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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I liked the old CM4 training interface, what I'm now led to believe is that it made very little difference & was little more than window dressing but if SI could work out a way for it to truly work then I would be all for it, anything to make sure that sliders never return is a good idea in my book.

The real time match engine just isn't possible, FM calculates a full 90+ minutes for every match, FIFA (this includes FifaManager) & PES only calculate for the length of time that you set, that means a 6 minute match only has 6 minutes of game time calculated & most importantly of all a real time match engine would mean that everyone would have to watch the full 90 minutes, any form of highlights wouldn't be possible until after the game had been played.

On the newgen issue the only way to give every team 16 players per year would be to retire 16 players per year from every team otherwise the player database would grow to a point where the game crashes (see FM12 add/remove league function).

Editor suggestions are all good ideas, as always the imagination of the wider editor community will always be greater than the limited number of folk coding the game.

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something which i have been posting for years...

i think it's incredibly annoying that you can't have something to differentiate between direct and indirect free kick takers. think of all the times you were forced to have you striker (who also happens to be the best direct free kick scorer on the team) float in a cross instead of being in the box to be on the receiving end of the cross.

it's beyond me why such a simple, realistic issue was never put into the game..

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You could just tell your girlfriend that you're an adult and will spend the money on YOUR credit card how YOU want to spend it and not how SHE feels you should spend it. If my missus hid my credit card or tried to stop me buying something, regardless of how much it cost, I'd buy it to prove a point.
exactly its HIS money he can spend how sees fits
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I'VE GOT IT! I've had a brain wave. I think its a great idea.

What we need is an FM Tactics/Formations App for smartphones.

It allows the user to create tactics and strategies (using the FM TC) from the palm of their hand and then allow them to upload them to, and I cringe to type this phrase, The Cloud™ which they can then later insert into their save game files.

I got the inspiration while scribbling on post it notes in my lunch break, trying to think of a workable formation for my current save.

Plus we all know that the best ideas come either down the pub, or on the toilet. :D

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I'VE GOT IT! I've had a brain wave. I think its a great idea.

What we need is an FM Tactics/Formations App for smartphones.

It allows the user to create tactics and strategies (using the FM TC) from the palm of their hand and then allow them to upload them to, and I cringe to type this phrase, The Cloud™ which they can then later insert into their save game files.

I got the inspiration while scribbling on post it notes in my lunch break, trying to think of a workable formation for my current save.

Plus we all know that the best ideas come either down the pub, or on the toilet. :D

Do you always take a post-it pad with you when you visit trap 2?

Third party device integration is something that I would like to see, being able to use a notepad or other similar device to make tactical changes while watching the match on my primary display is a little dream of my mine.

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Holiday Options/Improvements

I would like to see a slight change in how the Holiday system works. Once the off season is over and the transfer window closes, I find I mostly holiday the non-game days through most of the season. But every once and a while I will miss out on something that required action. I would like to be able to set up the "Holiday" system to work more like a "Quick Sim" system whereby the same things are happening but I can choose what items will stop the quick sim so that I can take action. Same thing during the off season. If I'm not planning on making any moves, I Holiday. But then I miss out on the e-mail from the groundskeeper asking for pitch changes and sure enough I wanted to make some. Just giving me a checkbox that allows the quick sim to stop if a personal message requiring a response comes through would be great for me.

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I really wish they would do something with the teaching and unlearning of certain ppms.

It's in no way realistic that you would have to get a coach to work in training with a player to stop him shooting from distance and alot of the time they actually fail.

In real life you'd simply say. ''Stop constantly shooting from distance'' and that would be that.

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Wish they would just forget all the peripherals and get a 100% working ME, with players doing 100% what they should do upon instruction and improve Staff intelligence so you can actually allocate roles which will be done correctly. That is all.... Why bring in new features when the ones we have don't work properly?!

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This is more of an editor improvement than an actual gameplay improvement, sorry if this has already been suggested in an earlier post or if this isn't the right place for editor suggestions. When creating a new league system in the editor, it would be nice if users to create promotion criteria IE set stadium requirements that must be met if a team is to be promoted.

