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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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Just a few ideas;

- An option to assign football chants to each club / international to increase match atmosphere

- TV Style match presentations before games e.g. players lining up and not shaking hands

- Would be nice to see the trophy you have just won held aloft by your captain

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Small and petty, but new stadium build naming could do with a refresh.

I've been at Liverpool for 2-3 years and am in the 2020's, asked for a new stadium, granted the request and it's going to be named.....The Skrtel Stadium because somehow Martin Skrtel became a legend at the club since game start.

Nothing against Skrtel becoming a legend at a club like Liverpool in-game....but seriously?? They've won nothing since before I joined whilst the guy was building up his legend status at the club, so thinking Shankly, Paisley or Dalgish Stadium maybe, but Skrtel?? A guy who is still playing in his mid-30s at Paris St Germain so bet he's as surprised as I was to have the new build named after him.

The re-naming of new builds needs to be taken away from legends of the club (even Brian Clough or Ferguson would surely not have new build stadiums named after them irl...a statue or one of the stands maybe...but??). Maybe name them after districts in the City or Town instead?? Or even call it, in Liverpool's case "New Anfield" rather that the "Skrtel Stadium" a 30-something CB who won nothing and is still playing for a European rival.

The Perryman Stadium Spurs always seem to move in to as well?? Rubbish. :D

Nitpicky I know, and it hardly matters to playing the game, but it's just naff as it is right now imho.

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That's one of my biggest pet peeves in the game, it's such a pointless feature that shouldn't bother me but it does rank highly in my list of most annoying features in FM.

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I would like to see absolutely nothing new. Not a single thing.

Just update the database. The only thing you need and should work on is the ME. For me this is the most random and definitely the worst final version of the game in the history of FM serial.

Opposition instructions have no effect (you can have the players you want, with the best defensive attributes, and you can mark the offensive players, tackle them hard or normal and it will work for about 80 minutes of the game, and then just out of nowhere a player with 13 dribbling and acceleration will make a slalom through your defense and murder your chances), players try to center from 40 meters out and hit bars on a match to match basis. In every match there is at least 2 disallowed goals. It is absolutely impossible, no matter how great team you have, to win more than 3-4 games in a run, you play in series. You win 3 than you lose 2, than play 2 draw, than win 2 again...

I really don't know a single person that is satisfied with the latest ME changes, and believe me I really know a lot of people who play the game.

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I really don't know a single person that is satisfied with the latest ME changes, and believe me I really know a lot of people who play the game.

I'm not 100% satisfied with the ME, but it is a lot better than FM12.

I would strongly refute it is the number one thing needing fixed. I question the FM intelligence of anyone who thinks the ME is worse than the AI idiocy with regards to transfers and squadbuilding. It is horribly wrong, too many players signed and never played, too many unattached players never signed, too many good players released, too many squads getting weaker.

This kills the game inifinitely more than the ME, which is in the end the same for both teams.

You win 3 than you lose 2, than play 2 draw, than win 2 again...

Posting this as a flaw further proves my above intelligence related theory

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Sarcasm. In team talks and press conferences. It would be SO much fun and useful.

Being able to tell a player you're after or that's in your team (after a contract negotiation) that their agent is asking for far too much and you cannot meet those demands.

Being able to interact with other managers post match and tell them that their team is full of butchers/hackers or that they hacked you off the pitch in the last match.

A return of the training sliders with a Mental slider for work rate, concentration, aggression, creativity etc.

If i change one formation to the other the players always end up all over the place which means i can't just quick tactic it. Surely there must be a way to change formation and have the players slot into sensible positions.

Being able to assign ALL training responsibilities to the assistant manager.

Scouting, having the ability to assign a scout to youth candidates so that when other teams get their candidates in you can see their ability and pinch them on compensation deals.

More control over stadiums. It'd be good to be able to say "gimme undersoil heating, an extra 10,000 seats and a retractable roof" . It'd also be good to be able to suggest a ticket price hike or lowering if the team is constantly filling or not filling the ground. The ability to groundshare with a local team would be good too. That way if you take a lower league team up and their stadium doesn't meet standards you can share with someone else until your ground is upgraded.

