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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I'm not sure if they fixed this in FM13 because I haven't played it (so I apologise if this is no longer an issue), but this problem is definitely present in FM12.

Stop generating new managers for big (or even medium-sized!) national teams, especially when there is a massive pool of managers qualified to take that position.

Many times I have seen this. For example, the last 3 managers hired to to take the England job in my save were all generated, and typically they were all rubbish and won nothing. Generated national team managers should be a very last resort and yet they are a common occurrence. Managing national teams is a prestigious job, and when searching for a new manager the game shouldn't just give up when there are no easily available managers, it's likely a high profile manager could be persuaded to leave his comfy club job for the honour of managing a national team.

As an addition to this, it's sometimes the case in real life to see smaller nations managed by foreign managers who aren't very well known in their home country, and indeed there are managers who spend their whole life shooting around between different small national teams. For example, Andre Villas-Boas worked as manager of the British Virgin Islands for a brief period before he was widely known.

So this is an area of the game I'd like to see improved, although I don't actually know if this was changed in FM13 or not, heh.

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1. More variety of transfer stories - e.g Odemwingie leaving without permission.

2. Your wages actually mean something - Spend it on coaching courses/licenses, language lessons (improves team-talks when managing abroad. Also, spend it on travel costs, fines??

3. Better relationships with players/managers.

4. To be able to manage u18 and reserve teams.

5. Be able to do more with the squad (e.g golf weekends, holidays, training camps)

6. Maybe more stories and rumours on your personal life???

7. I dont want to be sacked everytime I declare interest with another job.

8. Better press conferences.

9. Have your own agent who finds you good jobs, contract, and things what you can spend your wages on.

10. Better trophy celebrations. E.g. after winning the CL it seems a bit like 'ok, is that it?!'

11. More stuff to do, ATM i feel i click the continue tab, read messages, have a quick browse at fixtures and leagues, click continue tab again and again and again. Needs more stuff to do!

12: When you finally agree a fee with a quality player and you finally try and offer them a contract but they're not interested in joining. E.g I'm pretty sure Falcao wasnt interested in joining Monaco but they offered him a contract with a huge salary and he accepted.

FM 2014 should allow you to at least offer a contract!

13. Clubs should try to sign you whilst they already have a manager (say if he's leaving or retiring at the end of the season) rather than just when the job is vacant and it could be announced mid-season so you could already start looking at transfer targets etc.

14. To be able to delay a transfer more than once if you dont have the funds. Sometimes on deadline day teams have cancelled a transfer as I have asked to delay it for a couple of hours. Also you could maybe ask the board to take a loan out so you can buy the player and then pay it back later.

15. I would also like an addition of a poll where you could ask the fans who they would like for the club to sign/sell and what positions could be strengthened. Sometimes I have a dilemma as to which player to sign so this could help persuade me.

16. I hope the team talks are tweaked in the new game. For me in '13' some team talks were far too overpowered. It is getting to a point in a tight game and the scores are level that I want to go 1-0 down so I can aggressively have a go at them at half-time. Nearly every time I come back and get something out of the game. This happens with the AI against me as well.

17. Also, when in a derby game or Final I wish the Passionate team talks are more effective than they currently are. ATM in big games you can really get them hyped up for the game (or 2nd half) in a Hollywood Sports Movie type way and the players couldn't give a toss. I want the players (in the right situations) to be pumped up and absolutely flying when they get out on the pitch. Take Chelsea at the weekend, Jose obviously said summin before the game and the players were tearing about the pitch and you should be able to see this reaction in FM14. This could maybe be a new 'dramatic' feature in special games such as a manager's final ever game in charge, a huge derby game etc where rare teamtalks could be implemented.

18. Better use of in-game sound. I currently dont use the sound (does it only contain crowd noises?). I would like in game voices. E.G When in press conferences you can actually here the people asking questions. Maybe you could hear a variety of shouts etc. in the changing rooms for players responding to your teamtalks.

19. Continuing from last point- Many people, including myself want improvements made to when you win a trophy but I realise that it would take a lot up regarding game speed if they implemented cut-scenes but maybe you could just be sat in the post match teamtalk page once you've won a trophy and you can here the players cheering etc. ATM sound, IMO, is pretty pointless.

20. Be able to announce your retirement/resignation months before you actually do so, and if your a club ledgend be able to choose who your replacement should be.

