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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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More varied transfers - I get bored of starting new games having to see the same names on the transfer list and the same players available to buy. For me there's only a small pool of players you can buy at the start of each game; e.g. when I manage Newcastle clubs either want too much £ or players just aren't interested apart from a few average ones that clubs don't want.

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General note:

Some remarks might lead to certain aspects to be over/under powered if they are implemented too extremely. Of course the remarks below are to be regarded as if they should be implemented in a balanced manner (this is for SI to work out :))


I’d like to see more micro-events which have a short & minor impact (can be both positive & negative) and in which you might have certain decision options.

E.g.: you can win the championship in a home-game against your biggest rival. To increase the atmosphere in your stadium, your board would like to invite player X, who is one of the club legends, to do the kick-off.

75% chance of a happy ending which slightly increases an aspect like team morale or work rate for your side

25% chance of unhappy ending (the club legend fell ill) giving a slight decrease in atmosphere in the stadium and causing your boys to become a little bit more nervous.

Other micro-event could be the joining of a former team player (who is not active as staff !) to join your club in an function that has no direct impact on the game (no scout, training staff, director,…)

This would have no impact on the game at all, but it would increase the immersion, especially when managing your favorite team. “Oh formal player y, who I saw playing when I was just a little boy has now joined the team as communication manager, nice”

Of course this would mean that each club should have a large list of names of ex-players that are not active as scout/trainer/manager/…

Yet other examples could include sponsor deals (individual sponsor deals that would increase the ambition of a player with 1 point & increase his reputation with X points; minor extra team sponsor deals

Because you signed a player from a certain country or even region)

This way you would get random & new events each game that would make the game a little less linear & predictable but not to the point where your game turns into a lottery.

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I agree that scouts reports should give indications of attributes. Longer scouting & certain scouting skills should give a higher chance on better reports.

If there are ex-players of your team (or even of another team in your league but with which you have at least a neutral bond) in the league you are scouting, this could help in your scouting options of that country. (this could also be implemented as micro-events)

IRL sometimes those ex-players work as part-time freelance scouts for certain teams. They can at least help your scout in achieving a more correct analysis: they might already know the player, they might speak the language of the country which makes it easier for your scout to gather a 360° feedback (local media, fan forums,…)

Youth academies/scouting networks can also be a nice addition to the game. Youth academies cost money, but increase scouting & provide a slow, constant flow of possible regens: only if you sign the player, he’d become ‘active’. The “possible regens” that are not signed after a certain period would then leave the game again.

Side note: this would also partially tackle the magical “let there be regens” day issue.

Scouting should also become more 2 directional. E.g.: dutch teams are rather well known for finding good & affordable Scandinavian players and making them succeed. As a result, it’s also easier for them to contract those Scandinavian players. A win-win situation.

So if your team establishes a scouting network in a certain region or if you contract several players from a region over a period in time (that are happy & become important players in your team/league), this would increase your reputation in that region, giving you certain benefits.


Teams should have a media reputation. This could be linked to the club reputation, but also to other factors: recent success could give a temp increase in media reputation, improving youth/training facilities could increase this reputation, you could have a media director in your club with certain skills,…

This media reputation would impact the tone of the news distributed about your team. Which in turn could impact sponsoring, number of yellow/red cards for teams/players, …

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Changing formations (or general drastical changes in your tactic) during the game should become more difficult. Such a change could be made more easily :

• If it was foreseen (match preparation training)

• During half time

If such a change is made during the game itself, it would take time & cause some confusion for a few minutes. Some levels of your captain could influence this (both positive & negative): leadership, position on the pitch (a playmaker has an easier job than a goalkeeper), determination, …

!!! PLEASE SI: give me back the option to go on holiday during the game. If I’m ahead 4-0 after 20 minutes against 10 players, the rest of the game becomes less interesting to me, so I’d like to go back on holiday for 1 day. This was possible in previous versions.


