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Default Tactics / Granularity?

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Does anyone just play with an off the shelve tactic? The only edits being the style within it, like mentality, pressing and so on...

Can the game be enjoyed and played well with only small tweaks? I've read so many in-depth threads about ever small detail of the game and the granularity at which the game can and is played at, but I'm loosing the will to live playing Champ now after many, many years...

I've found myself starting games without allowing the first transfer window just to be able to give myself less distractions while starting up. I'm just wondering if the game can be played in a simler manner?

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Does anyone just play with an off the shelve tactic? The only edits being the style within it, like mentality, pressing and so on...

Can the game be enjoyed and played well with only small tweaks? I've read so many in-depth threads about ever small detail of the game and the granularity at which the game can and is played at, but I'm loosing the will to live playing Champ now after many, many years...

I've found myself starting games without allowing the first transfer window just to be able to give myself less distractions while starting up. I'm just wondering if the game can be played in a simler manner?

In a word?


You can play the game using default tactics and have good success, just be sure to use the right mentality and the right players for the tactic you're using.

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In a word?


You can play the game using default tactics and have good success, just be sure to use the right mentality and the right players for the tactic you're using.

This. There are several to pick from and can be simply adapted to the squad through just some minor tweaks to the team instructions. Of course, on here you will find many of us who tweak a lot more to get the team playing more how we want - but yes, implementing the pre-built tactics can get results with small tweaks. As far as whether or not it is enjoyable is a question of how picky you are with what you want to get from the tactics.

I have myself played with the very basic tactics with small tweaks just so I could play through the matches. But for some people, playing and fiddling with the tactics is the big, fun part of the game.

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Yeah. We pore over the details in here because we like to, it's not absolutely necessary :)

I like to go into masses of details in some of my tactical threads but, in reality, my tactical systems are actually fairly simple and I prefer to get the right players into the right areas at the right times. It's why a lot of my chat is hypothetical or philosophical rather than stating exact instructions or number of slider clicks.

I don't use the default tactics but I've read many a thread by people who have and they've really enjoyed picking the right team and making small tweaks to get success. And they get that success just the same as anyone else. Arguably with less effort.

What you'll find though is that it isn't YOUR tactic. If you want to play a high energy, high risk 442 and the default is more conservative then you'll end up playing more conservative than maybe you want to. But if you don't want a massive tactical challenge (its hardly a problem if you don't, you paid for it, no-one should criticize how you play) and you prefer picking a team, motivation, transfers, progression etc then using the defaults are a good way to go.

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