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Few tactical problems

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I am using a swansalona type tactic, its working well for me but my problems are-

Too many long shots- out of 25 chances in my last game 15 on target, 14 long shots

Struggling to regain possession, for example my players will be in our own half, hardly closing down the ball when the other team is passing the ball happily around midfield

Wingers not tracking back! this relates to my last problem of not regaining possession.

Can anyone give me some help?


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Post more about the settings you use, team instructions, the shape, player settings etc.

I'm not sure why people keep posting asking for help but don't give any of this info. How do you except to get the help when we know nothing about how you are playing and so on? The truth is we can't, so we need you to tell us about the system and settings you are using. Then someone can give some proper advice.

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