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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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Bit annoyed, got a touchline ban (talking calmly in an interview and sharing an opinion on a decision isn't that bad is it?), but my assistant manager in the next game made no substitutions, even when two players got injured!

Now I have a striker out for 2 months, which would probably have only been 2-4 weeks if he had been taken off when injured rather than made to hobble about like a fat kid chasing an ice cream van for the last 20 minutes.

Surely common sense would have your assistant manager making use of the subs bench to add some fresh legs to the game.

p.s. my team still won 1-0, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the tactical genius of my ass man...

Also, when requesting a parent club from the board, how can they "not find the funding" to try and setup a link with another team? Small clubs should jump at the chance to link up with bigger clubs, increasing their potential revenue and receiving better players on loan for free. I'm pretty certain the chairman or someone on the board spending a little bit of time talking to prospective parent clubs wouldn't be too great an expense...

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I´m sure this suggestion has been mentioned a number of times before but I will give it a go anyway.

I would like a feature that makes it possible for a manager to buy a club. In the game today, you get paid by your club in various amounts of money. It would be fun if you could, with the money you earn, buy a club. When you have saved enough money to buy a club, you present an offer to the chairman, wich he/she may or may not accept. If you succeed the negotiaton, you will be the owner of the club. Now you will be able to hire/fire staffmembers, buy/sell players, organize the finances and spend the money where ever you want to spend it. Maybe you´ve earned much money back in the days as a manager and now feel that you want to give an (relative) huge transfer budget to the club. Or maybe you have a more longterm strategi, with investments in the club facilities/stadium. Since you are the owner, you can make small changes to the club, maybe change colours of the shirt, change the name (but remember the fans reactions to your changes, you don´t want to be hated by the fans). You can also choose how much of the earned money from the club you want to take out for yourself or reinvest in the club. You may end up with more money in the future if you invest it, or you can take out a small sum everymonth to add to your savings. In this scenario, the youthdevelopmentsystem would be more advanced, more developed so you can change the clubs structure as you want it, right into the foundation, the youthsection. You, simply, handle the things that just show up when you as the board, becouse you are the board.

This should only be an addition to the game, not change the game dramasticly. It should be a fun alternativ when you´ve gotten bored with the same managing strategis year after year. Or maybe it is a career choise, you work yourself from the bottom to own the biggest club in the world, isnt that prestige? I just feel that I want I new challenge after my 50 year old save. I think it would be a fun turn if my manager, after many successfull years, resigns and buys out his favourite club, just to form it his own way and to make it the best club there is through smart investments, good negotiations skills, and well-structured finance rather than a good tactic. That time has passed, he has already won every title you can think of, with a good tactic and a good morale.

Those who do not like the feature should, ofcourse, be able to play the same football manager as before. But for those who like it, the feature adds a whole new dimension to the game. It is like FMClassic. Nobody forces you to play it, but it is there if those who wants to.

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Recently signed a full back for 90 million pounds made up of

35 million straight up

20 million after 50 league games

35 million after 50 goals

The selling club accepted but the last clause is something which will never happen (he had previously only scored 2 goals in his whole 5 year career prior to joining me) and I think its a bit of a bug/work around to get the AI to accept a bid.

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Yes, i basically kept upping the unrealistic clause until the total was good enough.

It still has the total as the sum i purchased him, but i never had to/never will have to outlay the amount

Unless they utilise the "buyout the clause" that gives them around 90% of the full total ;)

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New York City Football Club has officially been announced as the 20th MLS team. They will be added to MLS for the 2015 season.

Suggestion for FM14: Please add NYCFC to MLS (as the 20th team) when the 2015 game date is reached.

Thank you.

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3 things I would Like:

1. An "ironman" option. This would save automatically on exit and not allow "save as". i.e. you cant try again after a bad result. To be ranked in challenges you must use this option. It is sometimes just too tempting to reload after a bad result or two.

