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Contract Philosophy's ..

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My understanding is that some clubs/owners are looking for their manager to adopt a particular philosophy - Roman Abramovich, for instance, expects his manager to play attacking football. Presumably, saying you plan to play attacking football will aid contract negotiations but could come back to bite you as the Board confidence section now has a board promises slider (along with the usual control of finances, squad harmony, competition performance etc). If you say that you will adopt attacking football approach and actually play defensive football, the slider will move against you and increase chance of getting the sack! Not sure how your teams performances translate into achieving the "attackiong football" promise - is it a case of your profile showing attacking mentality for preferred tactic/goals/chances created per game/adopting quick passing game rather than long ball....etc or combination of these? Seems like a good, yet tricky new feature - difficult to know what to do/try to implement without knowing how you will be judged.

Would be good to get definitive feedback from SI re how this actually works. Not sure whether in manual or tutorial.

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It's your agreement with how the board on how you will set you're team out to play. I imagine if you agree to play attacking football and sign high profile players they wouldn't be best pleased if you parked the bus and signed up all your mates.

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Extract from manual shows following:

"Here's a brief rundown of the possible philosophies and what's expected of you:

Possession Football: Your team should have high possession and high pass completion ratio whilst scoring a good number of total team goals.

Attacking Football: Your team should have high goals-to-games and shots-to-games ratios.

Defense Football: Your team should have a good clean sheets record, a low goals-to-games ratio and a low shots faced-to-games ratio.

Rely on Set Pieces: Score lots of goals from set pieces.

Sign Players from Chairman/Club nation: Keep (or improve on) the ratio of first team players from that particular nation in the first team squad.

High Profile Signings: Sign a good percentage of first team players with a higher reputation than the club.

Sign Young First Teamers: Sign a good percentage of first team players aged 23 or younger."

Next question for Attacking football is what goal/game and shots/game ratios are the board looking for......

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