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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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- Translations need serious improvement, it's unbelieveble default instructions being translated as unavailable instructions.

- The new tactic system needs serious review, it's something going from 8 to 80. You are restricting options from the managers when managers should have all the options available and worst managers don't have access to all instructions within a certain role: for instance, does a DLP still holds the ball by default ??? How do I know this ??? I don't !

- Team instructions are missing: how do I tell my players to press the ball or the opponent who has the ball ??? I don't ! How do I tell my players to increase or decrease intensity according to the zone where they are passing the ball ??? I don't !

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Hey Kazza and MichaelBrown, thanks so much for the love and the help in breaking my wall of text up. Sorry to everyone else about the wall of text. Do you guys know if there's anything more I can do to draw SI's attention to my ideas? I even tweeted a link to my post to Miles Jacobson, but he didn't respond. Anyways, thanks again for the positive feedback. Take care!

The ideas are put forward to a group of people from SI (I believe) who then decide whether the ideas have some promise. We'll not know unfortunately until details about FM15 are released.

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A reason listed for why a player turns you down.

Both my first choice strikers have managed to get crocked for the season (currently in March) within days of each other.

Logically I check the PL reserve sides and find a few good players - two of which who have been NPC players all their careers, joined an NPC team that got promoted, fell out of favour and have languished in the reserves. They are both transfer listed.

Logically, and what happens ALL THE TIME in reality, is that these players would end up on loan to a side back in the Championship. It makes sense. It happens all the time.

Nope. Both of them, and the third player, reject my loan. No reason stated. I'm a high reputation Championship side. These guys are out of favour, not playing, and certainly not too big for the Championship. They should be jumping at the chance to resurrect their careers.

The fact they've all rejected me (and left me with my two reserve strikers for the remainder of the season) pisses me off enough, but no actual reason stated is stupid and even more irritating. At least if there was a reason I might be a bit more understanding.

As it is it seems highly unrealistic and grossly unfair on me, as well as costing the players career and seeing loads of good players potentially go to waste because they refuse to step back down a division for regular football.

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1.Why are there no real life agents in the game? I think most of them would appreciate the free publicity and it would make the game more realistic.

2.Head coaches should also have agents, as in real life.

3.Head coaches should be more likely to buy players represented by their agent.

4.Certain presidents/directors/head should have favorite agents they like to buy players from.

5.A good attribute to add to agents is "buys 3rd party ownership". Some agents build their business around this, some don't do it at all.

6.Just like there are journalists and media agencies in the game, there should be player agencies. so that multiple agents can work for the same agency.

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It's been said on these boards before I'm sure - but more realistic crowd sounds would be great. Rather than the droning, monotone, cheer we have at the moment. Just a few generic chants lobbed in would liven it up.

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I have a player on loan to my club who is a backup keeper, I never play him but need him badly as cover for my starting keeper. He is now constantly moaning he isn't getting any games and wants me to terminate his loan. I had a chat with him but none of the options applied as to keep him happy I had to promise him games, or just tell him I'm the boss and I'm charge - I wish there was the feature to tell him instead "I need you as a backup".

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Two more suggestions.

1. Can Highlights not include kick offs please? Either at the start of each half or after a goal is scored. They are a bit dull to watch.

Are they just included because it is possible to have a half on Key Highlights with no Highlights at all, so these are obliged to be included?

2. The penalty taking logic when a player has scored two goals in a game is just annoying. At the moment, your lumbering centre back who has seen the ball ricochet off his face from two corners, is given precedence over your penalty specialist, just because he might get a hat trick. In some circumstances this is "OK", but in a crucial game, it is an absolute nightmare. A good suggestion from General Discussion was:

Is very annoying, surely a box could appear in game asking you if you want Joe Smith to take the pen or your normal guy to take it.
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I use a fair few widgets in game ( 9 in total ) and the screen just seems too messy.

My suggestion is to allow the user to place the widgets in the space i highlighted in red.