2. When you offer a player a new contract you shouldn't be able to change your mind concerning squad status (say for a month on renewals). For example, say a player says he wants £100pw and be a backup to the first team and you can only offer back up players £80pw, you then offer him £100pw but tell him he can expect to play in the first team, he comes back and says if I am playing first team football I must be worth £150pw. If that situation if you then said "how about you play as back up for £80pw in real life the player say something like "You said I was going to be in the first team a minute ago what's going on I don't want to play here in that case". In the game he just says either "That is acceptable" or "I can do down to £95pw" or something.

3. Home gates should go up when you play a team of much higher reputation. For example as Berwick I drew home to Hibs in the Scottish league cup. In reality Hibs would send around 1,000 away fans (if available) and loads of locals would want to come and see the local team play a big team, Shielfield park would be full to its 1260 capacity. In the game my gate was 450, about the same as my average league game.

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Training to work, set assistant to do training, he ALWAYS does set pieces, yet set pieces are not being defended, so infinate loop, it is very annoying.

and you are going to be very annoyed when that defender scores 50 from corners ;)

and seriously, there is something wrong with these second yellows.

player gets booked for persistant fouling

then gets a second yellow on his next one for the exact same offence.

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When requesting a feeder club and the board trusts you and wants to know if you'd like to get involved in the selection of that club; rather than specify an individual club I'd like it if you could specify a nation or region you'd like the club to come from.

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In a similar vein, some kind of indicator as to whether a team would be likely to accept a partnership, or an easier way of ruling out teams who already had parent clubs when searching for one.

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In a similar vein, some kind of indicator as to whether a team would be likely to accept a partnership, or an easier way of ruling out teams who already had parent clubs when searching for one.

Agreed, much like the unrealistic targets filter for players, but for partnerships

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maybe add more attachment of single players to former clubs

for example i had one central defender in the BSN / then promoted to Premier later i dropped him he had in total 217 games for the club, now hes 36 years old ad a assistant manager with very decent stats, but when i approach him he doesnt even want to talk to me, altough he has Legends status at the club, thats pretty stupid

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Not sure if this has been mentioned previously but I'd like to be able to specify directional runs in the tactics creator. So I could have, for example, an attacking midfielder set to make runs towards the left, right or centre of the pitch.

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Agreed, much like the unrealistic targets filter for players, but for partnerships

That would be ideal, although only used in the case of the board letting you choose your own partner club. Otherwise it kind of negates the idea of the board proposing three or four for you to pick from.

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Not sure if that has been mentioned (haven't read any pages! Was gonna make a new thread on this specific topic that I'm about to mention, but figured posting here would be more appropriate), but here's what I REALLY want:

A LOYALTY FEATURE. Specifically for coaches and clubs. Players, maybe. But yeah. I'm tired of seeing things like Jurgen Klopp leaving Dortmund (2nd in Bundesliga, competing in CL) for AC Milan (6th in Serie A, competing in CL too) or PSG firing Ancelotti b/c he's in 6th place in October or Montella being fired b/c he's 8th in Serie A, despite being in the Champions League with Fiorentina or whoever is coaching Sevilla being fired for being in 5th in February. etc etc ETC.

Maybe if no loyalty feature, just improve CPU coach's job security for some specific cases? But that still wouldn't address things like Klopp leaving (though who knows, maybe he would leave for a more prestigious club and more money, despite him vehemently saying otherwise and proving in the past he is loyal as heck).

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On face value there isn't too much wrong with any of those sackings, managers being too willing to take sideways or backwards steps while employed is an acknowledge problem that is fairly new to FM13.

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I would love for a feature allowing you to hold a press conference when either resigning or getting the sack. You should be able to create interest in your service and perhaps explain your decision to the fans. As of now it seems a bit unceremonious and empty when you leave.

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I know it's nothing majour but i think it would be cool...

When creating new manager, create their history! For example, instead of it just saying proffesional footballer, have a real carreer record with games, goals and so on.

I would love to go on my carreer history and see 10 years playing for gillingham with 230 apps and 69 goals or something!

In addition, really make your cv look good, place of birth, more than one favorite club... so on. I think on favoured personel you should get to choose them too.

Completley agree with everyone with press conferences. It's so boring hitting the same buttons one after another cause you know exactly what they are without looking.

I'd like too see create player, limit it too one player a season.

