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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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Just for giggles I decided to play a game of OOTP Baseball the other day, I dunno why, I don't particularly like Baseball? Then I saw a pretty decent discussion going on about injuries in this FM, which always get closed, despite the fact it was a discussion, but I digress... got me thinking, wouldn't it be nice if the amount of injuries is something we tweak in the settings and decide for ourselves? Which led me to think of OOTP and it's customization, FM could use some of this too! It would certainly appease the masses who seem to want everything different. One player wants it this way and another player wants it that, like any video game really LOL. Seems to me that higher levels of customization in settings would be the next BIG logical step to make in FM.

It wasn't really a discussion, because it's been done to death before, and it's been confirmed that injuries are on the low side compared to real life. Not really sure what else there is to discuss on that?

As for more customisation...I'm on the fence. There is already a ridiculous level of customisation in the game, through skinning (honestly, what you can do is amazing) and the various editors. One thing I don't think they will ever allow customisation in is the ME though. They struggle to keep it stable as it is, given how massive and complex it is, so if they now had to test the ripples of someone deciding to change the level of injuries...well I wouldn't like to be them. I wouldn't be entirely against it, if it was possible, but I doubt I would use it anyway. Seems a bit arcadey.

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hi mates;

the suggestion is :

you have a team with manager playing 4-3-3 and that manager recruit two or three wingers with lot money (50 or 60 millions), and meanwhile a job is opened the manger goes .

the club recruit another manager (of course) but this time the new manager plays (3-5-2) or (4-2-2-2) [or a manger who do not use wingers to be clear]; with this configuration you have a multimillion players (in this case wingers) unused and their value will go down because they will not play and eventually the club will lose the investment on those wingers.

why SI will not make the boardroom or who decide to recruit the manager much smarter and recruit a manager who can adapt and play a tactic that are compatible with players on the team.

because in real life you can change one person (the manager) but not hole team .

for example; the FC Barcelona plays 4-3-3 and all youth team plays like the first team , and specially the FC Barcelona B (who plays Liga Adelante) play the 4-3-3 that means they recruit a manager who plays 4-3-3 but in the game when the manager of FC Barcelona B is sacked his replacement will be randomly picked .

i hope i was clear.


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Agreeing with the post above, by the by. Been wanting that for years. Seems very basic and straightforward too.

Two suggestions re: players under the age of 18 from outside the EU.

* I come across non-EU free agents aged 14, 15 or 16 from time to time. If I want to sign them, I could potentially have to wait four years before doing anything with them. My scout found a 14 year old from Armenia once. Looked decent in his report, so I signed him on a trial, and he turned out to be a potentially very good player in the Premier League in the future. Signed him, but had to wait almost four years, as I expected. When the time came and he eventually joined me, he hadn't developed anything at all, and had no chance of ever making it at a high level. Would like a feature here where he'd join me, being ineligible until the age of 18, but still able to join Armenian clubs on loan in the meantime.

* Players from non-EU countries, but with dual nationalities. Is this a bug? I found a right back from the British Virgin Islands, aged 16, without a club and on their national team. He had an English passport. Tried signing him to an English club, but I had to wait two years. He's an EU citizen, so I can't really see why.

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Smarter AI for transfers and player contracts

- I have been playing for years and didn't need to spend (at least much) for transfers. There are so many star players become free agent (which never happens in real). I want Wenger's RVP approach. AI should do anything to make them sign. Even sell some less valuable players to free up the salary budget in his last year. If player still doesn't want to sign till August, puts him on transfer list for 1.5 or 2 times of his value and drops frequently till find a buyer.

- AI shouldn't ask 3 times more than player's value (let's say in an exception of players who have 4-5M and less value to make the game harder). 160 PA and over wonderkids and Worldclass rep. players can be an exception. Messi & Ronaldo should go for at least 250M.

- I don't want to hear any players' moaning at least 2 years for a rise if I signed for them for 4-5 years. Some of them start to moan right a month after their signings makes me crazy. :thdn:

Here is my offer:

If I sign new players with same squad status and his wage goes below 15-20% average of his status (not general average) , he can start to moan after his 1st season (not before I get my new budget). That's fine.