Tbh i'd be happy at anything that would hide the widgets off screen, i just think they need tidying up a bit.


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I use a fair few widgets in game ( 9 in total ) and the screen just seems too messy.

My suggestion is to allow the user to place the widgets in the space i highlighted in red.

Tbh i'd be happy at anything that would hide the widgets off screen, i just think they need tidying up a bit.


Or perhaps abbreviated widget headers or ones you can customise to have a shorter header and take up less room.

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Back up instructions. Eg: Goalkeeper distribution - distribute to defenders, but that isn't possible, kick it long to a specified player. Basically, anyone but Coutinho.

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The time it takes to learn new tactics needs changing. I feel it takes to long to become familiar with a new tactic, IRL teams will change tactics at a quicker rate than is possible in FM. I feel around 2-3 weeks to become fluid with a tactic would be better.

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ME suggestions:

- keepers that foul forwards inside the penalty box on one-on-ones

- full-back sending sweeping ball over to the other full-back or winger on the opposing wing, switching flanks if the play is too congested on his side

- indirect free-kicks inside the area for obstruction

- players with high flair occasionally cheekily attempting to drill a direct free-kick low with power below the barrier - sometimes will not work if the barrier doesn't jump

- players with high flair passing or shooting a ball by utilizing the space between the opposing defenders' legs (a "tunnel") - see for example Neymar assisting Alexis Sanchéz recently vs Espanyol

- players with high flair attempting Rabona crosses

- players with uses outside of foot PPM attempting crosses with the outside of his foot, effectively rendering them the equal of two-footed if they have very high technique and actually manage to pull of these moves

- highly hostile crowds putting pressure on the referee by booing him constantly on any decision against the home team, after ref has made contentious decision against the home team earlier on the match

- players falling to the ground temporarily due to physical challenges (ie, not hurt at all ) and then passing/heading the ball when on the ground if the ball manages to fall on top of them by chance (Luisão scored the winning goal for Benfica vs Sporting recently like this in the Portuguese Cup)

- keepers making a mistake and letting the ball go through their legs, particularly more likely to happen if shot comes from close range and there's no time to react (see the exact same Portuguese Cup goal!)

- keepers being caught by unexpected bounces of the ball in poor pitches

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if you look in the distribution options for players there are a massive 7 (SEVEN) options relating to crossing which shows how much of a concentration there is on that compared with just 4 for passing...short/direct/risky/less risky...this shows there is not enough opportunity to focus passing particularly to enable more penetrative creative passing...should be more options such as pass to feet/pass into space/slide rule passing along the ground & in the air/more through balls in the box diagonally & straight on (supposedly the risky passes thing is to enable through balls but that so generic...should be options to be more specific as there are with crossing). this would help enormously

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Can we have the filters in fixed position again? I hate having to CONSTANTLY click "show filters" and it's so bloody annoying that instead of shunting the info to the side they now hover over stuff.

I'd really like the sliding bars back.

Can someone PLEASE sort out the search engine and the job centre. It's such a pain to find national staff because you can't eliminate unrealistic targets. It's even more painful when you're at 2 teams (national and club). There's still no option to search for reserve/under 23/21/19/18 staff and you can't post ads for those positions either (at least at national level, not checked club).

Can we have the old team tactic menu back? Keep the instruction sets, but give us the old stuff back.

The contract negotions add on section is TINY. Some players have a whole bunch of stuff and it's easy to miss things that get snuck in simply because the window only shows 2 clauses. What genius designed that!?

The tactical layout screen, can we have the roles a little larger? I've got good vision but i find i have to really stare to see what someone's assigned role is.

Talking to the squad shouldn't be a mandatory thing.

FFP, i think it would have been better to have this later in a patch as we've yet to see anything come of this in the real world and i'm very dubious about it given the massive number of clubs that'd fall at the very first hurdle. I think it would have been better to prepare an update and hold onto it until we see how the authorities actually act and how teams respond.

