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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I'm not sure if something like this has been said, but I would like a clubs reputation to effect only ticket sales, membership, tv showings and the like.

The expectations or relative strength should be based on the quality of players in the club based on the star system in place, offset by the boards mentality, ambitious, youth focused, fiscally focused and so forth. Makes more sense to me.

Oh and a much better me and 3D match with better animations, ball boys, no sudden invisible walls of treakle, rarely should a ball bounce off someones back or head as they are in dream world oblivious to the world suddenly finding solipsism has merit in their life. Examples could go on, but I think the general idea is succinct enough.

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More, yes sire I want more.

How about an option to discipline players for poor training, if a young guy rated highly gets plenty of game time but shows no inclination to improve, or worse yet decline quite happily with his moral high, after a few months of telling him to buckup, there should be the option of a warning /fine.

When joining a club, there should be a football philosophy in action and to be judged by, either set by the club or to be chosen by you. Youth focus, trophy focus, beautiful football, whatever.

64 bit.

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ok, so this has prob been mentioned on the 600 odd previous posts but here i go.

I would love love love to see some serious work done with the director of football. I think that this role should be far more important on the continent and you should work as a coach or director of football in leagues like serie a or la liga.

as a coach, i would like to see the director of football signing players for you or giving you directives, like we want to have a younger squad and therefore you have to integrate under 25s into the starting 11 or we want to reduce the wage bill so 3 of the highest earners will be sold and replaced.

or alternatively, if you take the role of the director, you should be judged more on the signings you make and the managers that you work with etc.

i know it maybe a little complex but i think in "real" football, this role is becoming more and more important so it would be such an amazing adaption to the game.

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Expanded Depth Charts

Instead of just have the top 3 players per position, have the entire roster (First Team, Reserves and Youth Teams) showing and depending on your chosen formation would recommend the best players to keep as First Team, Reserves and Youth Team squads.

Staff Roles and Duties

The best way to understand this is to look at my post (this is linked in my signature) and vote (with explanation your decision) it

would work similar to the Player Roles and Duties already implemented in which certain attributes are highlighted, and to add onto this I have seen people suggest training courses this way you can mold staff to learn/improve the specific attributes depending on the role and duties they have in your club.

Movement Arrows

When creating tactics (whether 'classic' or 'wizard') you should be able to include movement arrows, under the old tactic method you had the yellow arrows for runs with ball (Never, Sometimes, Always) but if you want certain positions to operate whether it be Normal (no arrow), Outside, Inside, Backwards, Channels, Forwards these arrows should be a different color than the yellow used for runs with ball and can be shown on the wizard also.

Team Rating per Attributes

Currently you have General, All Positions, Goalkeepers, Defenders, Midfielders, Attackers this helps when you need to recruit you can see where you are lacking and recruit in those areas, however some of the attributes don't match the player attributes word for word and with no guide that tells us what player attributes match Leadership as an example can we get either a help guide for these or have the team attributes match the player attributes so we can recruit good leaders by searching leadership.



To vote and provide feedback on my general discussion topic to introduce Staff Roles and Duties into FM Series please click on my provided link to do so http://bit.ly/u8WoDS

id love to have movment arrows intergrated into the current tactics

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I've just been loaning some youngsters out and a couple of things sprang to mind:

1 - When you offer a player for loan there should be more interaction. Its fine if the clubs come back with your terms i.e. season long but what if the club cannot take another player for that duration but would like to take them for 1/3 months etc. When they make the offer a little note from the manager saying "we have a full compliment on season long but could we take him for 3 months?" You can then decide whether you are happy to do so

2 - related to the first point your decision should be interactive i.e. yes is fairly obvious but if you decline you should be able to say why i.e. he needs stability that a 1 month wont give him. How these discussions go should also work towards manager relationships

