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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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why? don't you like it in fifa if you play it?

Funnily enough, i like it that much i've put my own Playlist on FIFA - so i don't know why I'm moaning.

Would just seem unusual on FM.

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Funnily enough, i like it that much i've put my own Playlist on FIFA - so i don't know why I'm moaning.

Would just seem unusual on FM.

Yea only because its never had it, i'm sure you'd have thought that before fifa got it or has that always had it haha i can't remember.

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Yea only because its never had it, i'm sure you'd have thought that before fifa got it or has that always had it haha i can't remember.

Ever since i've played it certainly has.

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- Extra positions in the tactics screen. Chiefly id like to see a second striker to sit between an AMC and a SC

- The addition of records for a clubs total appearence and goal record (as well as the league records, as at many top clubs this can be different)

- The addition of a chief scout, automatically goes and scouts other scouts top reccomendations, generally just the most talented scout.

- A few more varied regen templates, as currently i feel after about 20 years you end up with many very similiar regens and there isnt as much variation as there is at the start.


- Also id like to see sliders removed from training and replaced with the names of the various workouts so you can come up with schedules and it shows the impact on overall training levels (i believe this was in around cm03/04)?

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As a bottom dwelling LLM one thing I'd like to see is a better/smoother transition from semi-pro to professional status. Right now you ask the board to go pro and they'll sometimes agree to the request and say they'll make the move at the start of the next season. More often than not they fail to follow through until you get to league 2 and you are left in complete limbo in regards to why. This drastically impedes your ability to manage the budget and contracts as there is only a five day window between the season update and June 30th.

If there are conditions that need to be met the board should outline them or just flat out refuse so you know where you stand. Also, this is something that shouldn't be held off to the start of the preseason and should occur right after the season ends or in the weeks following the request.

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Then don't use the option then! Its there if you want it. The 'just one more game, just one more game' addictiveness is too much for me. If you can turn it off at will, good for you. But this is the game that's been cited in divorce proceedings and splits up many relationships. I can understand why.

Saying time management is up to me is the same as telling an alcoholic that his alcohol limit is up to him!

i'm pretty certain you can install this on a computer without have to have si install it in game you can set up the computer to log/turn off after a certain amount of time-say 3 hours, the tec for this in place parents can already block certain websites to help protect thier children, schools do it with there computers to make sure students don't use it for gaming i'd rather they concentrate on improvinmng game issues rather then having put something into the the game that is toally unnessary as other softwere/programmes already do this

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- Extra positions in the tactics screen. Chiefly id like to see a second striker to sit between an AMC and a SC

- The addition of records for a clubs total appearence and goal record (as well as the league records, as at many top clubs this can be different)

- The addition of a chief scout, automatically goes and scouts other scouts top reccomendations, generally just the most talented scout.

- A few more varied regen templates, as currently i feel after about 20 years you end up with many very similiar regens and there isnt as much variation as there is at the start.


- Also id like to see sliders removed from training and replaced with the names of the various workouts so you can come up with schedules and it shows the impact on overall training levels (i believe this was in around cm03/04)?

yeah i rember when you could send players on cross country runs everyday, if a player annoyed me thats one way i'd punish him

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Two things.

1. Now that SI have quite rightly taken action to stop FMRTE from fully working, how about an official in-game editor ? The source code was written by a chap who now works for SI if I recall correctly, so this shouldn't be too difficult to action.

2. The option to turn off human manager sackings, or at least the option to turn of sackings following board takeovers.

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If you have the tactics set up so that two players swap position, their role is determined by position and not by the man. For example, I play with two AMCs, one on trequartista the other attacking mid. Swap their positions and and they swap their roles which they're not good at.

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Better transfer realism - not only post-USSR top clubs don't buy good players but I read that Real Madrid had 300 million transfer budget after 7-8 years.

