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A Day in the Life

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Woke up, fell out of bed

Dragged a comb across my head

Found my way downstairs and drank a cup

And looking up, I noticed I was late

Switched on my Mac and grabbed my mouse

Went online in seconds flat

Found the FM demo and had a look

And I couldn't use it and I went into the help


OK so I downloaded it at 6.00am and I'm trying FML and I'm blowed if I can find the screens where I set team policies and where I give instructions to the DOF so any help would be much appreciated

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OK so I downloaded it at 6.00am and I'm trying FML and I'm blowed if I can find the screens where I set team policies and where I give instructions to the DOF so any help would be much appreciated

I'm guessing FML is a typo and you mean FMC, if so these feature are handled by the ai unless your playing the full game.

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From what I've read in the official beta feedback thread, that was the way SI intended it to work at first but the feature has come in for so much criticism from the community that they are looking at ways to change it, guess we'll just have to hope they can get it back to the way we were all used to it working by the time the full game is due to be released.

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