3 - I may have missed it but something in the player interactions to say i want to send you on loan to a {level} club. A discussion could be had i.e. the player wants to play higher but you feel he needs to learn at a lower level. Depending on his professionalism etc he will agree / disagree and this should make it easier to loan him to lower league clubs. This could even be stretched to recommending clubs (and then being able to target specific clubs to loan players to)

4 - It would be good if managers (especially lower league clubs) approached you about helping them out. I am sure championship clubs (and probably lower too) do this where by they approach say man utd and enquire as to whether there are any players (perhaps in x position) available for loan. You could then consider your squad and either recommend a couple you'd allow or decline. Again this should all be interactive conversation/negotiation

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Newgens A broader spread of physical attributes through out CA levels, So high CA players aren't all physically gifted and lower level players can be just as strong and fast as top level players. I want to see centre backs in division two who can compete in the air with premiership strikers and Xavi like world class mid fielders who are small and not particularly fast.

Reduce the CA cost of physical attributes and increase the cost of mental and technical. That will allow lower CA players to be better physically but will result in high CA player being better as well so divide all Newgen templates into three, high, medium and low physicals. Keep the CA costs the same but cap the % of CA points that can be spent on physical attributes at different levels. Maybe just high and medium for some Templates like stopper or Target-man.

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I know the media side of things needs a lot of attention (especially over a long term save) however I think it would be good if they split "post match interviews" which are typically a few questions related to the result, incidents, players etc (often without the benefit of replaying contentious issues). Then Press conferences could be more about what they are a bit looking back (recapping answers possibly with the aid of having seen replays between the two media things), a bit about looking forward, next game(s) etc and a bit about other things

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With the debate some people have been having here about difficulty levels, is the game too easy and does it need better AI etc, I'd like to see that solved how some other games have done. Make an API and have the AI be modable. Would be interesting to see what the wider community could come up with in that area.

On something that might be a little easier to do: I'd like better documentation of how the various systems in the game work. I really feel there's an expanded market for this game for people like myself: we don't care about football so much, we just want a strategy game. However at the moment some parts of the game feel like trying to play Civilisation without the game explaining how many hammers each building costs. For example training: if you're in the game for a manager sim then hand wavy explanations about how nobody really understands how footballers develop in real life is good enough, but I want to know the exact formula! For people who feel that would be a spoiler and break immersion, make it clear that it's the behind the veil part of the manual and that they shouldn't read that part if they don't want to know.

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The following things I think will make fm in the future alot better than it currently is:

Transfers: More realistic prices (players you buy are often too overpriced). It is currently harder than it should be to sell reserves.

Training: Training have more influence e.g. Add Training performance and training workrate (how hard they worked at training). Training is very important in selection and performance in real life.

AI: AI need to smarter especially with transfers and tactics

Network Game: More functional and immersive network game. A good feature would be to take one of your teams that you have managed in a challenge match or compete in a one off tournament like a world cup or a champions league.

Bugs: Test game better less crashes before it comes out and test patches better

International Management: Better international management

Board interviews: Job interview at start to see if you'd be a good candidate and meet with chairman for feedback, etc.

Reserves: Influence who plays reserves & youth. So players can get gametime when you want.

Kits: Shirts have new designs with main colours every 2-3 seasons

Setpiece creator: Ability to create better setpiece tactics

Trophy presentations: when you win something you see your team get the trophy.

Dynamic rivalries: If your team has tough heated games against a team or you build a lower team into a big club then you can become rivals with teams of similar ability.

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ive always wanted a improvement on the history tab of a player... it only shows league app/goals on the timeline.. would like a dropdown menu for ALL APP in that season, coz some players might get used in certain cup runs etc.

Also a statistic for goals against certain teams, for example when you have a pre match preview.. it would be nice to see who in your squad has scored the most goals against that team.

