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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I would like to see the old training schedule system come back. I think FM have taken away the control we have over what type of training each player does. For example we can only pick either one attribute for a player to train on or a tactical role both at a specific intensity. In previous FM games we were able to create our own schedules and dictate exactly what attributes a player should work on and at exactly what intensity. I don't want my striker to just work on finishing at average intensity. I want all my strikers working on finishing, composure and speed at an intensity somewhere between average and heavy!

If a club in reality has a couple of training sessions a day at 3 hours per session, one player is not just going to be working on 'finishing' for 6 hours unless its Adebayor!

The training is ok but tedious, I wish I could save a certain monthly set up without having to update it every week

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I would like a feature where us, human manager, could tutor a player.

IRL, we've seen so many cases of players saying that Manager A or B was a big influence in his life. Even last week Ronaldo say this about Sir Alex Fergusson. It would be could if this could happen in FM.

At the moment i think it's not possible, because Human managers don't have any real attributes for determination and so on, so i don't know how could this be implemented. It just something i would love to do... pick up a young regen and guide him, having a real influence in his mental attributes.

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I have couple of suggestions for FM2014 I hope people agree with:


- You should be given the option to make your former playing career (if chosen) more in-depth & relevant. Say, choose to select the club(s) you played for with the number of apps/goals, the position you played in and the length of your playing career, much like those of other managers in their career stats. On the back of this, press should ask how competitions won and achievements as a player compare to being the boss, what your playing experience can bring to the youngsters in the team, how it feels to be the manager of Forest when you're a Derby County legend, Wales chances of qualifying for the first time since you represented them in the last European Champs, and so on.

- I'd assume a popular one, the press conferences NEED an overhaul, It becomes very tedious quite quickly and interviews with journalists about the opinions of other managers don't seem to have visible repercussions. Likewise, being fined does nothing to deter you from speaking out against referees as nothing happens if you do.

- As said before, manager job interviews also would be brilliant as an addition. Requests to take over as an interim/caretaker manager for clubs while you're unemployed would also add exciting variety.

- DEFINITELY need an option to recommend your own players for an international call-up to either the media or the national coach, especially considering you can big-up others for a call up.


- Maybe an option to convince recently retired players to come out of retirement for the remaining half season to help out your club out when you're in peril? Not to the extent that it can become rent-a-legend, but for instance, Scholes returning to Man Utd to help them win back the title, or a lower league team convinving a local legend to lend a helping hand?

- More interaction with fans? Maybe reassuring fans or fan representitives when the club is underachieving or put under greater pressure being appointed to a club whose rivals you used to manage (Benitez at Chelsea, McLeish at Villa etc.)

- An overall review of your time with clubs you've managed upon resigning/retiring. How, for example, under your management, "Grimsby Town have gone from the BSP to a stable League One side in three years, with a highlight being the 2-0 giant killing of Man City in the FA Cup 3rd round two years ago." Or how "Under a brief 8-month spell with Everton which saw former Champions League contenders crash down in to a relegation dogfight, losing fan favourite Maruane Fellani to rivals Liverpool"

- More visual aspects for a greater sense of achievement. Trophy cabinet of personal and club trophies/medals. Seeing players with you lifting cups in the final. Maybe newspaper cuttings with headlines?

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I don't know if it's possible, but the ME should get a certain workaround, I know it calculates stats and based on that shows you it's interpretation of what's happening, the problem with this is, that you can see your team play brilliant football in the league, and then watch them turn into bumbling idiots making stupid mistake after stupid mistake when you play against a stronger international oponent wich leads to frustration to the one viewing the match.

