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[WIP] Carbon Skin FM13


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I want to share with all of you my work on a dark version of the FM13 skin. This is my first skin ever and therefore it is taking me some time to find graphics + fonts; any suggestions are welcome. My plan is to release a beta version on the week end, however it is not a promise as I have limited time.

On top of the dark look I also plan to have fully transparent match widgets, as well as modified opposition instructions view (I want to have a view will all instructions in the same table, for quicker selections).

Here are some screen shots of the work so far:






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too dark in my opinion.

try to smooth it a little.

I actually went for very dark because that's the way I like the dark skin to be and also because looking around other dark skins so fare are less dark (hence the name Carbon :))

Still your feedback is much appreciated. I'm expecting more feedback once the beta version is released and I will try to implement any good suggestions.

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One question - the colouring of the manager's name and option buttons in the top-right are light-blue in the screenies. Am I right in assuming that this is because you're controlling Man City here? Have you tested it with other clubs to ensure there isn't a clash?

That's correct. The colour scheme of the header is the same as in the default scheme (it follows the team colours). I tested with various teams and it's ok.

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  • SI Staff
Would love a larger font for anyone with a monitor bigger than 14 inches!

Well; that's easy to fix. You just have to edit the first lines of the settings.xml; the attribute with a smthg-font name. Just change number associated to that attribute.

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Ok...that competition about dark is too much for me.

Could I ask you which skin you use as a base of your job. Hope it's the Jack Hammer's one and not mine. Hope you get his agreement for using his skin. At all; if you use mine; should I remind you that respect and gentleman agreement mean something.

It's also easy to prove that it's mine due to the difference in the settings.xml and in the code of some panel.

If you used my skin; you jus had to ask for agreement. You would have get it; now you won't..

Waiting for the download to check about where you get it from. If you used mine; I suggest you to close your thread as you can not use my stuff without at least my agreement; there are laws about it.

Hehehe, relax mate, my base working skin is the default FM13 one. I'm just redoing all the graphics.

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  • SI Staff
Hehehe, relax mate, my base working skin is the default FM13 one. I'm just redoing all the graphics.

Sorry about it... Good luck in your stuff, just how did you get the idea?

I edit my spoil to delete the offensing part in that case.

If I might, I agree that the background is too dark, is it better about editing policies colours or smthg? Just that I start to learn about skinning 2 weeks ago, so still looking for good tips to improve.

have a nice day

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To be it seems too dark, it would be better IMO to have it slightly brighter

Well, that's exactly what I'm aiming with this skin. I want an extremely dark look as this is what I like to play with. There are less dark skins coming up as well, therefore you'll find a skin that suits you.

This skin is for whoever likes pitch black skin as I do. Still thanks for your feedback.

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Sorry about it... Good luck in your stuff, just how did you get the idea?

I edit my spoil to delete the offensing part in that case.

If I might, I agree that the background is too dark, is it better about editing policies colours or smthg? Just that I start to learn about skinning 2 weeks ago, so still looking for good tips to improve.

have a nice day

It's pretty simple actually. Every year I play with a dark skin. Since this year there was no dark skin released, as soon as I got the beta i decided to make my own as I cannot stand the default white skin.

You'll notice that on top of remake all the boxes graphics I also redo the existing dark graphics to be even darker :) (buttons and check boxes are an example). The match skin (which is mainly dark) will also get a full make over to match the darker look as the other screens.

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Ok...that competition about dark is too much for me.

Could I ask you which skin you use as a base of your job. Hope it's the Jack Hammer's one and not mine. Hope you get his agreement for using his skin. At all; if you use mine; should I remind you that respect and gentleman agreement mean something.

It's also easy to prove that it's mine due to the difference in the settings.xml and in the code of some panel.

If you used my skin; you jus had to ask for agreement. You would have get it; now you won't..

Waiting for the download to check about where you get it from. If you used mine; I suggest you to close your thread as you can not use my stuff without at least my agreement; there are laws about it.

"It is easy to take away things" - False accusations for example?

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Also if at all possible, you know on match day I play on elevated and the names above the players are tiny and unreadable. Is there any way to make them a little bigger or different colour? Appreciate the the effort.

I'll keep a list of suggestions / requests and I'll try to implement any sensible ones, but I won't make any promises.

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Sorry about it... Good luck in your stuff, just how did you get the idea?

I edit my spoil to delete the offensing part in that case.

If I might, I agree that the background is too dark, is it better about editing policies colours or smthg? Just that I start to learn about skinning 2 weeks ago, so still looking for good tips to improve.

have a nice day


You have code to prove what is your skin and what isn't, right? could you maybe do me a favor? Instead of accusing every person who creates a dark skin of stealing your work, why don't you wait until they are released. Then you can download every skin and find figure out who stole your work and call them out on the board, sue them or do whatever you want to do. Nobody in this community is going to applaud a thief. On the other hand, constant accusations about others work without proof is not going to be looked very well either. Please, no more accusations, ok? When you have proof, go into a thread and go on the attack. If your proof holds up, the community will support you. deal?

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