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FM12: Vagner Love - Striker Par Excellence


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FM09 legend is back, stronger than ever. There isn't enough superlatives in the English language to properly describe him. He's quick, agile, has great tehnique and most importantly - he hates goalkeepers, because they stand between him and the goal. He needs goals, no, he craves goals, they're to him like blood to a vampire or mother's milk to a baby. Goals are his sustenance and his only purpose in life. He's a goalkeeper's worst nightmare 'cause he has no fear, pity or mercy. He doesn't play fair - like a monster from old horror movies, you only see him at the last moment and by then it is too late. He strikes from the shadow and he's never in the same place twice. He's what defending coaches talk about when they want to instill fear and discipline into their trainees. He had many names - Beast, Monster, Shadow... but to his manager, he's an angel from the sky, salvation personified - Meet Vagner Love

I hope no one takes issue with my rather liberal use of poetic license in the first paragraph :D. I was under impression from Vagner's great performances and in a literary mood - a very dangerous combination :D

Let's get down to business,

Name: Vagner Love

Position: Striker

Age: 27

Nationality: Brazilian

Club: CSKA Moscow (Rus)

Price: 9.5m euros

Can be signed for: 25-30m euros

Asks for wages: around 75k per week


As you can see, he has fantastic attributes. Great tehnique, great physique and great mental and goalscoring skills. My assistant rates him best as a Poacher and I tend to agree although I'm certain he'd be great in other roles, like Advanced Forward or even DLP Attack.

I decided to splash out the cash for his as I needed a dependable goalscorer there weren't many other willing to come Juve in the January transfer window and boy, did I get my money worth. He scored a brace on his debut and continued scoring consistently, ending up Top Serie A goalscorer even though he only played half a season. He blended in perfectly. What also drew me to him was his great personality - Spirited and Unflappable, implying good hidden stats. It's probably due to his personality that he simply shines in the big matches. You have to like a striker who doesn't buckle under pressure.


All in all, I believe he can perform multitude of roles in the attack. I don't usually use Poachers because I don't like one-dimensional players but he's simply great. Watching him open defences up with his movement or dribble through two defenders while the third's on his back or seeing him simply pop out of the crowd and tap it in is truly amazing.

If you need a consistent, dependable goalscorer and have the funds to get him, look no further. He'll do the job and even surprise you with some clever passing. He can play in any team and any league. Due to his high natural fitness and stamina he'll also be able to play game after game which is always a plus

Recommendation: 5/5

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