For instance miraculously leading 1-0 against Inter Milan they equalised after a relatively good attack in the 88th minute, but what was frustrating about it was that my 2 MC's extremely clumsilly gave the ball away: Kljestan passes short to Dennis Praet, Praet gets the ball in his rear and then both Kljestan and Praet who are closer to the ball than the closest Spagheti both walk away from the ball backwards to allow the Spagheti to come and collect the ball and pass to another spagheti who then plays a through ball allowing the striker of inter milan to score. Good goal but extremely frustrating, because the stats interpretation made it appear as if Praet and Kljestan where deliberately giving the ball away like two bribed players :p

They should somehow fix this for fm 2014 Because I kicked my pc so hard it actually shut down and I allmost feared it was dead

EDIT: Create your own free real time editor for the next football manager, because my gf won't allow me to spend 5€ on the fmrte for fm 2013 (she actually hid my credit card!) and I really loved that thing in fm 2012! Important player injured? poof, not anymore, not match fit? poof, player doesn't manage to learn the PPM you want him to learn? poof edit him in real time. I mean all these "setbacks are cheap gimmicks to make the game harder and give the illusion of a challenge annyway"

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Ability to select multiple players on the Analysis Tab. You can currently select everyone, or just one player.

What if I wanted to see how my midfield lined up against theirs in terms of Average Position, passing, tackling, crossing etc?

Should be a quick and powerful thing to deliver?

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EDIT: Create your own free real time editor for the next football manager, because my gf won't allow me to spend 5€ on the fmrte for fm 2013 (she actually hid my credit card!) and I really loved that thing in fm 2012!

You could just tell your girlfriend that you're an adult and will spend the money on YOUR credit card how YOU want to spend it and not how SHE feels you should spend it. If my missus hid my credit card or tried to stop me buying something, regardless of how much it cost, I'd buy it to prove a point.

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Simple aesthetic one for taking an existing function and turning it into an experience.

Televised Match Days.

Currently these don't offer any tension or drama, yet these matches are surely chosen for just that reason. From a gameplay perspective, I'm not about to suggest EA Sports/SKY Sports graphics - instead, prompt managers with quick-fire half time interviews, pre-match quick comments, post-match interviews.

How does it look?

Take the existing pitch view in either 2D/3D, take the Assistant Managers Feedback UI panel and re-purpose it with 2/3 questions that can be answered as the team is walking out onto the pitch/filing into the tunnel/running over to the away fans to thank them for their support.

Annoying feature? Include the option to pass on the interview/send the captain/send the man of the match.

Even better - have the assistant manager compile any match day interviews you pass on into an inbox message for you to review after the game so that you can get some genuine feedback from the players which currently only exists in player composure/buried in the info pages.

It's a very casual idea, not designed to majorly impact the mechanics of the game, but simply to re-present the existing experience in a new way that gives you that little bit more of a pull into your FM Save.

Love the game SI - congratulations on two decades of success and long may it continue.

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Idea for another role in the tactics creator:

In the AMC position: 'Forward Destroyer'

A defensively minded player with high closing down, no through balls, crosses or long shots rarely making runs off the ball and instead just sitting in the hole with a man marking role.

The main reason for this role is to close down deep lying playmakers who instigate the play from deep as how Park Ji Sung was deployed against Milan; Boateng for Milan, Montolivo for Italy etc

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Idea for another role in the tactics creator:

In the AMC position: 'Forward Destroyer'

A defensively minded player with high closing down, no through balls, crosses or long shots rarely making runs off the ball and instead just sitting in the hole with a man marking role.

The main reason for this role is to close down deep lying playmakers who instigate the play from deep as how Park Ji Sung was deployed against Milan; Boateng for Milan, Montolivo for Italy etc

Isn't that basically a Defensive Forward?

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Having the ability to set squad 'rules' as such:

For example - Being able to have a rule that all players must speak English. This would have an impact on in game communication and in turn help results!

Other 'rules' may be aa good idea, but to me this is one that sticks out!

Anyone agree?

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Comment On Next/Previous Opponent's Manager feature needs work. It seems useless now that it no longer affects player happiness in any way.

There's not much point in playing mind-games if it's not possible to unnerve opponent's players, etc.

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  • Improved match day experience - especially at the final whistle when your team has won a cup / avoided relegation / beaten a bitter rival etc. Currently the two seconds we get to see at the final whistle is woefully inadequate, the end sequence needs to be longer (for those who watch games in 3D and get immersed in the match day experience). FM13 was a step backwards as SI cut this sequence that was already partially present in FM12 :thdn:

  • Add ball boys so players don't have to walk halfway across the pitch to get the ball back in play.