You should try adding more reputation for Dynamo Kyiv, Shakhtar Donetsk, CSKA Moscow, Zenith St.Petersburg, Spartak Moscow... AI buys (if ever buys!) players that are not even good enough for the first team and club ambitions!

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The number one priority for next year's game has to be transfer realism. I feel this is the one area where the game is lacking.

1: Players and staff joining old managers. If a manager has been giving them lots of playing time or the player performed well under that manager, the player is more than happy to link up with that manager. As a human manager, I've experienced this several times, picking up players who performed well for me before, even though they were on the bench of another team. I would like to see that from AI teams too

2: Players joining hometown clubs or clubs close to home: Very common occurence, player should also get homesick if they play in another part of their country.

3: Players join local clubs more often. E.G., how often do you see a Conference player or even lower moving left, right and centre across the UK?

4: Recommending players and manager friendships: If you manage a PL/FLC team, a manager from the FL1/2 you have a good relationship with might approach you and say he needs e.g. a midfielder, and if you have player you would like to loan out or give away. If you manage a lower league club you can ask yourself. Also, you can recommend a player without the other manager asking, like if you have a player who has been a total flop or a triallist who doesn't cut it, you can send him a message saying that we're not interested in these players, but maybe you would like them? And sometimes, the other manager might do a favour back, like lower transfer fees if you buy one of his players.

5: Players going down to get playing time: We often see players struggling for playing time who are so desperate that they drop a level, even two, on loan or free transfer, to get a club or get playing time, eventhough they are way too good for the level.

What do you think about these suggestions?

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1. Coaching courses. How should it work: I have a coach with Attacking ability 12. Once a year there is a course somewhere in the world. I send him and pay 500k pounds for this. He returnes after a week and his Attacking ability is 13 or remains 12 (depends on his professionalism and character). If the startinf ability is less than 12 - the price should be smaller (400k for example). I think you understand the idea.

This would be a great addition to the game. Maybe vary the results rather than just attacking increasing or not, say maybe a group of similar attributes such as attacking and ball control so you couldnt train him perfectly?

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1. New questions for press-conferences.

2. The idea of coaching trainings in this topic sound like a fantastic idea.

3. Maybe join together the "arrows + roles" in the tactics menu? Smth like the one now (AMC - Inside forward - attack) and the arrows that were in older FM series

4. Better 3D Engine - new moves, new celebrations, virtual trophy presentation, better looking fans on the stadium, injured players should leave the pitch the shortest way possible, sent off players should leave the pitch (and not sit with the subs on the bench). Maybe manager movement? When I want to make a new shout - my "virtual manager" goes to his technical zone and gesticulates ti the players.

5. "Pay as you Play" contracts for players like Hargreaves sound like a good idea

6. Interaction with coaches just like with players - I want to know their opinion on different player progression, who they would like to see in the team, what problems do we have (low concentration, poor defending positioning) and suggestions how to solve this.

7. Better interaction with the board - I have a brilliant idea ( :) ) - I am unemployed and the board of a club approach me - there should be a "Meeting with the board" BEFORE they appoint me as manager - questons about my ideas of how to manage the team and stuff like that (I want to play counterattacking football, our team will try to win promotion after 2 seasons, I want to pay more attention to the youth system). IF (!) the board are delighted with my plans and ambitions - they appoint me as manager

8. Better contract negotiation. The problem of players wanting a monster salary when trying to renew contract gets me angry. Even if a player is 33+years - sometimes he wants even more money... I need him but I don't want to pay so much... If there is one player - that is not a problem (I can sign a new player). But what about this situation - a team gets promotion from tier 7 to tier 6 in England. I take control of this team. Players are mostly with contracts until end of next season. I want to resign at least 80% of the team for longer contracts and the wages grow up 50-250% for each player! This is ridiculous... Just now this happened - I took control of Chester (promoted in 2012 to BSN) - no contract longer than 2013 - most players with wages around 140euro/week want 350-400... my wage budget will be destroyed...