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It can be irritating to climb through the leagues with a small club, only to find that reserves and youth continue to play at the "main" stadium, resulting in poor pitch condition and even postponements.

Therefore, I would like to see a "board request" option to ask the board to find an alternative venue for youth/reserve teams (at a cost to the club) in order to keep the first team pitch in better condition.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned before, so apologies if it has.

I'd like the option when, if relegated to an inactive but playable division, an option appears offering this division to become active for the following season. This would enable you to potentially keep your job and attempt to rebuild your side without being automatically sacked.

In practice it would be something such as this; I have the English league active up to League 2. My League Two side are relegated to the BSP, which is inactive. I'm given the option through a news item to activate this division in time for the start of next season with the hope of continuing with the same side.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned before, so apologies if it has.

I'd like the option when, if relegated to an inactive but playable division, an option appears offering this division to become active for the following season. This would enable you to potentially keep your job and attempt to rebuild your side without being automatically sacked.

In practice it would be something such as this; I have the English league active up to League 2. My League Two side are relegated to the BSP, which is inactive. I'm given the option through a news item to activate this division in time for the start of next season with the hope of continuing with the same side.

if you where in real danger of being relegated could you not just add the league below with Add/Remove Leagues
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Yes but it could be easy for the player to forget so having the game provide a simple reminder near the season update point would be useful.

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I'm sure I'm not the first one to suggest this, but I would like to see the 'player on hat-trick must take penalty' feature removed, or at least restricted to those instances where a match (or, where appropriate, two-legged tie) is completely over as a contest (i.e., not when the player's team is only 2-0 up after ten minutes against a stronger side).

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I'd like to see a little hub on your profile where it show's a list of players who have scored the most goals against (say about 5 players) and also a list of 5 times who have taken the mostpoints of you, that way we'd be able to see who our boogie teams and players are

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Is there ever going to be an option to lock clauses at zero? So I can tell players no you can't ever have a yearly wage rise. I've just tried to negotiate with a player who having accepted every other part of the contract added a 10% yearly wage rise that I removed four times before he decided to pull out of the negotiations. Locking certain parts of contract negotiations is all well and good but it's annoying if you can't lock out clauses.

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I'd like to see a little hub on your profile where it show's a list of players who have scored the most goals against

I think this would be good for your next opposition. You would know which of your strikers has a good goal scoring record against that team and for them against you.

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I'm sure I'm not the first one to suggest this, but I would like to see the 'player on hat-trick must take penalty' feature removed, or at least restricted to those instances where a match (or, where appropriate, two-legged tie) is completely over as a contest (i.e., not when the player's team is only 2-0 up after ten minutes against a stronger side).

Would be solved with a simple "do you want (player on a hat-trick) to take this penalty?" pop-up when applicable.

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Is there ever going to be an option to lock clauses at zero? So I can tell players no you can't ever have a yearly wage rise. I've just tried to negotiate with a player who having accepted every other part of the contract added a 10% yearly wage rise that I removed four times before he decided to pull out of the negotiations. Locking certain parts of contract negotiations is all well and good but it's annoying if you can't lock out clauses.

YES TO THIS!! It is so INFURIATING when you've removed something only for the agent/player to keep shoving it back in your face every bloody time. I'd much prefer ALL of the clauses to be listed with drag down menus next to each so you can either set a value, lock it out or simply leave it with no value. Obviously they'd be set to no value as default and then (if either wanted to) you or the agent can set a value or block it out. That way you can tell them straight there'll be no percentage of their sell on and agents can also say the player won't take any wage cut if you get relegated.

One thing i'd really like to see is the ability to lock a max value. So i can say i won't pay any more than £100k per month, nor will i offer more than £10k per appearance. Then it's up to the agent to try and negotiate other bonuses or ask for a higher fee. I don't ever pay more than £10k on appearance bonuses and it can be really annoying trying to find the right combo before the agent takes a strop.

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- More interactive media,

- More conversation between players and coaching staff, more information about training, can create set pieces.

- The game could give more options to search for sponsorship, and especially the fans more involved with the club

- Improved handling of the transfer market, more exchange of players.

- Power criticize federation, and ask to postpone a game.