Currently I feel the game does not take into account my achievements. If I win the CL with a complete outsider team, I want it to feel like a real achievement rather than getting a few notes in my inbox.

I want to see more celebrations on the field, I want to see a cup being added to a virtual cup gallery, I want to see more immediate impact: directors that go hunting for lucrative sponsor deals, players notifying they want to cash in on the fame, the fan responsible informing me that a song specially for me is now being made by the fans, …

In other words: I really want to feel the craziness if you achieve something remarkable !

Game mechanics

As mentioned here before, the game should take into account how well/bad players performed during a season.

A player of medium level in a medium team in your league who becomes top scorer might not get any transfer attention at all. Same goes for regular player, kings of assists,…

The other way around: transfer listed players should take into account more aspects than the club/league reputation. I’ve seen cases of 28-year old transfer listed players that haven’t played for a year and that would become indispensable players of my squad (same league), but I couldn’t even offer a contract. This might be the case for some players, but in FM this happens too much

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And finally: my most controversial idea :)

A general mechanic with which I’ve been playing for a long time: shifting CA & PA.

Some players reach their max CA on very late ages, others have their peak on very young ages.

Some players fail miserably in one team, only to become world class stars in other teams (or vice versa)

The current CA/PA system does not really allow this, but I’d like to see this happen, so I thought about this:

First I’d split CA/PA into 2 groups: the CA/PA (as a sort of baseline) and a “temp” or “short term” CA/PA.

This would be some kind of multiplier on your CA/PA. (I will use the terms “baseline CA/PA” and “short term multiplier” below when I’m talking about this)

The baseline CA/PA would be his skills when everything is neutral: he’s playing on a normal level, no extreme positive/negative events, …

These are the values the player would revert to when there isn’t a short term multiplier. These are the “naked” player skills when you take away all the external factors such as the team formation, player roles, form, team mates, …

As a result: these are the real important values when scouting/buying a player

The short term multiplier is the result of the external events that cause a boost/decline in the CA/PA. An extended positive short term multiplier could slowly increase the PA and speeds up the baseline CA development.

The increase would not be linear: the higher the CA/PA, the less important the short term multiplier would become

Eg: a 26yo striker with CA 100 & PA 160. If he plays with the right player role in a good team and is in the shape of his life, his short term multiplier can become rather high, resulting in him playing as if his CA was 140 (and not 100) that might last the whole season.

Of course the short term multiplier would also have an impact on his baseline CA/PA development.

In the old (current) system he could have gone from 100 to let’s say 110 via training & playing during the season. However, the short term multiplier would increase this by let’s say another 10 points, resulting in a new baseline CA of 120.

His PA however is not increased since his CA is still nowhere near his PA

Eg 2: same striker, same conditions but baseline CA is 140 & PA 160. Result of the high short term multiplier: he plays as if his CA was 170 (higher than his baseline PA in other words) and at the end of the season, his baseline CA went from 140 to 155 & his baseline PA increased from 160 to 165.

This could also work in a negative manner: an unhappy player in a role that does not fit him in a team that does not like him, would result in a negative short term multiplier, decreasing his skills for 1 or more seasons.

Of course, a transfer to a new team could place him into a happy spiral again and re-increase his skills.

To limit the jojo-effect, serious thought & testing has to be done on imposing limits.

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i really liked splitting the ca and pa into the three attribute categories. So a phyisical beast might have a 190 physical pa but because he has the iq of a fencepost his mental pa is much lower. Or a scrawny 5'2 striker might have a low phyiscal pa but a higher technical pa. Some players might have huge pa in all 3 but most players would only be good in two areas.

Then theses PA's could transfer (loosely) into coaching pa's. an intelligent player would be more likely to be good tactically or scouting and whatnot.

Phyiscals transfer to fitness coaching or physio

Technicals transfer to the coaching attributes.