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Remove the "Making Tactical Changes" pause in the match. Have the manager on the touchline shouting the instructions or when there is break in play a player would go to the touchline and take instructions. When subs are being made have them come off the bench and stand next to the fourth official ready to come on. This would prevent changing the team mentality to defensive to see out a narrow 1-0 lead only to have them score a goal before tactical changes to be made and then not having another break in play to change it back to attacking.

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The pause has to be there as that is when the match engine calculates how the remainder of the match will play out with the changes that have been submitted.

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A few more ideas:

1) If you withdraw players from a national squad it would be a nice addition if you could explain why the player has been withdrawn for example just back from injury, need you fresh for the next club game etc.

2) Along the same lines of what I said above, perhaps ask a national manager not to include one or a number of your players.

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I'd like the option to choose the start date for a staff member contract.

- E.g. the contract of my old DoF ends on 30. June and I want to secure a new one before the 1st July but I can't have two at the same time, so I have to wait until the contract of the old DoF runs out before getting a new one.

- would also be helpful for persons who currently still have a playing role at their club but you just want them for their staff role.

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* I would like SI to spend some time and resources on the African part of the database. I think it's really bad that we still do not even have the highest division for most of the African countries in the database. Should be too hard to find out colors, cities, stadiums and so on for the teams in, well, every African country and also most players. Some countries do not even have a full national team (or U-21/U-19). There's no need to scout it good enough to make the countries playable but to fill most of the embarrassing gaps there is now. Use the community or try to get some contacts in CAF. Maybe talk to some newspapers in the countries where there's gaps, they should be able to give the hard facts about the clubs and maybe team sheets if that's not available elsewhere. It would however be nice to have Ghana or Nigeria (officially) playable in the future, but that's another issue.

* It would be nice with some new features when starting a new game. For example would I like an option to load all current youth (U19, U20 & U21) players from a given country, region or continent. Maybe also an option to instruct the game to load the "best" players from a country. Say 100, 200 or 500 best players. Where "best" could be defined by say the 75% with best reputation or CA and then 25% best PA (of those not included in the category) so that the best talents are included as well. Why, some may ask? Because I often think that loading all players from a country loads way to many players and for some countries, mostly African, I think the game loads too few (or all) with the current options. With this option I would be able to easily load the best 500 Portuguese players in the database without having to either load the league as active or load all 5000, or how many they are, in the database.

* Furthermore I would like an option to add view-only leagues in already started games.

* An overhaul of the feeder system. I love the feature, it's one of the best that has been added in recent years.

- A longer process where you discuss more with the board rather than get three random alternatives and then choose.

- I would also like a bar or stat for how close the relationship is. Keeping a good relationship will give benefits such as easier to get loan requests accepted or maybe a chance for the feeder to use a player not really good enough because they value the relationship as a whole. A low relationship will heighten the chance of termination and give lower chance of requests of all sorts accepted.

- You should get a new tab at the feeder clubs screen where you could interact with that club. For example if you're the parent in the relationship you can go there and offer them a chance to send a few of their players to train at your facilities with your U-19 team.

- When sending out players of loan to a feeder you should do that at the same tab I talked about earlier and it should be more along the lines that you offer a player to them and then they get back saying "Yes please, he'll be our star player for the next season!" or "Nah, we don't need this guy. Won't use him at all if you send him.". It would give the benefit that we would get an idea of the status that player would get before sending him. You should also be able to determine terms. I miss the option to let a player play against my own team for example when sending them to feeders. Maybe also an option to send a player indefinitely so that he won't come back until you recall him. Would be good for work permit solutions or if you have a young player that you may have a spot for in a few year so instead of fixing new loans every year. Of course the players could get mad if they're sent for several years and never recalled.

- When selling players I would love an option to offer the player exclusively to my feeder teams

- It would also be nice if you could offer/get offered a chance to send not-yet-generated youth players to your parent club. This should not get any real visible effects at the time but in the long run heighten the relationship between the clubs and raise the CA of next year's batch of newgens for the feeder club. But it should cost a small sum of money for the feeder though, we can't have only positive effects.

