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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I still love classic tactics, but I do like the way the TC tactics are set up and how the shouts work. The problem I have is that it is almost forcing you to play within SI way of playing the game.

What I am proposing is for us to be able to set up shouts and tactical systems in the same manner as the TC.

For example. The TC has 5 strategies and when changed the tactcical settings are automtically adjusted, these amounts are preset by SI. These same settings/options should be available for the classic tactics users, where instead of the automatic changes we specify the individual strategies. Basically it is a more convenient way of saving say 3 or 4 tactics (which is what most classic tactics creators will have). These should all be saved under 1 tactic and available via shouts just as the TC strategies are. So when we change to an attcking stategy via a shout it is basically loading a saved tactic.

Going a step further we should be able to set up our own shouts. Just like the TC tactics but instead of SI determining what values these shouts change we should be able to tailor them to our own unique needs. We could possibly even link them or set up a macro. So I could set up a shout that pushed my defensive line up by 7 clicks, but drops my DCs Mentality to say 5.

This sort of flexibility would be brilliant, Im sure im not alone when I consistantly find myslef make the same sort of changes when certain scenarios appear. A shout for these scenarios would be brilliant.

I know it can all be done under the normal tactical view, but I think it would be a good way of streamlining the tactical set up, especially for us classic users. At the very minimum, something as simple as a keyboard shortcut to load a pre defined tactic would also be massively helpful.

As good as the TC is, I just hope us Classic users dont get left behind!


We need to be allowed to pick these sides again.

Holiday Mode

Allow us to 'tag' certain clubs. So if a vacancy comes available either the game stops or the job is automatically apllied for. The ammount of interesting jobs I have missed out on is mental.


- Allow an in-game 'editor' where we can change our kits every season.

- A 'virtual' trophy room

- Players celebrating and lifting the trophy in the 3d view

I would also like to see a virtual trophy room for the club and also your own trophy cabinet where you can see "manager of the month" medals, trophys ect.

Would be great to see your players celebrating and lifting the trophy after winning the final of whatever instead of just running off the pitch!

would also like to see "YOU" the manager on the sideline or sitting down in the dugout dishing out orders to the team!! with options of wearing a suit or tracky ;-)

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1. New hairstyles in the 3D match engine such as long ponytail, medium ponytail, long hair using the hair tie, medium hair using the hair tie.

2. New preferred moves such as the wind up opponent, try tricks, get crowd going, like to beat man repeatedly.

7. More detail training schedule.

1. New hairstyles, faces, etc. would be nice, but mainly for the player information screen in the game. OK, I haven't played any of the recent FMs, but in FM09 I can't recall seing any long-haired player.

Also, I got this idea yesterday while watching Greece vs Germany - facial hair! At least half of the Greeks haven't shaved in a week or so. So, it would be nice to see some players have (at least at some point in their careers) full beards, goaties, 70s-style moustache, etc.

2. I'd love to see these PPM to be back in the game, as I haven't seen them since FM07 I guess...

7. We had it in FM05 and I think it was a bad idea. We are not proper football coaches to know what set of training routines would work best for the team. I think it should be left as it is with the training divided into broad categories.

I would like a better way of evaluating staff who applied for my job openings. I have no idea if they also have some potential left to improve themselves etcetera. Will they get any better by time?

Although it would be weird to send a scout to watch a coach and then tell you if he's ever going to improve, I'd like the idea of coaches actually improving. Like someone posted earlier, an option to send a coach to a course in order to improve his attributes would be nice. However, the success of a coach improving would also depend on his Determination, and whether there are some PA points left.

1)Dynamic club rivalries. For example if I am Swansea for example and I start to get to a stage where every year its Man City and myself fighting for the title we should become fierce rivals. Or other rivalries could die down over time.

3)5. Promotions - Again, in MLB you can schedule matchday promotions. SI, you should give us the option on the calendar screen, to select a date, choose a promotion (Trivia Night, Soccerball Special, Awards night, Jersey giveaway etc) Let us choose the date. Say i want a Soccerball special. I should be able to choose the quantity of soccerballs given out at the front of the stadium for a certain day, thus attracting bigger crowds for future games. Whilst im at it, LET US CHANGE ACTUAL TICKET PRICES! - Yes, id like to see ticket prices being altered and Season Ticket prices.

4)More Control over ticket prices etc. to maneuver finance.

1. Good idea!

3 & 4. Does a real manager takes care of such things? No. I know it's tempting to be able to actually do all the things around the club, like for instance in Ultimate Soccer Manager where you were in charge of everything from the prices or a match programmes and hot dogs down to expanding the stadium, but it has nothing to do with being a manager.

However, I haven't really checked it, but the ticket prices should change depending on your clubs' reputation and stature.

I suggest the implemetation of player concerns for being played out of position. Just like they approach you when they want a new contract or when they're not being used regularly, they could also tell you that they don't like being played in a certain position. Some players have stated this before.