Be able to have a say in a new stadium's name/capacity. My board just spent a couple hundred million on a new stadium to only increase capacity by 15,000 seats.

21. Be able to buy 2 players from the same club for a combined fee.

22. Negotiate with other clubs privately when applying for a job

23. Create custom set pieces like on fifa

24. More free moving player positions instead of the current designated ones where it's either CM or CDM for example.

25. Better squad morale building activities.

26. Have an agent to negotiate best contracts with club, which leads to my next point:

27. Be able to spend your earnings - Be it language lessons, coaching badges, travel fees, better agent etc.

28. More rumours and varied transfer stories, and better press conferences

29. Better player relationships - Helping a player with personal affairs, be able to contact transfer targets to see if they would like to move

30. Job Interviews - Propose league aims, transfer targets/budget, philosophy and clauses. Clauses being automatic contract extensions if you win certain trophy, or be able to be released from contract if huge club come in for you.

31. Maybe the option to set up a coaching team so when you move clubs your coaches will also join automatically.

32. When renewing contracts, be able to contact the director of football football for example and tell them who's contract to renew, saving you from having to go through each one individually.

33. Separate Hall of Fame for each save

34. Better interaction with other managers - Help with signings between two clubs, share opposition team reports?

35. And Finally, the most important point!..... The ability for the game to send feedback to you on what you are doing wrong, what you did right, what needs improving and more advice. This could be:

Assistant Manager: More detailed team reports, if your losing a game he could point out why, instead of the current "if we dont get shots on target we are not going to win" garbage. At times I am losing games and don't know what I did wrong.

After the game he could suggest what needs working on, who performed well instead of relying on a match rating and suggest who should start/be dropped for the following game.

DOF/Scout: These could advise you on who to sell and why, who to buy and why, who not to buy and why. Would be better than the plain scout reports we get currently. Want to know what they would add to the team, would they be value for money, and better alternatives.

Personal Agent: Could update you on job vacancies, other clubs interest in you, advise you on where to go and get you a job interview and if successful get you a good contract.

Players: These could give you more information on what they think of their training schedule. If they don't like it they should tell you why. They could advise you on what position and role to play them for the following game. And advise you on who to buy.

Finally, Fans: Feedback on how they feel about your tactics, who they want to buy/sell/dont want to buy.

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The following taps into ideas of pre-season friendlies as Event Football, whether on an international or local stage.

I suggest the ability to create a pre-season friendly in a neutral location - ie to replicate say Manchester City playing Everton in New York, or Brisbane Roar playing Western Sydney Wanderers in Lismore. In the first instance the teams would get a merchandise boost and a small international rep increase; in the later the teams would get a local rep increase, and depending on how far away they are from their home stadium (say within 150kms) a small increase in season tickets.

Neutral locations would be selected in drop downs for Nation, then City, then Stadium.

Related - cities can offer/bid to host Neutral pre-season games. So New York, Belfast etc could offer to host large international teams, or a local town or city could offer to host pre-season games in those countries (such as Australia) where pre-seasons are taken on the road to showcase the teams.

Related again: teams and cities can enter into a multi-year arrangement to host annual pre-season friendlies. So locally Brisbane Roar has played in Ipswich and Toowoomba or the last four years, though not always against local teams.

Related final: the same mechanism could also be used to allow local teams to play larger international teams in a large stadium - so Western Sydney Wanderers could play Manchester United in the largest stadium in Sydney rather than Parramatta Stadium, with an increase in one-off ticket sales for the event.

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One thing i think it would be very cool is add new teams all over the years, but these teams will be created by the AI, not by the players.

To choose the team names, just make a 'fusion' of two names and put a prefix/sufix in that name, or make a database of possible team names by city, local region or country (depending of the size and population of the country).

Example: I live in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and we just have two teams here, São Gonçalo (EC) and São Gonçalo (FC). So, in the editor, when you choose São Gonçalo, one of the options would make possible add names for teams. I would put names like Amarante, Matriz, Colubandê, Alcântara, etc. (These are some important points of the city).

So, the game could (or not) add one of those names randomically.