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I've just been loaning some youngsters out and a couple of things sprang to mind:

1 - When you offer a player for loan there should be more interaction. Its fine if the clubs come back with your terms i.e. season long but what if the club cannot take another player for that duration but would like to take them for 1/3 months etc. When they make the offer a little note from the manager saying "we have a full compliment on season long but could we take him for 3 months?" You can then decide whether you are happy to do so

2 - related to the first point your decision should be interactive i.e. yes is fairly obvious but if you decline you should be able to say why i.e. he needs stability that a 1 month wont give him. How these discussions go should also work towards manager relationships

3 - I may have missed it but something in the player interactions to say i want to send you on loan to a {level} club. A discussion could be had i.e. the player wants to play higher but you feel he needs to learn at a lower level. Depending on his professionalism etc he will agree / disagree and this should make it easier to loan him to lower league clubs. This could even be stretched to recommending clubs (and then being able to target specific clubs to loan players to)

4 - It would be good if managers (especially lower league clubs) approached you about helping them out. I am sure championship clubs (and probably lower too) do this where by they approach say man utd and enquire as to whether there are any players (perhaps in x position) available for loan. You could then consider your squad and either recommend a couple you'd allow or decline. Again this should all be interactive conversation/negotiation

I like this suggestion.

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I would like to see an option in the editor where you can tweak away following from clubs.

For example I always go as Chester on my 1 player go being a Chester fan. The lowest we take anywhere is 400, for our local games we take over 1000 and for the massive games (prem clubs away, championship decider games etc) we take over 2000 away. Despite this in the game Chester take 50 or 100 everywhere until we get promoted a few times.

Also, the followings teams bring to us. Wrexham, Crewe, Tranmere, Stockport, Port Vale and Shrewsbury will always bring 1500-2000 away fans to us. And other local teams like Macclesfield, Rochdale, Bury, Hereford etc etc will bring 500-1000.

I realise this is far too much work for the game programmers to get through, but if it were in the editor we could change it to be accurate for our own teams.

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When an agent demands an improved deal for his client in the wake of you turning down a transfer bid, it's really irritating when you go to the screen and it's all blank and they say 'i'm going to wait... and if you want these talks to go smoothly etc''

I don't care if these talks go smoothly! You wanted a contract improvement, for all I care your client can see out the remaining FIVE years on his current deal!

So when you renew a deal, especially when they request a renewal shouldn't it be treated a little differently to when you are trying to sign a player? When you sign a player the onus is on you to convince the player to join, when they want a pay rise shouldn't the onus be on the player and his agent to convince ''woo'' perhaps you into offering the deal they would like.

Because honestly it's no skin off my nose if he stays on his current deal, so i'm certainly not going to ''make the running'' in negotiations. I have better things to do. Like having to press about 3 times to terminate youth player trials (really just simplify it - please)

But on contracts, it would be good if you could talk specifically to the press about the situation in terms of saying that you don't think that massively upgrading a deal 6 months after signing it is good for the club (i did in a moment of weakness offer 5 times his previous wage and a 5 million signing on fee to his agent, but no....), especially when the player hasn't won anything yet and that's the reason he's now been transfer listed.

It would be nice if you could get a certain reputation to make other players think twice before knocking on your door. I'm pretty sure that some managers irl are more approachable than others and players would know this.

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What about a more active role for a director of football who could assist you with advice scouting and go between to the board. Someone who you can have settings to manage your long term approach whilst you focus on first team affairs???

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OMG, I got so many wishes I couldn't even remember them without starting up a new game!

But, here's one that've been bugging me since, I don't know, years!

I would like:

An option to see EVERY TROPHY YOU'VE WON during your career. That's right.

Not a mash-up of the clubs' wins that includes trophies from previous managers.

Not a "Major Tournament/Minor Tournament" list.


With a picture of the trophy, the competition name, and the year.

Preferably on my manager profile page.

And also in "Hall of Fame" page, so I can see what my other saves has done.

All my achievements shouldn't just vanish when I start a new save.

I'd like to gander of my success during the one year I paid for the game (until I buy the next iteration of this awesome, life-sucking, widow-making game).

Here is a mock up I just made:


Any one wants the same thing here?

