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Corner Exploit

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In alot of the forums i keep reading about this corner exploit and sense that it seems abit of a cheat when your centre back

scores from a corner.

I must admit i did find it abit funny that Mertesacker was scoring goals from corners and free kicks etc since he has not scored a goal for Arsenal yet.

I think Koscielny scored a good 10-12 goals in my first season.

whats everyone elses views on this and is it a glitch on the game ? i thought it was just my tactics were awesome

as i do tend to try and sort out flicks from near post etc.

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I see, So the best way to overcome players scoring a shed loads of goals is to not attack the near post ? I dont mind scoring the goals but dont want to see it as a form of cheating.

The only reason i selected near post flick on is because thats tend to be what arsenal do in real life.

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I see, So the best way to overcome players scoring a shed loads of goals is to not attack the near post ? I dont mind scoring the goals but dont want to see it as a form of cheating.

The only reason i selected near post flick on is because thats tend to be what arsenal do in real life.

The best way is to used mixed distribution and keep an eye on the "Goals from corners" in the league stats.

If you are not scoring significantly more than any AI clubs I would consider it fine.

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I see, So the best way to overcome players scoring a shed loads of goals is to not attack the near post ? I dont mind scoring the goals but dont want to see it as a form of cheating.

That's why I always use the default setup - mixed delivery. I inevitably score a few more goals from corners than a team will typically do in real life, but the AI will do approximately the same thing, and I'm not such a good player that I'm going to deliberately handicap myself against the AI, if that makes sense. Because I'm not tailoring my tactic to take advantage of the exploit, I don't worry about it, but I'd certainly love to see it (and other exploitable match engine flaws) gone in FM2013.

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My huge centreback scored 19 goals in Serie A + 10 assists or so. Since he had excellent attributes in all the necessary areas I didn't think much of it. But then I checked the set pieces setup and it was set to Far Post. I changed it to mixed and now he scores 5-8 or so a season, which I think make sense given his quality. My corner setup has players on every duty except "attack ball from deep" and "stand with taker" or whatever it's called, so it can't be an exploit.

The default corner setup lets the centreback at the far post stand almost alone all the time, while it's overcrowding the first post. It is designed to do that because it is also designed to work with bullet-throws, which go to first post. This makes it too powerful compared to all other corner routines, which tends to be corner routines and not the best of both worlds. If you use the default corner setup with either first or far post delivery, and have a couple of bullet throwers, you are using an unbalanced feature in the game. The fact that the AI teams also do the same thing is irrelevant.

The fact that everyone in Tour de France are doped so badly they glow in the dark does not make it okay.

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And most of the tactics on the tactics forum will be useless **coughs, mr hough coughs**

The new ball physics could be THE major new feature in the game. O'm praying it's good as I hated the last couple of match engines.

Probably true. The last time we had a new ME none of the old "cheaty" tactics worked well. This isn't to say that any particular tactic won't do alright, but that generally you should expect to be starting over from new.

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which is why it is march. i am top of the league, scored from 28 corners.

top scorer..... BASSONG!!! it is always near post attacks.

I hope they do fix them and the annoying stuff. so many sitters get missed by top players. while random players score screamers.

top class keepers getting beaten at near post

strikers aiming at parts of the net they shouldn't, tap in at one side, blast it at the centre where keeper is

too many players being offside.

and free kicks, they dont go in enough

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If you use the default corner setup with either first or far post delivery, and have a couple of bullet throwers, you are using an unbalanced feature in the game. The fact that the AI teams also do the same thing is irrelevant.

The fact that everyone in Tour de France are doped so badly they glow in the dark does not make it okay.

AFAIK, there's no effective way to defend against the AI using the unbalanced setup. So if you customise your tactics specifically to make sure you *never* take set pieces that way (assuming you even know how to do this, as I've never even touched set piece tactics myself), you really are gimping yourself, while the AI continues to exploit you. I'm hoping like hell that the FM13 engine handles this better than prior versions, but with what we have, it's quite unreasonable to suggest players who are only using the default set piece configurations are in any way cheating.

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On my first save I had a central defender that 30 goals on a single season, but that bug was corrected. The strange thing about corners on FM is the fact that is always the central defenders to score, it's very rare to see other players scoring on corners.

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which is why it is march. i am top of the league, scored from 28 corners.

top scorer..... BASSONG!!! it is always near post attacks.

I hope they do fix them and the annoying stuff. so many sitters get missed by top players. while random players score screamers.

top class keepers getting beaten at near post

strikers aiming at parts of the net they shouldn't, tap in at one side, blast it at the centre where keeper is

too many players being offside.

and free kicks, they dont go in enough

Perhaps the reason why your strikers are missing sitters is because your corner routine is too good, or takes advantage of an exploit.

I think, and it possibly isn't ture, that when originally processing the match the game decides what the end result would be if there were no tactical changes or substiutions. So it decides that you'll win 3-1, because of the corner routineBassong is scoring 2 or even all 3 goals and so to make up for it the game makes your strikers miss sitters.

Perhaps if you try not using the exploit you might find your strikers actually scoring and winning matches for you.

This is jsut a theory and I have no idea how true it is.

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Perhaps the reason why your strikers are missing sitters is because your corner routine is too good, or takes advantage of an exploit.

I think, and it possibly isn't ture, that when originally processing the match the game decides what the end result would be if there were no tactical changes or substiutions. So it decides that you'll win 3-1, because of the corner routineBassong is scoring 2 or even all 3 goals and so to make up for it the game makes your strikers miss sitters.