- Robben not wanting to play on the left

- Sneijder only wanting to play on the centre

- Bosingwa and Miguel Veloso said numerous times they don't want to play as a left-back

Could be a nice addition, however, I'd always say the same thing - I'm the boss here and you'll play where I field you.

I, too, have a couple of ideas. Some probably have been already posted, but nonetheless...

1. I'd love to be able to create my own set pieces routines (or plays) including players' movement on the pitch not only their starting position (like in USM'98). As you can see IRL, for instance during corner kicks, players coming from the far post to the ball played to the near post, or setting screens. There could be also some most popular routines ready in the game (just like tactics). And you would be able to choose up to 5 such plays.

Or at the very least can we get, let's say, up to three ways of executing a corner kick during a match (not only the way the ball is delivered but also the players' positioning)? IRL often teams execute corners differently. I know I can set 'mixed', but it affects only the way the ball is played, and what if I'd like to have two completely different ways of executing a corner, e.g. a near post cross and a pass outside the box for a long shot (which would necessitate creating a lot of free space for the shooter)?

2. I don't know is it only me, but I'd like to see goalkeepers collecting yellow cards for time wasting but, more importantly, I'd love to see them acutally conceding penalties, and receiving yellow and red cards for that (as I haven't seen any of these for a number of seasons). Obviously, some GKs don't get yellows, and some get quite few - just checked it and all Chelsea keepers got 1 red (in a FA Cup match), while V.Valdes got 5 yellow cards last season.

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A revamp of MLS contracts. Having to pay agents directly would land you in jail in the United States or Canada on bribery charges. Agents take a set rate, a percentage of what their client (the player) makes in wages. That way, they are negotiating the best deal for their client and, in turn, themselves. I always find it funny that I can lower player wages but raise the agent's a little and have a contract accepted without being arrested :)

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Apologies if this has been mentioned before.

I think transfers bids should remain hidden, and that I shouldn't be able to view a team and see what players have bids in for them.

And if we are interested in a player we should have to the option to request his current club keep us informed if he becomes available if we didn't want to bid there and then.

This is particularly annoying on network games if you add your rival to your subscriptions and get notified about every bid they make.

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Hi i joined this site to make a simple request.

I dont know if its been posted already but, how about being able to make a proposal to a club about your player. As in i mean suppose you want to loan a young striker to the likes of celtic if your united. eg danny welbeck gets loan listed in fm 2012 at the start of the game. And being a man utd and celtic fan. I'm irish ofcourse. I would love to loan them welbeck for some experience and so he can get top goalscorer their which he would. but the likelyhood that they would loan offer for him is slim. so why not let man utd go hey celtic here loan welbec? and then let them decide do they want him. This would be a great specific feature to add along side offering them to various clubs were it doesnt always work out that well. as loan offering is ver bad response.

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Another thing i would like to put forward is how about youth recruitment sending scouts to local school teams and them coming back with a list of players from say manchester only for youth contracts this would help with home grown talents. Just an idea not sure if its a good one to be honest

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Better AI transfers and player management:

* AI teams need to invest better in players and talent. When the game starts most reserve teams are full of players, after a couple of years they have but a few players.

* I often see AI teams renew the contract with a player, and then put him on the transfer list a couple of days later. Silly.

* I miss the Anelka and Etoo-transfers in the game. If I am stinking rich, I obvisly should be able to attract better players to crap teams in crap leagues.

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Oh, and I would like to see less 16 year old newgens in the international U21-teams. Completley ruins the game for me. Or give me an example when, for example, France and England had six or seven 16 year olds on their U21-teams. I hate it when real life talents in the database drowns in a flood of newgens with superstats.

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On attributes. I believe this is why human manager is able to determine good players easily and thus, making the game seems too easy.

I believe also, while AI squad building is terrible, I would like to say that human manager's squad building is too good. It is too good that most players do it well while in real life we can see that very few managers can build a squad very well.

1. Imagine you are a scout/manager. Can you actually determine a player's skill up to 20 scale? Perhaps, (and that is a big maybe) yes after seeing that player for one year. Certainly watching 3 games isn't enough. This is not the case in our beloved game so far.

2. Does Guardiola's opinion and Vilanova's opinion differ on current Messi? I believe yes. However in this game, everyone's opinion is the same.

I suggest the following implementation :

1. There are actual attributes, 1-100 as usual. (the actual attribute of players are 1-100, not 1-20)

2. The actual attributes are never shown in the game in any way whatsoever. Even the scaled correct attributes (whether it is 1-20 or even 1-5) are not shown in the game whatsoever.

3. Different person has different judgement on every player. This is affected by person's personality, JPA and knowledge. Including human manager can also write one's judgement to any player.