But, what about the prefixes/sufixes? Just create a section adding all the possible prefixes in these country, for example in Brazil:

FC <Random>

EC <Random>

AA <Random>

SC <Random>

Clube <Random>

C <Random>

Club <Random>

FR <Random>


So, in the end, we could have names like Colubandê FR, SC Amarante or FC Matriz

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I don't know about anyone else but i would like the option to be able to remove the faces that are given to regenerated players, nothing major they just annoy me, id prefer no picture than a picture that makes the game feel less real.

Hope you see this. This is an option in the preference settings

Preferences > Pictures > (untick) Show pictures of generated players and staff

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On the squad screen, have an option to "hide" transfer listed players. I'm currently in the off-season and I'm looking to revamp my squad so I've put a fair chunk of players up on the transfer list. Now I'd like to be able to see what my squad would look like should all these players get sold so I can clearly see what positions I'm lacking in quality and depth.

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On the squad screen, have an option to "hide" transfer listed players. I'm currently in the off-season and I'm looking to revamp my squad so I've put a fair chunk of players up on the transfer list. Now I'd like to be able to see what my squad would look like should all these players get sold so I can clearly see what positions I'm lacking in quality and depth.

In this situation i usually just put them in the reserve squad so i can see what my squad currently looks like when those players are gone. I guess it would be easier to put a hide transfer listed players filter in though.

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In this situation i usually just put them in the reserve squad so i can see what my squad currently looks like when those players are gone. I guess it would be easier to put a hide transfer listed players filter in though.

This is exactly what I'm doing at the moment, although it's the U21 side. A little filter would be nice!

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Please god fix the preliminary squad cut down dates for international tournament. It's so annoying selecting 30 players only to send 7 of them back home before you've even played the first friendly.

Pretty happy that you can loan players back where you bought them from now though.

but that happens irl
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A new role: The Inverse Wing Back.

Role explained in full here: http://fmcoffeehouse.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/exploiting-space-the-inverse-wing-back/

To my amazement, after blogging that, Pat Nevin (semi-regular MOTD analyst) did a piece for the BBC on what he called the 'Underlapping Wingback' (focusing on Leighton Baines), which is essentially what I had talked about in the link above. (here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21838331)

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So when you buy a player, classed a marquee signing for your team.. and you get the message the signing of the player is set to make shirt sales increase. I think it would be good if some of that got put back in transfers

E.g. neymar-Barca they made the money they paid for him back in merchandise. So it would be good if you got a percentage of the money the club made of merchandise for that player back into the transfer budget

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So when another team approaches you and asks you to become manager of their team, or even when getting a new contract at your current club. It would be good if you could negotiate the transfer budget, so if you get told your getting £22 million, you could ask for 30 or something

And another one is that say your doing well at a mid table team and a bigger club comes in for you in march or something. You can accept a contract to join at the end of the season, so you can finish the season at you current club.. the other team would have to have a caretaker manager or promote the assistant for the remainder or the season

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So how you have the players on the pitch and stuff during a game

It would be good if in a press conference you were sat behind a table with all the press people asking you questions and you could hear the questions instead of reading them, and when you pick an answer your manager says it, it could be an option todo that or a normal one

And a similar thing with team talks, you have the dressing room all 3d with the players sat around whilst your stood in the middle and you pick what to say and you can hear the manager say it and the players reaction, and with individual team talks as you're making a sub

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I don't know if it has already been mentioned, but I think that history of player's value over the years would be great. Graph - similar to what they have on transfermarkt. So we could see how did the value of a particular player progressed over the years. It could update every 6 months.

Also - what about signing injured players? I am not really familiar with the actual rules, but Rossi signed for Fiorentina while injured ...

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Oh, with so many real players, real staff and regens generated into the game, will it possible for the game to significantly decrease the amount of regen backroom staff? Backroom staff can come for retiring player (real and regen), maybe one or two from non player.

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Good day.

I think that system with constant PA/slowly raising CA is pretty out of date. Look, how many world class players are progress like in fm? Not so many. Lets look at the Bale. In 2009 he was just average player, but one great season and he is one of the best in the world! And there is so much examples of this. I think players in fm should have ability to rapidly raise their CA. Or maybe PA. But with very small chance.


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On fm2013, I notice that none of the youngsters who are loaned out get playing time at clubs around 1-2 levels\leagues lower. why? Even if the club who get the players on loan offers them "important player, or first team regular", they just dont get any gametime.