If a back-up or rotation player starts first team more than 10-15 league games, he can moan for a better squad status and wage which is fair by me too.

FM programmers should write scripts that can handle these kind of calculations to make transfers and contract negs more realistic.

A New Pro Mode for players who wants ultra-realism

ME should be much smarter and responsive about my tactic and changes in this mode.

It should be impossible to get the league title at least 2-3 years for low & mid table teams and at least 3-4 years to get CL finale for teams which has national rep. In 20 years of CL history only Porto could get the title as an underdog. They had UEFA Cup in previous season though. Game should refuse engine braker tactics before semi-final

period by looking squad quality and reputation. If a team plays quarter final twice or more should get continental rep. to move further levels.

- Manuel save should be lock in this mode. Auto save only in a month or more. Exit&Load cheaters should go crazy. :)

- There should be a lock for real time editors too.

- For official editor I don't know maybe this mode should sold separate without an editor.

Players who can really manage should be successful only in this mode.

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As research exercise, after allocating maximum attributes with the use of the In Game Editor to assistant managers, coaches and players, several things were interesting.

The assistant managers and coaches could not separate players and gave them the same position and role recommendation. International caps, height and weight were obviously not considered.

So I'm thinking how accurate and how good are my perfect managers and coaches and what use are they to me?

They assistant manager recommends what formation is best for the team but this contradicts the recommended position and role of players. Also if the best formation can be recommended why can't the mentality and fluidity? A manager or coach rated with all attributes at 20 should be able to project perhaps better than me as a human. What's a calculator for?

I often wonder during a match when my assistant manger is making recommendations, what our opposition manager and assistant manager are saying about our team. It would be nice to know this information and perhaps a feature that can be enabled. It is only a game and games are meant to be fun. Learning should be fun not frustrating.

There should be a feature to be able to play any team any time any where without getting the proposal rejected.

Call it a friendly, training match, that doesn't affect the condition of players for coming matches. EA football calls it Hit The Pitch.

I know there are things random, example injuries, performance, etc. but where does it say that a player likes or doesn't like a tempo or defence style? I can't see this attribute anywhere yet my assistant regularly informs me of this player style attribute.

Happy New Year.

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The performance analysis that is available during and after a match is very useful and, with the removal of sliders, I thought that a modified version would be of use to give a visual overview of your tactic as you build it and modify it.The average position of your players in defence, and hopefully attack, could be shown - taking account of roles, philosophy, ppm, shouts like higher defensive line, play narrower etc. Movement arrows could also perhaps be shown for players that cut inside, move into channels, dribble more, get forward whenever possible, likely crossing position ( from deep, byleline etc). Hopefully the above gives you an idea of what I am suggesting. Via drop down options and different coloured/types of lines I believe a lot of visual information could be displayed to help you when building your tactics.

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The performance analysis that is available during and after a match is very useful and, with the removal of sliders, I thought that a modified version would be of use to give a visual overview of your tactic as you build it and modify it.The average position of your players in defence, and hopefully attack, could be shown - taking account of roles, philosophy, ppm, shouts like higher defensive line, play narrower etc. Movement arrows could also perhaps be shown for players that cut inside, move into channels, dribble more, get forward whenever possible, likely crossing position ( from deep, byleline etc). Hopefully the above gives you an idea of what I am suggesting. Via drop down options and different coloured/types of lines I believe a lot of visual information could be displayed to help you when building your tactics.

I kind of get what you're meaning, but isn't a lot of this information only available after a match? I say this - and bear with me, as it'll probably be mostly rubbish - as if you're using this information to build a tactic, then technically you'd be basing it off of information about a different team. Maybe in that match, their full backs didn't push forward, and as a result, yours were further forward. This information would be pretty useless when you're facing a side whose full backs bomb forward.

I do agree though that if it is done right, then more visual aids for tactics would be a good thing.