4. When human's manager want to look a player and determine how good he is, one must either watch games or ask any staff to determine his attributes according to the staff's judgement of the player.

on finances

Profit / Cashflow. I am sure anyone who has learnt a little accounting knows that profit is not a cash flow. Our implementation in football manager is a cash flow not profit. Since UEFA financial fair play rules will be introduced, I would like to have profit tabs also. There are two advantages of this :

1. A measure on company's performance is definitely not cashflow. Although it can be argued that profit is not the best measure, at least it is a better measure than cashflow on company's performance.

2. I would like to know how whether my team can survive the financial fair play rules.

on scouting

Real life managers do not use player search. Player search is okay, but searching players which you have not scouted or you have no knowledge of them is definitely not realistic.

on transfer limitations

Certain clubs have managers that have a total control over the transfer. An example is Manchester United. Other clubs have different situation though and the job of manager (or head coach) may only to do anything with footballing matters. That is, he/she has no control over the transfer.

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On attributes. I believe this is why human manager is able to determine good players easily and thus, making the game seems too easy.

Fair enough. However, FM is only a game and, as such, will always be a simplification of the real life. Otherwise we would spend way too much time to play a whole season (mind you that the time required to play a whole season has increased dramatically over the past 10 years).

on finances

Good point.

on scouting

Real life managers do not use player search. Player search is okay, but searching players which you have not scouted or you have no knowledge of them is definitely not realistic.

So don't. I use the search box only to quickly go to a player's profile, particularly when I don't know his current club (e.g. my former player or a player I like IRL and want to see where he's at a few years into my save).

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I've not read this entire thread, but have a few suggestions which can improve the game. At least I think they can improve the game.


In this game it is easy to sign staff, too easy. One just offers them a few cents and they'll happily join you a few days later. If the AI offers a contract to one of your staff it is very easy to miss the message and then indeed the staffmembers walks out.

Even if you catch the message, if you don't counteroffer immediately, the staff member walks out.

In general I think staff is more loyal to the club then players and the manager and staff traffic is uncommon.

To make it "harder" to sign staff, one could implement for instance the following:

Club x wants to sign staffmember z from club y.

Club X enters negotiations with club y for the compensation, when agreed upon Club X and staffmember Z can talk. similar to how you sign players.

Match engine

Right now if a players gets injured and he's ordered off the field, it seems if all over sudden they completely forget which is the shortest way from the field. I've had in a match where a player got injured next to the opponents 16 yard box, was treated on the side of the field next to my goalie...

Don't let them walk to only the goalsides of the pitch, a pitch in general has 4 sides so that means players can be treated on 4 sides of the field too.

Ballboys should be introduced as well. it sometimes takes minutes of gametime for a player to get a ball and put it on the right spot. where in RL a ball is just tossed your side.

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I'd like to be able to talk, directly, to managers at other clubs (or to any person in the game in fact).

Managers who I have a good relationship with could offer me advice, suggest signings in the same way my players can, maybe offer to loan me their players and vice-versa. Of if we don't get on I could call him all sorts of horrible names and have a big falling out and create a rivalry between us (it would make me feel better at times).

After a game there could be the opportunity to invite the visiting manager into your office for a glass of wine, a la Fergie, and we could just shoot the breeze about the game if we wanted to.

Basically it would be nice if the relationship that I'm told I have with other managers actually means something.

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If you select former professional footballer or higher at the start, maybe you could add what former career you had? For some reason I really want to say I made over 400 appearances at fullback for Derby County or something like that. (A long shot, I know.)

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If you select former professional footballer or higher at the start, maybe you could add what former career you had? For some reason I really want to say I made over 400 appearances at fullback for Derby County or something like that. (A long shot, I know.)

Wouldn't be a bad idea actually..

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Yeah I know what you are saying and I think that it's a good idea, maybe to start though you could say you was a professional footballer at a certain club, then they could work on giving us an actually history.

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I said this in the old thread a long time ago, but it would be nice to have a player instruction to tell a player to stay on his feet or go down in the box. There could also be a player trait for this (if there isn't already).

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I find team comparison feature useful in preparing for matches but would like to see it refined. At the moment the comparisons are based upon players in first team squad - if you have four GK, then average of their various attributes is used. Not much use in assessing capabilities of likely line ups. In preparing for match it would be far more useful if the comparsion was your likely line up against theirs. The pre match media build up could be used to predict likely line ups (as newspapers etc currently do) and this could form basis of comparison. Ability for you to modify this line up would be useful with comparison made against your currently selected line up. Ability to compare attackers against defenders would also be welcome addition.

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A really deph look at training, improving things such as: Individual sliders for every technice attritute, removing passing from Ofensive training.

More training reports and ways to actually see if the player is doing well in training before he already lose some attribute.

Match preparation improvements.

Gelling between players, and the tactic, if a player come from another team, i would like to see if hes already understading hes companions in the field. Some sort of progress bar like match preparation would be awsome.

Different responses when you win championships.

