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Changing Attribute Colours Failure


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If you're using a custom skin then any changes that you make in the game to the attribute colors will revert to the default when you reload the skin. I've tried ticking Use Skin Cache, but that didn't seem to change it.

Unfortunately, I can only tell you why it happens. I haven't found a solution to the problem. :(

EDIT: Well, that's not entirely true.

C:\Users\[Your Name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2012\skins\[skin name]\settings

If you go that folder and open up your skins settings file (I use notepad, for lack of a better program) and edit the numbers in this section:

<!-- profile attribute colours -->

<colour name="low attribute" red="165" green="0" blue="0"/>

<colour name="normal attribute" red="255" green="208" blue="0" />

<colour name="good attribute" red="0" green="240" blue="0" />

<colour name="excellent attribute" red="13" green="60" blue="255" />

you can permanently change the attribute colors for whatever skin you're using. You only have do it once, and then if you change skins later, you can just copy and paste that section from one skin to the other.

The best way I've found to get the colors right is to change them in the game to what you want, and then put those numbers into the settings file and you should be all set.

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I don't remember for sure, it's been several months since I used the default skin. It wouldn't be hard to check tho. Using a default skin, make your changes, untick always reload, tick use skin cache, and theoretically your changes should stay.

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If you are using the ingame colour chooser option you need to have the skin cache option turned on.

It must be bugged then, because even with the Skin Cache turned on, it has never remembered my colors via the in-game color editor.

Either that or I'm missing something really simple (which has happened before) :)

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