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I kind of get what you're meaning, but isn't a lot of this information only available after a match? I say this - and bear with me, as it'll probably be mostly rubbish - as if you're using this information to build a tactic, then technically you'd be basing it off of information about a different team. Maybe in that match, their full backs didn't push forward, and as a result, yours were further forward. This information would be pretty useless when you're facing a side whose full backs bomb forward.

I do agree though that if it is done right, then more visual aids for tactics would be a good thing.

I agree that the performance analysis information is based upon a particular match and opposition tactics and that tactics built on the basis of opposition full backs pushing forward would be pretty useless against opposition full backs that bomb forward. My idea was more to have some form of visual aid to represent your tactic as you build it that could possibly be based upon the current match engine analysis approach/layout, particularly average positions screen, rather than actually reflecting what happened in a particular match and how the opponents are set up. A graphical representation of how you plan to set up and play, defensively, and when in attack, would I believe be useful. A central defender with a covering duty would be shown slightly deeper that a partnering central defender on defend/stopper duty. Similarly a deep lying playmaker on defend duty in MC would be shown being deeper than other players MC players etc. Separate screens could be shown side by side to indicate indicative defensive and offensive positioning and runs, like cut inside etc, and hopefully would clearly indicative if the tactical formation and shouts that you were planning would lead to overcrowding in particular areas or lack of support for stricker(s) etc.

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One thing I'd like to see added is more development of uploading match action. In particular, I would like to be able to make a montage of goals or incidents from multiple matches rather than only be able to do this for one match at a time.

You could make a good 'goals of the season' or 'misses of the season' compilation across your whole division for example.

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One thing I'd like to see added is more development of uploading match action. In particular, I would like to be able to make a montage of goals or incidents from multiple matches rather than only be able to do this for one match at a time.

You could make a good 'goals of the season' or 'misses of the season' compilation across your whole division for example.

I like the sound of that. Good idea that should, presumably, be relatively easy for SI to incorporate.

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- Manuel save should be lock in this mode. Auto save only in a month or more. Exit&Load cheaters should go crazy. :)

I know that you are only suggesting this for your "PRO" mode, but reloading isn't only for "cheaters". I do this frequently when I am testing something. I'm not very good at tactics, so I will often play a friendly or early season game over and over to see what effect my tactics changes or shouts have. I'm just trying to learn the game, and I don't plan on bragging about thrashing Man United 7-2 with Stoke on my 15th replay. I just want to see what does what since the game is woefully inadequate at explaining that to me.

I'll also use it for testing other aspects of the game. For example, I recently spent an extraordinary amount of time examining transfers on FM13 since I thought the game was favoring AI teams over my team. This required saving and reloading hundreds of times to go through offerings and bids to see what was acceptable to AI teams. As it turned out, I was, to put it mildly, being screwed. The AI readily dealt with other AI teams for far better prices than it would with my team. Trying to determine this type of information without save/reload capability would be impossible.

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I would like to see to start as a youth coach, like under 19 for a club, en work yourself up as a first team manager. (THAT would be great)

Oh and i would like to see that the test team for the full game of FM15 will test it properly before releasing it. (that is a wish)

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Here's a small problem I've encountered a lot:

I currently have three coaches. I'm allowed to hire a further two. Ideally, I'd want to be able to have seven coaches. It would be better (and make more sense) if I could request this even if I haven't hired the maximum number of coaches allowed. I they won't increase it, I'll need the two coaches to be multitaskers, but if they'll allow seven, I could hire four specialists instead. It's something I really need to know before I hire another two.

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Nice and simple one: player specific instructions to chasnge depending on tactics.

By this I mean a player I want to play as a Poacher in a 4-4-2 I don't necessarily want to have to change the instuctions for if I bring him on in a 4-5-1. I want his player specific instructions to only affect him when he plays in tactic 1, and have separate player-specific instructions for tactic 2.

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As for the UI goes, I'd like to have a "tab" based system. Generally when I'm analyzing something, I'm going back and forth in pages which is tiring and time-consuming. I'd like to alt+tab (or any other button configuration assigned) between pages so when I'm on training screen, I can easily change to team comparison etc.

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I can't find a fitting thread for wishes for the next patch of FM14, this is the reason I post my wishes here.