Hope this changes on fm 2014

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I think it should be easier to sell players, specially if the club overachieves. It happened to me to win promotion while expecting to be relegated by the media or win the championship while expected to achieve a mid tabel position, And no one would even have the slightest interest in my players. If I don't offer them no one makes a bid!

In real life, if a small club overachieves they struggle to keep their players.

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Just a little addition unless if it's already in then my apologies as i haven't played this years hardly.

When setting up your wall for free kicks the ability to choose where in the wall you want the player chose for them to stand, for instance i wouldn't want my smallest player (if assigned to stand in the wall) in the middle of it, as there's more chance the free kick would get through the wall then.

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With regards to game saves -

I would like to see a feature added when you're playing a new save and you save it for the first time, if you accidently press "Save Game" rather than "Save As", it will prompt you to the "Save As" screen for the first save and then just save normally for the rest of the save. Unfortunately, under the current system, if you mis-click and just simply choose the "Save Game" option when you are saving it for the first time, what it will do is save over your last loaded game save, which can cause a lot of problems especially if you have a save which you have progressed several seasons into. Even with the rolling save option a lot can happen between those months that could potentially be erased.

Just a small idea to what seems like an excellent game already!

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I am sure most of these has been requested before (mostly by me), but here goes again:

* Ability to hire shrinks (I know there's a better word for them) to help a team on a long losing streak to regain their self confidence.

* Fan money. At least in Sweden fans of lower tier clubs sometimes raise funds to keep a favourite. I don't know how common it is in football, but it's pretty common in icehockey. Would be a nice touch if the fans raised those extra £2000 to make it possible to keep your Blue Square Bet Premier skipper for one more season.

* A config file to put in real names for sponsors (and as I mentioned above: Arenas).

* Ability to ask other players than those in your club to reconsider a retirement. Edit: IE, in the case you want to sign a player that is going to retire in another team.

* Ability to ask players to take a second nationallity. Brazilians in Portugal, for example, often do not see the benefit to gain a portugese nationalty, but for any EU based club that might want to sign him, that would be a great thing. Edit: Or when you manage national teams, obviously.

* Support for my 180*140 pixel face pictures.

* Ability to select languages when you create your manager profile.

* And please, please, pretty please fix that annoying MLS bug that have haunted me for the last five installments of FM.

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The ability to highlight players on the First/Reserve/Youth team pages, akin to the 'Golden Generation' challenge, to allow quick identification of players.

ie; As a manager, I may want to highlight rising youth stars and will mark them so I know who they are. Or, if I've promised players game time, I know which players to give a starting position to.

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Youth development

Over in the tactics and training part of these forums there seems to be a general consensus among the frequent posters that it is far too easy to develop world class players. On my way to work this morning, I tried to boil it down to a consise list of underlying issues, an here's what I came up with:

i) it is too easy to identify future world class players.

Experienced players will be able to tell within 10 seconds (with reasonably high accuracy) wether or not a player will become really good or not. This is not realistic - or fun - in my opinion.

ii) players reach their full potential (or close to it) too quickly.

It is very common to have players reach their potential before their 20th birthday. This is not ideal, as a player of that age is widely regarded as a youth prospect, not an end product in real life.

iii) newgen players have too low technical attributes and too high mental attributes when they are generated.

This is something that perhaps people might disagree with, but from what I've seen when watching real life football, it seems to me as though young players often are technically gifted at a young age, but that their mental strength (particularly things like off the ball movement, choosing the right pass, etc) is lacking. This would correspond to high technical but low mental attributes.

That was the list of issues that I came up with, and to correct them I thought the following tweaks could do the trick:

1) youth players start with higher technical stats and lower mental stats.

2) youth players start with an (on average) higher PA

3) CA growth (and in extent attribute increase) is slower and depends more on things like personality (ambition/professionalism), injuries and happiness/morale/confidence, etc.

The combination of those changes would (imo) lead to a situation where it would be more difficult to predict the future ability of a young player, players would reach their maximum ability at a higher age, and attribute progression would appear more realistic (players have good technique and physique early, but it takes longer for them to develop their tactical understanding of the game).

What do you guys think of this?

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I think regular updates on Odds for cups & leagues would be great, it's pretty much never used in FM13.

For example, if your club goes on a winning streak of 4 or 5 games in the league then the clubs odds would get better.