Stadiums is one thing thats always irritated me. In a carrer I got boreham wood into the prem, won the prem and cl, richest club in the world.... The board wouldnt build or expand stadium so i was left with a 4,500 stadium for the best team in england.

Emergency loans are happening more and more now, i think it would be good to introduce it. like if all your strikers are injured bring in an emmergency loan when the windows are shut.

And maybe, just maybe bring in more english leagues like the ithmian premier and such. As a player of a side in the 'lower leagues' I'd love to see more involved in the game more.

Sponsors, I think you should get the chance to choose your sponsorship deals with companies and please change club shirts every season or two. Freshen it up a bit.

Addicted to the game, in season 2034 -_-


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Hardly any good South Americans coming through in my 15th year of managing in Europe on FM13.

There seems to be a bias towards the good youth prospects coming through in the contintent you've chosen to manage, or is it just me?

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As I see it, there are a couple of core components in the game:

i) match simulation

ii) player development

iii) man and media interactions

iv) team development

IMO, the latest FM versions have improved a lot in terms of (i), (ii) and (iii) - at least in terms of transparency and usability. Of course, these areas could do with some work, but they are not totally broken and if you don't like them, you can just leave big parts of them to your staff.

With (iv), however, there are many issues that I feel are seriously hampering the game, but that still cannot be ignored by the player. Most notably the reputation system and the contract and transfer negotiation systems. I find them to be poorly balanced, and that they cause more frustration than anything else.

More specifically:

Contract negotiations

- I hate the fact that agents let their players sit on stupidly low wages for several years, rather than accepting to leave out a 10% yearly wage increase in an otherwise extremely lucarative deal (for the player AND them).

- I hate the fact that many of the agents do not actually negotiate. They keep on asking for the exact same deal over and over and over again, eventhough my counter offers clearly demonstrates that I'm nowhere near prepared to give them what they ask for.

- it's frustrating that there's no way of asking a player/agent to lower their demands, except for when the club is in a poor financial state.

- it's silly that the only clause you can lock out is the "match highest earner clause".

- it's stupid that you can sign low rep players from other countries for laughable wages, when there's no way on earth they'd be able to live for that sort of wage. I very much doubt that a amatuer or part time pro would sign for £100 a week for a lower league club in another country...

- perhaps silly, but for me it takes away a lot of the realism when players keeps asking for avoid relegation bonuses eventhough you've taken the team to top finishes several years in a row

Which leads me to the next category


- team reputation changes too slowly based on domestic competitions. If you win the domestic league 10 years in a row, you should be ranked no1 in the country. Sure, many of the big clubs have high reputations eventhough they go through a rough patch and teams don't build a name for themselves over night, but the reputations should fluctuate a lot more than they do right now. If your team establishes itself as the dominant force in the country, the reputation should reflect that.

This point alone is most likely responsible for making "rags to riches" and "taking a club from a smaller country to european glory" type games increadibly frustrating. Regardless of your success, the game still treats you like minnows, eventhough you've clearly surpassed that level several years ago. It affects everything, media interactions and odds, transfer and contract dealings, how much press your team gets under, etc etc. It has very nearly caused me to quit this game forever, on several occations.

- team reputation changes too quicly based on continental competitions. In my current save with Oxford City, Tottenham has been ranked no1 in England for almost the entire save, eventhough they've never finished top 2 in the EPL once during those years. The only reason for this (as far as I can understand), is because they won the ECC 8 seasons ago.

- player reputations depend too heavily on nation/competition/team reputation. If a player clearly is supremely talented (scouts can determine that) and/or continuosly performs domestically and in continental competitions, his value shoud increase. A lot. That's not the case in FM, or at least it happens waay to rarely/slowly.

Transfer dealings

- The AI needs to be more proactive (and prefferably a bit more clever). As it is now, the AI relies on all the well known, real players until they retire, THEN they realize that they maybe should think about starting to replace some of them. Usually they then do this rather poorly.