  • 3D representation of both managers in and around the dugout and technical area. You added photographers to FM13, so time to add managers to FM14 :)

  • A bit more variety in goal stanchion types and net colours would be nice since currently they're all generic at the moment, whether you play in the English Northern Leagues, or the Brazilian Regional leagues (and everywhere else).

  • Confetti strewn pitch-sides for big South American derbies (this ties in a bit with the match day experience request).

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Guest El Payaso

It might be that this is already mentioned but I would like to see AI keeping hold of their players. After every season it's far too easy to build your team for free because AI teams are not holding on to these good players. There are loads of five star youngsters and already good players available which seems stupid because teams could easily keep hold of those players and young players don't even cost much in salaries. Other AI teams also wait too long before they try to sign these free agents so you get too much advantage in this too. I've seen loads of situations where tens of teams are interested in signing a free agent and you still can just pick him up as no-one else is making him an offer.

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I'd like the ability to be able to output a .csv file of statistical stuff relating to matches I've played.

As an example, I'd like at the end of each season to be able to know, per match, what each Match Stat was for each of my games, and what the starting tactic was that I used in each game.

At the moment, I have to manually track this stuff, which is a bit obsessive and weird, and I'd rather it was done for me....

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More obvious substitutions when watching a match. Can't count the times I've been scored on by a known threat that I didn't even notice had joined the game so I could adjust tactics/marking.

Can't imagine a rl manager not seeing a sub come on, but easy to miss in FM.

My suggestion is a short animation of the players run off/on and maybe the red/green number board they hold up.

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More obvious substitutions when watching a match. Can't count the times I've been scored on by a known threat that I didn't even notice had joined the game so I could adjust tactics/marking.

Can't imagine a rl manager not seeing a sub come on, but easy to miss in FM.

My suggestion is a short animation of the players run off/on and maybe the red/green number board they hold up.

There could also be a simple pop-up to notify this.

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More control over your reserves/youth manager if you want. For example, say I want x player playing y amount of time for z games and maybe be able to change it according to condition. Or set up a pecking order in each position and squad selection rules.

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  • SI Staff
A higher percentage of players to have accurate skin tones.

I'm sick of people who should have a very dark skin tone appearing with what looks a light tan in matches

If you believe some players to have inaccurate skin tones in the database, then please log them in the appropriate Data Issues thread.

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One very simple addition I'd like to see is when defending corners the option to place a man on or just inside the six yard line about level with the near post: where many teams place the best header from their attacking players, ie Drogba always used to stand there for Chelsea.

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abilty to ask the board for an affiliate within the country so you can send foreign players on loan so they will count as home grown. I know you can already resquest an affiliate within the country but this would make more clear to the youth you intended to keep him long term

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A new position. Slightly infront of AMC but behind ST - One where Rooney / Suarez / Michu would sit. It is implemented as AMC - Inside Forward however, Rooney's natural position is ST and I don't agree with that. Nor do I agree with Deep Lying Forward.

I would like to search people who can play this role as their natural position and I believe the only way to do this is by adding a whole new position for him. (Second Striker) Possibly

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When a player asks for a new contract, we should have the option to just be honest with him and say there's not enough money to offer him a better deal.

There's a player on my team who keeps asking me the same thing over and over again and it's a little annoying .. he deserves a better contract but i'm broke :D, so i just keep lying to the guy.

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When a player asks for a new contract, we should have the option to just be honest with him and say there's not enough money to offer him a better deal.

There's a player on my team who keeps asking me the same thing over and over again and it's a little annoying .. he deserves a better contract but i'm broke :D, so i just keep lying to the guy.

This has to be included, as a lower league manager on a budget being able to tell a player that there is nothing left in the coffers is a must.

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Hello everyone!

I'm a newbie here, so sorry for all my future mistakes!

Sorry first of alla if my proposal it has already been wrote by anyone.

