, I could do without some of it. I’m done with the game now, I don’t want to be receiving call after call for “one last shot” or to “help us out because you’ve worked magic before.” No. The fame is just a by product of what I’ve done.

The money? Ha! Yes I’ve made my money, but there were times I wondered if that maybe didn’t play a part in some of the negatives...my salary at times was more than the wage bill of the club. It’s nice to have financial security, especially for my wife and son. But that salary gave me a whole lot of pressure on top of that security. So no, this wasn’t done for the money.

As I look back now, I’ve realized it was all for the love of the game. I knew I was going to leave my mark on this game forever. So much so, my genius tactic, which some would say I stole from two of the brightest minds in the game, has become THE tactic the world over, the blueprint to success. Even now, after so many years, it’s never been CONSISTANTLY broken. Granted, that’s because once it was cracked, I tweaked it to make it stronger, better and more importantly, less predictable.

That’s not to say every team can take it and get success. You need the right players, the right coaches and importantly the right mentality to employ and execute this tactic. Too soft and you won’t win the ball. Too firm and you risk getting beaten by set pieces and with 10 or 9 men at the end of the game. No killer instinct means no goals, despite how dominant you were in possession. Too many “poachers” and it’s not as easy on the eye, and becomes “mechanical.”

It takes the right TEAM to truly succeed with this tactic.

I learned long ago from some of the greatest minds in football that good teams find a way to win, but great teams force the opponent to try and beat you. A good team will try to outplay their opponents and play to their level. Great teams on the other hand will force the other team to play at their level, and beat their skulls in if they dare try.

That’s what separates the Barcelonas, the Bayern Munichs, the Juventus’ of the world with the likes (and all due respect mind you) to the Villareals, the Werder Bremens, and the Parmas; the good vs the great.

A man I have respected ever since I started watching the game, Sir Alex Ferguson once said “Football, bloody hell” after an improbable come from behind win in the Champions League Final of 1999. The moment stuck in my mind every time I walked onto a pitch, I wanted that moment to be forever frozen in time. Thankfully I was able to live that dream, but more on that later.

I have been blessed to travel the world, having gone pretty much everywhere from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, and all places in between. I’ve travelled the world 65 times over, I’ve spent almost my entire adult life living out of a suitcase, I have racked up trillions of frequent flier miles, billions of dollars worth of food, beverages and pay per view movies, signed millions of autographs and quite proudly, “collected” several thousand towels and bathrobes from some of the finest hotels around the world.

I also have a loving wife who has stuck by me, through good and bad, a nephew who was at one point deemed the greatest footballer alive, and his cousin, my own son, who now holds that honour.

I’ve won numerous trophies, medals and national honours. I’ve wined and dined with kings and queens, presidents, prime ministers, a dictator or two, and some of the most respected people alive. I’ve held meetings and discussions with generals regarding leadership and man management; I’ve given lectures about teambuilding, and most famously the head instructor of the UEFA ProLicense for nearly a decade.

But all that may never have happened, had it not been for several fortunate breaks, most of them I had no choice in the matter. I’ve heard from many of my respected colleagues that you make your own luck, and others will argue that the gods have your life planned from beginning to end even before you take your first breath. Many of my students and “followers” have asked me on my take. I’ve always believed that certain paths are carved out for you, and its up to you, the individual to choose it. Presented with a fork in the road, one way leads to success, the other to failure. The destination will forever be unknown until you get there, and there is nothing stopping you from turning around and going back...well usually.

I got lucky; I rarely took the wrong path. Mind you, there was always doubt in my mind if I had chosen correctly, and there was more than one occasion I wanted to turn around, but I had the right people, and some of the wrong ones guiding me, and I’m eternally grateful, because had it not been for them, who knows where I would have ended up.

But enough of that, you want to get to the good stuff...and so our story begins.

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December 27th 2010

Canadian Press – After months of flirting, it is finally official.

Telecommunications superpowers Rogers Communication and Bell Canada have announced they have acquired Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment, and now own The Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League, the Toronto Raptors of the National Basketball Association, the American Hockey League’s Toronto Marlies and Major League Soccer’s Toronto FC. The deal also includes facilities owned by the former Teachers Pension Fund, such as the Air Canada Centre, Ricoh Coliseum and BMO Field.