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Another suggestion:

Fix the "negotiations" of our players responding to bids from AI clubs!

I loaned Mbaye Niang to Liverpool with a buy out clause of EUR 40,000,000.

At the end of the season, they made an offer matching the future fee set.

But, Niang blatantly REFUSED the contract offer because of he "expects a better Appearance Fee".

As I really wanted to offload him, I offered him to clubs for EUR 40m.

Real Madrid, Liverpool, Chelsea, Barcelona made a bid of "only" EUR 26.5m.

Seeing I couldn't get better offers, I accepted all the bids.

Then, Niang accepted the offer from Liverpool! So, I'm down EUR 13.5m just because of this debacle.

This didn't happened once!

Same thing happened with my Montolivo to FC Bayern (FCB offered 10mil, he rejected, I offered him for 10mil, FCB bids for 7.5m, and he accepts!)

Also happened to Juan Vargas and three or four regens that I loaned out. Apparently the "Future Fee" just doesn't work as it should.

This is very frustating.

Has this happens to anyone besides me?

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When an agent demands an improved deal for his client in the wake of you turning down a transfer bid, it's really irritating when you go to the screen and it's all blank and they say 'i'm going to wait... and if you want these talks to go smoothly etc''

I don't care if these talks go smoothly! You wanted a contract improvement, for all I care your client can see out the remaining FIVE years on his current deal!

So when you renew a deal, especially when they request a renewal shouldn't it be treated a little differently to when you are trying to sign a player? When you sign a player the onus is on you to convince the player to join, when they want a pay rise shouldn't the onus be on the player and his agent to convince ''woo'' perhaps you into offering the deal they would like.

YES!! great point! could not have put it better myself!! although I have often caved and offered the contract they want (if I can afford it) as it is often a player that I need in order to achieve success, and I'd rather pay a bit extra than have an unhappy player causing trouble....(do they forgive and forget after a while too?)

but I MUST agree, when an 18 year old player who has had 2 shining appearances because he was player a much lower opposition, it does not mean he should be asking for more money because another team thought he was a future ronaldo!

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What about a more active role for a director of football who could assist you with advice scouting and go between to the board. Someone who you can have settings to manage your long term approach whilst you focus on first team affairs???

I like this. I although I love this game, I do feel that having a director of football to conduct the transfers could be good to have (although not necessarily permanently), as they could sign quality players that I have never really considered...especially when the player that in MY opinion is the best to sign costs twice or thrice that of the player that the director feels would be good!

So IF the director of football is added to the game, I dont want one that picks the obvious players, i'd expect them to be able to see the hidden talent in this footballing universe!

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Another suggestion:

Fix the "negotiations" of our players responding to bids from AI clubs!

I loaned Mbaye Niang to Liverpool with a buy out clause of EUR 40,000,000.

At the end of the season, they made an offer matching the future fee set.

But, Niang blatantly REFUSED the contract offer because of he "expects a better Appearance Fee".

As I really wanted to offload him, I offered him to clubs for EUR 40m.

Real Madrid, Liverpool, Chelsea, Barcelona made a bid of "only" EUR 26.5m.

Seeing I couldn't get better offers, I accepted all the bids.

Then, Niang accepted the offer from Liverpool! So, I'm down EUR 13.5m just because of this debacle.

This didn't happened once!

Same thing happened with my Montolivo to FC Bayern (FCB offered 10mil, he rejected, I offered him for 10mil, FCB bids for 7.5m, and he accepts!)

Also happened to Juan Vargas and three or four regens that I loaned out. Apparently the "Future Fee" just doesn't work as it should.

This is very frustating.

Has this happens to anyone besides me?

Yes! I have had similar where a player expects to be paid for his appearances of for the team of the year, but then goes to a minnow of a club, who pay me pittance for him, and his contract is terrible, OR he turns down what I perceive an excellent cntract because he wants to be better paid for the goals he scores.....but mainly it is appearance fees or team of the year fees that get shot down most of the time.....this definitely needs fixing!