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1. Coaching courses. How should it work: I have a coach with Attacking ability 12. Once a year there is a course somewhere in the world. I send him and pay 500k pounds for this. He returnes after a week and his Attacking ability is 13 or remains 12 (depends on his professionalism and character). If the startinf ability is less than 12 - the price should be smaller (400k for example). I think you understand the idea.

This would be a great addition to the game. Maybe vary the results rather than just attacking increasing or not, say maybe a group of similar attributes such as attacking and ball control so you couldnt train him perfectly?

LOVE this idea. completely agree with it 100% players can improve their stats, so why not coaches! :)

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5. "Pay as you Play" contracts for players like Hargreaves sound like a good idea

6. Interaction with coaches just like with players - I want to know their opinion on different player progression, who they would like to see in the team, what problems do we have (low concentration, poor defending positioning) and suggestions how to solve this.

agree with these

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I like the 'job interview' idea - don't think it would be as repetitive as press conferences unless you apply for every job going! Would be good to see what is expected of you or telling the board what you think you can achieve before they actually appoint you.

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Above all, a much much better and more realistic, more sophisticated match engine that simulates all players status and actions from body inertia, fatigue, touching ball with different parts of body, much better defensive positioning, much better dribbling and ball control, more skills and tricks, to better and more shooting, passing, crossing options and decisions with more various speeds and heights.

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I'd like to see a noticeable difference between what clubs offer you when they approach you to sign, and I don't mean in wages. Like for example, perhaps one chairmen will offer you full control of the playing side, full control over signings, youth development, coaching appointments, whereas another may say that you have very little say in transfer dealings, just manage what we give you etc. This would seem to me to be pretty realistic, Sir Alex Ferguson was supposed to have advised young managers' to ''pick your chairmen'', this seems to me to be pretty much obsolete at the moment beyond guessing how patient he might be. Of course, people want to be in control over transfers, but you'd probably have to earn that right at a big club and negotiate for it on signing and let's face it, if the deathly dull press conferences are in the game cos it's realistic (not sure about that in it's current state...) then this should be imo.

Presidential elections with different candidates promising, and delivering on appointment, different big money signings, leading to ongoing transfer sagas and media speculation.

Would it be possible to start having clubs be different from one another in regards to say expected playing style, formation, transfer strategy, youth development reputation etc, if you've got a track record of fast tracking youngster into the first team, shouldn't more youth players be interested in signing? Likewise if you're known to be a long ball manager, maybe skill players would be wary of signing for you and Barcelona might not be interested in appointing you manager. Maybe if you conduct yourself poorly in press conferences some clubs might not want you, if you have a reputation for losing big games/winning them etc. Your actions in the game should have real consequences.

One small thing, please could you erase the need to click to leave the room after a press conference- why would you need it, what are you going to do, just sit there? And if it's still in remove the need to confirm every time you want to remove someone from an International squad.

Oh, and a nice vague one to finish. Please, make International management better, more prestigious, more renowned, debated, something, anything.

thanks :)

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1. Coaching courses. How should it work: I have a coach with Attacking ability 12. Once a year there is a course somewhere in the world. I send him and pay 500k pounds for this. He returnes after a week and his Attacking ability is 13 or remains 12 (depends on his professionalism and character). If the startinf ability is less than 12 - the price should be smaller (400k for example). I think you understand the idea.

This would be a great addition to the game. Maybe vary the results rather than just attacking increasing or not, say maybe a group of similar attributes such as attacking and ball control so you couldnt train him perfectly?

i made a flowchart for this:

1. get yourself a young promising coach.

2. keep investing time and money into your coach.

3. his stats keep improving significantly.

4. and finally, after years of investments. a 5-star coach!

5. man city spots a 5-star coach.

6. man city offer 5-star coach a nice wage.

7. time to say "bye bye" to 5-star coach.

8. go to step 1.

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1. New questions for press-conferences.