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i really liked splitting the ca and pa into the three attribute categories. So a phyisical beast might have a 190 physical pa but because he has the iq of a fencepost his mental pa is much lower. Or a scrawny 5'2 striker might have a low phyiscal pa but a higher technical pa. Some players might have huge pa in all 3 but most players would only be good in two areas.

Then theses PA's could transfer (loosely) into coaching pa's. an intelligent player would be more likely to be good tactically or scouting and whatnot.

Phyiscals transfer to fitness coaching or physio

Technicals transfer to the coaching attributes.

Like! Ten characters.

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In South Korea, and I'm sure many other countries, many clubs are owned by city or provincial governments. I think FM needs a database setting to reflect this. These clubs should be immune from board-takeovers and administration, but they should also be on fairly strict transfer/wage budgets that mean they only require a reasonable amount of investment over time.

Kind of silly to be playing as a club that is essentially a government service and somebody comes along and buys it, or it goes bankrupt!

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i think it would be nice to have a in game map i enjoy playing in foreign leagues my favourite team is FC Shakhtar Donetsk and when im playing with them it would be nice to see where im playing at when im travelling away i believe it would immerse me in the game even more i know some people will say just look on google maps you monkey brained idiot fair enough but i just think it would be a nice touch to get a feel for the country your playing in

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I have tons of ideas but i rarely get them on paper.

One thing that has annoyed me much recently is that regens from minor countries usually ends up being released and then retired by the age of 20 if they have a good potential.

If for example a club in Thailand would have the luch of getting a regen with a potential of playing Premier League football in the future he won't reach Europe as he will decline a new contract, end up as a free agent and then after a year retire.

How to solve the problem?

1. He's considered good enough for the club they're at (they want to extend his contract). 2. Are still playing at their first club in their carrer (no transfers). 3. Doesn't have any interest from a European club. If all of these criterias are met then he should extend the contract 100% of the time just for the sake of keeping good enough regens in the game. On top of that, AI clubs from mainly smaller countries should been given a boost in their scouting so that they can find these jewels and take them to Europe. And if not, the spotlight of the national team should be able to take good regens from smaller countries to Europe after a few years.

Recent years (game time) i have been "forced" to buy players that are not really good enough for my team but still good enough for let say a 15-20 team in Premier League on free transfer just because they were released from their club and on the verge of retirement. I have them in my reserve team, or loaned out if that's possible, for one year and then sell him somewhere in Europe.

That's by the way something else they should fix. Make it MUCH easier to loan out and sell players. Sure, players on huge contracts shouldn't be that easy but otherwise, SOMEONE should be interested and the players should priority first team football higher than they now do. I've had several times players declining a transfer move even though they were miles from the first team.

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I just want to say that I'm yet another person in favour of having the Current/Potential Abilities split into 3 categories (Technical, Mental, Physical). It would increase the realism when it comes to young players realising their potential.

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1. Scouting screen display scout attribute for their "judge current ability" and "judge potential ability". Coaching screen has coach attribute, why scout not?

2. Smarter artificial intelligence.

3. Easier way to train PPM.

4. Scout has ability to trace our past/junior player that already join another club. Barca fans will love this feature.

5. Transfer drama/saga.

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Dunno if this is mentioned but i want the press conferences changed.

Add more variations, make it more interesting or perhaps replace it with something else.

After playing 20+ seasons, every press conference is a drag of answering the same questions over and over again - and no, i don't trust my assman :p

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ive not seen this mentioned, but the idea came to me yesterday, i had a message inviting me to tour south korea due to my team having a high reputation there, i didnt know of my reputation there, so my idea would be to have a simple screen showing your teams reputation in each country and in addition to this, this could also be expanded to show how much income through merchandising that your club is getting from sales in each country

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1 - A 3d view from the bench.

2 - Please don't go with this new generation fm players that want the game to look like fifa manager (more control on the stadiums, personal life and so on). Keep the experience as accurate as possible on what concerns to manage a football club. You guys have been doing a greater job so far.

