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FM11 Questions: Position training, training workload, staff numbers & unfulfilled clauses

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I'm new to Football Manager, currently 14 days into my first season as Bolton Wanderers, and there are a few things I'm curious about that I haven't been able to find answers to. If anyone could answer some or all of these, it would be much appreciated.

Position Training

I've just won a nerve-wracking but inspirational game against Lyon in pre-season, with the victory in large part to a recent signing. I play him on the right of midfield in a support role, and I chose to put him there based on how well his attributes will fit my main tactic. Thing is, it was only when I went to sub him due to him being knackered that I realised his only position is central midfield.

I plan to keep playing him on the right side, as the inside-right midfielder plays a more defensive role. So I looked at his personal traing, shown here, and changed his positional training to "Midfielder(Right)", which gave the "Ineffectual" comment.

My question is; If I leave him with that training and play him only in that position, will the position diagram on the right of the screen eventually show a dot for that right midfield position?

He has been superb for me in that position, as has another central midfielder playing in that position.

Training Workload

The next thing is about a column I don't understand on the team training screen. shown here.

Why is the workload set to "Light" between the columns showing the number of coaches and the rating?

Staff Numbers

On the Boardroom screen, it gives a list of the numbers I have in each staff role. The numbers for my club are shown here. Where it says I have 1 Assman and am allowed 1 Assman, does that mean I'm allowed a second Assman? If not, will I be forced to remove staff in those areas where I have more than I'm allowed?

Unfulfilled Clauses

There's a player in my team who was already with us, and he'll never play for me. Even he did become good enough for the Premier League, putting him in my team now would be too much of a liability. I don't like having deadweight around. If they can't contribute, I don't want them. The problem with this player, Mark Connolly, is that he has over £500K of clauses, shown here.

If I sold him now, would I have to pay Wolves an immediate amount of £500K, plus that 15% of the sale? What If I don't sell him then release him on a free when his contract expires?

Thanks for any help.

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1 - yes, the longer he trains and plays in that position the better he gets. Eventually he should become a natural.

2 - that's the workload for the coaches, rather than the players. Light is good, it means you have plenty of coaches to share the work between.

3 - those numbers are what you are allowed, not the number of additional staff you can sign. You would need to sack your assistant to hire a new one.

4 - if he never plays again then Wolves won't get those payments, unless he makes an international appearance while still at your club. If you sell him then Wolves get 15%, if you release him then they get nothing.

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Thanks for the reply.

I couldn't find these answers anywhere, and that's great news about Connolly. I am curious about one of them though.

3 - those numbers are what you are allowed, not the number of additional staff you can sign. You would need to sack your assistant to hire a new one.

I have 3 Goalkeeping coaches, but I'm only allowed 1. Will I be forced to sack two of them at some point?

I also have another question.

Squad Registration

This is the Squad Registration page showing the rules for my league. It says that players under 20 at the start of the year don't need to be registered. Does that mean I could register 25 older players and still be able to use the 5 under-21s shown on that list after the deadline?

Would I be able to move those 5 in and out of the first team at any point in the season? Would I be able to put under-21s currently in the reserves or youth team in my first team at any point in the season?

If I leave things as they are (20 that need registering + 5 that don't) and register those 20, would I be able to register players I get as Free Agents after the deadline? What about if I buy players in the January transfer window? I read somewhere that a person bought a player for their team on the August window's deadline day, but they joined the club after the registration deadline so would have to wait until the next season to register them.

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It could be that you have been allowed extra gk coaches because you are under the quota for one of the other types of coaches. Either that or if you sack any of them you might not be able to replace them.

Yes, you don't need to register the players with U21 next to their name, you can leave them out and still play them. As long as the 25 players you submit fit the requirements.

I think you can register players outside of a transfer window provided you have left spaces to register them. January isn't an issue as you get to submit your registration again.

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Thanks again.

I'll have a play around with the staff quota. I've put offers in for better coaches so I'll see what's what at that point.

You've been a great help. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

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