* When loaning out players you should less often see player decline an offer right away. Instead you should get a message about the player being unsure and wants to talk about it. Then you could try to convince him, give reason why he should go there or tell him he won't be given any playing time here or that he will be sold instead/later anyways. He would the reconsider and THEN he would decline if you have failed to convince him.

* You should also be able to tell a player he won't simply get a new contract and should therefore look around for a new club right away. I hate when I get a message from some reserve saying he wants a new contract and his contract is due in five months and when I talk to him I can't recommend him to look elsewhere. In real life it's rather common for players with contracts ending to have a new club ready the day their current contract end. In FM it's more common to release them for free so they can be picked up two months later by some club.

* More staff activity. Active clubs should make sure they have a good and large team of staff. Non-active teams should if they're among the top tier of clubs in the country also be fairly active. I don't like that many legends quit the game altogether just because their country isn't active.

* It would be nice if "Golden Generations" (and the opposite) was possible in newgens. What I mean is that some countries should produce players much better than average for that country during a short period (1-3 years) or much worse players than average during the same period. Portugal had a golden generation coming though in the 90'ies, Belgium had one a few years back that should reach their prime very soon. Brazil are considered worse than ever by many at the moment and their talent that came though a few years back wasn't really that good considering it's Brazil we're talking about.

* The minimum wages for what players will sign professional contracts for should be included. I mean, how realistic is it that some guy from Sierra Leone will sign a pro-contract and move to Europe for £100-a-week? He won't be able to live by that wage. The same is for youth players signing pro-contracts. They should demand a wage giving them a chance to survive no matter how low their reputation is.

* I think geography should play a larger role.

- Put some effort into the cities databases. Make sure that all cities has coordinates and add some sort of Metropolitan area field. I don't know how it is for other cities but for Stockholm suburbs are excluded from the game. A team or player from a suburb are simply from Stockholm. I would prefer if it was written "Birth place: Stockholm (Suburb name)" and the same for clubs.

- Players on part-time contracts or low wages should be weary to move across the country, and not to talk about between countries, for a new club as it would probably not be possible economically in real life.

- Maybe semi-professional clubs could get endorsements from large local companies saying they will hire players part time which in turn will make it easier for the club to buy players from across the country or even abroad. This is pretty far from the main objective of the game but it would make it a little more realistic to manage in lower leagues.

- I think this has been mentioned before but I would like a graphical map in the game where the teams for a division or competition are pointed out.

* More statistics! Would love this in general.

- How many players has been given a first team debut for each year (and maybe listing them by name)?

- Put some effort in filling in gaps in the current statistics. It's pretty common that clubs do not have their final standings in the database for more than a few years back. This is not just non-playable teams, it's common for playable teams too.

- Could all players that has played for the team in Champions League (for example) get a note of that in their bio if we win? Darren Fletcher has one for 2008 without playing the final for example.

- All players playing a league game should also get a note of it if the team wins.

- I would also like a Wikipedia-style statistic in their bio where all clubs are listed in a table and the total number of appearances and goals are listed. Similar to the seasonal statistics we already have but sorted by clubs and during the whole career instead of by year.

* If I request a scout report from several players in the same team it would be nice if I would get the result in one news item instead of several.

* Players from countries with leagues that are not so strong (Scandinavian for example) should return home when they approach their final years if they're abroad. This is rather common in real life but impossible in FM because of high wage demands. A player aged over 30 and playing abroad should start to value the ability to settle down. So instead of sitting on the bench or playing for some mid-table English team he should lower his wage and move home. A player still good enough for a top team should not just move home, and if he's one of the game's biggest stars, or a former one, he should probably not do that neither. But the vast majority of players from countries with smaller leagues but playing parts of their career abroad will end their career in their home country.