- Power switch stage where you send the games, pro example here in Brazil the team can play well rather than being something positive for the club in their stadium than usual in certain ocasioões.

- Have punishment of playing behind closed doors.

In general the media and the concept of difficulty with the players has to be improved, perfected!

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At present, referee errors seem to be restricted to offside and foul recognition/ punishment. I'd like to see other mistakes being made, such as corners/ goal-kicks/ throw-ins given incorrectly, and "ball over line?" controversies.

I'd also like to see fewer 'fluke goals' from crosses, and more goals from deflected shots.

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i'm not sure if it's possible...or if it's been mentioned before as I don't have the time to read all the suggestions. but here goes:

I would like a feature added where a lower league player can have a great season or two for his team (i.e striker scores 20+ goals in a season) becoming courted by higher teams. Resulting in a league 1/championship side paying 200k or a relatively high fee to non-league clubs for these players. Co-inciding with this sale the players CA and PA could take an unexpected leap to that of a championship strikers level. As currently it does not really matter if your striker scores 50+ goals a season despite only being reported as being a 'decent blue square prem striker in the future' it would be nice for the unpredictiality (is that even a word?!) and make lower league management more interesting - trying to unearth a lower league gem, as i feel the CA/PA part of the game restricts this. I know it is possible to an extent but i would like to see a player every so often make the leap for example from CA: 110 PA:130 TO CA:130 PA: 160

but again, don't know if this is possible.

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This is a pretty hefty thread and I haven't looked back through it so apologies if this has already been suggested but...

How about a facegen facility for when you are adding a new manager. I know there's the option of adding a pic but not everyone will have a shiny cut out pic of themselves to upload and I hate the silhouettes...

People could create their own likeness or even model themselves as the next Jose Mourinho or Peter Beardsley.. Okay, maybe not.

+1 from me!

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The feature I hope will make its appearance someday is that people will be able to erase redundant data from Football Manager, allowing games to keep running at a decent speed rather than becoming slower and slower over time. Games with huge loading times are what's keeping me from going further than 20 seasons in a game.

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Love it and have done for over 20 years but if I could have anything it would be this :

A game that doesn't crash every 30 minutes, and for my widgets not to disappear every couple of games would be nice.

I really don't want my love affair with this game to ever finish but my wits are at their end with this years one.

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If you have an unattached player on your shortlist, instead of him just disappearing you should get a message saying "Player X is seriously considering quitting football if he can't find a new deal at a decent level by the end of the month"

Also, although a lot of good league-dropping does go on, less players should retire instead of dropping leagues (although to be honest the situation shouldn't arise as often as it does, as more good unattached players should be being signed)

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Probably been said 1000 times but we do need Testimonial matches for retiring players who have had a long run with a club or so. You organise the friendly and which players to be involved.

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Top of my wish list today is bin Steam. It's dire, unwanted and I don't want 3rd party crap on my computer just to play something I've paid for.

Yet again, I can't get in to it to play. With my snail slow internet connection Steam keeps telling me I need an update. Half way through the update d/l'ing Steam tells me my connection is lost (it's not, just slow) and that I need to connect to the internet.

A boy can dream, but Steam is crap, thanks alot. :)

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If you have an unattached player on your shortlist, instead of him just disappearing you should get a message saying "Player X is seriously considering quitting football if he can't find a new deal at a decent level by the end of the month"

Also, although a lot of good league-dropping does go on, less players should retire instead of dropping leagues (although to be honest the situation shouldn't arise as often as it does, as more good unattached players should be being signed)

great idea

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You need to refine the "continue" function when out of work.

Example. When I am unemployed, I click Continue and this will always take seven days, unless I am linked to a job or offered one. Quite a few times I have not even had the chance to apply for a vacancy because that club sacked their manager and recruited a new one within those seven days. Not being unrealistic as those clubs are always around my current managerial level. Yes, I know I can "Set to apply" for a variety of clubs, but this is a very crude function and is only available on holiday. I am not holidaying here, merely pressing Continue.

Very annoying indeed!

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You need to refine the "continue" function when out of work.

