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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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Football manager classic, if this is supposed to be streamlined then why do i have to have EVERY LEAGUE from every nation i pick? Some folk will only be able to process a max of 2 active leagues. If i want to play a "streamlined" game at Man Utd, why on earth should i be lumbered with a whole bunch of other english leagues i don't want? I have never played a game of classic for this reason. I want control over which leagues are active so i'm still playing the big game.

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Yep i can see that being a big job.... wouldnt mind it just being what they have now Top goalscorer and Top Appearances and then list the players from the current save totals so no need to go into the record books as the data would be created when playing???

Funnily enough, that was mentioned as a workaround iirc, and not blown out of the water by the SI guy so maybe one day it will be in, it would be nice. Unfortunately I can't find where it was being discussed, sure it wasn't that long ago (search engine on this forum isn't great).

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Football manager classic, if this is supposed to be streamlined then why do i have to have EVERY LEAGUE from every nation i pick? Some folk will only be able to process a max of 2 active leagues. If i want to play a "streamlined" game at Man Utd, why on earth should i be lumbered with a whole bunch of other english leagues i don't want? I have never played a game of classic for this reason. I want control over which leagues are active so i'm still playing the big game.

Because you dont???

Once you select the nations, you can change which leagues per nation you'd like to use at the right side of that same screen.

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Would it be possible for the next patch to remove the silly feature forcing a player who scored 2 goals to kick a penalty he will inexorably miss, just for giving him a chance to score an absolutely useless hat-trick? And would it be possible to avoid stupid questions on press conferences, like the reason for I substituited a player who could have scored an hat-trick?

Basically: is that bad to score "only" 2 goals? Is an hat-trick *that* important?

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Contract talks, please please please fix this. I'm still getting players that were only recently signed asking for a new deal or that've just signed a contract and want a new deal. I mean asking for a new deal in the first year? C'mon!

Before they'd whine and whine, last year they just said ok and it was done, now this year it's 50/50 but it's still problematic because once they whine there's not really a good option to tell them to sod off. I'd prefer it to be that they ask, you reject and then in the private chat they tell you they want a new deal and your options are

*This deal is less than 2 years old, there's no chance i'll be offering you a deal within the first 2 years.

*I'll offer you a new contract at the end of the year if you show me you're worth it over the course. (promise)

*Doing what you're paid for does not merit a raise, but i'll considerate one if you keep your form up to the end of the year.

*I cannot afford to offer you a new deal right now and if this upsets you then perhaps a transfer would be best.

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my ideas:

1) in tactics when you set shooters for freekicks, you should have option to constantly randomize these shooters. for example. from left side you choose lampard,oscar and luiz. in match they will always "talk" before the shoot who is gonna take this freekick. understand ? like in real... now you set 1st shooter, 2nd shooter and so... they never change, kicks takes only firts in list... too bad.

2) transfers: like in real, you should have option to first discuss personal terms with player (of course only when clubb allowed to do so) and then discuss with club about price.

3) training. please rewamp training. do you really think that clubs train ONE ASPECT of game ALL WEEK ???????

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Really? Whenever i've done this it's been locked. England is set automatic and the box with all the leagues ticked is non responsive. Had the same thing last year. Am i missing something?

I think you missed checking the "Remove nation and league restrictions" box, which is at the bottom right of the select nations and leagues screen.

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I want the ability to ask the board to increase the maximum wage I can offer a player of any given squad status.You can ask to increase how much you can offer non playing staff so why not players?

For example playing Gillingham in the second season. Irananian centre back and international Mohammad Nosrati is out of contract. Would easily be the best player in League 1 and we are sitting top of the league at the end of January. I have an annual wage budget of £2.8 million and £2.4m is used up. I offer him our max deal we can give, 1 year, £150k salary and max (£1.5k) bonuses, every bonus possible. 60k agent fee and 20k loyalty. Agent rejects and concludes negotiation (red). I give him a trial, he accepts. I offer same deal plus 100k release fee for higher clubs and 50% increase after both promotion and end of the season. Agent (who hates me now), asks for 600k plus match highest earner. I could bring him down a fair bit I reckon seeing as he's on the end of his career and losing reputation.

tldr I think I can sign this guy but my board is stopping me offering him more money because this feature isn't there.

