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What determines player value

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I have 2 young DC's with similar atts but my first teamer is valued at 2k and the other playing in the U 20's at £140k. The cheaper of the 2 has a 3* pa rating and other is 2.5 *. The only real difference is personality of cheaper is fairly professional and other model professional. The 140k player has leapt from £70k without me even noticing

How does Tha game value players?

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I think match rating/form has an effect aswell. I notice when my players play well, with average ratings above 7.0, their value tends to increase. Likewise, ratings tend to reduce if they aren't playing well or don't play as many games. I guess this ties in with player reputation as mentioned above.

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I think it's a mixture of CA, PA and reputation. Also clubs reputation may play apart in it as well, how much wages is each player on and how long are their contracts?

Bought them both in as 16/17 yr olds and both reputations are local. The more expensive player earns £230 and has just over 2 yrs left on contract and the other £200 with just over a year left on contract. They are both averaging just over 7.0 rating but the expensive one is based on playing in U20's and the other 1st team

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length of contract will greatly reduce a players value when it hits the last year

if you watch the value of a player that isnt offered a new contract you can see his value drop by the month, almost regardless of form in the youths or reserves

i find winning caps, even in friendlies increases my players value the most

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Yup. As they dwindle in to the latter stages of their contract, their value decreases, but if they sign a 5yr deal it will increase slightly. Obviously form is a massive factor. The better they play, the higher their value will be.

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Yup. As they dwindle in to the latter stages of their contract, their value decreases, but if they sign a 5yr deal it will increase slightly. Obviously form is a massive factor. The better they play, the higher their value will be.

Not so, my on loan striker just scored and his value went down by 10k!

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Yeah I find that reputation is a big thing. I managed to buy a top quality 21 year old Argentinian for a bargain of £2.5M from Brugge in Belgium in January and at the end of the summer his value was £8.5M after a very good stint so far with me. I also find if other teams become interested and make offers that you turn down, his value increases whilst if you try and offer a player out, his value takes a hit

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One goal or game isnt going to have a major factor. It will be form over a period of time.

When I sent him out on loan at beginning of the season he was valued at £140k. He has scored 17 goals in 28 starts and is averaging 7.27 and has scored in his last few games. After his most recent game, in which he scored, he value went down to £110k having gone down to £130k the previous week. I am in March and his season long loan ends in June when he will come back to me with 1 year left on his contract. This just doesn't make any sense. I will offer him a new contract now as I do want to keep him and see what happens to his value then.

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When I sent him out on loan at beginning of the season he was valued at £140k. He has scored 17 goals in 28 starts and is averaging 7.27 and has scored in his last few games. After his most recent game, in which he scored, he value went down to £110k having gone down to £130k the previous week. I am in March and his season long loan ends in June when he will come back to me with 1 year left on his contract. This just doesn't make any sense. I will offer him a new contract now as I do want to keep him and see what happens to his value then.

If the club he is on loan at has a lower rep, his value will drop accordingly while he is there.

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If the club he is on loan at has a lower rep, his value will drop accordingly while he is there.

Fair enough and yes they are in a lower league but another of my players in a similar situation is increasing in value. I presume there is some sort of formula ( coding ) in the game that is used to determine player value at any given time?

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