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Help me achieve midtable


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Told the board I would get a midtable finish with my Crewe team I have £1.4 million to spend and am 30k a week under my wage budget. I feel with the right signings I can achieve midtable at least. If I can bring in Ched Evans on loan and team him up with Daryl Murphy that would be great as this was my strike force that got 50 goals between them last season. So here is my squad.



I think I need players all over the pitch I was thinking of loaning in Lansbury, Nordtveidt, Ched Evans and one more player on season long loans, O'Donovan played really well last season for my team. So anyone have any ideas for players either on loan or to buy? I have Rafael Forster arriving next month aswell.

I would have posted in the Crewe thread but only 2 other people post in there so I require the knowledge of people who may not play as Crewe. Any ideas people?

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try to get james mccarthy from hamilton, should cost less than a million and is a fantastic player at 17and will only get better. also, go round the premier league clubs and look at the youngsters that they release, you are sure to find a bargin in there sumwhere

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I cant offer the sort of money that he would want the most wages I could offer is 8k a week. I did think about Jimenez though. I got Sarghi as a RB that might be spelt wrong he is a Romanian who can play RB or CB.

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Apart from the obvious and frankly manditory purchases of Piatti and Buonanotte, you could raid the Czech republic - Martin Zeman, Marek Strestik, Lubos Kalouda, Tomas Frejlach can all be bought for less than a million. DO what I do and do a buy now pay later deal. I usually figure that I wouldn't be able to keep hold of really good players after promotion, so for a £500,000 player I'll offer 100,000, with 750,000 after 50 games. Hopefully, I'll sell them for more, just ensuring that they don't play 50 games! I'd recommend Strestik as the number one purchase out of all those Czechs, a brilliant target man

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Piatti and Buonanotte have both already signed for big clubs which is a pity. I have bought in Gregory Thil, Sarghi and Masiello on a free transfer. Trying to get Munari, Stancu and a few loan deals.

I will take a look at those Czech players thanks for the replies guys its gonna be a long hard season.

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Do you have the Argentinian database loaded?

If so, have a look at the following EU passport holders; some may still be at their original clubs and would fit well within your budget:

Hernan Mattiuzzo

Walter Garcia

Carlos Marinelli

Cristian Rami

Nicolas Mazzola

Leandro Gioda

Cristian Fernandez

Fernando Casertelli

Enrique Ortiz

Dario Botinelli

Additionally have a look at:

Mea Vitali (Venezuelan class)

Aureliano Torres (Paraguayan International L/B)

Rok Kronaveter (Slovenian)

Alo Barengrub (Estonian)

Rudolf Austin (Jamican, will need to have acquired sufficient caps for you to sign him; 17-20 or so)

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