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Problem with Lille

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First season was awsome for me, I finished 2nd and won the two French cups.

Second season was terrible with 4rd place and no title!

Now i started my 3rd season with poor performance with Win Loose and Draw in the first 3 games.

IMO I got a great squad, with great players :


Can you help me? how can I improve my team and my performance ? Maybe some tactic change?


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I am not tactical expert but I have a fair idea of the sorts of things you might want to look at outside of the formation itself (I'll leave that to those more qualified than me).

Each game you play you should try and treat individually. For example If a team is playing a flat 4-4-2 with attacking midfielders in the centre then its best to try and exploit the middle as thats the weakness of that particular formation. Every system has strengths and weakness and the one size fits all approach doesn't work as well on this iteration of FM.

Shouts are really useful for tweaking tactics to try and exploit an enemy weakness whilst trying to address the problems being caused by the opposition. I.e. if you have slow defenders against pacey strikers then you might want to use the shout Drop Deeper to stop them being exposed.

Like I said I'm not the best tactician but these are a few of the basics that I would look at

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I think you should look at the roles of your CM pairing. BWM(S) and CM(S) both have forward runs "sometimes", meaning when attacking they're both going to be running forward to join the attack. Meaning that a) they'll be congesting the space of the front 4 ahead of them and b) leaving no cover in midfield. I would try one or both of them on a defensive duty. Personally I prefer a 4-2-3-1 with both the CMs holding station and leaving the front 4 space to do their stuff.

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I agree with the above two posts. It seems you will have a lot of congested space in a fairly predictable attack. Tried putting wingers on inside forwards? With this formation the key interaction is between your AMC and CF. Try and vary it. One dropping deep while the other pushes on will provide space for your wingers. Kasavan makes a good point about your CMs holding themselves back. Let the front four do their job. Nothing wrong with asking one of your CMs to add to the attack with a 'Run From Deep' and be that extra 5th man the defence can't pick up but make sure the other is covering. With that formation you'd be very susceptible to counter attacks with 5/6 men committed to an attack all struggling for space.

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I would say that you have 2 problems.

First is that there doesn't seem to be enough cover when you lose the ball. look at the duties 4 attack 4 support (both cm's and fb's) and only two defend. Maybe more of a 3 att 4 supp & 3 defend for a controlling tactic.

Second is what appears to me as a lack of plan in attack. I cannot see how you plan to score goals. If you want to hold possession and probe i personall think a deeplying playmaker is needed and maybe have your amc sitting in the hole rather than pushing past it.

In short i'd look at changing your mc(a) to a dlp(d) and your amc(a) to an amc(s)

Also maybe think about dropping your mc's to dm's with the same roles & duties to give better cover when not in possession.

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I think the most important question that seems to be overlooked by replies so far is why are you not having the success you did last season. In fact in terms of actual facts or information you've offered nothing that anyone can actually give you advice on.

What you need to do is find out exactly why you finished 1st then 4th the following season. Did you find it harder to break teams down? Were teams exploiting you in the centre of the pitch?

There are loads of reasons why but you need to view games back and see the reasons why, if not people cannot advise you and will just be guessing.

How do you watch games, do you watch them on full, just highlights etc

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