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Fm13 wish list

- A coefficient search for player attributes in the player search

(basically the thing in fm genie scout that rates players by scoring specific attributes relative to positions). It would be so much better than the tedious task of calculating manually.

- Being able to instruct your player to get booked

- An attributes graph (that player attribute summary) for the team in general

- An option to disable interviews (also make them more relevant than the tediously boring repition)

- A new tactics board layout where you can specifically position players. You know just like in Pro Evo and I presume FIFA where you can specifically position your players on the field rather than this defunct and static tactics board.

- More flops. It seems as if they don’t exist on fm12. I mean could you see Allen Lee joining Liverpool in fm for 15m? It seems as if clubs know exactly the right fee for a player and never ever pay over the odds. –Reduce scouting ability and make the adaptability stat more relevant and dangerous if ignored. Why don’t I ever see players complaining of being home sick in fm?

- More interaction options. Interactions like telling your player his agent is a greedy Cuffing Funt.

- Being able to tell a players agent how much you are willing to offer before the contract negotiation. Lets say you are Man City in 2008. Not a big club yet but plenty of money and ambition. You should be able to tempt bigger players to the club by offering ridiculous sums rather than them not listening at all. Perhaps before you start transfer negotiations you chat with the player and talk about sides ambitions

- An option to add regens at the start of a new game

- An option to simulate the game 3-4 years into the future. Basically to give a little variety. So instead of taking over say Liverpool and doing the same transfers time and time again (eg Willian for 12m) You can start the game and find that Willian plays for Chelsea and that flop Jordan Henderson left 2 years ago to Fulham for 6m etc etc.

- Being able to search for staff members by star rating per category. Yes I know it would make it very easy but the current system is just tedious.

- PPMS should be learned through tactics in tandem with coaches/tutoring. For instance if you want a player to learn to beat the offside trap you can speed up the process by giving him a very high mentality rating and frequent forward runs. Short Simple passess could be learned through giving the player short passing style, rare through balls and give them low creative freedom.

- When setting players status to available for loan you should be able to specifiy for how much eg wages rather than 1-1 with clubs.

- A quick game match. Just pick a team to play with and against with random morale and off you go. Also a create your own league. No transfers and just made very simple. Would help creating tactics aswell.

- Players get upset more often like when they are played out of position

- -more fluid transfer negotiations. When negotiating wages there plenty of back and forth but when I receive a bid for a player I’m terrified of asking for just a little more cus the other club will just walk away over a measly few hundered k. If a renegotiated bid collapses you should have the option to go back on your renegotiated bid and accept the last bid if they are still interested.

- Bring back board room ultimatums!

- When offering player/s in exchange it would be nice to have a note saying club X is interested in having the offered player and value him at around £X. ATM player exchanges are out of the question.

- More contract clauses. How about bonuses for assists?

- Offering mutal termination should be a negotiation rather than just a greedy players ultimatum.

- I would like to see a clique analysis diagram to show factions/friends and even enemies in the squad rather than having to individually go on each player. It would also be nice to allocate somebody to bridge gaps between cliques. For instance you could ask somebody in one group to try to befriend another. I remember when Gallas was at Arsenal he once stated he had no friends at the club.

- Option to train a players weaker foot.

- To expand on the increasing flops, here’s my idea: Lets say player X has an adaptability stat of say 5/20. His consistency stat is at 12/20. Player X then moves to Club A. Player X has a 25% chance of retaining his maximum consistency stat of 12/20. Sure enough the odds aren’t in his favour and after the move his consistency drops by a random number between 1-6. Sure enough he flops with his consistency dropping to just 6. The club sells the guy on where there is a 25% chance of him retaining his 12/20 consistency. He fails again but this time the random number is just 1. Player A now has a much more favourable consistency of 11.

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Definitely agree with the expanded press conference options.

I'd like to be able to say to the press that "no, that 4-0 victory wasn't 'incredible'. It was a good performance, but we're a great team." - or something similar.

In general, there are other interactions that I'd like to have.