1.) I cannot understand why the youth contracts are not negotiable. I played in the 5th german league and gave several youth player a contract. I looked very surprised as I saw all of them will get 1,300€ p.a. . My best first squad player was getting less than this.

2.) Also for lower leagues but also for teams with very, very limited budget it would be nice to have more individual free space how much a player/staff member will get (wage). The ranges are too big for poor clubs. Let the user manger decide what he will offer the people. If he wants to offer 1,260€ pa so please let do him.

PS: If there is a thread for FM14 where this post fits more plz let me know.

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I'd like the opportunity to add more details about myself when starting the game. At present all I can setup is my fav team. I want to be able to select what teams I hate. Personally I would never, ever, ever manage Man Ure I want the game to know this. I want to take great delight in beating them and want the game to reflect this in the press conferences.

I want to be able to setup people that I like and dislike before starting the game - this is done with ingame players / staff, so I would like to eb able to do this for me.

Finally I want there to be options for less professional answers in a press conference. When being asked about another manager maybe losing his job, if it's an ex Man U player, I want to be able to say I hope he gets sacked, he's useless etc. Why do I have to be nice? So what if it's not professional? give me a disrepute charge or something, the point is I want to be able to say it.

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Although I'd like to keep a separate thread for discussing my affliction, it can definitely be seen as a future wish too. So take a look:


(In short, the idea is to have a general manager mode, no coaching involved.)

FYI, I've started an FMCU thread to show an example of how it looks in practice with the in-game tools available as of now:


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More options when you go on Holiday.I would like to be able to apply for any British Club only and only European International sides at the same time.I am not interested in non-British Clubs at the start of a save but still get my hols interrupted with offers from India.Also is it possible to be offered a Job without applying for it?And could an interested Club woo you or tap you up by admiring you?I would also like to have an option to apply for realistically obtainable Jobs based on my rep if I am an unemployed pub player I do not see any point in auto applying for the Barcelona job.

Is it possible to include manager achievements based on income?And have far more emphasis and realism on a Managers income in the game?

I would like a Managers league table of earnings made alongside Win/Draws etc?At the moment it's beneficial for managers to negotiate their own wages down as it will lead to better Club finances and budgets for yourself.How many real life Managers would do this?

Could their also be compensation included in contract negotiations between Manager and Chairmen if you fail to achieve objectives he has to pay you X% of your contract if he sacks you?You can include a bonuses on profits of player sales.

A sponsor relationships could be added in terms of personal sponsorship and endorsements of Players and staff and increases with their rep or performances.

Managers can use it to gauge your standing in a game the better or more higher profile you are the more you earn for example.

You could then also include a Media and Sponsor attendance allowance that Players are allowed for themselves and a what they are expected too by the Club's partners which will affect his moral depending on his Professionalism and personality or lack of.

Finally a separate wish.Get rid of Sunday league rep no matter how talented you will never get any of the current FM Jobs if that was all you had been.Even the very low add on leagues.

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When going back to analyse matches, having the option to show 1st half, 2nd half and overall would be useful. Currently you can only view the overall shots, passes, average positions, movement etc and being able to further break them down would, I believe help you gain more insight into the impact of any half time formation etc changes that you made.

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I would like to see players that comes into the box at a tight angle try to square the ball out to an arriving team mate, rather than 1)attempt to shoot, or 2) do not know what to to with the ball and just lose it. This is an essential part of football, players in a narrow angle always try to look for their team mates, no matter what the tactic is. It would be nice if I could give this as a shout to my wingers at least.

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I'd like to be able to report another club to the FA for investigation, or at least bitch about them post-match.

Previous match, a bunch of dirty Northerners in Oldham shirts injured THREE of my strikers, all of whom had to go off and are now sidelined for a month or more. For this, they picked up just three bookings- two of which were to the same player. They simply kicked their way through the game and, aided by a poor refereeing performance, picked up an unlikely and undeserved win. It's disgraceful.

I'm only semi-joking.