2. The idea of coaching trainings in this topic sound like a fantastic idea.

3. Maybe join together the "arrows + roles" in the tactics menu? Smth like the one now (AMC - Inside forward - attack) and the arrows that were in older FM series

4. Better 3D Engine - new moves, new celebrations, virtual trophy presentation, better looking fans on the stadium, injured players should leave the pitch the shortest way possible, sent off players should leave the pitch (and not sit with the subs on the bench). Maybe manager movement? When I want to make a new shout - my "virtual manager" goes to his technical zone and gesticulates ti the players.

5. "Pay as you Play" contracts for players like Hargreaves sound like a good idea6. Interaction with coaches just like with players - I want to know their opinion on different player progression, who they would like to see in the team, what problems do we have (low concentration, poor defending positioning) and suggestions how to solve this.

7. Better interaction with the board - I have a brilliant idea ( :) ) - I am unemployed and the board of a club approach me - there should be a "Meeting with the board" BEFORE they appoint me as manager - questons about my ideas of how to manage the team and stuff like that (I want to play counterattacking football, our team will try to win promotion after 2 seasons, I want to pay more attention to the youth system). IF (!) the board are delighted with my plans and ambitions - they appoint me as manager

8. Better contract negotiation. The problem of players wanting a monster salary when trying to renew contract gets me angry. Even if a player is 33+years - sometimes he wants even more money... I need him but I don't want to pay so much... If there is one player - that is not a problem (I can sign a new player). But what about this situation - a team gets promotion from tier 7 to tier 6 in England. I take control of this team. Players are mostly with contracts until end of next season. I want to resign at least 80% of the team for longer contracts and the wages grow up 50-250% for each player! This is ridiculous... Just now this happened - I took control of Chester (promoted in 2012 to BSN) - no contract longer than 2013 - most players with wages around 140euro/week want 350-400... my wage budget will be destroyed...

Pay as you play is already in the game. I always thought it is when you have a player on non-contract terms, and pay him a handsome appearance fee. The appeareance fee being the pay as you play bit...

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Pay as you play is already in the game. I always thought it is when you have a player on non-contract terms, and pay him a handsome appearance fee. The appeareance fee being the pay as you play bit...

so if you sign someone like michael owen in the next game, assuming he isnt snapped up by the time FM13 is released, do you honestly think he would accept a contract whereby he has no weekly wages, and only appearance fees?? it may be there in the game, but it would not work as it is now

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I'd like to be able to set corner instructions based on which side the corner is being taken from, not just the corner taker. Similarly, I'd like to be able to set up instructions for free kicks based on whether it'll be a direct shot at goal or indirect. No idea why this still isn't an option after so many years.

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Please could coaches not leave so often, it seems to me like you have to offer your coaches new contracts almost every season to be sure they won't leave, which is really really tedious imo. Surely the turnover in real life couldn't be anywhere near as high?

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Woild anyone like music in fm13 like fifa, you could always select to have the sound track off if you never liked it.

in this ultimate soccer manager 98 one of the best things was the sound track.

Pointless. If you want music then just have iTunes in the background.

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When I watch a game in full or extended highlights, often there are long stretches when a player who has picked up a knock lies down, the physio strolls onto the pitch, and they both walk off with all the pace of someone with a testicular injury - am hoping for an option to skip these long sequences.

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Purely cosmetic, though I figure if it were in the game people would use it.

When setting up a game there is the option to add a Manager Picture, most don't seem to, others go from the amusing to the risque.

An alternative would be that you select from a range of regen faces that change(age) over time as player regens/newgens do

Set pieces and player settings. Pretty sure it has been mentioned , but I would like to select my set pieces based on the player as opposed to position, my DM for example is better on the far post than staying back if needed. Then my other Dm is better going forward than being on the far post. So being able to select via the player as opposed to position would be better.