- Why can't I ever discipline players for mouthing off to the press. Player x goes public with his unhappiness over a transfer demand, I go to the player interaction screen, and there's no options for disciplining him. You can seemingly only discipline or fine players for dismissals.

- And on the other side of the coin, I'd like to be able to go to the press myself and complain about issues. After qualifying twice in a row for the Champions' League with my Everton team, wages nearly a quarter of a million a week under my budget and money in the bank...the board have spent a year refusing my request to employ more than my current number of coaches. Complaining to the press could potentially backfire, or see more media and fan pressure.

- The option to be proactive in press conferences. Much like when you talk about a player or a manager. At the end of a press conference, have more options. E.g. "I'd like to comment on the ref", etc.

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1 - A 3d view from the bench.

2 - Please don't go with this new generation fm players that want the game to look like fifa manager (more control on the stadiums, personal life and so on). Keep the experience as accurate as possible on what concerns to manage a football club. You guys have been doing a greater job so far.

I tweeted Miles what I felt like a joke but he sent me here with his standard reply, so I am going to take it all the way ;) Maybe it was just not funny but possible, since its similar to Crb1986 idea. A 3d view from the bench, but with a 1st. person shooter twist. WASD to move on the touchline, shouts/tactics/sub bound to 1,2,3... bottles on the ground to kick or throw.. Probably not possible because we would need a whole new engine ingame?

I would also like to see the nickname feature used better with match commentary. I dont want to change a players name ingame but would enjoy seeing the commentator use the nickname about 10-15%.

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Recently Tim Krul of Newcastle was asked by Pardew on his opinion of Anita before actually going in for him.

I think they should implement this in FM. Like having an option of asking a certain player of his opinion of another player. And thus giving more ideas of his hidden stats like professionalism and how is he like off the field. Because a scout can only tell you his playing ability and how good he is. But opinion by another player would tell his hidden stats and know if the player has any ambition of playing in another league or club.

For eg you right click Balotelli and click 'Ask Opinion' > choose squad player > Yohan Cabaye.

It comes up as 'I have no opinion of him, as i do not know him on a personal level.

Lets say you did it for Santon.

It comes up as ' He's my good friend and i would love to play with him. Though he can be a trouble maker and has poor temperement he's still a great footballer.''

Something like that....

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more optiuons when talking to players.

players get annoyed about lack of first team football, when they come back from injury and are not match fit, it would be nice to explain that they will get thier first team football once i have brought them on as a sub for a few games first.

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Player registration:

Currently, I can sign a player at 19:00 and play them at 19:45. Whereas, in real life there is a cut-off point based on registration e.g. Van Persie had to be signed by 12:00 to be eligible for this week's fixtures. I don't envisage this being too difficult to implement.

Manager in the stand:

Similar to my above point, accepting a new job will see you instantly thrust into the front seat - even if there is a match on the same day. As we all know, this isn't even close to realistic. When a manager takes over close to a match, they will spend it in the stands and the match will be left in the hands of the caretaker manager.

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There are a lot of things that I'd be very happy to see added, but more than anything else I'm big on the dynamism of the game world, so sign me up for dynamic rivalries. I almost exclusively play long-term games and it is a tad disappointing (and glaring) to never ever get a rival because the club didn't have any initially. A better stadium naming scheme with regional influences would be nice too instead of having every club end up in these "<name> Stadium" venues.

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I mentioned this to Miles on Twitter and it may have been mentioned here as well but there's only so many post I can read!

I would like to see the implementation of 1-,3- and 6-month contracts. This would make LLM easier as it allows a manager to fill a gap (say, a key player as a 1-month injury and there is no backup) cheaply without him then getting unhappy and lowering morale when he isn't playing for the remainder of the season.


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Loaning out players should be much easier. For example I'm managing Arsenal and have many options in midfield and would want to loan out some of my promising youngsters (Ramsey, Oxalade-Chamberline, Coquelin) but get no offers.

