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FM13* non-believers, even...

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I'm going to try the demo, but judging by the forum response so far, I doubt I'll be buying it. It sounds like the match engine needs a lot of work, and if so, I'll just stick with FM12 for now. I've got a pretty decent game going on that anyway.

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I've got a cracking game going in FM12, so will continue that for a while yet.

I have downloaded the beta just to try it out, only attempted one of the challenges so far and really not that impressed. Looks like it was made 10 years ago.

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I've got a cracking game going in FM12, so will continue that for a while yet.

I have downloaded the beta just to try it out, only attempted one of the challenges so far and really not that impressed. Looks like it was made 10 years ago.

The challenges are in the FMC mode, which means it's the classic version. i.e. What people liked from the old CM games, with the more complex stuff taken out.

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Not going to write off FM13 yet but I have been very unimpressed which is a great shame. Usually when a new FM comes out I love it and hammer it for the first month of so but I can't even motivate myself to play 13 yet. It feels to me like the game has gone backwards this year and I may go back to FM12 which compared is fantastic.

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I'm definitely moving up to FM13. By contrast with those above, I think the ME is in great shape, and will get even better. I haven't seen any of the issues reported on here; if they do exist, I'm sure SI will sort them by release - as Ackter said elsewhere, this sort of fine-tuning is not necessarily such a big deal to carry out.

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The challenges are in the FMC mode, which means it's the classic version. i.e. What people liked from the old CM games, with the more complex stuff taken out.

I know that and I'm fine with the concept, what I meant is the actual look of it is quite poor. I was hoping the Classic element would just be about the gameplay but with a modern, fresh look.

Unfortunately, ME graphics appear worse than FM12 and other screens just look dated. Clicking on items needs too much precision, simply pointing at a player's name and clicking doesn't work, you have to point at the top half of the name.

It also seems to take forever to process anything and I only have England loaded. On FM12 I can have a lot more leagues up and running and it would process 3 times as fast.

I will give the full fat version a quick try before giving up completely though.

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I'll be sticking with FM13. I may be in the forum minority when I say that I think the ME is an improvement on the last iterations, but then again, as I've found with a lot of gaming forums, the ones that like the game tend to be in-game playing the thing and not writing of forums. I also quite like the layout. It took a little bit of playing around with to get used to but that has been the same with all the previous versions too. Took me a good season to get used to FM12 so this one has gone down somewhat easier than that one.

I agree that there are some things that need looking at but it is at beta and the feedback from the community and also that of the devs and mods has been very good so I'll put my faith in them getting things sorted out. My opinion of this game has been helped by not running into many of the issues that other people seem to be experiencing. Maybe I've just been lucky so far but I'm more than halfway into y season and I've only encountered two bugs and neither of them are gamebreaking as far as I'm concerened.

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I wasn't overimpressed with the video blogs, but judging with the demo when it's out is the most sensible way of doing things. I haven't played the Beta, and will take the criticisms I'm reading of it with a huge pinch of salt- there seem to be a lot of people who don't understand the point of Beta testing at all.

That said, at the moment, I'll be sticking with FM12.

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I'll have a look at the demo, but will wait until I'm satisfied via forum response and feedback plus news about patches before buying the full game. I would not want to buy it and play if the ME is as poor as is widely suggested, and I don't have the time, patience or money to waste on seeing for myself.

That said, I'm pretty content to wait till the final patch before buying, even if that is in March. But i'm 99% going to buy the game at some point, as i'm sure the major issues will be sorted.

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I wasn't impressed with video blogs either this year and it is the first time since 2005 as I remember that I won't buy the game from the day of release..I am also reliefed that I didn't pre-order it since as I read there are so many problems that need to be fixed yet..Also my disappointment continues from the previous year release that I didn't enjoy the game at all with so many crashes that I had and never fixed and so much stuttering I encountered with the ME..Since then of course I have upgraded my PC to an i5-3570K with 8GB RAM and I really wonder if the game will be playable to my system this year...So until the release of some major patches I will keep playing some other games..

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what you mean actual game the beta should be the actual game its 2 weeks before it released it should be done and bug free, they only call it a beta so they have an excuse if there was something wrong with it which is has btw.

No game, or any piece of software for that matter, is ever bug free.

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