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Another suggestion:

Fix the "negotiations" of our players responding to bids from AI clubs!

I loaned Mbaye Niang to Liverpool with a buy out clause of EUR 40,000,000.

At the end of the season, they made an offer matching the future fee set.

But, Niang blatantly REFUSED the contract offer because of he "expects a better Appearance Fee".

As I really wanted to offload him, I offered him to clubs for EUR 40m.

Real Madrid, Liverpool, Chelsea, Barcelona made a bid of "only" EUR 26.5m.

Seeing I couldn't get better offers, I accepted all the bids.

Then, Niang accepted the offer from Liverpool! So, I'm down EUR 13.5m just because of this debacle.

This didn't happened once!

Same thing happened with my Montolivo to FC Bayern (FCB offered 10mil, he rejected, I offered him for 10mil, FCB bids for 7.5m, and he accepts!)

Also happened to Juan Vargas and three or four regens that I loaned out. Apparently the "Future Fee" just doesn't work as it should.

This is very frustating.

Has this happens to anyone besides me?

Yes! I have had similar where a player expects to be paid for his appearances of for the team of the year, but then goes to a minnow of a club, who pay me pittance for him, and his contract is terrible, OR he turns down what I perceive an excellent cntract because he wants to be better paid for the goals he scores.....but mainly it is appearance fees or team of the year fees that get shot down most of the time.....this definitely needs fixing!

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I had a very successful season (i know back slaps all round...) anyway I asked for a new contract and was refused. I would like the option, as players do, to announce my unhappiness at the situation, and see who the fans back. At the moment there doesn't seem to be anything I can do which I think is pretty poor. (If there is could someone tell me please).

But it would be really good to be able to brief a friendly journalist (since you can develop rapport with them) to have articles start to appear in the press and crank up the pressure and cause division at the club between the manager and the board :)

Also if a player is interested in joining you but the club involved just wont sell, would it be possible to suggest to his agent that he might like to put in a transfer request?

Or is that not allowed...

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I know about layers wanting a higher club to play for, but what about robin van persies case? IM sure in years of FM there are players who are at the top of their game and know they should be winning things, but dont, id like to see them moving clubs to rivals instead of sitting there.

In my game, man city and me (man utd) have challenged for the leagues for the last 8 years, now chelsea are always in 3rd place, never higher, whya re thier stars happy with that? especially when they are getting to 28-29 years old?

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I'm thinking an prompt of an offer to RETIRE A NUMBER would be great!

Retired numbers are already on the game (Maldini #3, Baresi #6, etc),

so, what do you think if we could retire a number of a legendary player?

Probably only players that played a certain number of matches for a club (over 200 is okay I think),

and probably players that their whole career is with one club and has won numerous trophies.

Another thing, on transfer negotiation, make it easier for AI clubs to accepts Exchange Players offers.

It doesn't even make sense that an AI club would accept a same amount of money WITHOUT an extra players.

I guess it could be a realistic thing, but to reject every time I offered a player their not interested in? Even though its a star player? That's just ridiculous.

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Another thing, AC Milan and Inter Milan shares the same stadium.

BUT, in game, Inter's stadium is Guiseppe Meazza, whilst Milan's stadium is the San Siro!

It doesn't even make sense! Please add this 'shared stadium' aspect to the game, it would be an interesting thing to consolidate with the other club regarding stadium upgrades, etc.

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First Option:

We have the first option clause with feeder clubs which is inherently useless as it just gives you opportunity to match someone else's bid. I think things are a little more complex in the real world, which Tony Pulis alluded to a year or so ago when asked about Liverpool's interest in Ryan Shawcross. He replied that they would have to speak to Man Utd as they have the option on him. Also,an Everton official on Twitter recently confirmed Everton have an option on Araz Abudalyev (or something - he's with the club on FM at the start of the game).