There is still a MASSIVE issue with contracts. I've just started a game with Leeds who are in the Championship and I negotiated with someone in League 1 who was on something like 8 grand a month and his agent was asking for more than 150 grand a month! When i offered 60, he walked away. This happens CONSTANTLY, players at lower rep teams asking for ridiculous wage hikes and walking away even when you're offering more than double, treble or even ten times their current salary. If there's interest from other teams or the player was likely to move i'd understand but often it's just some decent player that no one is after. It's getting silly.

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One thing that I always wanted to see in FM is the more realistic price valuation of players. What I mean is that even though the remaining contract duration, as well as wages, bonuses, reputation, etc. are major factors in the estimation of the price value of a player, sometimes there are those obscure players in the lower leagues, who basically recieve low wages and bonuses and have a very low estimated price value but at the same time score a great number of goals and are extremely effective despite their modest player attributes. I am talking about players that have no future potential as far as attributes go, but are extremely effective and yet, cannot be sold for a fee that really reflects this effectiveness. Of course IRL teams decide to buy players on the basis of how a player performs and not on the basis of mathemtaical attributes. Therefore, I think obscure players with low attributes but high effectiveness should also constitute larger selling fees and be wanted by more clubs. Of course, I wouldn't expect that a twenty-something with mediocre attributes, who had bagged 30 goals last season in the Skrill North would be bought for a large fee and by a Premier League club, but still, there should be interested clubs from higher reputation leagues and more reasonable offers as well. That being said, I do not wish for the current valuation system to be revamped, just simply modified a bit, in order to increase the realism in the game.

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More realism in terms of connection between the graphical representation of the game and the commentary. For example, the amount of deflected shots I see in the graphics which are reported as 'being struck from some way out' without any mention of a deflection, is quite high. It's very annoying to not have the deflection recognised. In fact I don't think I've ever had a deflected goal shown/referred to in the game. Which is correct? The graphics which show the deflection, or the commentary? There is certainly no mention of it post match so it can't have happened.

The graphics are supposed to be a representation of what happened in the game after it is processed. It's not live, it's after the game has already been decided so how the graphics get it so wrong at times is strange.

Edit: Title added

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The ability to control my players more verbally. If a player is 'sulking' with me, he can choose to not talk to me! IRL I seriously doubt this would happen. I'm his manager, if he wants to sulk fine, but he shouldn't have the option to just shut the conversation down before I say anything. Even if it was him just saying, "No comment", I could and should be allowed to at least tell him that if he doesn't react or respond, he is in big trouble.

Interaction needs a lot of improvement. I'd rather this be focused on than a revamp of how FM looks every year.

Edit: Title added

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News Story Accuracy

Have the game understand situations more appropriately. I was winning a game 4-0, it gets to 82 minutes and I have a man sent off. 88 minutes I have another man sent off. I see the game out no problem and it ends 4-0.

The news article says 'XXXX strike lucky after winning with 9 men'. Utter rubbish. I won it comfortably and had 9 men for 4 minutes. I dominated. The game seems to only be able to take set scenarios and apply one story. It can't take intricacies such as two men sent off in the last ten minutes. The news article should have read something like 'XXXX win comfortably but will be disappointed with lack of discipline at the end of the game'. As you can tell, I would be a poor journalist but you get my drift.

Edit: Title added

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Or perhaps abbreviated widget headers or ones you can customise to have a shorter header and take up less room.
Anything would be an improvement for me, so yep even abbreviated would be welcomed. I know SI read this thread so fingers crossed it happens one day.
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Don't concede corner kicks or dangerous free kicks: it will be a good instruction when you're playing a narrow defensive strata against stronger teams, which are better on set pieces. When your defenders are under pressure, they will send the ball away instead of the corner line.

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The graphics are supposed to be a representation of what happened in the game after it is processed. It's not live, it's after the game has already been decided so how the graphics get it so wrong at times is strange.