A 4th tactic to learn, or inside each tactic we can make small variations, like changing a MC to DMC, and still have the tactic smooth.

Way better and interesting interactions with newspaper.

Game could look better, interface and all.

A reserve team and league for every playable team is a must.

Less injuries :)

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Only one thing I'd love to see, it would make transfers easier and quicker. Being able to type in your transfer bid, e.g just typing 27m rather than clicking the arrows until I get to 27, only a small thing but I believe it would save time and effort

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Some of the ideas that I came up with last night while dreaming:P


I would like scouts to actually misjudge players' abilities. I mean not the stars rating for potential and abilities, but the actual number ratings for each ability. I think it would be much more realistic if some crappy scout coudn't judge specific abilities properly. The fact that crappy scout can (miss)judge some average player as a 5 star supertalent doesn't mean anything to me, because I can see player's skills and I know they are accurate, so I can judge myself. Of course, the better scout, the more accurate judgement. Thats obvious.

Other thing is that the whole idea of scouting should be revamped. Now I can send my scout to make me some player's report card, and he come back after day or two and I know everything about the player. It is completly unrealistic! The scouting should be progressive. I mean, first of all the report card only with some common rumours about player's abilities talent, character etc., few misjudged skills(most of them hidden completely). And then if I can see that reported player can be a good one, I can send my scout to actually watch the player for couple of matches and then gradually send me more accurate reports about player's abilities and skills etc. Of course, the better scout and the bigger region knowledge, the faster and more acurate reports. There is an option "watch player for x matches", but I've never used it, because report card tells me everything about the player.

That implicates another thing I would like to see. I mean, continous scouting in particular countries. Now the time that scout spends in some country depends on the level of knowledge about this country, but I think it is stupid as crap, because it doesn't have much in common! Maybe I want my scout to search players in Portugal for 6 months; who cares if his knowlegde about Portugal is very good? There would be many changes in portuguese football within 6 months!

I think that some kind of "super-scout", who verify the "normal" scouts' reports could be a good idea too. Or some kind of scouting base in particular country. I don't belive that clubs send only one scout to particular country and he has to travel along. I belive that there is one club's "super-scout" and a lot of local colaborators.


I belive that we need some medical facilities in FM. IMO there is a big corelation between good medical facilities and faster players' recovery from injuries. Now it is corelated with good phisiotherapists. The better one, the faster recovery and the rarer injuries. But it is stupid as crap. Who cares if the phisio is great if he don't have any tools or equipment to actually treat players or to help them avoiding injuries? Even the best phisio in the world won't help any injuried player if he has to treat with a f*cking spoon, fork and couple of ice cubes!


I was chuffed to bits, when I heard you've implemented the team meating tipe of interaction to the game. It was the feature that I needed the most... but it dissapointed me as hell. I thought I would be able to infuence the team spirit, behaviour etc. with this tool, but it is so limited that i havent used it more than twice! It definetli needs much more options. For me there is a lack of things like "Boys we ve gained a lot of yelow cards in the last couple of games, you should do something with that" or "We need a X more points to be qualified to the CL. Concentrate and play your best. I know you can do it!" or "Last game was a complete disaster! I can't belive you are able to be such a crappy players! In the next game I want to see it was only a bad dream!" etc.

Also it would be great if players/staff could arange a team meating. Ex. "Boss, I think we need to talk. The team didn' play well last month and it is your tactic to be blaimed for!" etc.

Another think I would like to see is much more exctended relationship between players and staff. For example, some of the players and staff from the same country or with the same caracter or whatever could form a "mutual admiration society" and make the atmosphere bad in the team etc. Also I would like to talk with my players and stuff about everything. Training, morale, frame of mind etc.


I really want to see a greater feedback about everything in the game. Especially about training, progress, morale, relationships, team chemistry. I've been playing one careere for 21 seasons with one team in FM 12 and I still feel little bit off the game. I don;t know about many relationships in the game. I can't talk to my players/staff about specific things etc. The team report option is a complete misunderstanding and tells me f*cking crap about my players. I dont care if my assistant(a very good one!) thinks that player who has 9 passing, 6 possitioning, 8 covering, 8 creativity could be a great central middfielder jus because players nominal position is central middfielder. I want him to know that he would be a greater winger because he has 15 speed 16 crossing, 14 dribbling etc.

And the main thing, I would like to see feedback from my assistant/staff while playing a match. I dont have a time to watch the whole game or even folow the whole statistics, so I want my staff to give me some tips. For example, "Oposition has a serious problem on the left wing, do something with that." or "Our defenders cant manage with the big number of through passes they made, we should do something with that" or "Our wingers are too slow for their defenders" or "Player X is a serious threat today, we cant manage with him" or "Their midfielders are very sloppy today, we should press more" etc. For now I find my assistant completly useless!

All for now!