* If I understand it correctly the name mechanism for newgens at the moment is that it will take names that players in the database currently have on random. I think this should be changed so that there's manually edited lists of names that should be used. Lists that do not necessary follow national or language lines but instead cultural. Apply a value for how common it is too. This way we would not often see names like Mohammed Smith or first names that not a single man under the age of 85 are using. For Swedish newgens it's common with names that are not given to newborns anymore and haven't been for 20 years. But they're common for 50+ people and therefore makes it into the database because of the staff. This would also give more balance to the ethnic makeup of most European countries. Mixed names (like Mohammed Smith) are common in FM but really uncommon IRL. However newgens that are clearly from non-British are less common in FM than in real life. With this system a percentage of newgens could be given names from other cultures but still English nationality. Today there's a few players with names from other cultures but those are almost always with a second nationality too.

* Let me as the manager recommend/try to influence what national team a player with dual nationality should go for. "Take up that offer from the country with lesser reputation!", "Wait and see if you can make it for the better team in the future!", "If you choose *random African country* you will lower your chances of making it here since you will miss large parts of some seasons."

* As always: Make an overhaul of the press conferences. Really boring at the moment!

I hope that someone from SI are really reading this. I put some effort in it. ;)

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Hello everyone!

My idea is adding a friendly match in the week, not a normal friendly match, but a training one: you can choose the leght of the match (45', 60', 90' or whatever) and choose what tactical part of you strategy you would like to test. For example: I really would like to improve my offensive schemes and I plan my weekly "training friendly match" will be a 60 minutes match focused on that specific topic.

And when I get that my players have understood my instructions, I can "save" that offensive scheme and use it (as the 'shouts') in the official matches. This could give all the managers to have a list of "tactical customized shouts" and use them in the matches.

Of course, this "training friendly match" will not decrease the percentage of fitness of the players.

This is a good idea. I however do not see why the players would not lose fitness. It is the kind of thing you would do in preseason or when you have a 10 day break or something. I like the gist of your idea however :)

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Press Conferences don't work, it's a waste of time and setting the assistant to go to conferences does not work either, several times players lower their moral because of conferences made by the assistant evan if he has excellent atributes. Also, scouting the next opponent can be a lot more improved, what's the point to receive a report in which we are tolded that the club was founded in 1910. The 3d engine is a lot better and has the potential to improve even more (i guess we will need better computers also :-) ). Transferes could be reviewed, I know you in the UK have a special perspective about this (and a good one) but things work different in other countries and the game is not about FM in the UK but in several countries, so it should be possible to buy a percentage of the player's pass and not only 100%. When buying, teams ask a a price to high for the player when it's market value is a lot lower

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There already is one. It buys tonnes of players and lets them rot in the reserves. The game needs a sensible transfer AI, it definitely doesn't currently have one

I think IRL there are a lot of teams that buy and buy and buy.. and put a few millions in the stands every weekend...

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something which i have been posting for years...

i think it's incredibly annoying that you can't have something to differentiate between direct and indirect free kick takers. think of all the times you were forced to have you striker (who also happens to be the best direct free kick scorer on the team) float in a cross instead of being in the box to be on the receiving end of the cross.

it's beyond me why such a simple, realistic issue was never put into the game..

Agreed! It seems so logical.

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It buys tonnes of players and lets them rot in the reserves. The game needs a sensible transfer AI, it definitely doesn't currently have one

Sadly true.

The lack of competition for bosman transfers and good youngsters is however another point in itself.

(but wait what happens when people suddenly don't get that edge anymore - they'll go mad about the game being too hard)

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Sadly true.

The lack of competition for bosman transfers and good youngsters is however another point in itself.

(but wait what happens when people suddenly don't get that edge anymore - they'll go mad about the game being too hard)

You are right, in my sweeping dismissal of the AI buying too many players, I forgot that it equally never moves for bosman players, which does indeed ruin the game.

They really need to just boot it out and start over in my opinion, UNLIKE with the ME

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Is that not there already?

Nope, you can only select an option to be able to automatically return from Holidaying if you select to apply for jobs and then select to return from Holiday if offered a job. No option for new contracts or for offers when you haven't applied for a job.