It should be structured in a similar way to financial options. A club can purchase an option on a player for a fee which is for a set period of time and optionally with a specified future fee (perhaps with built in increases based on international appearances etc). Having accepted this, the player's current club cannot accept an offer from another team unless the option is bought out (either by agreement or a specified break-fee). Eg:

Man Utd like the look of Ross Barkley, so pay Everton 2m to have an option to buy him at any point in the next three years for 10m, increased by 50% if he wins an England cap. If Chelsea approach Everton during that time then Man Utd would either have to agree to cancel the option (for a fee in excess of 2m, so they get back their original outlay plus a bit) or Chelsea meet the buy out amount of the option, in which case Man Utd's option ceases. Either way, Chelsea are then free to negotiate a price with Everton. If there is no interest from other clubs and Man Utd don't opt to buy within the three years then the option lapses, Everton keep the player and the 2m.

I think that is roughly how these things would be structured. It might be useful to have some in built limits from the board to stop you having more than say 3 options live at any one time as it is something that could be abused.

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i'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but i'll definitely want more interaction between international manager and his players, like tell him if he don't get more first team football, he'll be dropped from the national team, or he'll miss some major international tournament.

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I think I've suggested also this sporting director thing in the past. Should be an option to pick at the start of the game - in leagues like Spain, Italy, managers often don't have a big say in the club transfer strategies. This could play a big part in contract negotion process also. Make it a bit more interesting.

Other idea's of mine

1) I suggested to have increase the financial reach of the system in another thread. FA's/Leagues should have their own budgets - which are boosted by entrances into World Cup / Euro's, rise of league reputation (results in bigger TV deals, more/better sponsors), annual sponsorships of FA (commercial sponsors but also the lieks of UEFA). This in turn could be invested by the nation's FA into youth setup to increase the amount/quality of players produced and/or given to clubs via fluctuating prize money/TV money.

2) Another suggestion this game is crying out for is an Artificial Intelligence capable of learning. This would mean that if you are successful, some of the AI teams try to copy your methods, maybe starting a chain reaction. This forces also you to change with the game, constantly look for a new edge. Otherwise the game becomes "continue, click play, win, continue" routine for the better gamers.

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I think I've suggested also this sporting director thing in the past. Should be an option to pick at the start of the game - in leagues like Spain, Italy, managers often don't have a big say in the club transfer strategies. This could play a big part in contract negotion process also. Make it a bit more interesting.

Other idea's of mine

1) I suggested to have increase the financial reach of the system in another thread. FA's/Leagues should have their own budgets - which are boosted by entrances into World Cup / Euro's, rise of league reputation (results in bigger TV deals, more/better sponsors), annual sponsorships of FA (commercial sponsors but also the lieks of UEFA). This in turn could be invested by the nation's FA into youth setup to increase the amount/quality of players produced and/or given to clubs via fluctuating prize money/TV money.

2) Another suggestion this game is crying out for is an Artificial Intelligence capable of learning. This would mean that if you are successful, some of the AI teams try to copy your methods, maybe starting a chain reaction. This forces also you to change with the game, constantly look for a new edge. Otherwise the game becomes "continue, click play, win, continue" routine for the better gamers.

i like both of these ideas. especially the second one

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i hope so badly they gonna improve the training

if you have 2 identical guys on one position and you cant decide which one to start i think training should be a good indicator for who to choose, as it is training is pretty much useless, and the trainingreports from the assistant are always the same and no use whatsoever

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Option to play the game as Director of Football (with a "Head first team coach") - similar to continental model.

By this, I mean the ability to be responsible for setting up a coaching & scouting structure/making signings etc but without the hassle of having to play the actuals matches themselves (i.e. leaving to a coach to take charge of the matchday side of things: sort tactics/team selection etc). This could provide a different challenge for those of us who prefer the building clubs over the long-term, but find it takes ages to play 20 seasons plus if you have to manage all the games.

Currently, you can effectively default to doing this by going on holiday every match day - but it is a pain to have to go on holiday and return after one day 60 times a season.