Example. When I am unemployed, I click Continue and this will always take seven days, unless I am linked to a job or offered one. Quite a few times I have not even had the chance to apply for a vacancy because that club sacked their manager and recruited a new one within those seven days. Not being unrealistic as those clubs are always around my current managerial level. Yes, I know I can "Set to apply" for a variety of clubs, but this is a very crude function and is only available on holiday. I am not holidaying here, merely pressing Continue.

Very annoying indeed!

That does indeed sound like they should fix it. I guess they assume every holidays
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It's been that way for a few versions & I agree that it is very annoying, I tweeted Miles about it last year and was told that in his opinion there was nothing wrong.

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It's been that way for a few versions & I agree that it is very annoying, I tweeted Miles about it last year and was told that in his opinion there was nothing wrong.

I have a hunch you don't holiday and apply for all and sundry because you are an LLM player.

Applying for all jobs is just not realistic, unless you are called Phil Brown.

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Exactly, I have to watch as potential jobs become vacant & get filled while the game is processing another week or more, damn frustrating.

Processing stops should happen every 2-3 days when unemployed, imho there is no logical reason for the game to progress any further than that between continues.

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I would like to see a players star rating based on my team, not thiers it is a pain buying players you know look good, but star rating is low, stuffs up work permits assistant saying they arn't good enough etc, i know they will be 5 stars as soon as they are in my squad, so why are they 2 or 3 there?

those 21+ year old players from clubs that got promoted into the loaded leagues, get them off youth intake lists when i search, 28 year olds are not youths.

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I would like to see a players star rating based on my team, not thiers it is a pain buying players you know look good, but star rating is low, stuffs up work permits assistant saying they arn't good enough etc, i know they will be 5 stars as soon as they are in my squad, so why are they 2 or 3 there?
What? Do you mean in your own scout reports? What?
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yea, say I find a newgen with fantastic potenential at a lower league club or in a lesser developed league, the star rating for that player will be 2 or 3 star when you scout them, i play as United and they arrive as 4 or 5 star, it gets very confusing when looking for players when they could just have high CA and no potential

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something which i have been posting for years...

i think it's incredibly annoying that you can't have something to differentiate between direct and indirect free kick takers. think of all the times you were forced to have you striker (who also happens to be the best direct free kick scorer on the team) float in a cross instead of being in the box to be on the receiving end of the cross.

it's beyond me why such a simple, realistic issue was never put into the game..

I signed up to post this exact suggestion.

The whole "Indirect/direct freekick taker" is an outdated game mechanic. We have had the 2d/3d match engine for a few years now, so we know where exactly our freekicks are being taken from.

I'd suggest a new feature where we can designate who takes the freekicks from different areas of the field. I'd want my right footed player to make an incurling freekick from the left side of the penalty box for example, or have my freekick taker who has the hits freekicks with power PPM to take freekicks from central areas, and leave the wide freekicks for other more suitable players. This part of the set piece creator could have different "zones" to designate different takers and I'd imagine it to look a little bit like the old infamous "Wibble Wobble" tactic boards of the old CMs.

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You need to refine the "continue" function when out of work.

Example. When I am unemployed, I click Continue and this will always take seven days, unless I am linked to a job or offered one. Quite a few times I have not even had the chance to apply for a vacancy because that club sacked their manager and recruited a new one within those seven days. Not being unrealistic as those clubs are always around my current managerial level. Yes, I know I can "Set to apply" for a variety of clubs, but this is a very crude function and is only available on holiday. I am not holidaying here, merely pressing Continue.

Very annoying indeed!

I reckon you should go to the bug forum with this.

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can we do away with players moaning about first team football and wanting to go out on loan a few games into the season, it causes problems I do not need, or shouldn't be there.
some players moan when they subbed irl so idont see this as a problem as long as it only happens every now & then
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I would like to see the AI have more of a memory about you, to stop people expoiting the game.

If you sign 30 players each window and then sell them on at a profit the next, then after a while players should begin to know this will happen, and only a certain type of player personality (ambitious/mercenary?) would not be bothered by it. The rest should say "I'm not interested in discussing terms with you because your loyalty to your players is low"

Or if you already have 40 four star u21s on your books, then most other 4 star u21s (again depending on personality) should say "I don't want to sign for you because I'll just end up in reserves/out on loan/ sold".

