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Brighton and Hove, Problems


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Hi guys, im in 2014 as Brighton and Hove Albion, and have managed to get myself in the premiership. Last year i came 12th but now have got second season syndrome and am struggling at 18th after 8 games winning 1, drawing 4 and losing 3.

Here's my team:

GK: Marcelo Grohe

DL: Mariano Bittolo

DR: Nicolas Fernandez

DC: Alexandru Iacob

DC: Obama (Patrik Ntsebande - regen PA 172 CA 169)

MC: Younnes Sankhare

MC: Mads Laudrup (Steven Hayes - regen PA 196 CA 151)

AMC: Aquino

AMC: Nicola Iachemet

AMC: Emir Salomonsson (Enzo Perez)

FC: Liviu Ganea (Tobias Blengsli - regen PA 199 CA 163)

Im on patch 8.0.2 and have £14 million to spend, players in brackets are first choice backups.

If anyone has any recommendations i would greatly appreciate it, baring in mind i have quite a low reputation for the league i am in.

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Since your in 2014, regens will have started to take over your game, so start looking for them. Replace Laudrip with Hayes, and how has Obama got on, as he doesn't look like much of a DC at the start of the game? Replace your striker, Ganea with Blengsli as he should be much better than Ganea. Aquino and Salomonsson and both wingers btw, so you might to move them out wide.

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