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Apologies if this suggestion has already been raised or is in fact already in the game and I am just unaware.

After creating a Yugoslavia database and researching some background information I came across quite an interesting tradition adopted by Red Star Belgrade.

They have a title called "Star of Red Star" (Zvezdina zvezda) which is awarded to players who have done a lot for the club and helped them achieve greatness. It is currently held by 5 former players aswell as an award dedicated to the 1991 European Cup Winners team.

More can be read up on it in this subsection of Red Stars wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Star_Belgrade#Stars_of_Red_Star

This is an interesting and unique award system and it'd be quite good if it could be implemented in the game in some way to offer something different from the "Legends/Icons/Favoured Personel" and basic awards system. For example it'd be quite cool if you got a regen through the youth system who went on to be your captain for 18 years and won a Champions League title in that time and then was awarded this title upon retirement or something like that.

I'm sure other clubs around the globe implement a similar system for recognition of the clubs history and it'd just add another small, interesting feature that players really appreciate.

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I know this is much too late for FM14, but I presume this thread is now for FM15 suggestions?!

My suggestion is this: Tactics Sandbox

When I'm fiddling around with formations it would be nice to have an area where I can do this and it would not have an effect on my teams familiarity with formations.

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I know this is much too late for FM14, but I presume this thread is now for FM15 suggestions?!

Nope, it's for all future editions of FM :) any idea that the Devs think has merit goes onto the list and stays on it, therefore coming up for consideration each year at the planning meeting for the next edition.

There have been lots of good ideas which didn't make it till long after they were suggested.

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The way the "transfer market" for managers works needs a desperate overhaul.

It's been a few versions since I've had a properly long career save, but in my FM10 game I spent 6 seasons at Atletico Madrid, winning 6 titles and 3 Champions Leagues. In my last season at Atleti I also took on the Spain job part-time, which I took on full time for 2015/16, winning the European Championship. I got bored of international management and resigned after winning the Euros.

So, on the market you have a manager who on his CV has a European Championship, 3 Champions Leagues, 3 World Club Championships, 6 Spanish titles and however many Copa del Reys I'd won. In real life the top clubs in Europe would be falling over themselves to hire a coach with that sort of CV, yet I spent the next 6 months in game unemployed and not receiving any interest after applying for jobs like Arsenal's (which went to Alan Shearer) or Werder Bremen's. Eventually, I settled on Sampdoria who'd sacked their manager in December. Not only that, but I had to take a salary of £750k a year, whereas the contract I'd rejected at Atleti would have seen me earn £15m a year.

For a management sim there just seems to be almost zero realism when it comes to the actual career part of the game. Admittedly I've seen an improvement in FM13, where in season 2013/14 I won the German title, cup and Champions League with Borussia Dortmund, and was offered the Real Madrid job when Mourinho departed to replace Sir Alex at Old Trafford. But should I decide to leave Dortmund when I feel the time is right, I'm skeptical that I'd receive a job offer than would match my in-game status.

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I've mentioned this in a different thread, and I feel the developers really need to (re)implement it into FM14:

Let me watch the watch the actual matches viewing all of my player stats on the screen (the fitness levels, match rating, shot and pass attempts and accuracy, numbers of crosses attempted/made, headers won etc), and when the extended 2D (or 3D if that is your preference) highlights begin the stats simply disappear and then reappeared after the highlight had finished. In all previous games this happened, yet in FM13 this possible setup was taken away, instead the highlights would appear behind the stats so you can't see what is going on.

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When a player gets a broken nose or fractured cheekbone, why do they have to spend 3-4 weeks out? In real life players who get such injuries wear a facemask...so put a facemask option instead of physio or injection.

In real life players like Tevez and Suarez create trouble with issues over refusing to play, being racist, etc...so put that kind of stuff into the game! Ronaldinho went clubbing all the time while he was at Milan, turned up late for training, etc. Put that kind of stuff into the game! Have stuff like players having issues with their weight too. Whatever happens in real life, put it in the game because this is too gamey and not real-lifey.

For example, we've seen with Higuain and Bale this transfer window - clubs asked other clubs for permission to speak to the player to see if an agreement over the contract could be reached before a bid was even made. Put that into the game!

Why not have highlight reels for everything each player did during a game or if the ball was within 10 metres of them or whatever? That way a manager could just watch the reel to see what the player did and where his player instructions can be changed for the better or perhaps even train him to do a PPM.