I don't see why the rest of the match would be reprocessed every time you change something. The commentary doesn't cover most of the things that happen in a match anyway, so why would you trust that instead of your eyes? I just don't think that the commentary lines have received that much love after the game went to 2D engine. Being mostly cosmetic the commentaries and news titles and such will hardly be a priority, but maybe they will get some extra love one of these years.

Unrelated to all of that, could you perhaps post your stuff in one post instead of three? With all those nice header texts there the separate ideas stay separate if that was what you're after.

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I don't see why the rest of the match would be reprocessed every time you change something. The commentary doesn't cover most of the things that happen in a match anyway, so why would you trust that instead of your eyes? I just don't think that the commentary lines have received that much love after the game went to 2D engine. Being mostly cosmetic the commentaries and news titles and such will hardly be a priority, but maybe they will get some extra love one of these years.

Unrelated to all of that, could you perhaps post your stuff in one post instead of three? With all those nice header texts there the separate ideas stay separate if that was what you're after.

You're missing my point. If you can't follow simple English it's pointless answering your question. Sorry but you're now on ignore too. Clearly not worth reading anything you have to say.

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Can we have players in the contract discussion? I'm so sick of agents walking out or asking for LUDICROUS wages. I mean a player on less than ten grand a month wanting 300 grand a month. Have a word with yourself. You should be able to have verbals like "i'm not willing to pay so much" or "you have to be realistic and look at your current wage" or the ability to appeal directly to the player and say "your agent is killing your big break with such silly demands" "you've played well at a lower level but need to prove yourself at our level before i can offer you more money"

Also, the ability to tell a reporter to sod off would be great when they INSIST on asking the same question OVER AND OVER AND OVER. There should also be a "wrap it up early" option alongside the storm out option.

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In the club records i would like to see Top 10s for goals and games etc... So you can see who is coming up for milestones etc...

International manager advisory role - eg Offer advice to players who seek it as to what clubs are best for them for permanent and loan moves so their international callups arent affected if they arent playing the right role, in bad form or not receiving game time.

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In the club records i would like to see Top 10s for goals and games etc... So you can see who is coming up for milestones etc....

Love to see this as well. There's been a response from SI regarding that (can't find it) but basically said it was a good idea, but the amount of work needed to produce top 10 of apps/goals etc for every club in game might take the work needed on the database off the scale as to whether it was worth it. Which is a fair point, the workload would be nuts.

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My quick search didn't come up with anything.

Staff search:

I'd like to be able to filter staff prefferred formation, pressing style, coaching style, playing style, playing mentality and marking style. This is not hidden data, so I don't see why one shouldn't be able to filter this.

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I think the whole proces of transfers should be enlarged. Landing world class players or wonderkids should feel more special and more difficult. At the moment it seems as if just giving enough money to the club, the player and the agent is enough, while I know for a fact that IRL managers often do a whole of a lot more to persuade players to join their club. Like visiting their family and saying their club is the right choice, letting the player visit the training ground and stadium to get a sniff of the clubs atmosphere. I know from interviews for example that Arjen Robben had conversations with Alex Ferguson before eventually chosing for Chelsea.

To make it concrete, one improvement in FM could be that you get a chance to really interact with a player before you negotiate a contract. To tell him what position he'll be playing, what kind of role, what his future will be at the club, what the future of the club is, etc. The result of this interaction could be that the contract negotiations are smoother (or not), that he maybe decides not to join when he doesn't like the things you promise him, making him choose you as a club before others when multiple clubs are interested, etc. In my opinion, whether a player joins your club or not is almost solely based on the contract negotiations, while I always get the feeling that IRL contract negotiations are more often than not just a formality.

Example, you're trying to persuade Oxlaid Chamberlain to join Chelsea:

Hi Axle, I want you to join Chelsea, because I really think you'd be a great addition to our squad.

- Thanks (insert name). What position would you want me to play?

