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New iPad question & FMC

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Just wondering if there was a chance we may get FMC on the new iPad?

I know it's been said before that the processor can't handle the full game but I just bought Fifa 13 for it & it looks and plays very well.

Surely if the iPad can run a version of the new FIFA 13 it could run FMC, or am I completely wrong in that assumption.


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I use a VNC app to play it on my ipad, you still need your pc on and an internet connection but it works really well. Only problem is that you cannot really do 3d or 2d matches so its back to text only :)

edit: the vnc I use is called log me in ignition. It was a bit more pricey than the rest but the quality is much better

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I know miles has said before that it would be 3or 4 yrs before a tablet would be capable of running FM. What with the new iPad running FIFA ok could that be brought forward especially now we have FMC.

I love splashtop. It's a great app. Highly recommended. ?

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graphics are nothing compared to the sheer amount of data the desktop game uses.... it's just not viable right now...

and FMC is still the full game, just dumbed down, and made simpler in terms of options... still not possible..

splashtop is great i've heard though

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Or you could try playing iFMH on your iPad! :)

The playing experience on iFMH is nothing like desktop game. It isn't fluid. Even Fifa's manager mode is more enjoyable than iFMH. I wish FM on iPad were more like old versions of the game, FM2007 maybe.

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Yeah, FM Handheld is probably the best you can do on a tiny phone screen, but on an iPad it's a bit of a letdown. Something like FM Classic on the iPad would be amazing.

As it stands, the iPad would have no problem rendering the 3D match engine graphics. The only question is how fast the simulation could be. The current iPad's CPU is a little bit more powerful than an Atom netbook CPU. The brand new iPhone 5 CPU is twice as fast as that. That's not blazingly fast, but it should be sufficient if you tune down the level of detail a bit. I think it's an extremely realistic goal to have FMC ported to the iPad in a year or two - getting the touch interface right should be the hardest part.

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