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more detail than just "awaiting paperwork..." once a player has reached the required number of days to get nationality. court hearings ala work permits? or just another countdown while the application processes? just let us know so we can plan around it!!

more detailed player interaction, e.g. can I cajole my guy into picking one nationality over the other?

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Nope, you can only select an option to be able to automatically return from Holidaying if you select to apply for jobs and then select to return from Holiday if offered a job. No option for new contracts or for offers when you haven't applied for a job.
I do indeed understand the difference now
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I also think that a necessary change is to set players attributes between 1-100. The current one 1-20 is too old, it belongs to the old generation of football games. Since the year 2000 no other football games have been maked with those attributes range.

Above all, this change is necessary for the lower divisions. There is much difference between players of clubs that play in 5th tier and the ones that play in the 9th tier, but we can't apply this difference to the game.

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I also think that a necessary change is to set players attributes between 1-100. The current one 1-20 is too old, it belong to the old generation of football games. Since the year 2000 no other football games with those attributes range have been maked.

Above all, this change is necessary for the lower divisions. There is much difference between players of clubs that play in 5th tier and the ones that play in the 9th tier, but we can't apply this difference to the game.

So what you are saying is that SI should follow the example of all the inferior management games of the last 10-15 years?

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FM has a 1-200 attribute range, the 1-20 that we see is a way of mimicking subtle differences.

That is the PA-CA, not the attributes.

So what you are saying is that SI should follow the example of all the inferior management games of the last 10-15 years?


Sigames would follow the example of ALL sports games, but it's not that the point.

As I said it's necessary to give true differences to the players of lower divisions. Ability level in italian 5th tier is totally different than 10th tier, same thing in other nations. The current range 1-20 doesn't allow to properly distinguish those players.

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One thing I'd love to see is' date=' when you leave a club after managing them for a long period (say a minimum of 10 years), you have the chance to recommend to the board who your replacement should be.

We've all had those saves when you take over a lower/non-league club and build them up through the divisions and really raise their profile and it would be a nice touch to be able to say to the board "I think X would be the perfect replacement for me", whether you recommend a current member of staff or a manager from another club. Obviously it would entirely up to the board whether or not they would take your advice on board.[/quote']

I second this feature , Maybe in a patch ? or at least FM 2014

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That is the PA-CA, not the attributes.

No. If you click on an attribute you will see that there are gaps between each of the 1-20 numbers. 200 gaps. That's why a 45 degree green arrow is a 1-point increase instead of a 10-point increase.

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No. If you click on an attribute you will see that there are gaps between each of the 1-20 numbers. 200 gaps. That's why a 45 degree green arrow is a 1-point increase instead of a 10-point increase.

It doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter hidden attributes system, what is important is what you can see and what you can touch. In the editor you can set attributes between 1 and 20 and when you play the players attributes you can judge are always based on the same range. This system is old, obsolete and limiting.

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It doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter hidden attributes system, what is important is what you can see and what you can touch. In the editor you can set attributes between 1 and 20 and when you play the players attributes you can judge are always based on the same range. This system is old, obsolete and limiting.

Absolute rubbish.

It works fine on a 1-200 for an attribute but a 1-20 scale for what you see.

Your issue seems to be with very low level leagues - Italian 5th tier, Italian 10th tier but as these are leagues which SI don't support and I doubt they would have any intention of in the near future its not an issue.

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It doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter hidden attributes system, what is important is what you can see and what you can touch. In the editor you can set attributes between 1 and 20 and when you play the players attributes you can judge are always based on the same range. This system is old, obsolete and limiting.

What really matters is what is happening under the hood. The current system of 1-100 (if i remember right it's not 1-200) that's under the hood is perfectly fine IMO.

But you are right that what you can see and touch is important. And I think it's an important feature that you can't see everything.

It's hard to judge players accurately in real life, especially those from another team and it's hard to know what the players are like when you don't know them.

