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Trophy logos???


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I don't know if it has been done yet but has anyone created a pack for the trophy screen on the club page where you see what the club has won? I assume it hasn't for 13 but was wondering if it was out there for 12.

If not I might see what I can do myself.

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I don't know if it has been done yet but has anyone created a pack for the trophy screen on the club page where you see what the club has won? I assume it hasn't for 13 but was wondering if it was out there for 12.

If not I might see what I can do myself.

There was a pack which changed them from the default gold cups to silver (or vice versa - I can't recall). At least with FM12, there was one cup logo only and it was not customisable, i.e. you could not have separate trophy logos to represent separate competitions. I haven't seen anything to indicate this was changed for FM13.

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