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Would it be possible for the next patch to remove the silly feature forcing a player who scored 2 goals to kick a penalty he will inexorably miss, just for giving him a chance to score an absolutely useless hat-trick? And would it be possible to avoid stupid questions on press conferences, like the reason for I substituited a player who could have scored an hat-trick?

Basically: is that bad to score "only" 2 goals? Is an hat-trick *that* important?

I don't want a defender to be taking a penalty even if has scored 2 already so I agree. I have dropped so many points due to missing penalties while drawing!

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The analysis tab could do with being more like StatsZone over at FourFourTwo. There you can look at games in a whole load more detail, including who passed to who, you can break passes down into long/short/forward/square, see where players received passes, shots are broken down into right foot/left foot/headed/penalty/free kick etc etc etc. At the moment the analysis is useful, but limited compared to what is out there in the real world.

Plus the possibility of spreading the analysis in time ranges as with Action Zones.

- When you delay a transfer for some reason you must have to possibility to confirm it in any moment. Now if I delay a transfer for budget reasons then I sell someone in the same day, I still have to wait a week to confirm that incoming transfer.

- Reintroduce the button to easily consult the Club Stature/Reputation table in the Club Profile tab

- Historical clubs season ticket statistics

- Possibility to set approximately how many friendlies a Reserves Manager must arrange (useful in those league where Reserves don't challenge in any league)

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As someone who likes stats, and knows that this game is practically a huge database, I would love to see in-game Pivot Table support.

Basically, add in a screen that lets us take in data available to us in-game and compare it with other data in dynamic tables, and allow us to generate figures/graphs/charts from this table. I'm sick of having to manually type out data I want to analyze into spreadsheets, so why not just build an excel style spreadsheet into the game?

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UI suggestion, one that I suspect could easily be introduced in a small patch or even possibly edited by a skilled skinner:

– on the player development/training screen, keep the attribute highlight color the same for all roles

Meaning 'dribbling' would always use, I don't know, the same yellow highlight regardless of what training focus is picked. Right now these colors seem to be random and vary from role to role (or presumably are picked from a list which applies them in a particular order rather than to specific attributes). It would make it much easier to compare the various role training regimes.

– alternatively, use the same 'line/background' highlight that's used on tactical screens (in addition to colored letters which are useful with the development graph) to achieve the same result

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Development List/Loans

I would like to instruct my DoF better on what to expect from a loan contract for my players. Specifically, I want to be able to set wage coverage (e.g. atleast 60%), player position (e.g. "either DM or MC, not AMC") and team status (e.g. minimum First Team) for the club that wants to loan the player. The way it is now I have to manually reject loan offers I don't think are good enough. If I wanted to do that I would have handled the deals myself.

Resizable columns for Team Talk

"All" other columns in the game are resizable, except these. And with the new features this year the player reaction to team talks often comes out as "Looked happy. Seems..." and you need to hover over to see the complete reaction. With player name covering half of the screen there's plenty of space to resize the columns to the left.

Accurate player value

I must admit, I have no idea what "player value" is supposed signify in the game. It has zero relation to the club's asking price or what could be expected to fork out for the player. A player can be valued at 50k but the club is expecting 15M for him. How is then his value 50k? What does those 50k mean? That if the whole world consisted of only clones of this player, then it would cost about 50k to feed him for a year? I don't get it. (PS: I do realize that the value goes up to the last transfer fee immediately after changing clubs, but that only means his value is accurately depicted that single day of the year.) Heck, the clubs ask for a higher price than the value even for their transfer listed players. They should ask for less if they want to get rid of him!

Better "Unrealistic Transfer" filters

My board tells me the max wage they will allow for a Key Player is 10k/week. Why then does my A.Man. believe that a player who will be asking for minimum 35k/week is a realistic transfer? My board says they will not allow it, so it is completely unrealistic. The same goes for coaches btw.

Ghost Reserve Leagues

For a lot of Leagues the Reserves don't do anything. They don't play games, except friendlies, and basically just sit there like an extra squad to look at. That also means that setting a player to "Available for Reserves until Match Fit" doesn't work at all. The player will never get match fit on the reserves that aren't in playable leagues. So the option is redundant. I don't care if my player gets a stat hike for playing "non-games", but I would atleast like to get him match fit without having to set up friendlies with my reserves or letting my first team suffer because he's not ready yet. A ghost reserve league that only gives players a "match fitness" increase equal to that of say one game per week would be a good addition and alleviate this problem.