Potential for dialogue with Managers/Chairmen over disagreements in off-field strategy/signings/attacking or defensive style/short-term vs long terms transfer approach etc

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2. Complete overhaul of training, only being able to train GK, Defending, Attacking, Tactics and Set Pieces is a bit rubbish IMO. There could be a whole host of training routines and you could pick and drop segments you felt (or were told by a coach) you needed/didn't need). sprints, jogs, weights, keep-ball, 2-touch game, 5-a-side, training match, shadow match etc, each with plus and minus points for attributes and morale.


One of the few suggestions i've seen about the training section and its brilliant. The use of sliders in the training menu seems archaic compared to the drag and drop system with mini drop-down menues seen in the tactics area. Love the idea of expansive training routines and programmes replacing the several training categories. You could make more available with greater perks as your club improves its facilities. Wondering if each exercises should have a set quantity or can be adjusted to allow greater flexibility. Presets could be introduced too for those who dont want to build their own from scratch or act as a base for players to modify as well as the ever faithfull let coach/asm decide (Would be cool if your asm used some of your set training scheduels and applied them to other players, without having to go through one at a time though i think im asking too much here).

I would like to build on Silky's idea his by suggesting that training be split in two. Individual training and team training. Both use the specific programmes Silky suggested, some specific to one area (i.e. Languages, Position and Weights for indvidual and Formation, Tactical briefings and 5-a-side for teams) and some that are in both (i.e. passing, defending, shooting) but have different effects in what area you apply them. Individual training working with the same purpose as the current system, to develop the individual players stats and playing style. The team training will focus on team development so all your players training with your playing philosophy in mind among other benefits such as building player relationships with each other (personality clashes, tutor/pupil, rivals etc), learning tactics, speeding up preferred moves training in certain subjects etc. The team training would be applied to all your players automatically taking up some of your player's individual training budget which can be adjusted beforehand (like the player wage/transfer budget). What's left in the individual training can be filled seperately for each player, with overfilling and too many varieties of training subjects causing player fatigue, morale drops and injuries.

Like Silkys other points. These are some of my other ideas.

1. Would like to be able to tell scouts to only give me reports for players they give a certain current and/or potential rating that i set (i.e. 4 stars+ only) reduces the enless lists of 2 and 3 stars in regional reports.

2. Chaiman imposing certain condition that affect job security (i.e. raising certain amount of youth players to senior team, no loanee's etc)

3. Players (especially top players) being invited to interviews/press conferences for such reasons as postmatch perfomances, injuries, player motivation etc. Managers can give permission or not with players accepting your decision or reluctant to go/not allowed to go to conferences. Managers can then respond in good or negativly to what the player says.

4. I'd like to expand on news leaks like finding out who's done it? was it accidental or on purpose? the influence of players using social media (twitter/facebook). These can be minor headaches to managers or serious issues that need to be sorted with firing backroom staff or discipling players.

5. Interations with the fan's association representative from time to time. You can then hear concerns from your clubs fans or how they think the club should go. Some demands going so far as wanting you to get rid of a player or demanding you yourself must resign. I wanna see more of how the fans that support your club respond to the way your running the club.

Looking forward to seeing how FM improves its training system as it now needs a shiny new revamp.

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I'd love to see the ability to start as U-18/youth or Reserve/U-21 manager of a club. Then have the associated abilities of either (reserve manager - selecting youth players, youth manager - yearly youth selections, recommendations of youth players to senior).

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Completely scrap the tutoring system or give it a massive overhaul. It is entirely inaccessible, tedious and not very enjoyable. Having a system designed around hidden attributes and singular vague references to multiple levels of personality is very poor design. Spending many hours (nights) trying to learn a convoluted system only to have it randomly fail is salt in the would.

I cannot begin to describe how trying to gain the benefits of this system has ruined my desire to play this game. Words simply cannot describe how much I hate it as is.

