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Monthly training report

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I've been reading into training including the mantralux guide, and I'm about to embark on a new save where I aim to really improve my training set up.

One area I'm not certain about is using the monthly training report. Now, if a player is reported to have performed poorly in training, I usually have a chat and inform him he's not going to get into the team or remain at the club unless he books his ideas up.

However, what about those players who the coach says is performing well?

For instance, if my coach says "Player X trained well (tactics)", then is that marely an indicator that one or more of his tactics attributes may have increased? Or, should I do something more with this information - should I focus more training for this player on tactics?

I'd be interested to hear how people use this information.

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I wouldn't pay attention to it in all honesty as players develop at different rates of speed and in different areas at different times.

If it's the same players performing badly then it could be a training issue. But for the players who are performing well they might have seen a slightly increase (no matter how small) in a particular area for that month. It doesn't mean it'll be the same next month though as they might increase in a different area.

What you should be doing (imo) is keep a close eye on the attributes and use the graphs to see the attribute development changes and base any schedule changes on this as its more of an indication of how someone is improving. Also do it over a couple of months rather make a rash decision. As some players might have a bad month due to low morale, injuries or just a low rating.

Another example of why you shouldn't pay to much attention to this is you might have a striker who you don't train in the defending catergory at all. So the monthly report might say something like 'Striker A failed to impress in training (defending)'. Which would be expected as you're not training him in that area so his attributes would drop. But for what you want from the player this is ideal as that's how you've set him up.

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