A new wishlist thread

This one goes back to May 2012, so we're talking FM12. That's quite a persistant thread ;)

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Really surprised this hasn't made it into the game yet: Player Manager. Obviously we couldn't control ourself on the field of play. Football stats could be based upon the reputation selection when creating a new manager. It's a step some players take and i don't understand why it's not in there.

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Revised Potential Ability System

In the game players' PAs are changed every year, for example Balotelli had 168 in FM 2013, and now has 184 PA, Busquets had -5/-6 in FM 2007(Not sure, maybe 2008), now he has 172. That's ridiculous. Instead of (-10)-200, it might be better to have PAs like 1-10.

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Hi! Sorry for my bad english. I usually dont write in this forum because its difficult to me to write properly in english (im uruguayan) but i think that the idea i have since a few years about this game would be revolutionary to it. Of course, i think that the execution of this idea may be very difficult or absolutely impossible, thats depending of how Match Engine works and how it can be edited. I hope someone related could tell me if this will be anyday possible:

In my opinion, the only thing that FM saga lacks is in the day-a-day training system. I think it would be great if there is a way that, starting from what occur in the matches, we could repeat the incidences we are interested in changing by telling the players what we would like them to do. For example, if our forward go to press the defender and the defender pass the ball to the GK, it would be very useful and will add more depth to the game to have a tool in which we can tell him (our forward) to go chase the GK. I mean, of course that the tactic engine that have FM is the way to tell players what to do, but i think that we need a tool that can "edit" the behaviours of the player that we dont agree

So, if i could dream about any tool for FM tactics, i for sure think that this will be something that -if possible- will add a lot of depth and realism, and for sure, it will fortify the idea of coaching in FM.


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Can we have an attribute that is related to a player's "football IQ"? Things like creativity, decisions etc are related to this, but I think something is missing here. Players tend to do some dumb things or brilliant things and there's nowhere to show this on the attribute list we currently have.

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This could be done during this fm14: a simple player instruction to cross ball to the penalty box. We have drill crossing, we have crossing by line, we have options to cross to the near and far post, to reference, but there isn't still an instruction for the player going to the line and cross to the penalty box. There must be an expression in english to say this.

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This could be done during this fm14: a simple player instruction to cross ball to the penalty box. We have drill crossing, we have crossing by line, we have options to cross to the near and far post, to reference, but there isn't still an instruction for the player going to the line and cross to the penalty box. There must be an expression in english to say this.

Agreed, especially because IRL strikers get taught to position themselves near the penalty spot when a winger or wingback gets to the endline. Van Persie being a perfect example of this.

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I would like to see FM turned into a subscription service rather than a standalone game you have to buy each year. Imagine paying £2.99 each month and get regular data and ME updates and maybe one or two bigger updates per year. You could play on one constantly evolving save forever!

cant see how that will work in a month you might have played 6/7 seasons and delveoped brought/sold players

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I would like to see FM turned into a subscription service rather than a standalone game you have to buy each year. Imagine paying £2.99 each month and get regular data and ME updates and maybe one or two bigger updates per year. You could play on one constantly evolving save forever!

Would be impossible for SI to sustain. They would never be able to update the data and ME on a month to month basis, no matter how much you pay them. Plus you wouldn't be able to play one save forever, as data updates will not be save game compatible. So you could end up starting a new save each month if you were that way inclined.

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Choosing Manager's Spoken Languages

It must have been brought up but this thread is huge!

I would like to be able to pick the languages spoken when creating my manager profile, instead of the game trying to guess them. If I want to coach in Switzerland as a Portuguese manager, for example, the Spanish that the game attributes me by default won't help me much, but French would. IRL I personally can't say I speak Spanish and keep a straight face :D but I do know French. It would be great to be able to reflect that in game.

Thanks for your hard work!

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Not sure if these have been mentioned or even put in the new game (i am yet to play it) but it would be good to be able to allow club

legends back at the club to train like Henry and Pires have at Arsenal this week, and request staff members with a playing history

to register as a player in an injury crisis (as Kevin Poole did for Burton recently)

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One of the big things for me, and almost a dealbreaker this year - the ability to import last year's game. And with the new additions (like the background staff last year) could be added with regens or just that year's current staff, something of the like (deleting/adapting all tactics to the new system). Import a game, fill in the gaps between generations and continue playing!

