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Many of the features that SI have implemented this year should have already existed within at least FM12, and shouldn't be lauded with such grandeur. Example, when implementing tone to team talks and player interaction, it should stand to reason to implement it within press conferences as well. When press conferences and media interaction where first introduced into the game in 2008 for FM09, SI should have already been working on how it can be improved and evolved - four years down the line are you really getting the impression that there has been four years worth of work gone into what the media interaction looks like for FM13 - I certainly don't.

Similar principles can be applied to almost every area of the game in my opinion; the Match Engine has already run it's course, and doesn't have the shelf life for another 12 months, the Tactics Creator is running a similar course and within a years time will be time for another overhaul. The training model of sliders has been around the game for years and years, in which time SI should have had a much better replacement in my opinion than what they've carted out.

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fair enough tommo but there are plenty of complaints about the game elsewhere...the point I'm making is that showing existing features in the videos and saying that they're new is outright dishonesty so far as I can tell

"vblog this week looks at the brand new player, staff and club interactions. Have a great weekend"

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I agree with this thread..I mean....What SI have done is simply made us think they have revamped the whole media/interaction aspect of the game, but what they have actually done is add a few different interaction options and a few new questions for us to answer....Surely this isn't considered a new feature...

So much for groundbreaking changes SI...Your not having my money this year that's for sure..Until I see changes in the ME and the AI aspect of the game

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To be quite honest, the biggest feature SI have implemented in FM13 is dumbing down the training module. The only other featuer with any gravatis is the new networking options but that should have happened long ago.

That's it. Everything is is generic (tones in press conferences) pointless (more press conferences), will be played with once then ignored (press conferences), or so limited that it's hardly a feature at all.

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I'll just add to the list the "new" comparison... where they just changed the bar's colors. But what do you know, now we can compare staff. Who could have thought of such a magical feature 5 years ago? I guess they had to overhaul the whole comparison thing for that.

Also as previous years, we get a new camera angle! Hallelujah! And we can zoom with almost all cams! Free controlled cam is totally unfeasible in a 3d engine, let's feed them every year a preset position and call it a feature!

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I hope so, it works well. Although I belive PaulC has said the match engine has been updated with real ball physics so matches play differently.

i know about ball physics, tnx god for that. It works well, but its same for years. same 5* 6 field, same options for donno how many years. 6 or 7? we all have same tactics that are working 2 good. AI dont exploit our weaknesses when we have them.. etc. they must make some changes in 7 years, some improvements. at least they can make that looks diffrent. i can't watch some beautiful woman if she is wearing same clothes for 7 years. same is for FM.

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So your complaining about something you didn't look at very carefully?

What a stupid comment. I am complaining about 2 things already in FM12 that are presented as new features in FM13. The fact that I didn't look carefully to see if there were others is hardly relevant. Go and troll somebody else.

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So your complaining about something you didn't look at very carefully?

Come now. He might not have phrased it very diplomatically, but the OP does make a valid point. Miles suggested there were somewhere near 600 new features in this game... I think we know that most of those are simply tweaks from FM12 rather than new features. It's unfortunate that this year's big feature is an arcade mode, that probably won't make a jot of difference to most of us nerds on this forum.

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If you're going to criticise, please try and make it constructive.

Am closing this thread as it's going to quickly deteriorate, but if you want to start a new thread containing constructive criticism, please do.

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