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Using regen faces for youth squad


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As you can imagine, finding cuttable sources for non-first team players in any of the non-major teams can prove problematic at the best of times. If you can find decent sources, you're encouraged to request them in the susie forum so that we can include them in any forthcoming updates.

In reply to your query, there is a thread in here titled iirc Rowan's Regen Replacements (which is also available on the susie cutout forum) in which images of non-famous individuals have been cut to enable replacement of regens. They can similarly be used for the purpose you are requesting :thup:

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I really wish we could just use regen faces for any player that doesn't have a profile picture. That grey head is a real immersion breaker for me - nothing like it to say IT ISNT REAL.

You can always delete the default image from the default folder and retain the config file. This would mean that persons who don't have images will have an empty space instead...

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