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1) Competition History for Managers - like the one for teams however covering your performance in the compeitions you have been in across your career with (Team) next to the performance

2) Repeated but really annoying me in my game - elaborate the major/minor competition aspect of hall of fame. I am working my way up through the leagues - I won leagues (Northen Premier and Blue Square North) and cups (FA Vase) with Grimsby and then leagues (NPower league 2 & 1) and cups (Johnsons Paint & Carling Cup) with Nott'm Forest however none of these appear in the hall of fame. OK they don't carry enough points for me to be in the actual top 10/20 or whatever however I should still see my name at the bottom with the current total (12 or whatever it might be) and the competitions won listed. I have now joined Newcastle in the Prem and no doubt I will go on to get into the hall of fame through comp wins with them however it will not show the other successes I have had.

3) On a similar note - in the hostory page under "achievements" can you include "successes" i.e. won the league or won the fa cup rather than listing all the rounds

4) Expand manager biographies - I somehow won the carling cup with a league 2 side yet there isn't any fanfair in the biography - perhaps something like "Won the Carling Cup in 20xx, the first time it had been won by a team in league 2 since x / ever and the first time it had been won by a non-premiership side since x / ever" etc. The following season I then had a great euro cup run exceeding expectations - again this should be woven into the histories.

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Other interesting staff that should be in the game.


It has to be completly revamped, but if its not at least move passing and crossing from attacking training to the technical training and positioning from defensive training to the tactical training or(better idea) make it all more "fluent". For example, passing is stricte technical ability but used while attacing most of the time, so technical + attacking training should make passing development easier and faster than just technical training. The same with possitioning. It's a tactical ability but used while deffending most of the time so tactical + deffensive training should make possitoning developmnet easier and faster than jus tactical or deffensive training.

Also match preparation should be more developed. We need some additional options such as possesion play, counter-attack, penalties, pressing, long passes, short passes etc. deffensive and offensive set pieces should be linked together because when players work on offensive set pieces, they also work on deffensive to some extent.

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Better filtering of unrealistic targets

When I look though the Player Search list, and apply the filter, my AssMan should be able to know which foreign players will have no chance of a work permit. As I play mostly in lower leagues of England, there is no reason for him to show me all the canadian and australians etc. with no EU second nationality, that have no chance of ever getting a work permit.

The same applies to scouts. How many times I have seen myscout return with a 5 star rating of a certain young brazilian or a liberian/canadian. Both of which will never get a work permit in the UK. Why report on someone he knows I won't be able to sign? It is not like he comes back with reports on Rooney or Gylfi or Agger.

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Better filtering of unrealistic targets

When I look though the Player Search list, and apply the filter, my AssMan should be able to know which foreign players will have no chance of a work permit. As I play mostly in lower leagues of England, there is no reason for him to show me all the canadian and australians etc. with no EU second nationality, that have no chance of ever getting a work permit.

The same applies to scouts. How many times I have seen myscout return with a 5 star rating of a certain young brazilian or a liberian/canadian. Both of which will never get a work permit in the UK. Why report on someone he knows I won't be able to sign? It is not like he comes back with reports on Rooney or Gylfi or Agger.

On the filter you can remove "unrealistic" targets but also if you add "nationality" to the search criteria and set it to EU only you'll remove all of those who will need a permit. I agree though that there is then another stage needed to further remove those unlikely to get a permit (although I believe scout reports of players will identify this IF you can scout that wide in the world)

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Some good suggestions about the gameplay rather than cosmetic stuff I agree with, especially the scouting when a 20 ca/pa scout is miles off.

This is the main one i've seen that needs looking at

I have a suggestion/question about club Finances. What the hell is Other and Non-Football costs in the Expenditure? These numbers are making my brain go bananas! Can there be a more financial control in FM13? I am playing Chester in 2012 (Youth Career, no transfers) and these Other/Non-Football costs make the Balance go in red in no time! And don't tell me that I have to make friendlies in pre-season against top teams so the Balance won't go into red at the end of the season - this is ridiculous, no BSN/BSP team has 5-6 games in pre-season against Blackpools and Huddersfields.

Manchester United, October 2012 - Non-Football costs: 3,5 million pounds! Other Expenditure: 1.3 million pounds! What the hell are those? How am I supposed to earn money with clubs as Chester? You see, if it was real life then all this going into red would mean administration, no money to pay player wages, transfer embargo and even point deduction. But in FM the only answer to this is a "simple" Board takeover...

Please look onto this, clubs surely don't lose THAT much money. And there should be a way of handling such problems by the Board - they would tell me that I have to sell someone to have more money for example.

Sort the Finances out guys.

For example in a River plate save I had going I arranged 3 friendlies in Spain in the same week, I don't have the information to hand but I stood to make about £1.5M from the three games, obviously I expected not to make all of that due to traveling costs but it turned out I actually lost over £1M from traveling in that week even with the match fees added. £2.5M for a week in Spain? Bit excessive isn't it? :D The costs like this are stupid at all levels though, LLM saves seem to be non footballing costs that are ridiculous.