Thus it's really a good thing that when you see a player with 14 finishing, you don't know if it's really a 13,6 or a 14,4. And even if you did, you don't know if he can handle pressure or play consistently.

Luckily you do get to know your own players and can check their exact attribute levels from the training graphs and that's good as well.

I'd be all for more transparency for your own players. Adding the first decimal to the attribute panel would be great and more detail on the personality welcome.

For other team's players and transfer targets, however, the mystery shall remain (it could be increased for all I care).

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I'd like to see the option to see the finances generated from particular matches in the game. For example if playing as a lower league team in the cup and playing against those in the top division, would be nice to see specific gate receipts/match day income rather than checking before/after.

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I feel it would be a great addition to the game, if we could play as real life managers. Maybe some want to roleplay as Wenger, Fergie, Laudrup etc., instead of starting from scratch. Basically take over their manager profile.

Just an extra manager option, while keeping the old model, creating your own manager, intact..

Have a thread running regarding this here.

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My Ideas

A set piece creator that we can set players runs as well as more complex positioning

Manager (us) picks a prefered position at the start of a new game and it can further improve slightly players in that position and want players of that position more likely to want to play under him if your past experience is equal or greater than the level you are managing

Make a screen to view whole squad training performance

Introduce something called training workrate that shows how hard a player has been working in training. This should be shown on a bar with full working hard and empty very slack at training. THis shoud affect player performance. You can talk to players to try and get them to increase their training workrate

Scandals with newgens - Players with low temperament, high controversy can drink drive, get into fights and get into trouble off the field like they do in real life

On tactics there should be a way to set attacking and defensive movement, maybe 2 tabs on tactics and you can use arrows from each player to set this movement

You can have team meetings for a greater number of things such as poor disciplinary record

You can criticize or encourage players who dive in private chat

Make players develop better when sent on loan

Fix A-League Reputation bug

Can talk to DOF about what players you need and get him to find 5 players to play a certain role, with filters with things like nationality, age, etc.

Can talk to AssMan about your tactics and what needs tweaking, etc.

Better in-game feedback with no more need to go direct when your short passing is working

Better press conferences with tactical questions and a greater variety of answers

Board interviews before joining clubs where you can discuss playing style, learn about club history, etc.

Less bizarre results e.g. Losing to bottom placed team 3-0 after going on long unbeaten run

Improved scouting with a map of the world

Disable yellow thing when you have a note on someone

More detailed scouting reports

Ball boys and managers in 3DME

Can see players doing tricks in 3dME

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I know its impossible for legal reasons to have Mario Balotelli esq antics go on etc...but quite often in football players get there marching orders for scuffles (violent conduct) and I wouldnt mind seeing that more measured to RL events.

Refs are under the spot light more than ever these days as well and there human and make mistakes. More focus of the FA punishment system and over turning decisions would be nice.

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Having through balls that your players can actually get on the end of instead of running after balls that are always over hit, on the same note when a player receives the ball he actually controls it like a professional footballer and not like a new born deer. Oh and the ability to set where your attackers run to from crosses. I.E. have a winger aim for the back post but being able to set the striker(s) runs to the front post to draw the defenders across with them and then have the other winger run into the back post and a possible goal scoring opportunity

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I would like to see the size of the crowd changing and more varied .

IE when the commentary says team a's fans have had enough then the crowd should change so it looks like less are still there and also i have had 3 sell outs as a part time team but the seating in the ground has always been at most half full

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Improved international management:

Just why can't you scout regions? It would be especially useful if you're a small nation trying to find players to maybe switch nationalities, which leads me onto additional interation for international managers, where you chat to the player to maybe convince him to switch his allegiance.

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This is a pretty hefty thread and I haven't looked back through it so apologies if this has already been suggested but...

How about a facegen facility for when you are adding a new manager. I know there's the option of adding a pic but not everyone will have a shiny cut out pic of themselves to upload and I hate the silhouettes...

People could create their own likeness or even model themselves as the next Jose Mourinho or Peter Beardsley.. Okay, maybe not.

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