The announcement comes days after MLSE announced a $1 billion investment in the team’s youth system, building an academy in Downsview Park in Toronto, as well as a full soccer complex for use in the community and Toronto FC.

Rogers and Bell were quick to name a new figurehead to run the soccer side of the company, bringing in Italian goalkeeper legend Dino Zoff.

“It’s an honour and a privilege to be here with a new team building from the ground up. Our results in the league have not been as good as we would have liked, but with this new partnership, we feel that we can succeed for years to come.”

No word as to what this means for the current coaching staff, consisting of Aaron Winter and Bob de Klerk.

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Thank you for the kind words good sir....my apologies for not seeing it before my previous post. Hope you enjoy the story.

Just after the announcement of the new regime taking over Toronto FC, just down the road from the future home of the TFC facility, a young man is sitting in his dorm room at a local, well known university...

“One drink?”

“Sorry, can’t do it”

“Come on, you’re such a bore. You can’t even come out for one?”

“I have my medical licensing exam tomorrow. I pass, you can brag to your friends you’re dating a doctor. I fail, you dump me for someone who passed that exam.”

“That’s not true, I wouldn’t dump you. I’d just see him behind your back.”

“I feel so much better. Thanks.”

“Surely you don’t think I’d do something like that?”

“I don’t know for sure, but you seem capable….and don’t call me Shirley.”

“You’re such a loser.”

“I know you are, but what am I?”


“And….confidence shot.”

“You know I’m only joking.”

“Sometimes I wonder.”

“Really? This again? Do you have any idea how many people would kill for your brain?”

She was right. I graduated high school at 16, and got my undergraduate at 18, and my law degree at 20. But I got bored with law and moved onto my doctorate in biochemistry and kinesiology at 22, and getting bored with that, moved onto teaching. Having outgrown the profession again, here I am at 25 trying medicine.

“That may be, but I just can’t settle down with one job.”

“If you can’t settle down on a job, Lord help me…”

“That’s different. I can never get bored of you.”

“You truly do know how to make a girl blush…idiot.”

“Excuse me Miss Smartypants…but you’re right. It does take a genius to paint people’s nails and bleach their hair.”

“That’s crossing the line. You know damn well I am the leading stylist to the stars.”

“Because Canada has so many stars who stay here. Who do you have as your next appointment anyway? I hear Rachel McAdams is in town for the week.”

“That’s for me to know, and for you to find out after you apologize.”

“Well enjoy your next client….I don’t care.”

“Liar liar pants on fire.”

“Real mature.”

“You’re still an idiot, despite the fact you’re a genius. But come one, can we please do something? I’m getting bored and I can only stay entertained by making fun of you for so long.”

“I’ve got to study for this exam, I would if I could but since I can’t I won’t.”

“Well doctor, I’ve got a way for you to perfect your anatomy.”

With hat, I heard the zipper from her sweatshirt, as she sat in my lap and cleared my desk of my books.

“And just what do you think you’re doing?”

“You need to relax. You’re going to do just fine, but right now, I think I need a checkup, I seem to be coming down with some hot flashes…any ideas?”

She then began to innocently bite her bottom lip. She had me.

“You know I can’t resist that look. Alright, the doctor is in…what seems to be the problem miss?”

“It’s the darndest thing, I have this uncontrollable urge to kiss cute doctors.”

“I think we can work out a cure. Please lie down……”

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We now go live to the ESPN news desk with some breaking news regarding Major League Soccer.

Adnan Virk: We interrupt the halftime show of the Senor Taco Bowl between football powerhouses Wesleyan University and NYU, but Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber has announced that the MLS will now begin play similar to the rest of Europe. Promotion and relegation will now be standard across the league, the draft is eliminated and teams will now work under the European system. Fans of the game have been begging for the Americanised version of soccer to be eliminated, and the MLS has given fans their wish. We now go live to Commissioner Garber and his statement from earlier today.

DG: “We feel that this new system will allow for optimal competition between teams. We agree the old way was best for a growing league, but in order to become elite we must follow the lead of our predecessors, and now can compete against the best leagues in the world.

AV: Commissioner Garber also announced the return of the New York Cosmos, headed by Chairman Brazilian legend Pele. Pele’s first order of business was to announce the signing of new coach Eric Cantona. More details on the fallout of the new MLS will be briefly mentioned tonight on Sportscentre. We now go back live to the Senor Taco Bowl Halftime show.