Perhaps if you try not using the exploit you might find your strikers actually scoring and winning matches for you.

This is jsut a theory and I have no idea how true it is.

Totally wrong, the game doesn't work out the final result first then build highlights to match.

It calculates the match and the final result is what it is.

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the simple thing is though, I want less goals from these, more goals from strikers and free kicks. why has an average (3 1/2 star) striker scored 7 in a game, and scored the first direct free kick goal of the season (even top clubs score a few)

it is hard to not use an exploit when it is just in the game, from the off, and this corner thing has never happened to this scale before

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the simple thing is though, I want less goals from these, more goals from strikers and free kicks. why has an average (3 1/2 star) striker scored 7 in a game, and scored the first direct free kick goal of the season (even top clubs score a few)

it is hard to not use an exploit when it is just in the game, from the off, and this corner thing has never happened to this scale before

Its not hard not to use at all, all you have to do is set your corners to mixed.

As for your other comments:

I hope they do fix them and the annoying stuff. so many sitters get missed by top players.

Its your tactics - It might sound like a broken record in this forum but it is true. The sitters are not as good as you think they are and you have unreasonable expectations of how often players score.

while random players score screamers.

Random players score goals in real life.

top class keepers getting beaten at near post

strikers aiming at parts of the net they shouldn't, tap in at one side, blast it at the centre where keeper is

Partly down to animations, there isn't enough animations to show the range of shots that happen in real life.

What you see as a blast straight at the keeper in the middle of the goal is the ME calculating that a save was made then choosing from a limited range of animations for a saved shot.

too many players being offside.

Again mainly down to your tactics with possibly an unreasonable expectation of how many offsides happen in a RL match.

and free kicks, they dont go in enough

Free kicks don't get scored as often as you think in RL although FM may be a touch on the low side but certainly not by a significant amount.

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AFAIK, there's no effective way to defend against the AI using the unbalanced setup. So if you customise your tactics specifically to make sure you *never* take set pieces that way (assuming you even know how to do this, as I've never even touched set piece tactics myself), you really are gimping yourself, while the AI continues to exploit you. I'm hoping like hell that the FM13 engine handles this better than prior versions, but with what we have, it's quite unreasonable to suggest players who are only using the default set piece configurations are in any way cheating.

My defensive corner setup is effective against the AI corners but not against bullet throws. I hardly ever concede on corners.

I have set distribution to mixed and have two guys on both posts so yes, all four of my stoppers, if they play roughly equal amount of matches, score between 3-4 and 7-8 goals and have a few assists each.

The default set piece tactic is not cheating per se, but with the right players in the right spots you will outscore the opponent because they won't put the right players in the right spot. Default corner taker, for instance, is the best corner taker so only half of their corners will be out-swinging.

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why is it a cheat,of course it's not,you are just expleting something that is flawed in the game already so it's not a cheat and the idea of football is too score goals.

it also does not work every corner or free kick and the AI uses it as we'll as I have noticed lately

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According to the excellent "Soccernomics" book statistically the majority of goals from corners result from a near post delivery.

Just a thought!

That's fairly logical though -

- the far post you have to get a lot on the ball to get it going back towards the goal whereas the nearpost you only need to get something on it to head it towards goal.

- you also have the fact that there are a lot players between the two posts so by the time the ball gets to the back post it will have passed a lot players so there is more chance the defenders can clear.

- Far post delivery is also a lot tougher, you have to get the power just right to go over the heads of most people in the box but drop enough for your player to head it in, whereas at the near post even if it's a bit lower the attacking player has more chance to get something on it to angle a shot or header towards goals, even a really low corner can be turned in at the near post.

- Speed also plays a part, there will be more pace on the ball at the near post as it has travelled less distance.

- both outswinging and inswinging corners are suited to near post aiming as inswingers will end up to close to the goals keeper the nearer they go to the back post and outswingers will end up too far from the goal as they get to the back post.

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why is it a cheat,of course it's not,you are just expleting something that is flawed in the game already so it's not a cheat and the idea of football is too score goals.

it also does not work every corner or free kick and the AI uses it as we'll as I have noticed lately

Its not a cheat until the point when you become aware that it is a common fault in the game, once you know that and continue to use it you are cheating. Not saying that you shouldn't do this but don't pretend it ain't cheating.

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Its not a cheat until the point when you become aware that it is a common fault in the game, once you know that and continue to use it you are cheating. Not saying that you shouldn't do this but don't pretend it ain't cheating.

True, it's obviously a cheat cause it gives you an unfair advantage over AI controlled clubs, a huge ME limitation, in my view, cause it makes the set pieces editor almost useless, I tend to use default settings in this area to keep things balanced, but of course a fix is needed.

Several popular FM12 tactics rely their effectiveness upon this flaw or the other well known 3-central-strikers exploit.

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According to the excellent "Soccernomics" book statistically the majority of goals from corners result from a near post delivery.

Just a thought!

There was another stat floating around the forum about how rare goals from corners are IRL, so they should be made harder to score in general not just from exploits.

It's possible to cheat without intending to, just by using default settings. I was quite deflated when my DC scored a hat-trick in a 3-2 win because I realised I hadn't really deserved it.

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it is annoying, Bassong netted his 30th and 31st goals of the season in an FA cup win, 1 from a corner and the other from the other, 90% goal chance, indirect free kicks floated to the guy beyond everyone.

it isn't the ammount of offsides, it is how i expect the players to behave, they should see they are offside and try to not be, yet it happens every game 2-3 times players stood 2-3 yards beyond the line.

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