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I've been looking at data on players and have noticed a couple of things that just don't make sense. One, and this should be an easy on, many players have a height of a - number, e. g., -187 CM. This has to be a typo correct?

Second, under the current ability and potential ability ratings: the current ability is listed as 80, then his potential ability is listed as -6. What is that? Is the player's ability level going to erode by -6 of something? Or is this a typo? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Everything normal and making perfect sense lol, Height is done metrically ie 187 cm = 6 foot 1inch and the potential ability is a grade which is used to establish how good a may may become with the right training ie the highest value is -10 which equals a potential rating of 170 - 200. Cant remember off the top of my head exactly what -6 is but think its in the region of 90 - 110 if you search the forums for potential ability your find the full list somewhere.

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I understand that 187 CM is 6'1" that isn't the issue. The issue is, the players height is listed as a negative number (-187). The negative sign has to be a typo. The negative height isn't with all the players, but a significant number are listed that way. Second, the negative potential ability is listed for a few players but not many. Most have a current ability of 75, with a potential ability of 90 for example. This makes perfect sense. This play can improve with the right training and development. But for a player to have a current ability rating of 85 and a potential ability of -6 just doesn't make sense.

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Actually after posting I did notice the negative value in for the height and am wondering whether its a growth rating for the players in the game, and for the potential if a player has a CA of 75 and a PA of -6 it just means he's not going to get much better than he already is, simples.

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