Even when you are willing to cover most or all of their wages still no offers.

In real life almost every good prospect of a top club can make a loan deal and be a starter at a mid table team.

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Loaning out players should be much easier.

In real life top clubs future stars are easily loaned out to mid table teams in the same league and in FM it's quite hard and only really young inexperienced players get offers from much lower leagues.

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Top division teams not playing terribly weak starting line ups in the cups. This is basically the only thing that annoyed me about FM12, because it leads to some ******** cup results and basically makes the cup a pointless competition [lower league teams winning consistently etc]

Maybe a slight tweak to home v away form as well, as I feel that the home team almost has too much advantage playing at home at times, but I don't think it would need a massive change, just a tiny tweak as it's pretty close to be spot on, just not quite there yet IMO

Being able to purchase a player, but send him back to the club you bought him from for a year+ on loan like what happens often in real life, yes you can use the purchase at end of the season option, but I feel this should at least be an option.

Also I think 2nd teams in Germany are flawed some what, IRL a lot of players don't play in these 2nd teams till 18/19 years old, but if they are regulars in their 2nd team on FM, they suffer from 'lack of match experience' which is rather frustrating. Especially if your 2nd team is in the 3rd division, why would one of my players suffer from lack of match experience playing regularly for my 2nd team in the 3rd division, yet if he was on loan to a first team club in the same division he wouldn't be lacking match experience. Even then I don't see why a 19 year old playing 2nd team football would lack match experience, it's a pretty regular occurrence in Germany to be that age and playing that level of football as part of your development.

Also on 2nd teams, I'd like an option similar to being able to make players available for 2nd team, but the opposite, in terms of blocking people from playing for the 2nd team, mainly in the youth team where 14-16 year olds consistently get selected for the 2nd team when I don't want them to, so an option to block them from playing for the 2nd team would be good.

Maybe harder to retain players as well, seems too easy sometimes, IE I only ever get transfer requests for lack of playing time, players are hardly unhappy when a bigger club [4 stars +] comes in for them and you reject it, even if they are highly ambitious and the team your at only has say, 2.5 stars reputation.

EDIT: Also improved squad building / tactical AI

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Recently Tim Krul of Newcastle was asked by Pardew on his opinion of Anita before actually going in for him.

I think they should implement this in FM. Like having an option of asking a certain player of his opinion of another player. And thus giving more ideas of his hidden stats like professionalism and how is he like off the field. Because a scout can only tell you his playing ability and how good he is. But opinion by another player would tell his hidden stats and know if the player has any ambition of playing in another league or club.

For eg you right click Balotelli and click 'Ask Opinion' > choose squad player > Yohan Cabaye.

It comes up as 'I have no opinion of him, as i do not know him on a personal level.

Lets say you did it for Santon.

It comes up as ' He's my good friend and i would love to play with him. Though he can be a trouble maker and has poor temperement he's still a great footballer.''

Something like that....

I like this idea! and the player you ask could possibly go public, like what Arteta did with Cazorla, and tell the press that he thinks Cazorla would be a great signing and would love to play next to him. So then if you sign him, Arteta is happy and possibly so are the fans depending on who is recommended.

And also if you don't sign the player after he is recommended to you, perhaps the fans wonder why you haven't signed such a fantastic talent?

I don't think it would work for the players to get moody with you just because you haven't signed a player they suggested though, as there could be other factors such as funds, although this could be explained to the player in private interaction, whereby the player asks why you haven't signed the player they recommended, and you can respond:

A) We do not have the funds to meet the asking price for him

B) He rejected our interest

C) We do not think he would fit into the squad

D) We have too many players in that position

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Good shout! Seconded!

I third job interviews! They would bring SO much realism to the game and make it that more of a challenge to not only "pass" the interview, but to stick to those promises that you made in your interview with regards to transfers and style of play

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Loaning out players should be much easier.

In real life top clubs future stars are easily loaned out to mid table teams in the same league and in FM it's quite hard and only really young inexperienced players get offers from much lower leagues.