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Guest El Payaso

- Would it finally be time to get rid of these games where only one of the teams is trying to play? There's no point in these games where one of the teams gets 30-40 shots and other team just gifts the ball away and isn't doing too good in defending either. For example FM 2008 at some point really had good balance in games:

West Ham - Liverpool

West Ham - Arsenal

West Ham - Man Utd

Chelsea - West Ham

Wigan - West Ham

Bordeaux - West Ham

Newcastle - West Ham

That's just a few games but you see the point. Both teams trying but still clear wins also. And not too many chances in the games. That's simply how it should be.

- As you're now getting rid of all 'un-realistic' things like the old training system and tactics, the next step should be getting rid of staff and player search. IRL managers haven't got that kind of overpowering tools for finding players or staff. Players should be found through scouting and staff by adverts or by browsing teams.

- And in terms of match engine; bring back long shots and make it harder to get inside the box with the ball. Generally defending should be improved in terms of movement and reading the game. When it's made harder to get easy chances, it could be balanced so that you could regularly expect long shot goals from players that are able to shoot if you're getting them in to good shooting chances. Getting really bored with the current engine where 99% of goals are scored inside the box and most of them from one on ones that actually are rare in real football.

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More resemblance to each Clubs stadium.The majority of leagues and teams have been present for a number of years now.If Clubs are scouted could a few photos of the ground be posted or Google earthed,and worked on that basis?There a very few that cannot be.Some low league grounds have less detail than what they have in the game,in real life they are very often just a fence or railed barrier around the pitch with one small stand.Foreign grounds even at the top level often have athletic tracks around could this be added?

Could the Physio and training pages have a background picture resembling their Club's facilities status?Sate of the art:-Modern Hi-tech gym,Very Poor:-bucket and Sponge,Physio with fag in mouth.

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In posts #1051 and #1235, I asked to be able to choose which kit the teams wear, to prevent kit clashes, as the game doesn't always pick them up. I am reiterating that request.


Gillingham (blue shirts/shorts) vs. Coventry (sky blue shirts/shorts) - apparently not considered a clash.

Coventry's away kit is yellow shirts/blue shorts. That would be better, despite the shorts clash.

Better yet, Gillingham's away kits are red shirts/white shorts (2nd) and pink shirts/pink shorts (3rd). Any of those would be better than the game's selection.

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I would love in future FM games to be able to select from a menu what version of the Match Engine to use alongside a new patch. I'm just getting a little tired of new Match Engine patches coming out every five minutes and pretty much messing my games up rather than improving them and having no ability to roll back to a state that I was more than happy with. When I have a good game going that I am really happy with then I like to stick with that game and that patch, particularly as I prefer to play longer career games and stick with the patch I am on for the duration of that game unless I choose to move up to the next Match Engine.

Probably nigh on impossible to execute but this is a wish list after all....

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Fix for German National Team.

Grey, unsignable ( is it a correct word? ) and beast players occurs in team and they play at least semi final in every organization.

Won't be fixed as the licensing is expensive or exclusively owned for gaming by FIFA, or something. Google it and you can fix it yourself.

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Fix to the way League Reputation Works on Player Valuation

I really don't like the way reputation works in FM, for example : €800k valued McKay is loaned to a English Championship side from Rangers (SPL) and is subsequently value at €1.7mil despite his poor form. Then he returns to Rangers and he's worth €600k. He's not worth €1.7mil just for moving to a league. This happens as soon as he arrives. That car/train ride to the Championship club didn't suddenly make him higher in value just because he's in a higher rep league. He should have to earn that value through showing he can play at that level. Yet he averaged a poor 6.5, and still was valued at €1.7mil. Happens to any player loaned to a higher rep league.

It's more prevalent in this edition (FM14) as clubs rarely bid over a players value, in my experiences.

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A very minor suggestion but that would enhance the graphics much, I think. At the club view there is a graph showing the league positions of the club during the last years. The dots are usually blue, promotions are green and relegations red. But winning the highest league in the nation has no different colour. It would be nice if the dot became golden when a team wins the championship. Maybe even change it into a small star too.

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I would certainly like to see a bigger focus on the social element, perhaps giving us a live feed of what our friends are doing in their single player games.