I think that in our squad you would have the most value as a MC (example).

- With all due respect, but I think I could be even better at other positions. What are your expectations for the club this season?

We expect to qualify for European football (example).

- I don't think you're showing enough ambition. I want to play for a club that will challenge for the title.

The result if this conversation would be that it would be much more difficult to try to lure him to Chelsea.

You'd have the opportunitu to initiate such an interaction when a scout has recommended the player and you've made an offer to the club.

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i would like to tell my Director of football to negotiate contract with SPECIFIC players rather than giving him responsibility to talk about contract to players any time with any player

that would be like...i decide players for whom contract renewals are to be done......but negotiation stuff will be taken care by Director of Football

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This is not my own idea, I got this from the feedback thread:

I think you should be able, when identifying your set piece takers, to make a distinction between left direct free kick takers, right direct free kick takers, and long free kick takers.

For example, if my target man is also my best free kick taker, I'd still want him to be in the box when we get a free kick from far away or from the side.

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i would like to tell my Director of football to negotiate contract with SPECIFIC players rather than giving him responsibility to talk about contract to players any time with any player

that would be like...i decide players for whom contract renewals are to be done......but negotiation stuff will be taken care by Director of Football

I'm sure a lot of real life managers would like that too....

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The analysis tab could do with being more like StatsZone over at FourFourTwo. There you can look at games in a whole load more detail, including who passed to who, you can break passes down into long/short/forward/square, see where players received passes, shots are broken down into right foot/left foot/headed/penalty/free kick etc etc etc. At the moment the analysis is useful, but limited compared to what is out there in the real world.

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What about completely change the manager profile ? It could have much more impact on the game based on our skills. Our manager profile would be exactly the same as profile of other AI managers. Some examples:

Do I use a lot of different tactics ? My Tactical knowledge - increase

A lot of young players in the team ? My Working with yougsters and judging player potential - increase

I don't lose hope even during bad results ? My Determination - increase

I use right answer during press conferences and during team feedback talk ? My Motivating - increase

I am strict and passionate ? My Level od Discipline - increase

etc. etc. etc

these are just suggestions how it could work .. i hope that people agree with me that Manager profile is quite boring and useless now

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I want my own agent to offer my services discretely to clubs, in my current save I've just taken Wolves to the Prem but not sure if I want a relegation avoiding slog.. I'd like to tell my agent to test the waters with available jobs to see who might be interested without applying and annoying my current board..

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I would like to see FM turned into a subscription service rather than a standalone game you have to buy each year. Imagine paying £2.99 each month and get regular data and ME updates and maybe one or two bigger updates per year. You could play on one constantly evolving save forever!

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Just noticed that when you give your Director of Football the responsability to hire/fire staff, he gets to hire/fire Ass Man as well. Never really thought about that. To me that's one of the most important roles of my staff. I like my DoF to hire/fire physios and such as I don't really bother about those, but I am disappointed about my DoF firing my trusted Ass Man behind my back. Therefore I think there should be a separate part in the staff responsabilities where you can indicate who you want to hire/fire your Ass Man, just like you do for a lot of other jobs like Head Scout and Head Youth. I think it's a bit weird that Ass Man is put under 'Other Staff'.

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I want the ability to draw on previous discipline in player interaction.

For example, if I warn a player for getting sent off or for poor performance, and the same thing happens later in the season, it's a fine. The player more often than not disputes this and comes to me wanting to discuss it. Why is there no option to point out I warned him previously?

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Love to see this as well. There's been a response from SI regarding that (can't find it) but basically said it was a good idea, but the amount of work needed to produce top 10 of apps/goals etc for every club in game might take the work needed on the database off the scale as to whether it was worth it. Which is a fair point, the workload would be nuts.

Yep i can see that being a big job.... wouldnt mind it just being what they have now Top goalscorer and Top Appearances and then list the players from the current save totals so no need to go into the record books as the data would be created when playing???

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