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Youth development

Over in the tactics and training part of these forums there seems to be a general consensus among the frequent posters that it is far too easy to develop world class players. On my way to work this morning, I tried to boil it down to a consise list of underlying issues, an here's what I came up with:

i) it is too easy to identify future world class players.

Experienced players will be able to tell within 10 seconds (with reasonably high accuracy) wether or not a player will become really good or not. This is not realistic - or fun - in my opinion.

ii) players reach their full potential (or close to it) too quickly.

It is very common to have players reach their potential before their 20th birthday. This is not ideal, as a player of that age is widely regarded as a youth prospect, not an end product in real life.

iii) newgen players have too low technical attributes and too high mental attributes when they are generated.

This is something that perhaps people might disagree with, but from what I've seen when watching real life football, it seems to me as though young players often are technically gifted at a young age, but that their mental strength (particularly things like off the ball movement, choosing the right pass, etc) is lacking. This would correspond to high technical but low mental attributes.

That was the list of issues that I came up with, and to correct them I thought the following tweaks could do the trick:

1) youth players start with higher technical stats and lower mental stats.

2) youth players start with an (on average) higher PA

3) CA growth (and in extent attribute increase) is slower and depends more on things like personality (ambition/professionalism), injuries and happiness/morale/confidence, etc.

The combination of those changes would (imo) lead to a situation where it would be more difficult to predict the future ability of a young player, players would reach their maximum ability at a higher age, and attribute progression would appear more realistic (players have good technique and physique early, but it takes longer for them to develop their tactical understanding of the game).

What do you guys think of this?

I agree with every word.

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Some great ideas on this page. A few more I'd like to throw in;

- When delaying a transfer, you have to wait a week before you can confirm it. I'd like an option to be able to confirm it whenever, if you've asked for a delay.

- If a player agrees to join a club in the future (for example an U18 Brazilian), I'd like for them to start learning the language of their club's country straight away. I'm sure this happens in real life. Look at Guardiola for example; ok, his German is not amazing but he understands a decent amount and has obviously been learning for a while.

- Do regens grow? I have a CB who's just turned 16 but he weighs 88kg and he's 202cm already! This isn't exactly realistic...

And the most controversial thing...

I would like the abolition of the filter and visible stats to an extent. In real life, do clubs/scouts filter players based on numerical stats? No, of course not. They are heavily scouted and get reported on by scouts/the HoYD or whoever. You don't get given a numerical figure as to how good their dribbling or whatever is. They are simply told 'decent', 'good', 'exceptional' or whatever. I want scouting a player to actually mean something, because right now all you find out is whether he's consistent, injury prone or good in big matches.

Your scouts scout different players, they get added to the filter and then you can filter your known players by adjective which perhaps could represent any of 3 numbers. ie. Exceptional is 18-20, very good is 15-17, good is 12-14, decent is 9-11, bad is 5-8, very bad is 2-5 and abysmal is 1. That way you never actually know who is better just by looking at the stats - if you've got 2 players you're looking at in the same position whose dribbling is both 'very good', you should actually have to watch them play if you're going to make a decision on who to go for because that is what happens in real life. It's so boring in FM as it is. Look at the stats on screen, maybe add them to the shortlist for a while to look at his form and then buy. How many people here watch those players live before they buy?

Not only that but different scouts should come up with different reports based on the games they saw and based on how good the scouts are. A JA20JP20 scout will obviously give a more accurate reading of a player, but a JA12JP13 scout will obviously give a less accurate and detailed report. Doesn't matter what scout you have in this, you can still see every single stat a player has after he's been scouted. I want far more realism. I don't want to discover players I've never heard of just because I've filtered my database for players with certain stats. I want to find them through proper scouting and through me watching games. How often do you see managers turning up to watch games at other grounds? Pellegrini was at Man Utd-Chelsea last night.

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I'd also really like it if SI recognised that practically every 18 year old on the planet speaks fairly good English at the very least. Just signed an 18-year-old Romanian - only speaks Romanian. Come on.

Also I think SI should recognise that some languages are very similar to others and won't take much time to learn. Ie. learning Italian if you already speak French/Spanish/Romanian is pretty comfortable. Learning French if you speak Catalan is very easy. Etc.

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