I having a lot of fun playing at FM2013 (I am a FM player since the 90s) but I really find hard to get the right tactic to my team: match by match there's always something to change, a new instruction to give, and so on.

You have to check your tactical experiments into the matches, and I think it is a loss o time: it would be more realistic and more useful to all the FM managers to check their tactical instructions during the week, into the training week.

My idea is adding a friendly match in the week, not a normal friendly match, but a training one: you can choose the leght of the matc (45', 60', 90' or whatever) and choose what tactical part of you strategy you woul like to test.

For example: I really would like to improve my offensive schemes and I plan my weekly "training friendly match" will be a 60 minutes match focused on that specific topic.

And when I get that my players have undestood my instructions, I can "save" that offensive scheme and use it (as the 'shouts') in the official matches. This could give all the managers to have a list of "tactical costumized shouts" and use them in the matches.

Of course, this "training friendly match" will not decrease the percentage of fitness of the players.

Thanks for your attention.


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Not sure if it's been mentioned as I'm not going to read through 47 pages, but I'd like the option to actually change what to do JUST before a free kick or corner. I know you can make changes during the match, but I'd like an option to come up just before each set piece. Sometimes you may want to change the area for the ball to be hit towards; maybe how many players to have forward or leave back; have your goalkeeper come up for a corner in the dying seconds of a match. All of this currently is set for the whole match and not just specific individual set pieces. If the player is not wanting anything changed then he/she could just click the CANCEL button to keep the current set piece settings. People might think that the game would be a lot of stop starting, but I don't think it would because how hard would it be to just quickly click CANCEL if no changes are wanted?

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I would love to see SI more focus on ME for FM14 rather than other things, which are more easier to fix.

the ME Should be realistic, stable, .... Although there were many patches/updates since launch, but still many problems with ME.

I believe you can fix this.

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I would love to see SI more focus on ME for FM14 rather than other things, which are more easier to fix.

the ME Should be realistic, stable, .... Although there were many patches/updates since launch, but still many problems with ME.

I believe you can fix this.

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This has to be included, as a lower league manager on a budget being able to tell a player that there is nothing left in the coffers is a must.

It amuses me that so often the most obvious response is missing from private chats.

Like when a player demands to leave, you offer him mutual termination, and he comes back to you accusing you of forcing him out. Yet I can't refer to the fact he asked to leave two days ago?

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I would love to see SI more focus on ME for FM14 rather than other things, which are more easier to fix.

the ME Should be realistic, stable, .... Although there were many patches/updates since launch, but still many problems with ME.

I believe you can fix this.

I would rather they focus on all the many non-ME issues. At least the ME is the same for both teams.
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More Media more interaction supporter power - how they force out managers/owners, opnions people in the game buying you time and others stabbing you in the back. When a job is vacant the game should be at its peak with rumours and people saying they are in or out of the running. Interviews would be real as would more realstic options in contract like need new backroom staff, need a premier wage structure etc.

The power of the press and media today is massive and affects the game but at the moment the game is massively selling itself short in this department.

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I like the idea of a player questioning you as to whether they have a future at the club if you accept a bid for them (assuming they've not been transfer listed and don't have a squad status of 'not needed'). I think this would be useful to discuss why you accepted a bid (eg club needs the money, player surplus to requirements, good offer etc) directly with the player in a conversation where they can respond rather than that thing that asks your reasons for accepting/rejecting a bid with no conversation with the player as I feel doing this has no ramifications on player morale as it stands.

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I don't think it's right that when I choose my second nationality as Indian, which it is, I am told that I speak Hindi, which I don't. I do however speak very basic (GCSE-Level) Spanish. Can I not choose the languages separately to my nationality?

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FMC Mode remembers the olds, simpliest and funny versions of Championship Manager. The last FMs are maybe too complex and they have some uninteresting things, often made not good enough. A mix of FMC and Normal Mode would be a perfect match point.