If you habitually (as in lots and lots of times for this one) sign players as "key players" and then lower their status, certain players might not accept "Key Player" squad status (in the sense of the extra money) because they don't believe you.

If you move from club to club (or more probably NT to NT) really quickly, for example sometimes I have been something like Cuba manger, then accepted DRC because it was bigger, then left DRC for nigeria without playing a game, then from Nigeria to Uruguay without playing a game, then certain boards/FAs should reject you as you aren't trustworthy. Of course you could still find a job with clubs lower than your reputation who have recently had unscrupulous board takeovers, or NTs that are desperate for a respectable foreign coach.

I was thinking more about this yesterday, and players need to be more aware about what is going on.

Just accept the Bury job in league two, and there is no limit on the number of short term loans you can bring in, but of course only 5 can be in your matchday squad.

Purely for the experiment I went out and signed about 20 players on short term loans, which is ridiculous.

Players should be able to look at the situation and say "there is no point in me going there, I won't play"

To try and stop it just being an arbitrary hidden figure of maximum loans I have some ideas below:

If they are better than your current loan players, then they could still agree to come.

If they are better than your current loan players, but have low self-belief (if that is in the game), then they could think they won't play.

If they are better than your current loan players, would be willing to come if you had no other loans, but have low ambition and the club you are manager of is lower rep and lower league rep and the city has a lower attractiveness rating, then they could refuse to come on the basis that they wouldn't play and don't have the drive to move somewhere less 'metropolitan' in the light of the competition

If they are worse than your current loan players, but have high self belief, they could agree anyway.

If you have too many loan players, and then sign a better one, some of the ones who aren't as good or who have low self-belief could ask to terminate due to lack of likliehood of getting any more matches, even if they had been featuring a bit.

Not the most important request in here, but in the same vein as my (in my opinion) better idea quoted above.

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can we do away with players moaning about first team football and wanting to go out on loan a few games into the season, it causes problems I do not need, or shouldn't be there.

And players requesting to terminate their loan after not featuring in the first two matches.

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I really would like to see an 'Around the leagues' media summary in the next installment. Having multiple leagues loaded, and trying to follow all the latest developments is real bother. How about offering a weekly media article detailing the biggest news, scores and other info from the leagues of our choice. Also, Champions League is the most glamorous football competition on the planet, and yet in FM it is woefully underrepresented. When Bayern play Juventus, the world clamors! Yet in FM13, if I'm not part of CL, I don't even get taken to the fixtures screen, when the matches are on. I want to feel the hype and excitement that surrounds the Champions League!

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Another new stat for the FM2014

You know how you can compare results against other teams I think FM should add results against other managers. For long term players no matter how many teams you have managed you can compare how much better or worse you have done to a single manager. Just another little stat FM could add.

This is a very good example. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2251080/Manchester-United-v-Real-Madrid-Alex-Ferguson-Jose-Mourinho-relationship.html

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Anyway, I believe these features are almost essential for FM2014.

-support to 64 bit systems.

-Players attributes range evolved to 1-100.

-A lot of new features to the editor.

-highly improved ME.

-a lot of changes to press conferences. Otherwise, delete them, since they're badly made.

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The removal of the "who will win WPOTY" question in press conferences.

Barely relevant even if one of your players is in the running. Unsure why I get it in the Conference.

If they need questions to pad the press conferences, I would be happy to write up a few better ones.

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I love the new training in FM13 but would love to be able to lock a players training and then still be able to "Ask assitant to set players' focus".

Example: I use the "Ask assitant to set players' focus" button regularly, but also like to set some players training myself. The two ways of doing it though simply don't mix though as one's assistant will always override what i've previously specified. A padlock similar to what is seen in contract negotiations will allow managers to adjust a players training to what they want and then lock it, then still be able to have the assistant apply it to those who you haven't locked to prevent changes.

10 second cs6 mockup :|


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I'm sure this would be very difficult if not impossible, but it would be cool if there was an auto sync between PC/mac versions and mobile devise. So you are playing on your pc, have to go out but you can carry on exactly where you left off from your phone. That would be cool

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