My rant now :D

I'm 99% sure I haven't seen this mentioned but the youth coaching and recruitment are a joke, especially the recruitment. In my Club Brugge save it took until I won 9 titles, 7 cups, 3 Champions Leagues, 3 World Club Cups and 3 Super Cups before I was allowed to improve my recruitment range even once (though I was allowed to increase coaching in this save without a fuss) I had more than enough money to do so even before I won the Champions league. Surely in real life if the money is there no matter what you have won or not won then the youth should be improved? I'll even give two examples, one real life and then another in game/real life

When Alex Ferguson took over at United our youth system was a mess and we hadn't won the title for nearly 20 years at that stage, he came in and shook all that up and got the system invested in which obviously paid big rewards with Scholes, the Neville brothers, Giggs, Beckham and Butt in particular which ended up being the catalyst for our success. As it stands on FM at the moment you would have less chance of being able to recreate this unless you win a lot of trophies.

Crewe have a well known youth system which has brought the likes of Danny Murphy through, Dean Ashton and Powell for example and they are hardly a big club are they? Their facilities reflect this in FM so it goes to prove that it is realistic to have those types of facilities in place even if your clubs reputation isn't the best the world.

I'm not asking for every club to be able to upgrade youth coaching and recruitment network from day one, that would be unrealistic. What I am saying is that if the money is there to do it then it's been proved in real life that it can be done and the game should take the finances in to account more than the amount of trophies you've won. There is nothing more rewarding in FM terms than seeing a player you've brought through your own system become a world beater and the current way of doing it means unless you've already got top class facilities you could be in 2020 and already dominating before you get your own class youngster through, even if you've had well over the amount of money required for these changes for the majority of that time.

Another example of how hard it is I am currently managing Zvezda BGU Minsk on the Gundo challenge. A few things about them at the start of the game:

They are 32nd in the nation rankings


Training 10

Youth Coaching 12

Youth Facilities 1

Youth Recruitment 0

Since I have taken over I have £13M in the bank, managed promotion to the Highest League and have won the last 3 league titles and qualified for the Champions League group stage twice. At the very start of the game Zvezda are 32nd in the Belorussian rankings as I said but now i've got them to third now and not once has the option to even upgrade the recruitment range came up, it was a battle to even get my training facilities for the first team and junior coaching improved. Seriously, if my recruitment is 0 it's going to take forever to get up to the top scale as it is, the money is there for the upgrades and in Belarus with a 5 foreigner in squad limit it is in desperate need of a boost. The current system is punishing not just LLM managers but managers at all levels who have worked hard to make a successful club and it needs addressing.

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I'd also like to see the use of steam expanded, if you see a friend on steam playing FM12 and right click them and view game info, it shows you what they are currently doing, whether it be crating a tactic, playing a game, from which it would display the competition, goal scorers or on holiday, etc.

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There are a few grammatical and spelling errors in the game when I play in the Dutch language.

I could name them for you. I'd also like to add I agree with Matshit's last post,

and I REALLY think the media and pressconference-feature should be changed,

this is just repetitive, annoying and very time consuming.

And I'm just thinking here, but I noticed a lot of players do not return to their favorite club when they get to an age of 33 or even older.

(I have only played in Eredivisie)

for example: Mark van Bommel is returning to PSV next season ( it was his favorite club ), but yet in the game he

always chooses FC Twente or a foreign club.

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And tts0 is right about Interaction and Feedback.

Why do I even have an Assistent Manager ? He could give me a lot of useful info but he does'nt.

And why are there so few options in the Team Interaction screen ?

And in season 2, I loaned out a few young players to a club in a lower division (Jupiler League)

They had a great season and even promoted, but when I got them back at my club

they all (severely) decreased in potential, how is this even possible ??

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I'd like to see a two-tiered 'relationship' stat.

Example; my relationship with manager A should be:

Personal relationship: Gets on well with you

Media percieved relationship: Has a poor opinion of you.

I say that cos, I really don't get managers automatically hating you when they sod off to a rival club. Sometimes comments are said in the media for mind games and stuff, that's fine but I'd like to see a personal relationship that affects transfers or events on the pitch. Example; Wenger and Mourhino get on well with Fergie apparently, even though they never did back in the 'rival' times.

Another one; SPEAK to manager option.

Seriously we have telephones. I want this in place specifically to call a manager who's loaned one of my players and TOLD me he'd be a member of the first team but, due to transfers relegated him to the subs bench as 'cover'. I'd like to say to that manager "Dude, play my player, or I'll recall him because you've either intentionally or due to circumstances have lied to me. If you want him as a 'cover' option tough luck, send him back."

And they either get annoyed or they do as I ask, or they don't and I recall the player. Would be so much better for the loan systems. It would also be nicer if a club that consistently loans my players results in a build up of trust between the managers. I wouldn't mind a call from one saying "hey you know I've always treated your players who come on loan well, but I have an injury crisis at the moment can we borrow player X from your youth team for a few months?"