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At the temporary headquarters of Toronto FC, new chairman Dino Zoff just finished a meeting with manager Aaron Winter. He had his usual scowl on his face, much like the same look he had when France scored the tying goal at Euro 2000 after an extended injury time. He breathed heavily at his desk, opened his drawer and grabbed a bottle of anisette and a glass.

DZ: These people do not understand this game. Winter is not the man to lead us to the promised land. We need to go younger, we need someone intelligent. Someone dynamic. Someone…..”

His voice trailed off when he saw a resume on the floor. He looked it over and was genuinely impressed.

DZ: Captain of his academy team. Winner of the Viareggio tournament. Canadian international at 16 years old. He will be the perfect striker.

Zoff buzzed his secretary.

DZ: Lucia, get me everything you can find on Carlo Cardelli….

We go back to that University down the road from TFC’s future training complex. 49 young adults are clamorously looking over notes and study guides, and one young man, seems way too confident is just sitting there reading the sports pages.

A stuffy older gentleman with a bow tie enters the room…

“Ladies and gentlemen. You may now enter examination room. You will have 3 hours to complete the exam. Good luck.”

With that, the confident young man folded up his newspaper, zipped up his Adidas jacket with a Canadian Soccer Association logo and number 10 on it, and walked into the room with a smile on his face.

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It took a few days to find the background Mr. Zoff wanted, but his secretary finally managed to track down the required information on his new striker.

Lucia: “Here you go Mr. Zoff.”

DZ: “Thank you Lucia. Please send in the rest of the board.”

Just as Dino issued the command, the directors’ entered the room to meet with the boss.

DZ: “Gentlemen, we have found our next star. A full Canadian international, has scored over 300 goals while playing in the Italian academy system. He has won at nearly every level imaginable. We must sign him.”

Jim Cannovan, the former head of the Ontario Soccer Association quipped up.

JC: “Who is this young man? If he’s a local boy, chances are I coached him.”

DZ: “The lad’s name is Carlo Cardelli.”

Cannovan went pale. Zoff noticed immediately.

DZ: “Jim? What’s the problem?”

JC: “There’s a slight problem. He won’t be able to play…”

DZ: “Money’s no object; we will sign him at any cost.”

JC: “That’s the problem sir. He can’t play. He’s retired. I know the kid very well, he was the future of this program. However, he was injured in a warm up before the 2008 Olympics. He’ll never play again.”

DZ: “Just my luck. But how did his resume get into my office?”

JC: “We’re not sure of that sir. We know a young woman dropped it off, something about wanting to be the team physician or something. I looked at it, recognized the name and beckoned her to come back. She didn’t. The issue is he’s too intelligent, soccer wise to be just a team physician. I had him tapped as a coach from the day he came into the program. He has his UEFA B, so he could easily be given his A license here to coach in the MLS. Worst case, he has to wait a year while the paperwork is being done and he coaches at the academy level.”

Zoff leaned back in his chair, folded his hands and closed his eyes.

DZ: “He may not be able to score goals, but if he’s as smart as you say he is, bring him in. But Jim, if he fails, you will be the one to pay for his mistakes. Understand?”

Jim Cannovan smiled.

JC: “Clear as glass. But we’ve got a winner here.”

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I’ve been waiting for a few days now on the results. While I realize that it takes 60 days to get the results back, thanks to my playing days, I have some pull with the school.

The phone rang, and my heart began to pound.

CC: “Hello?”

“Is this Carlo Cardelli?” It was a female voice, one that I didn’t recognize.

“Yes it is. May I ask who’s calling?” My voice began to crack….this could be it.

“”My name is Lucia Scentivole. I am the personal secretary of Mr. Dino Zoff.”

I had a puzzled look on my face. “Umm, why does Dino Zoff want to do with me, if you don’t mind me asking?”

LS: “We received your resume regarding a position with Toronto FC.”

Toronto FC? How the hell did they get my information? And what application was she thinking about?

LS: “We would like you to come in for an interview this afternoon. Can you make it?”

CC: “Umm, well I am awaiting news on a very important matter, I don’t think I can until I hear word.”

LS: “Oh yes you medical exam results. Mr. Zoff has asked that he be given the results first hand, and he would like to tell you personally.”

That son of a….

CC: “Sure, I’ll be there.”

LS: “Wonderful, we’ll have a car waiting for you outside your dorm room. Please be ready in one hour. Goodbye.”