Loaning out players should be much easier. For example I'm managing Arsenal and have many options in midfield and would want to loan out some of my promising youngsters (Ramsey, Oxalade-Chamberline, Coquelin) but get no offers.

Even when you are willing to cover most or all of their wages still no offers.

In real life almost every good prospect of a top club can make a loan deal and be a starter at a mid table team.

Agree with these. I managed Real Madrid in my last save, and tried loaning out players like Nani, Nuri Sahin and Ozil, but nobody would want them, even when I paid 100% of their wages! It got very frustrating and ruined the game quite a lot as I had all this talent that I needed to either recover from injury or gain fitness or just be utilised in a first team role for development, but nobody would sign them!

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I like this idea! and the player you ask could possibly go public, like what Arteta did with Cazorla, and tell the press that he thinks Cazorla would be a great signing and would love to play next to him. So then if you sign him, Arteta is happy and possibly so are the fans depending on who is recommended.

And also if you don't sign the player after he is recommended to you, perhaps the fans wonder why you haven't signed such a fantastic talent?

I don't think it would work for the players to get moody with you just because you haven't signed a player they suggested though, as there could be other factors such as funds, although this could be explained to the player in private interaction, whereby the player asks why you haven't signed the player they recommended, and you can respond:

A) We do not have the funds to meet the asking price for him

B) He rejected our interest

C) We do not think he would fit into the squad

D) We have too many players in that position

This is a great idea to my suggestion as well. It gives us more realism when dealing with transfers. Like Debuchy is unhappy with Lille right now, because he can't get his move to Newcastle because he wants to play with Cabaye. Or if you are buying a certain high calibre player for a smaller club, you can use your own players friendship to persuade him. If they are under their 'favorite personnel' maybe it works better.

Because right now, the favorite and disliked personnel details has very little to almost zero effect on gameplay. Like for eg. Debuchy is favorite with Cabaye. So when you right click Debuchy > Persuade > Choose player > Cabaye. This in turn will make Cabaye persuade Debuchy to join him in Newcastle even though Newcastle can't offer C.League football like Lille can. So the result comes up as ''I've managed to speak to Debuchy and he is now highly inclined to joining our club. He has indicated that he'll talk to his management to let him leave Lille and his preferred destination will be us.'' Lets say you do it for random players without consideration of favorite or disliked personnel. The result will come up differently. Like the player will talk to you and say "I've tried my best, but i have failed to persuade Player X into joining our club."

So when you right click players you have options like 'Persuade' and 'Ask Opinion'. This makes you of certain details in FM that is there, but does nothing like the liked and disliked personnel. It certainly adds alot of depth when we deal with transfers but 1 problem is, how will you implement this into Regens. In the real world it happens all the time. That's how transfers work. Like Kevin Nolan persuading Carroll to join him at West Ham, Rooney doing it for Van Persie etc etc.

If people like this idea maybe we can start a seperate thread and discuss how this can be implemented maybe in the FM 2014. So SI will have about 2 years to develop this model.

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I'd like to play the Scenario Mode from FMH on actual FM.

A big problem I have with the game is that, because I try to be as realistic as possible when managing, I will always accept an offer from the Italian FA to be their Manager. I'll resign from my club and they'll appoint some nutcase who signs a bunch of players who are absolutely awful. I normally intend to try and get my old job back after my time at Italy comes to and end and it is such a ballache, to me personally, to have to get the squad back up to standard.

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yes i agree with the stupid goals. Hardly kept a clean sheet this season, even when dominating a game due to one shot they get, from an iniderct free kick, or a striker tackles a defender. or a corner.

i would like international injuries sorted, they happen far too often, completed a transfer, next day, injured while training with the international squad.

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I remember sensible soccer from the early 90's and the "3D" match engine isn't much better than that, it has been over 20 years so surely it can and should be better by now.