That's just me though.

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I would like a slightly different scouting system as I often get put of signing a player when the scout comes back with a rating similar to others you have, I would like it to say what they would offer you as it is currently to complex and negative towards many players who are not the best in the world.

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I've got a cosmetic change, in regards to the uploading of goals/highlights to Youtube. It'd be good to have a score & time widget in the top left/right of the screen, just to add a little extra to watching the highlights. Watch a great goal scored by someone, you may think more of it if you saw in the top corner that the score at the time was actually 1-0 and it was the 92nd minute.

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Posted this in a similar thread, might have even been this one :p oh well, here it is

Have assist bonus, for your players, goalkeepers have clean sheet bonuses, strikers/midfielders have goal bonuses, well, how about if you want to give a player an assist bonus, or say 'if you get more than 10 assists this season, you'll get an extra £10k' or something along those lines, just always thought it'd be a good addition, and add clean sheet bonuses to defenders, it's the defenders job to help stop goals, so tell them if they help keep one, they'll get extra money, just adds more incentive for them.

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The most wanted new features are:

1. Because of the current hair styles is only two (http://s15.postimage.org/6g1nxwjff/Current_Hair_Styles.png),

I would like to have more new hair styles in the 3D match engine such as below image:


2. More new realistic animation in the 3D match engine such as:

a. New gameplay animation such as:

> The manager shouts from the outside of the field to instructs the player.

> Pirlo's penalty in the match versus England on the Euro 2012 championship.

> A player being marked and closed down by two or more opposite players.

b. A player being marked and pressed by two or more opposite players.

c. Injured player carried by the stretcher and the ambulance car get into the field to pick the injured player.

d. Etc.

Please apply them in the FM 2013 game, do not in the FM 2014 game because I do not want to wait it for two years for the above new features in the new FM game.

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1. I don't like having to select leagues at all. It's annoying having to select certain leagues to speed up the game which reduces the amount of players you can find and following whats going on in world football, for example in my save i only have the English leagues, but im also interested in every league in the whole world, i know you can select playable or view only but is it that hard to be able to see, for example, the Malta league table, or the jamaican, or even being able to play as them without having to manually select them.

2. What's the point in doing negotiation on wages from your manager when it doesn't go to anything, i'd like to see a small but simple section on personal life where you can buy houses, cars etc.

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I'd like an option at the start of a new game to have the game world randomized. Meaning that there would be no real players and all the teams would have newgens based on the club reputation(randomly generated, not copies of real players).

Second, I'd like to see more good-to-world-class newgen managers with adventurous tactics, like preferring to use liberos, asymmetric tactics, digging catenaccio out of the closet etc, to bring more variety to the matches. As of now you rarely see newgen managers before ~2025, I'd like them to start appearing right away.

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I would like the ability to skip ahead in games, I play FM primarily to see players develop and take charge of big games such as champions league or title deciders, other games I'd rather mostly skip through. If I could click on a time in the timeline ahead and leap to that, play only stopping if there is an injury, or red card (perhaps customiseable what does stop the skipping ahead), if none occur it'd go directly to the minutes clicked.

For example: I click 45 minutes, however the game has already simmed an injury at 32 minutes that requires a substitution, play goes from 1 to 32 minutes and then prompts me to make a substitution, I find out we're 2-0 up and maybe decide to put on a defensive player instead and tweak our formation to hold that lead. Play resumes, I watch the game for a little to see how things are settling, then decide to skip ahead to half time, I give a team talk, then out go the players, I click on 70 minutes and it skips ahead, we're 2-1 down and after watching a few more minutes I decide being defensive isnt working, I sub on a striker on 75 minutes then play the game out, to see what happens with the rest.

I could also perhaps skip ahead to 45 and nothing happen, give a team talk, head out, skip to 70, see the score, sub, tweak tactics, skip to 90.

So, you see, it adds flexibility, I can put in as much, or as little time as I want into the game and I don't have to feel tied down to watch long, tedious games, even if they're sure-fire-wins, wheras I can take control when it's really needed. All without resorting to going on holiday - I'm still managing, so still eligible for awards, but I'm just managing just as much as I want to - it'd be optional of course, could be entirely ignored as a function, but I feel many players would appreciate such a system. I feel such a system would increase accessibility of the game and allow more people to play the game even when they have limited time with which to play, thusly improving the breadth of the market this future edition of the game could appeal to.

I feel it's needed too - I know It made sense when FM2012 let assistants get awards if you holidayed a lot - but look into why I did that - time, it took a lot less time, but I still want to progress on the game at a good speed, so give me a system where I can go through time quickly and play just as I want to - while still managing the team. It's surely a developers duty to appease as wide an audience as possible without ruining the game for others, and this would be an optional feature that would upset no one and please a significant number I would imagine.