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I am visually impaired so I would like some changes/added optioms for the interface and I apologise if there are things that I could already alter in this regard as skinning and such are not straightforward options for me. I appreciate that SI have made some changes to make the UI a bit more accessible and there's also FMC, although I can't really play that as there's no dark skin. An option to have all text bold would be great and for bank balance, could there please be an option to have negative numbers in white rather than red? And the option for a larger commentary overlay within 3D highlights would be great. Thanks.

Player/media interaction could also be improved, comments and reactions seem overly antagonistic with players requesting transfers too easily (18yo wants first team football when hot prospect etc.) Same withpress conferences, could there be more diplomatic options please? I have to watch more sports press conferences than anyone should and they are generally far more dull than currently in the game (admittedly I'm not a particular fan of the in-game media but I suppose it is a realistic part of a manager's job.)


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Team Meetings included with Pre-Match

Your pre-match talks should be far more like team meetings. You should have a discussion about what you expect from the game and from certain players. You should also be able to add specific individual instructions in this meeting by telling a player specifically to deal with an opposition player. I think it would make meetings more interesting and important if they included the morale boosting and specific individual player opposition instructions as a pre-match routine where players could voice their concerns.


Me: (Assertively) Last week was poor, I expect better today.

Player A: (Passionately) Come on lads. Let's bounce back with a win.

Me: (Calmly) Player D, I want you to close down Lampard.

Player D: (Nervously) I will try boss.

Me: (Assertively) Alright, don't let the fans down today.

Captain: (Assertively) Let's get into them!

5 players looked motivated, 5 players appeared calm, 6 players looked nervous.

You get the idea

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Forgive me if this has been spoken about, but 29 pages worth of suggestions is a little too much to go through.

I posted this in a thread that can be found here

Changes need to be made to how captains are appointed on the international stage. As things stand, I can appoint Captains and Vice-Captains who are not even in the squad. Captain and Vice-Captain selections should be made when announcing the squad for the upcoming friendlies or tournaments.

Now, in my game that I'm playing I've just taken over the u20s job. I was going to replace the Captain but due to him being in my club team I decided against it, due to him not being at the current tournament that I'm playing it is causing problems as he is now talking to the press as if he is with the squad.

Basically, I think SI need to consider changing the way this works.

My thinking is this.

On squad selection day, there is also a drop down menu to select who will captain the squad during the friendlies or competition. Now, if the current squad captain is not in the squad, for whatever reason, there should be an additional box indicating that he is the normal captain. If you change that you change the permanent captain, or you could add a new captain for the up coming games.

It would really save us the players the problems of dealing with players who become happy without reason. It would also, in theory, stop the main captain from commenting on events that he is not involved in.

Hope to see some sort of change.


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Natively supported remote play for tablets/phones would be nice. I don't mean actually streaming what's on the screen but having a downloadable client on a device which then communicates with the computer running FM by XML or whatever. Computer still runs the game and does the heavy calculations and such, the client only handles input/output.

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One thing that would be nice to see is the option to speak to player individually before the team as a whole in team talks and post match talks. I get very frustrated when I have lost the game because my team have played badly on the whole, but a couple of players have had decent games. If I go with "I'm disappointed" then the players that have played well react badly. I can then speak to them individually about having a decent game but then they are "confused". There should be an option to exclude maybe one or two players from a team talk, or have the option to speak individually with them first.

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as mentioned on my thread, more communication between Board and the manager when a rival club approaches you. If you are performing very well, then the Board should be less willing to release you. I don't think it is accurate that any approach for your services is automatically accepted.

If the Board are willing to let you go, this should be explained, as they should when any approach is rejected. The Board can then offer you more money/time/resources as an incentive to stay.

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Hey! In the Classic mode - I would like it if I could "level". Explination: If I train Arsenal and get fired after 3 years I would like to create a new manager profile and take over Arsenal the day I get fired. And with this new profile manager I would like to keep my stats from the previous 3 years/previous manager profile. This way I could "level" myself up and see my own historiy and stats, like how many times I've been fired, titles and so on... Thanks

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Hey! In the Classic mode - I would like it if I could "level". Explination: If I train Arsenal and get fired after 3 years I would like to create a new manager profile and take over Arsenal the day I get fired. And with this new profile manager I would like to keep my stats from the previous 3 years/previous manager profile. This way I could "level" myself up and see my own historiy and stats, like how many times I've been fired, titles and so on... Thanks

Hmmm, that's not really getting fired though is it? :)

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