I am still wanting a chairman style mod or game and those that harp on that it isn't "football manager" when does a manager sort out contracts?

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An option to make players available for youth squad if they are eligible like what you can do with the reserve squad. Example Scotland has no reserve league but SPL rules are you must have 3 players under 21 in match squad, so you are forced to put youth players in match squad that maybe you have no intention of playing so would be good if you could make them available for under 19s when lacking match fitness and doesnt affect development due to playing no games

(sorry if idea already posted couldnt be bothered reading through all 8 pages)

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Two things.

With the new Premier U-21 League, we have a good league for people who want to start off as the Youth team manager, or as they are being called these days, the Developmental Squad. We as a player, would have the chance to build up reputation as a coach in a relatively competitive league, learn the ability to nurture youngsters and in fact, use the whole opportunity as a tutorial for the 'real job' as well if you are a new player since it will be considerably a low pressure job where learning about tactics and developing youngsters is seen as the more important thing rather than results. Our team's manager could give us advice as well etc etc. It would certainly open up a new aspect of the real life footballing system for us and make us more immersed in general.

The second thing is a consortium or tycoon stapling you to their takeover bid while you are unemployed. IE, if the Thayers want to buy Everton FC, they'll contact you and ask you if you'll become Everton's manager if their takeover succeeds. Here you could negotiate your demands with them. For eg, how much investment you'd want or that you'll only move if you expand the stadium or youth facilities.

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the correct offside rules, and wrong descisions actually being boardeline, rather then the rediculous

just had a goal ruled out for offside, when my player whips in a cross, the one defender stood between ALL my players and goalkeeper at the time of the cross (a good 4 yards away from everyone) collects the cross, my striker tackles that defender, scores and is flagged offside.

1. he is clearly ONSIDE at the time of the cross as he would run on to recieve the cross, where that defender already is.

2. he tackled the defender, therfore isn't offside as it came off thier player.

and #2 really needs putting into the game, if it comes off an opponant it cant be offside via a clearence or attempted clearence. thats the rule getting 2-3 offsides because of this

and offsides being pulled up right away, gets annoying seeing a player run halfway down the pitch.... then get flagged offside.

i have no problem with wrong descisions but there is a limit to what is wrong and just plain stupid.

hard enough drawing to 100% goals to shots on target ratio without 2 or 3 dissalowed goals.

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People ask for job interviews every year, I have no idea why they're not in the game. It can't be that hard to implement, surely?

once you look at the subject of this thread, you think SI really care suggestions and there are always a hope to see some great suggestion in the next version of the game ..

and when they game annouced, you just see minor features let you think not buying game, but then you just purchase the new one just because you felt a those minor ones could be decent since you feel Boredom about the older game or you want such updates like transfers, promotions/relegations etc..

I find myself spending less time on FM year after year, and buying FIFA manager more recently to kill my boredom, even thought i still FM due to more 'realistic type of news' in your inbox plus getting jobs.. but features like contracts, Training, Tours & graphics are miles better there..

you just feel sometimes this thread is just Garbage dump for the original forum to prevent more suggestion threads..

sorry for my honest saying !

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once you look at the subject of this thread, you think SI really care suggestions and there are always a hope to see some great suggestion in the next version of the game ..

and when they game annouced, you just see minor features let you think not buying game, but then you just purchase the new one just because you felt a those minor ones could be decent since you feel Boredom about the older game or you want such updates like transfers, promotions/relegations etc..

I find myself spending less time on FM year after year, and buying FIFA manager more recently to kill my boredom, even thought i still FM due to more 'realistic type of news' in your inbox plus getting jobs.. but features like contracts, Training, Tours & graphics are miles better there..

you just feel sometimes this thread is just Garbage dump for the original forum to prevent more suggestion threads..

quite true. i've finally learnt my lesson from previous FMs. I'm not preordering or buying the game until i know what improvements have been made. i had enough of all those cosmetics upgrade which does nothing. 3d engine and AI improvements is what i'm looking for.

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