Similar situation with player instructions, it would be preferable to set these (and set pieces) in the player profile screen rather then re-jigging when substituting. It could be done by adding a tactics tab to the player profile screen. It could look something like this


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Players are 'traveling' when on international duty, but as a Torquay manager we're never 'traveling' when playing e.g. Carlisle away. You can do a full days training on a Friday and have them back in on a Sunday if you wish... I don't think they're taking the plane! Ooooh, which could be an added request to the chairman. Do Chelsea take the train to Newcastle? Nah...

Also, I don't play reserve or U18 leagues because there is no option to play the home games away from my ground. Sometimes they are played at a Torquay Sportsfield or some such, but generally at Plainmore. This degrades the pitch quality so I end up organising my own away fixtures which is time consuming.

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No big deal but when creating a manager I chose my nationality (Italian) and then, managing in the UK, I am told by journalists that my job will be difficult because I don't speak english language (and I have to reply No problem, football is a universal language or something like that :) ). what about adding a Spoken Language(s) area for the manager?

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I'd like to see the incorporation of 'youth team manager' and 'reserve team manager' positions in the game. Starting the game on 'local' reputation, I'd rather the chance of getting the job as a Premier League team's youth team manager than manager of a Conference North club. This could also lead to career progression in a new way, i.e being made caretaker manager if the first team manager is sacked, such as Kevin MacDonald at Villa 2 seasons ago. If you prove yourself during the caretaker period, maybe you'll be offered the job full-time or until the end of the season? Or vice-versa - I could start as a Conference North manager and apply for the role as Chelsea youth team coach.

In the 'Youth Team Manager' role, I'd have final say on who to keep from the youth recruitment, receive reports on young players spotted local or within our allowed searching range, be able to attend trial days or equivalent overseas - maybe even see the introduction of schools football tournaments, and be able to offer promising under 16s a youth contract. I could be offered promising overseas players by agents. I could recommend good youth team players to the first team manager, for inclusion in the first team squad: how good my recommendations here are could play a part in my blossoming (or degrading) reputation as a manager, and build/destroy my reputation with the manager. I just feel this is an avenue of the game that has never been explored enough.

I'd also like to see the chances of offering unemployed managers backroom roles increased - how often do managers get sacked and turn up as assistant to a higher division club? Think Roberto Di Matteo, Chris Hutchings, Steve Cotterill in 2002-2004. Likewise, would like to see more backroom staff offered managerial roles. 'Managers' seems to be a formulaic nowadays in Football Manager - no sooner is a manager sacked than they re-emerge in a same division or lower division role.

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I'd like to see the incorporation of 'youth team manager' and 'reserve team manager' positions in the game. Starting the game on 'local' reputation, I'd rather the chance of getting the job as a Premier League team's youth team manager than manager of a Conference North club. This could also lead to career progression in a new way, i.e being made caretaker manager if the first team manager is sacked, such as Kevin MacDonald at Villa 2 seasons ago. If you prove yourself during the caretaker period, maybe you'll be offered the job full-time or until the end of the season? Or vice-versa - I could start as a Conference North manager and apply for the role as Chelsea youth team coach.

In the 'Youth Team Manager' role, I'd have final say on who to keep from the youth recruitment, receive reports on young players spotted local or within our allowed searching range, be able to attend trial days or equivalent overseas - maybe even see the introduction of schools football tournaments, and be able to offer promising under 16s a youth contract. I could be offered promising overseas players by agents. I could recommend good youth team players to the first team manager, for inclusion in the first team squad: how good my recommendations here are could play a part in my blossoming (or degrading) reputation as a manager, and build/destroy my reputation with the manager. I just feel this is an avenue of the game that has never been explored enough.

I'd also like to see the chances of offering unemployed managers backroom roles increased - how often do managers get sacked and turn up as assistant to a higher division club? Think Roberto Di Matteo, Chris Hutchings, Steve Cotterill in 2002-2004. Likewise, would like to see more backroom staff offered managerial roles. 'Managers' seems to be a formulaic nowadays in Football Manager - no sooner is a manager sacked than they re-emerge in a same division or lower division role.