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1. Would like to be able to tell scouts to only give me reports for players they give a certain current and/or potential rating that i set (i.e. 4 stars+ only) reduces the enless lists of 2 and 3 stars in regional reports.

You can do it. When you add new assignment, then you need add condition.
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Got a problem that I want fixed

I always start in Tippeligan / Norway and gets my team to CL lots of times, gets a huge stadium, other Norwegians teams get to CL and Euroleauge, Tippeligan gets 4 stars, National team get up to fifht place or better on the rankings, but every year, not a single good player comes from clubs from Norway!

I got top youth facilities, good youth coaches and normal coaches, but youth recruitment is avg.

Not a single player thats been created by the game in Norway get above 70% Potential Rating according to Genie Scout.

Since this is in Norway I expect it to be in other middel to poor Leauges, and they never get a chance to greate good players

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Players go on Holiday for leagues with long winter breaks.

Example I'll use is Denmark, which gets frustrating to play in after so many seasons, as you are out of league fixtures come early December and don't get your next league game till March. So your players just sit there and you end up having to play 2 and a half month's worth of friendlies (first team, reserve and youths) to keep them from declining. That includes scheduling the friendlies, tactics, lineups and playing the friendly, it can get very off putting doing this for 10 matches a season for no other purpose than to bide your time till the season starts again. This is ofcourse without the user holidaying through this, as I don't like to use that feature, I perfer having full control over my team, including who we plaing against, when and who will get minutes in what position.

I would request that you add Holidaying for players during the winter break, either automatic like the summer break or a request from the assistant which you can assign for each player the duration of their holiday (kinda like you do when their unfit and you send them on holiday, choosing the duration). The youth players could be automatic and everyone on a professional contract, you select their duration.

Extended Summer Holidays

As you see each summer break when their is an international tournament going on in real life, some players won't return to their clubs along with everyone else, but get an extra 2 to 4 weeks holiday. I'd like to see this applied to Football Manager. This option could be available when international squads are selected and announced to you in the mail window. You should be then able to select to extend their holiday for an optional 1-4 weeks after they finish their international duty. This would avoid players returning to your first team straight after competing on the international stage, going straight into the new season, often leading to them being wiped out half way through calendar.

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ME fixes, using pace is fine, and looks realistic, when you play offside, but down the wings?, defenders get tackled too easy, the corners. such things like that make playing some formations difficult, just packed defence, conceded 3 goals, 2 to corners.. prices for players a bit more realistic some players cost far too much money to buy

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I've got a couple of things which do need to be worked on to improve the realism of FM;

Firstly, promoted teams on football manager always seem to have a really hard time staying up; very often in the Premier League one, two or even all three of the promoted teams are languishing at the bottom with a shocking record, usually a point tally in the 10s or 20s, by the end of the season. This needs to be sorted out; it wasn't the case on FM until 1 or 2 years ago that this happened. I'm not saying promoted teams should always stay up; I'm pointing out that so often teams promoted into any league in FM go straight back down with a shockingly poor number of points. This just doesn't happen in football. Derby County in 2006/07 seem to have become a benchmark for promoted teams in FM 2012, if you get me.

Secondly, strikers don't score enough goals in FM 2012; I don't mean in all cases, I just mean that when I look at the top scorer charts of any league, there is very rarely anyone with 25+ goals. In real football, in most leagues in most seasons there is a striker or two, particularly lower down the ladder, that gets 30+ goals, but often in FM the top scorer gets 17 or 18. This is another unrealistic aspect of the game which didn't use to be the case on FM 2010/2011, it just suddenly became harder for strikers to score a lot of goals this year.

I am also a supporter of the option to become a chairman after you finish your managerial career in the game, so you can spend your managerial earnings. If this doesn't get incorporated into the game then there are two options; a different way of spending the otherwise meaningless 'managerial earnings' figure, or just delete the managerial earnings figure from the game. I don't think it can go on just being there but meaning nothing, if you get me.

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