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Team Philosophy, and fludity settings

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I'm sorry if I got the name wrong, I haven't got the game open, but the section where you choose overload, attacking, control ect and very fluid, fluid, rigid settings

Does this change anything other than sliders?

Because I like a ton of control over my tactics and I usually have most boxes ticked so I was wondering if I even needed to take it into account as there is very few things I leave unchanged like set pieces, because I use the control attacking setting during games and was just wondering if this would have any affect (because I haven't seen any)

Thanks for any help

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Those settings change a great many things, however I am unsure if it changes more than just sliders.

I assume you are talking about things like man marking, hold up play, tight marking etc etc?

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Ah, I see that you asked about both match strategy and philosophy. Sorry for not paying attention.

In my message above I was only talking about fluidity (or philosophy) and not mentality (or match strategy). What Gallagher said is true. Match strategy changes a wider variety of sliders than philosophy.

Apart from mentality and closing down, match strategy hugely affects passing sliders, and marking settings and set-piece tactics, and of course automatic duties are affected in about every instruction. I think roaming is affected too.

Through balls, runs from deep, run with ball are not affected by match strategy nor by philosophy.

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