Maybe giving us the option to have a profile page, very similar in ilk to the type on Football Manager Live - where we can post achievements, profile statuses (etc) that are viewable in-game.

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I suggest a complete overhaul of how the clubs handle stadiums.

I've been promoted to the Championship with Forest Green. The stadium's capacity is 5147. It was opened in 2006, so it's relatively new. It was, however, built for a club playing in the Conference Premier, and there is no doubt that the club has outgrown its stadium a long time ago. I've read on here that the board will never consider building a new stadium if the current one is less than 20 years old, but shouldn't this be one of the cases where that isn't relevant? They'll expand the stadium by a few thousand each year if I stay in the Championship or get promoted into the Premier League, and I'm assuming I'll reach a point where expansions are no longer possible too. Not building a new one doesn't making any sense.

Also. The stadium's only got 2500 seats. After the promotion, the board announced that they'd invest in the stadium, making it an all-seater. During the remodeling, I'll play my home games at Ashton Vale in Bristol. It's a brand new 30 000 all-seater, currently not used by any of the two professional teams in Bristol. According to Google, Bristol is a 30-40 minute drive from the club's base in Stroud. Wouldn't it be better to rent this stadium permanently? Rent or buy? Instead of spending £2 million on remodeling a stadium with a capacity of 5147?

This is where I'll play the first six months of the next season. I'll then go back to this.

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Maybe I'm an imbecile, but I haven't seen the option to select the languages you speak when you create your manager. It's really stupid for the press to ask me what it's like to manage in Premier League for a manager who doesn't speak English, when the conference itself is in English.

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Generally more dynamic with regards to everything.

More mental stuff happening to replicate the absurdity of the real life Premier League (and others).

Tactics need a complete revolution - far too basic and simplistic. Transition play, pre-determined movement worked on in training, formations on and off the ball, plans for different phases. More interesting biography screens with more details/facts/anecdotes.

Players don't respond logically in the match engine. They shouldn't have to be DIRECTLY INSTRUCTED to attack frantically when chasing the game in the 88th minute.

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If you are targeting a player and his club are proving less than reasonable in transfer negotiations being able to speak with his agent and to encourage player to offer ultimatum to current club. Also if player is listed subsequently at a crazy high price both he and he´s agent becoming outraged by perceived ploy to keep him at club against his wishes by putting unrealistic valuation on him.

Different recognisable techniques for free kicks, ie Ronaldo, Bale, David Luiz style.

AI that all "world class" players want to be playing CL football.

Finally AI that allows certain coaches depending on their tendencies and squad sizes to rotate more. And more young players with high potential being used more by AI coaches to improve by current managers. Would be great if fans gave their interaction saying how good it was to see young players getting a chance in first team. Could even be used as an excuses in press or with board for underachieving to buy time. Just went through two seasons and Adnan Junuzaj started 3 games. And Oxlade Chamberlain started 8.

AI managers targeting players for roles or positions in their squad that are currently weak rather than stockpiling talent in positions they are already wel served. Ie Chelsea in my game purchased both Shaqiri and Diego Perrotti to add to Schurrle, Mata, Hazard, De Bruyne, Oscar and Willian in attacking midfield positions and barely used any of these players outside of preferred choice of Mata, Hazard, Oscar and Willian.

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Also would really love the option of being able to become a manager. Rather than take over Arsenal or Bayern Munich and leave Wenger and Guardiola out of a job which would be completely out of sync with reality having the option to start the game as Arsene Wenger or Guardiola. The thought of a manager with no experience getting a big job is just not realistic.

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Something simple here but something that would be good in my view for the gameplay.

Obviously some bigger teams like to have their youth and reserve teams play at different stadiums. Eg Everton's youth plays at Southport's ground. However sometimes the reserves/youth play at Goodison. Some managers are not keen on the youth teams playing at the main stadium due to the increase in pitch deterioration caused by the increased usage, however some clubs may not be able to afford to rent a second stadium. Other managers may see the chance to play their youth and lower teams at their main stadium as a chance to ready themselves for first team football. I think having the option to play the reserves at their main stadium or training ground should be included and should affect the player confidence and pitch deterioration etc. Pretty minor feature but it would be good if added.