With that, she hung up. I looked stunned, then upset. I immediately took out my blackberry and sent a text to my so called girlfriend.

How does TFC know my name?

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I spent an hour getting ready. Quick shave, shower and a couple bottles of gel later, I was ready. Thankfully I got my suit cleaned and pressed days before. Nancy has not yet gotten back to me about how Toronto FC got my information, but she sure is my main suspect.

I headed downstairs to meet the car TFC had for me. Just as I walked outside, a jet black Chrysler 300 rolled up. Assuming it was for me, I went for the door.

The driver was a man in his 30’s. He looked back and asked for identification.

Confused, I obliged. He nodded, and handed back my license and took off. The drive didn’t take long, and before I knew it, I was at the temporary home of Toronto FC at Downsview Park.

I straightened myself out, and headed inside. Shockingly, a familiar face was there to greet me.

Jim Cannovan: “Carlo my boy, how are you son?”

CC: “I’m doing well Jim. How are you?”

JC: “Fantastic. I’m a partner now with TFC, and we’re very excited to bring you in.”

CC: “I’m honoured. I’m just curious as to how you got my information?”

JC: “A young woman dropped it off, explaining you were the perfect candidate to take over as the team physician.”

CC: “Is that so? May I ask what this young woman looked like?”

JC: “I only saw her from the back, but she had straight brown hair, slim, and what looked like a tattoo on her right ankle.

Nancy. Busted.

JC: “Anyway, the rest of the board are awaiting your presence. If you would.”

As we were walking in, my Blackberry buzzed. Sure enough, I can confirm my suspicions.

Good luck with the interview. You’re going to do great. By the way, you owe me dinner for this. Luv U!

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I walked into the room, and immediately Dino Zoff sat up and exended his hand.

DZ: “Carlo my boy, so glad to finally meet you face to face. How are you?”

CC: “Very well, and may I say how much of a fan I am of yours. I’ve atched tapes of you from back in the day. You revolutionized the position. Also, I am a huge fan of your work with La Nazionale but it’s a shame it ended how it did.”

DZ: “You’re too kind. It was an unfortunate end, but that’s football. Please sit.”

I sat down with Zoff, Cannovan and a few other memebrs of the board. I was surprised they focused more on questions about tactics and situations than they did with the medical side. Finally I just had to speak up.

CC: “I’m sorry, but Mr. Zoff with all due respect, what does my preferred formation have to do with my knowledge of injury and treatment?”

DZ: “It doesn’t.”

CC: “OK, then why am I here?”

DZ: “Isn’t it obvious?”

CC: “No.”

DZ: “Look, we’ve seen your resume, it’s impressive. Law school, doctorate degrees and now medical doctor.”

CC: “Doctor?”

DZ: “Yes, you passed your exam. Congratulations…however, that is not why we brought you in. We brought you in because we’re going in a new direction with the club. You have the background in the game in terms of being able to play and expect such a high level from others. You have the UEFA B thanks to your playing days, which automatically gives you more than enough qualifications to coach in North America. We want you to come in and become the man to lead the club to glory. Two year contract, half a million per season. What do you say?”

What the hell just happened? I wasn’t even thinking about any sort of job just yet, now I got a job as the coach of Toronto FC. This is quite something.

CC: “Where do I sign?”

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Thanks gentlemen for jumping in. PS Funk, the other nickname is The Reds....not a fan but hey whatever works :)

Surprisingly word has not been leaked yet of my naming as head coach of Toronto FC. With that said, Zoff allowed me to start laying the groundwork in making moves to bring in new talent. When I informed Cannovan who my main targets were, he smiled…

JC: “Do you think you can convince them to come over?”

CC: “We were teammates. You coached us to glory as a provincial team. You were also the one who got us noticed by the national program, minus you know who. That being said, between your closeness to them, and my ability to relate to them, I’m sure we can bring them home, and convince them to also play for the program.”

JC: “If you can do this, my boy you may walk away with the a few trophies this year.”

CC: “I can only hope, Jim.”

December 31, 2010

I’ve met with TFC vice-captain Julian de Guzman. I asked him to help me convince my main targets to come home. His look of curiosity turned into one of joy when I mentioned a certain name.

JD: “You think he’d come?”

