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Game Mode Idea: Custom Team Network League

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Not really sure what to call this feature but it is comparable to the ultimate team mode in FIFA as well as the many Fantasy Leagues around the internet.

You set up a league and a few of your mates or anyone else can join it via a code, or being invited through steam.

Each manager/mate then sets up an original team, choosing the name, kit, stadium name etc. Each of these teams are allocated a transfer budget. This can be set by the league host but will probably be around 100-200mil.

Then each manager has to buy a squad.

To do this, each manager takes turns to nominate a player from the database. When the player is nominated, the starting price is his in game value. Managers can then bid on the player and the highest bid signs the player, who is then added to the team of the winning bidder. If no one bids on a player, to manager who nominates the player gets him at their in game value. So in other words, players are bought via auction.

The auction continues until each manager is satisfied with their squad (of course there will be a min squad size).

After this is done the competition begins (many formats, league, cup, hybrid) and someone wins etc etc etc. The way matches are played could be everyone the two managers logging in at the same time, or the managers setting their tactics within a certain time frame, half or quarter of a match being played out, the manager making tactical changes and then another quarter/half of the game is played etc.

Of course the main problem with this is that not everyone will have Football Manager 13 and it probably is unreasonable to expect everyone to have it. So I think SI releasing a stripped down version of the game which can only play this mode for say $5-$10 could make it affordable. (Not sure how realistic it is to make a client like this)

I would really love it if they were able to make this as it would allow a lot of friends to join in with you FM games and I really think the auction system when people bid for players would be extremely fun/exciting.

Thanks for reading!

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I like it, although that may just be because it reminds me of FML. With the new network ability to play custom comps between saved teams, this might not be such a long shot after all. One for further discussion and development, in my book- if I weren't on my phone now, I'd give it some more detailed feedback.

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Thanks for the reply guys, I think the lower price point could get a lot more people to buy FM, especially if people set up leagues with their friends like the many Fantasy Football leagues there are. I didn't realise how similar this is to Football Manager Live but maybe the infrastructure for that could be simply updated and used for this?

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