- The AI need to start buying more from smaller clubs/leagues. Again, if you manage in a smaller country, you basically have to GIVE away your players eventhough they are top top quality, since the foreign clubs are at most interested (but pull out as soon as you ask for more than a movie ticket). In reality, one of the biggest problems for clubs in smaller countries are the fact that if you do well, loads of clubs will be targeting your players. It's frustrating beyond words to have your entire playing staff moan about wanting to move, having constant inquiries about your players, yet almost NO bids every come in. And if they do, you are faced with the decision to either sell for about a 10th of what a similar player would cost in a bigger league, or keep a player who is unhappy and refuses to sign a new deal.

There are more problems with these mechanics, but I'm tired of typing.

Please SI, fix these core mechanics BEFORE you start adding anything else!

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if a player is not going to the league champions, or a mid table premier league club, to a relegated club, there is something wrong, and incedently, Wigan were relegated with a whole 16 points, after finishing 5th in the previous season.... (another thing to sort out perhaps?), if it is based on money then why doesn't the agent therfore get back to you asking for a better deal?

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if a player is not going to the league champions, or a mid table premier league club, to a relegated club, there is something wrong, and incedently, Wigan were relegated with a whole 16 points, after finishing 5th in the previous season.... (another thing to sort out perhaps?), if it is based on money then why doesn't the agent therfore get back to you asking for a better deal?

1 - Reading came 8th then 18th a few years ago, Newcastle from 5th to 16th I'm sure other clubs have done too. It isn't unheard of IRL and therefore can happen occasionally in game. Perhaps there could be a bit less randomness, but there should always be a decent amount.

2 - It isn't just money, it is an overall combination of (in no particular order); money, club rep, city attractiveness, manager rep, training facilities and possibly other things as well. I don't disagree that agents could come back to you with a take it or leave it offer if it was just about money, but often it won't just be about money.

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less of the bizzare team choices by players.

a player just chose relegated wigan over upper mid table stoke, and my team :/

It might depend on money

There are any number or reasons a player could make such a choice:

1. Money as mentioned, though I would expect for a money incentivised player you would be more likely to get a demand for a wage you cant afford than an outright refusal.

2. Failed ambition, if Manchester United are interested in him he might refuse your offer in the hope of getting to an even bigger club. If Man U then drop their interest he might be left having to accept Wigan (though an agent coming back to you with an "are you still interested ..." email would be a nice new feature).

3. Favorite club, people.

4. Likelihood of first team football. A player would rather play Championship football than reserve team football. Did he think he had no chance he would play in the first team? If a manager consistently promised first team football and then puts players in the reserves word will get round so this might not even be related to what you offer him.

In the case quoted you might be able to rule some of these out from details of your game and I agree FM should have a logical way of deciding who a player accepts to work for, club division and reputation should definitely be part of it and I am not sure if it needs to be improved.

Different players should weight the different factors differently. Loyal Players will be more likely not to more anywhere or move to a favourite club / person. Ambitious players go for the big clubs, balanced players want first team football etc.

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Would still like the option for a manager to buy a club and act as a chairman. It would be freaking awesome to buy a little club with a small economy and make it big, like manchester city, or PSG. Aren't there anymore who would like this option? NOTE: it would only be an option as you read in my last post, would not change anything in the "manager mode". I would like to see more responding to this, what do you think? Shouldn't we press SI to do something like this?

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Two clubs making offer for a player. He agrees to both contract offers but eventually decides for one of them. That club doesn't have money or changes his mind, and everything is cancelled. Instead, he should automatically sign for the other team he also agreed terms with.

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1-Agents of Managers

I think managers should also have an agent. Our agent changes with our current reputation(you wont have the right to choose your agent, otherwise it would be complex.) For example you can tell your agent "find me a club in england" or "find me a first division club"

2-More useful Director of Football

You should be able to say your DoF "find me a central defender" or "our target should be signing young players". In this version DoF tries to make some random transfers.

3-More options in match

Just like being aggressive in press conference, you may want to be aggressive during match and like serving a touchline ban, you could be kicked out of game for being too aggressive to referee and make your team more passionate.

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making a press confrence just before big matches/pre season. I don't think that should be press confrences in lower leagues before every match.

I think that should be importance to the manager's wages.

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Will there be any news on FM14 at the E3?
Never happened before so I'd list it under very unlikely. I doubt SI could justify the cost of floor space at E3 & the chances of finding people at teh event who have any interest in FM would be very slim indeed.