CC: “You did. Besides, we’re friends. He remembers the good times we had coming through the national program. Mind you his fall out didn’t help, but after the talk he had with The Score, he may come home. You will be a key. I’ll need you to help me massage him to come over. I promise you, with the two of you side by side, and the other boys coming in, we can win everything.”

JD: “OK coach, here’s Jonathan’s number. Good luck.”


CC: “John! It’s been a while. How have you been?”

JD: “Good…..who is this?”

CC: “It’s Carlo.”

JD: “No way! Wow, it has been forever. How’s the knee?”

CC: “Getting there. How is life in Spain treating you?”

JD: “To be honest, not as good as I would have liked. I’m rotting in the reserves. Holland has already told me I’m never going to play for them, so I’m looking to play.”

CC: “Well I think I can help you with that. Have you heard any news from home?”

JD: “What are you talking about?”

CC: “Keep this quiet, but I’m the new coach of TFC. I’ve been given some money to work with, and we got some amazing coaches and staff here. We want you to come home, maybe get you to a major tournament. We want to build around you; besides, some of our friends may also be heading over, namely David and Janiel. Between the 3 of you and Julian, we can easily run away with the league. What do you say?”

Jonathan was quiet. I had no idea where he was heading. All I know is the silence is killing me.

JD: “I don’t know. It may be a step backwards.”

CC: “Bull. We both know this is where it is at. Trust me, this is the best thing for you. I’ll even make it a loan offer, so if you do feel like going back, you can go. But trust me, this can work out well. Trust me.”

JD: “Well….what does David think?”

CC: “I haven’t talked to him just yet. If I can convince you, he’ll go easily. Same offer, loan for now, option to sign at the end, and who knows.”

JD: ‘If David comes, I will too. Give him my best. We’ll talk soon. Take care.”

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Praise from the master himself. I am truly humbled by the high praise. Thank you 10-3

After chatting with Jonathan de Guzman my next target was another former teammate. David Wayne Hoilett.

CC: “DJ! Carlo Cardelli. How are you?”

DH: “C-Lo? Is that you?”

CC: “The one and only.”

DH: “My God, it’s been a minute. I’m good. How you doin’?”

CC: “Awesome. Hey listen, how's Janiel doing?”

DH: “Not bad, still in Germany trying to get a passport. What’s up?”

CC: “Can you keep a secret?”

DH: “Not again….”

CC: “Nah, nothing like that. Listen, I just spoke to Jonathan. It’s not official yet but I’m being named as the new TFC coach. I got commitment from Jonathan, and I want to bring you and Janiel in to build around. Word is the CSA will also like to bring you all in and build around you as well. It’s a loan deal with an option to buy if we can convince you guys to come home. Interested?”

DH: “I dunno man. I’m starting to get into a groove in England.”

CC: “Well Blackburn has agreed to loan you back home…”

DH: “What? They don’t think I’m good enough to start? Screw the loan. I want out. I work so hard and they think I’m not good enough. I’m in. Just promise me that Janiel gets a look, and we can play Rovers so I can destroy them.”

That was much easier than I thought. It’s all going to plan.

CC: “I’ll get the paperwork started. It’ll be good to have us all together again. We had some good times. See you soon DJ.”


Another move I’ve made was bringing back a friend of a friend of mine. Robert Stillo is moving back home on loan from Genoa. This team is coming together, and with our youth graduates returning to train, this could be a fun year.

With that said, my focus is on continuing to gently massage Jonathan, to stay at the club after the loan period. Having convinced DJ, and in turn Janeil to come home and play for TFC and Team Canada, it shouldn’t be too hard.

Then I got called in to Zoff’s office.

DZ: “We have a huge offer that has come in. I want your take on what to do.”

CC: “Sure thing. What’s the offer?”

DZ: “Tottenham has come in for Julian. 15 million euros. I’m thinking of taking it.

CC: “You are the boss but I will say this. If we sell him now, Jonathan doesn’t come in. If we lose Jonathan, DJ and Janeil leave too, and we’re screwed. We need to keep him around.

DZ: “I will take that under consideration. Speaking of which, how are the negotiations going?

CC: “Very well. Offers were accepted, contracts sent, and now we’re just waiting to hear back from the agents. I think we have a winner.”

DZ: “Good. Good. Well you may as well head down to the training pitch. Players are coming in for pre-season training. I’ll keep you posted as to what happens with Julian.”

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