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We should get more from Affiliation, there are some special cases that are not properly modeled.

Chelsea loaned out 7 players to Vitesse Arnhem.

Tens of players go back and forth among Udinese, Watford, Grenada.

Parma buy/sell players from/to many clubs in lower leagues.

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A brief animation of the space your players will likely occupy on the tactic screen. For example an Advanced Playmaker on support duty who starts in central midfield, his animation would be the the space between your central midfield and forward line. Perhaps it doesn't even have to be an animation, you could click on the player in the tactic screen and the area he is most likely to occupy could be highlighted in some colour on the pitch.

The reason for all of this is to allow players to visualise their tactic's movement. It will allow them to see where they are leaving gaps or overcrowding an area.

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i don't know if someone mentioned it already... there should be more communication between the DOF and me as a coach concerning future signings. right now, if i let my dof handle the business side of the game, too much stupidity occurs. there should be a meeting(s) 2-3 weeks before my club enters the transfer period, in order to set up potential targets. what you guys think about that...???

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Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but 31 pages is a lot to read!

My wishes would be to have more dynamic player growth. Not only this, but more variation in how a player grows. I mean, once the game is mostly regens, all you have to do is buy some 17 year old wonderkid, give him a season or two of games and he becomes world class at 20. All the top team will do this, and it is really unrealistic and takes me out of the immersion of the game. Not every player is Messi, Ronaldo or Fabregas. What about the Drogbas and Luca Tonis of the world who were late bloomers.

I understand that it is a little bit better in 2014, but I would love an extra variable to affect this. Something like Pro-Evo has (or used to have, I haven't played it since 2008), where you have different growth styles. I would love SI to introduce a hidden stat, with say 5 different growth types like: Early Peak (Michael Owen), Early Sustained Peak (Fabregas, Messi), Standard, Late Peak (Scott Parker), Late Sustained Peak (Drogba). With these growth types, combined with other stats like "professionalism" and "natural fitness" we could see a massive variety in the way players grow and sustain that growth, making the game more challenging and exciting when trying to find new players.

As someone mentioned before, it would be great to also have a more dynamic system for PAs. Like having it grow if they are exposed to football at a higher level or if they have a few seasons of good form and conversely if they have a sustained period of bad form or are playing at a lower level, then the PA could drop. This could also be combined with what I've mentioned above to create a really realistic game in terms of player development and growth.

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I don't know if this as been said or not but there are 3 things i would like 2 see in fm 15 and that is number 1 proper commentary and number 2 the players to be much bigger like they are in the fifa games if these things happen it would be an ace game i'm not saying its not ace now like and number 3 is for the game not to freeze like it does

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When we set our formation, players stay in their own positions both in defensive phase and offensive phase.

In the reality this is not true, some examples:

- Pundits says that Borussia Dortmund formation is 4-2-3-1. But looking to them in the defensive phase they are more like a 4-4-1-1 with wingers (Kuba and Reus) aligned with midfielders (Gundogan and Bender). In the offensive phase wingers moves inside off the ball near to the lone striker, full-backs moves high, formation looks like a 2-4-1-3

- FC Juventus should play with a 3-5-2. But in the defensive phase they are more like a 5-3-2; in the offensive phase full-backs moves really high, aligned with strikers, their formation in this phase clearly is 3-3-4.

- FC Barcellona is alleged to play a strict 4-3-3. But their players built a 4-4-2 in the defensive phase, a 3-3-4 when again in possession.

I'd like to have this kind of flexibility in the Tactic Creator.

One more point: I will add a "cut inside without the ball" shout.

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i don't know if someone mentioned it already... there should be more communication between the DOF and me as a coach concerning future signings. right now, if i let my dof handle the business side of the game, too much stupidity occurs. there should be a meeting(s) 2-3 weeks before my club enters the transfer period, in order to set up potential targets. what you guys think about that...???

i think that could work great eg you say to your head of youth development i want a 3.5 potential or above lb , cm(denfensive) and a aml

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