I like this idea. I would prefer to start with a youth team of say a championship team than be manager of a blue square first team

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The ability to give your manager a face using the regen tools, would mean that any future sons you have would have someone to look similar to, plus it also looks better than just a blank face.

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i made a flowchart for this:

1. get yourself a young promising coach.

2. keep investing time and money into your coach.

3. his stats keep improving significantly.

4. and finally, after years of investments. a 5-star coach!

5. man city spots a 5-star coach.

6. man city offer 5-star coach a nice wage.

7. time to say "bye bye" to 5-star coach.

8. go to step 1.

i can't see this idea ever being in, coaches improve in the game anyway. No teams pays money in real life to get there coaches coached.

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International Management:

1. Able to ask a player to change national allegiance at those times when they prefer to wait for another country. As a manager you could offer being picked for a major tounament squad if qualified, a definite starting position, or a future starting position to replace a retiring star. A player may then accept or reject for the time being. (Obviously real players set in the db as declared won't change and should definitely say they have no intention of changing)

2. Able to have a player ask you if a club they wish to join or a division they wish to play in would hurt/enhance their national chances. Obviouly not all players would ask (ie $$$ more important than national team).

3. If there is transfer speculation on a player, the int manager could comment in media. So if, for example, an offer from Championship comes in for a Prem player, the int manager gets option of saying the move to lower level for first team football more importanrt than Prem bench, or that the drop down a level/lower rep league/lower rep team would harm their national team chances.

4. Personal talk or media comment saying a player should move overseas, higher or lower league team or division. So Jamaican manager could ask Harbour View player to move to Europe, or alternately stay in Jamaica. As with others, the player can ignore or agree with you, and club manager could agree or be angry with you.

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Improve Scouting and Youth Development. Would like to get more involved with development of players through more academy options and progress tracking.

Underwhelming AI transfers/squad maintenance is a issue as well

More player/manager interaction, more depth and precision to conversations

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Players should respect their team roles! so if i tell a player he is a backup, I do no expect him complaining about not getting first team football as he reckons he is good enough! If they are a youngster, perhaps they could ask to be given their chance to prove their worth, but if they are getting past their prime, they shouldnt be asking for first team football all the time, especially when they are past their peak!

and I think league positioning should have an affect on signing players, such as if you get a champions league place, that makes a difference in the players that you can sign compared to someone who qualified for europa league. and if you only stay away from relegation by 1 point, perhaps you struggle to sign the players you think you could get, until perhaps the mid-season transfer window when perhaps your team is holding a place a bit further up the table!

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As soon as someone moans about not getting first team football I let them go. They are obviously surplus to requirements. So I'll happily transfer them and take the cash.

Basically it just goes "I'm worried about lack of first team football".

"Okay I'll let you go the next transfer window"

"Thanks boss".

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I like this idea. I would prefer to start with a youth team of say a championship team than be manager of a blue square first team

What makes you think that clubs do not send their coaches on coaching courses?

I'd actually much prefer to see that they have their coaching badges.


It's actually something that is not in the game, and it really should be.

A coach could come to you and say "I've got my B Pro License from UEFA, I'd like to negotiate a new contract".

Or something similar.

Currently the only way to increase your training "stars" is to sign better coaches. But why not have a system where you can send your coaches and physios on courses?

It happens in real life.

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i can't see this idea ever being in, coaches improve in the game anyway. No teams pays money in real life to get there coaches coached.

I'm sure plenty do, because it's in the team's interest that their coaches are good. Plus paying for/subsidising coaching may help staff stay loyal.

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I'm sure plenty do, because it's in the team's interest that their coaches are good. Plus paying for/subsidising coaching may help staff stay loyal.

Conversely though, they might want to coach at a higher level. Or demand new contracts.

But it has weight as a potential addition to FM13. I'd love to see it in the game.

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