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Information in regards to Football Manager on Windows 8

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As you’re probably already aware, the latest version of the Windows Operating Systems, Windows 8, is due for release later this month.

Just for clarification, this is just a quick announcement that Football Manager 2013 will work on Windows 8 but ONLY in desktop mode (this can run both on a desktop or laptop but NOT a tablet).

This means that FM2013 will NOT work on Windows RT, Windows phone 8, the cheaper “ARM” versions of the Microsoft Slate or any device using the cut down operating system.

When the “Intel” version of slate comes out it may work on it, but we will not be offering support on it or claiming that it does work in any way. It is not designed to be played on a tablet & the game does not have touch screen control. Nor do we have any plans, whatsoever, to support those functions or the system. Or the Windows 8 RT operating system.

We must also say that unfortunately you cannot post to Facebook in-game and cannot access the in-game manual via Windows 8.

Football Manager 2013 is the only one of our titles that we’ve tested on Windows 8. We will not be offering support for it on earlier versions of our games.

We hope that makes it clear exactly where we stand in regards to Football Manager on Windows 8.

Many thanks.

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