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Editor/Sounds - Why SI don't improve that area?

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Ok, i know that the match engine is more important, but i expect that version of FM could show a improvement in this features.

Editor has very, very few changes since last version and the game sounds are the same... since FM 08 i think. Not sounds good :p

It's difficult see a new soundpack and the advanced editor are blocked.

So, I'm very satisfied with this version (online mode looks terrific), but i'm a little bit disappointed for don't see major changes in this features. Maybe in FM 14 SI take a serious look in that area!

Cheers and sorry for the poor english

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Editor had quite a number of changes for FM12 in all honesty. Sound I'd like to see get an overhaul but in terms of priorities in-game it's not particularly high. It's also quite difficult to do too much with sounds (say certain chants/songs) due to legal restrictions. But yeah, they're both things that are on the (very large) to-do list. Thanks.

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I very much doubt that the sounds will be improved for FM14.

People ask the same thing every year, but SI don't seem interested in changing/improving the matchday sounds.

It's very-very low down on their list of priorities. (if it's even on the list)

I'd love for the matchday sounds to be improved, going alongside the 3D pitch, it would make the matchday experience alot better.

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It just seems to me that the editor has very much been on the back burner since FM10 when it was massively overhauled. Since then the changes have been mainly cosmetic from my standpoint...

If anyone from SI reads this then don't take offence. I know I spend a completely unnatural time on the editor compared to the average user and so expect far more from it than most, but it wouldn't take a lot to placate me :p

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I can't say I'm overly disappointed about the lack of sound improvements. I would wager that FM is one of those games (the only?) that you have going whilst you browse/work/listen and the fact it can be silenced is one of the main attractions for the majority of users.

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Thanks for the answer neil, hopefully FM 14 could have a improvement in those features...

Could be fantastic a game in Anfield listen you'll never walk alone before the game or other songs, like "sack the board" if our team are go to relegation!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Improve sounds is expected and should not be too difficult. Add specific chants to a team is not required.

The soundscape in match is very, very, very bad !!!!!


I agree.

I'm not asking for team specific chants, or even general chants (which may be licensed etc)

But just better matchday sounds, such as a better general background noise, better 'yeahhh' or 'ohhh' chants when a team comes close to scoring.

Better 'booing' 'nervous' 'excited' 'applause' chants.

The current match sounds don't even sound like any football match I've been too, or watch on the TV/listen to on the radio.

Half of the time on FM, a player can have a shot which goes close, and the match sound is always behind by a couple of seconds.. sometimes the noise/match sound to acknowledge a team has just gone close to scoring, doesn't even play.

I think the matchday sounds could do with being overhauled.. they should take alook at CM03/04.

That game had no licensed or team specific chants etc, but it had much more realisitc general match sounds (which felt more like a football match) and the sounds were also very well coded, right sounds at the right time. (no delays, no sounds not playing, no random whistling and booing that you seem to get on the FM matchdays etc) The balance in noise between home fan sounds, and away fan sounds were perfect too.

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