Is it impossible? No. Think to the new SimCity. A lot of things that in the old SimCity were calculated with algorithms, in the new one are managed in real time. Think to Fifa and Pes and their manager mode that allows to view a game like a coach. Yes, Fifa and Pes don't have all the options that FM has got, but there are options in the EA and Konami videogames that can let you customize formations, tactics, training...

It would be an advantage both for users and developers: no more bugs relative to bad algorithms, because the developers should reduce the effects of some feature that it has too importance now like team/players talks, and because a real time engine doesn't allow classic glitches/AI errors belonging to a precalculated one (do you imagine some of the FM match engine glitches/AI errors in Fifa and Pes?).

Again, consider a real time football game. It's half time, you losing and you talk to your squad. Your speech give a boost to your players, then you see them running more in the second half, they're full of fight... :D But you don't know and dont'have the certainty that your words are decisive for the final score. Neither the cpu. But if is precalculated like the current engine, the cpu can decide that your talk it has been a key role for the final score and you'll win despite all the other choices and parameters.

Do you realize what is the "real" difference? If the engine is precalculated, you don't know the results of your choices until the final whistle, but the cpu already knows before you because it has to predetermine it (and it does it each time you make a change). Instead, using a real time engine, neither you and the cpu can know the consequences of a substitution or a tactical change, you will know them along with the cpu at the same time, in real time, during the game.

About the graphic? No one asks a new graphic, the current one is ok. Anyway, the dream is an agreement between Sega and Konami to use the Pes engine.


I really liked the training system of CM4 and ended with FM2005, a table filled with 3 personal trainings for each day of the week. I nver understood why it was abandoned, it was the most realistic system ever. I hope FM2014 will have the same one.

A real revolution would be, along with that system, using the match engine to watch the training. Not only a visual feature, but it should give the possibility to see how the players play during the trainings, how they make the tests, how they play the training match. We could make the formation basing on what we've seen in the training match (like the real coaches). In addition, it would be great to see our alter ego on the pitch, moving him and talk to the players. It's very futuristic, but I hope to see it in the next FMs.


Anyone played Ultimate Soccer Manager? Do you remember the personalized strategies? They were applied not very well, but the feature was great.

It would be a good point if strategies would be made at least for free kicks and corner kicks.



-At least 16 newgens each year for every club that plays in active leagues. It's too important for all the clubs, especially for high schools or clubs with age limit. There are no clubs in the real world, even the ones of bottom divisions, that don't have at least 16 new youth players every year.

-At least 10 newgens every year for the 20 strongest clubs of each Nation. It's crucial to have a good number of players for all National teams forever and to have good rosters for clubs in non-enabled leagues.


One of the key feature and one of the most underrated.

-Regional Rules: it's a key element. We need it to make independent divisions and sub divisions for regional leagues. Currently, there is no way to make real regional divisions, just a big national division with national sub divisions with a lot of limits. It's a serious fault, above all considering it causes a mess for play-offs and play-outs. Example: I have 3 regional leagues, rlA, rlB and rlC. Each regional league has 2 local leagues. I want to make play-offs between the two local leagus of rlA and winner is promoted in rlA. This is not possible with the editor. I can only make play-offs for one local league or a global play-offs tournament involving all six local leagues.

-custom sub divisions in other sub divisions: it would be very important, because there are regional and local leagues which have different rules for each sub division. It would be really useful make custom sub divisions inside other subdivisions. Current option allow to make groups in a sub division, but we can't customize them.

-Apertura and clausura: like Argentina championship.

-MLS structure: I mean teams belonging to a group can play against teams of other groups.

-Qualification tournaments: another key element. If I want to make a qualification tournament for a cup, I can't.

-Venues: option to select venues for leagues and cups.

-Option to choose exact dates for championship matches.

-More options for play-offs and play-outs.

-Add shoot-outs to extratime and penalties.


Press conferences don't work. It's better to remove them, or turn them non influential for the gameplay (in the real football, Cristiano Ronaldo can get angry if Mourinho says he wants to defend rather than attack? No. So why a press conference it has to be so important in the game?). But I hope Sigames might improve them.

-Requirements to get a promotion (stadium, club status...).

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