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Only really going to add my voice to some good ideas already on here (although one of these I have prattled on about before...):


Would definitely like to see a method for encouraging the improvement of coaches. Personally Ive never seen whether or not a coach improves over time (which he ought to, given that like a player, he has a CA and PA). There's plenty of scope for how this could run:

Coaches/retired players with high determination / ambition could request eg: UEFA 'A' and 'B' qualifications, which would open the door to them rising through the coaching ranks. Of course, qualifications would cost the club, and the improvement in the coach could be linked to their PA and the quality of the institution they were sent to. Which brings me to coaching institutions. Just like a clubs youth training facilities, which has an impact on how well youngsters develop, the better an institution's 'facilities', the higher the gains achieved by the coach. And naturally, the greater the cost. So, somewhere like AIAC at Coverciano, Florence, would have a high reputation, excellent facilities, and would provide improvements to coaches whenever used. The Manager should also be able to specifify a focus if he is to send a coach out for training, EG, GK Training and Management, for example.

Match Engine

The most significant improvement would be the recovery of the ball when its out of play. Whether a mutliball system, or a ball boy, whichever it is, employ it!


When buying a youth player, the option to automatically loan him back to the club you have bought him from.

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- The ability to set who'd fill up positions in case of injury of the player for when someone is treated in the sideline. It's automatically and the way the replacements are done is reasonable and often is good enough. But some times I find myself wishing I could have ordered differently.

- When I change to a different tactic not by changes to instructions of the current but by making one of the secondaries to primary or changing to saved tactic, I'd like to keep the OIs.

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Hall of Fame - please do something about this. I'm in my 5th season; I managed Grimsby for 2 and now Forest for 3. In that time I won the Northern Permier, the Blue Square North and the FA Trophy. With Forest I won League 2, League 1, The Championship, The Johnson Paint Trophy, the League Cup (twice) and finally the FA Cup.

My hall of fame entry - 18 (yes eighteen) points and one solitary "minor" cup win against my achievements. I get that the points are low for lower league competitions but surely the league cup generates more than that? And even if they aren't at least show them under a separate column - perhaps you could have Major, Medium and Minor competitions?

Just seems wrong to me and I hope its looked at for 2013

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- Improved tactical instructions are a must for me, I think ive said this before but the ability to be able to get your DM to drop into defence, your center backs to spread wider when attacking but come tight when defending. I think a seperate formation for attack and defence is the only way to do this, although it will probably be very easy to exploit. With modern day football and the dynamic formations I think it is almost a must have feature.

- Like the idea of buying a player and loaning him straight back, like De Bruyne did with Genk/Chelsea.

- This last one is a personal gripe and will most definately be told Im wrong but Im currently playing with monaco, playing in the first round of the cup last night. My AML IF (who is a striker playing out wide) gets played through on goal but balloons it wide. From the resulting goal kick they go up and score giving them the 1-0 win and knocking me out of the cup. Yes thats football and the result doesnt bother me, I know pressure gets to players etc etc but one on ones are rarely ever missed, the amount of one on ones I see go wide miss etc is unbelivebale. Nye on impossible to score in the lower leagues.

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How about a slightly tweaked way of negotiating a transfer? As an example, I was recently bidding for a player worth 1m. He was important to the club, so I offered 2m. They said no, that's fine, I'll renegotiate. I offer 2m + 1m in clauses/instalments. They negotiate and ask for 2.5m + 1.5m in clauses/instalments. I'm thinking about this when lo and behold they accept a bid of 2.5m + 500k in clauses/instalments from another team. So the total they want for the player is 3m. Now I realise some might justify that as them wanting to get the best deal for their club, but the selling club is accepting lesser offers from elsewhere, so that's not true, as I wasn't the only bidder. I'd like to see an inital offer where the idea is to meet their asking price, in this case 3m. Then a second stage, like the contract negotiation with a player, where it is a 'conversation' with the other club, and how that 3m is made up (cash upfront, clauses etc) is haggled. If at this stage an agreement can't be reached, then the transfer breaks down like any other. But it's incredibly frustrating at the moment that you can't build up a dialogue with the AI club as to WHY they're rejecting your offer.

Similarly the part exchange transfer rarely if ever works. I've only seen it work when the other club is already interested in the player you want to exchange. Why not reject with a message that they're not interested in the player, but willing to continue negotiations re: the money offered? At the moment you add a player to exchange, and then it gets point blank rejected.

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Not sure if this is the right area for this discussion, so if it the wrong place, would someone please direct me to the right spot.

But I would like to be able to carry my saved games from the past year to the next year's version. Because I get into it 10 to 20 years, and I love were I am at, yet I would like to be able to take advantage of the new features. Is anyone else like this? I just hate starting from scratch every with every new version that comes out.

Also, if there is something that already does this.. Please let me know about it.

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