Announcement usually start coming out in late July or early August.

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When I used to play LMA Manager I used to love the match day preview of the spinning ground with the teams listed down each side, really added to the effect of the game, if I was playing away to let's say Man utd old Trafford would be slowly rotating in 3D, it also used to show a Crain over the stand if it was under development, I'd Love to have this on FM.

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Few MLS points;

- Should be able to edit the salary cap number in the editor.

- Teams do have the money usually to pay for designated players, all too often can't afford players that would be candidates.

- Ability to expand the MLS should be an option, with a max of 24 teams. It would be an option to set up an expansion team that already existed in the USL or other lower leagues to join the league on a certain date within the MLS structure.

- MLS teams should be more than just marketing purposes as feeder clubs, linked to the recent NYCFC/Man City deal.

- The players in the draft should be slightly better than they are. I've very rarely got a starting player from the draft, yet in the real MLS there is always a few at least.

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1 id love a greater level of interaction with how the stadium is handled/developed/built (i know fm is a football manager sim and managers dont often have any say in this side of things) to me being able to stamp my own style on a in game avatar be it talents,cosmetic or just the choices made give me a much richer sense of ownership. to me when i play fm the club i manage becomes my character so to speak and i find my self constantly frustrated by the limitations of current development details to a club in football manager.

2 the ability to use the media to apply pressure to the board to get what you want. im not saying this should be a i win option that lets you get what ever you want but we see it in real life all the time with managers using the media to pressure the board to get more money improve the stadium get a bigger contract. now this doesnt always pay off and it also goes the other with the dreaded "vote of confidence"

3 more budget options, where you spend the clubs money if you want to increase the number of phsyios or spend more on the youth set up or up the scouting budget ie allow me to choose if i want to cut all the budget for the youth set up to up the scouting system

4 more options to invest on improving a clubs "rep" or "image"

5 season hi lights reel for the club, the league i think having a "match of the day" style montage of clips from important games ("tackles, saves,red cards and stunning goals") would be something id be interested in maybe throw in some media snippets from land mark moments in the hi light reel

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The ability to talk to a player/staff member you are trying to negotiate a contract with.

i.e if the player wants 100k+ p/w and you can't afford that, you can talk to the player to try the convince them to drop their demands.

The ability to ask the board to create a "B" team or to put your reserves team in the bottom tier of the country you're in.

The ability to choose a name for a new stadium.

i.e the board would give you the option just like they would when searching for an affiliate if they feel you're trusted enough.

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In FM 14 i think it would be nice to have improved crowd mechanics during the games for example more flares/ smoke bombs,scarfs, flags, ball boys, police,banners hanging from stands (could even have the managers name on if doing well or even if doing badly like a protest) and in derby matches all of the ideas i gave just increased to create some sort of atmosphere a long with this to help iimprove the match day experiences the stadiums should be improved as well for example more detail (add a tunnel to stadiums) more realistic adverts, electronic adverts, big screens, and when winning a trophy have the players come on the pitch and actually lift it. thees are just some ideas i had please respond whether you like them or not

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Increase the CPU's managers ability. Roberto Mancini is a typical example. Absolute world beater of a team in year 2016 consisting of Hart, Baines, Kompany, Lahm, Toure, Muller, Aguero, Silva, Fabregas, Modric, Falcao + more, but are constantly fighting for 3rd or 4th.

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In terms of disruptive players having to deal with them when they make outlandish remarks on Twitter etc.

Also it would be nice after playing FM for a certain number of in-game years to be given staff attributes like all the other managers/coaches/other staff have to see how you measure up against others. Things like Judging Player Ability/Potential could be judged by how much time you dedicate to scouting players and how much players you actually sign contribute to your teams' success and how frequently players you sign actually reach their potential - this would also influence coaching attributes of course. Another example would be tactical knowledge where factors such as win ratio, variety of tactics used, wins from losing positions would increase or decrease that attribute respectively.

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One thing that is missing in FM13 is that the international managers dont have a contract. They have their wages displayed but not the contract expiry dates. Can that be added?

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