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A point in the right direction

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Hi! First I would like to say this FM13 is potentially the best FM ever by a mile in all aspects of the game.

Though, seemingly, as many others with me im finding a tad harder to keep consistency throughout the season. For sure this is more realistic that before, when I could just make a good tac, keep motivation up, and results would come, with no tweaking, OI, shouts or backup tactics whatsoever.

I love this game from the bottom of my heart, been playing it since the first versions in early nineties, and now all of the sudden I have to be a tactical master to keep results realistic. I say realistic because (as plenty others have stated similary) one game i prouduce (as Man Utd, always) a stunning performance againt City, the next to games I struggle at home against Wigan and Reading, conceding 2 early goals and struggling to fight back etc etc.

As thus, I honestly think that after releasing a ME with this significacnt changes, we should be given a heads up, maybe a "how to" manual, something something.

At least maybe, as to the meaning of this thread I can be given a point in the right direction.

So. I dont like DL tacs, so I have already made a tac that suits my team and personal prefs. Its producing entertaining attacking football that keeps my board happy, and normally quite good defensively. But as mentioned i get this annoying defending and attacking problems as mentioned. Maybe something to do with gelling etc, but then I should play **** all the time shouldn`t I?

The tac:





-----------CM-att -------------DLP-supp



Style: Control/Balanced (Home/Away)

Strategy: Rigid

Passing style: Shorter

Creative freedom: More expressve

Closing down: Press more

Tackling: More agressive

Marking: Zonal

Crossing: Drill crosses

Roaming: More roaming

Sliders on default (for more effective shouts)

Focus passing: Mixed (default)

Counter attack: Yes

Play offiside: No

Playmaker: Unticked

Target man: Unticked

Tweaks: Centre backs set to man marking. Wing back creative freedom set to first tick of little and set to man marking. DLP set long shots rarely. Complete forward has fwd runs set to rarely, and creative freedom set to max.

The shouts I use that is working as I want is shouts like retain possetion, drop deeper, pass into space etc often combined for holding a lead.

Spesific questions regarding my tac and philosohpy:

- Shouts for pushing for goal? (different if home/away, easy/hard opponent?)

- Roles for the 2 CM`s for better balance? Should playmaker be ticked, and in what role for my philosophy?

- The sweeper position, wich is preferable, libero or sweeper?

- Any other tweaks for perfecting the play.

Thats the questions I have that I think might have some effect, any other input is off course more than welcome.

I know there already is alot of similar threads and questions around, but I felt I had the right after being a loyal customer for 20 years:)

Thanks for an incredible game and a magnificent forum,

Best regards Dante.

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I think you are a bit too open in the midfield. Of your 3 men in the middle, 2 have an attacking role and the other is supportive. I would put one of the midfielders to Defensive duty.

I am playing with the same formation too sometimes and seems to be working okay, although I am struggling with consistency too.

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Thanks. But yea I thought of that too. Doubt that is solves it all though:) Hoping for an advanced answer from a mod:)

Btw, did SI post some reply to the issues many have regardig concistency etc? Is there actually a problem, or is it just me that is not good enough(very propable)?

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I love this game from the bottom of my heart, been playing it since the first versions in early nineties, and now all of the sudden I have to be a tactical master to keep results realistic. I say realistic because (as plenty others have stated similary) one game i prouduce (as Man Utd, always) a stunning performance againt City, the next to games I struggle at home against Wigan and Reading, conceding 2 early goals and struggling to fight back etc etc.

Hey Dante,

With the tactics you've selected I'd say that you will end up struggling against teams like Wigan, Reading as opposed to teams like City, Arsenal for the following reason: those teams will sit deep against you and attempt to counter-attack. City, Chelsea and co are more likely to attack you, retain possession meaning there's a lower chance that you're constantly attacking and players are caught out of position.

With the team set-up the way you have it you're very, very prone to being hit on the counter: at a given time it's possible for only your DLP to be in front of the 3 CB's in offensive situations. Add to this that you're playing your 2 CM's in the central slots rather than the CDM slots then you'll be very prone to the counter. There'll be a lot of space for an opposition ST, Wingers to exploit, check if this is where goals are being scored against you.

If you're able to hold the ball and control the game, winning it back quickly this tactic will do well, however I'd be loathe to play an attacking CM alongside a DLP, unless that DLP was Busquets. Personally I believe the balance of your team would be greatly enhanced simply by playing a ball winning midfielder in that slot, or a ball-winning midfielder alongside a CM (attack). I'd also aim to have one of my WB's/FB's restricted in mentality, so they're less likely to bomb forward every time, think Abidal, Alves for reference.

You might also find it difficult to breakdown teams that sit deep against you as most of your attacking threats are within close proximity to each other. If a team remains compact you're going to find it very hard to play through them without a plan B involving greater width. This is presently the problem Manchester City are faced with in real life. As soon as teams cotton on to the idea that your full-back aren't dangerous and let them have the ball to cross from deep, whilst defending that cross, you're going to find it difficult to break teams down.

So to improve: a defensive minded CM is in my eyes necessary especially with wing-backs; a plan B is required e.g. 4-2-3-1 with added width when teams are proving difficult to breakdown in central areas.

As for the specific questions:

Shouts for pushing for a goal: Go to Plan B and play direct or, if plan A seems to be working, just become more direct.

The sweeper position, which is preferable, libero or sweeper? Given how offensive you already are - sweeper. If, however, you operate with a ball-winner and the sweeper is good on the ball - libero; very few defenders are suited to this role however.

Hope that helps.

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After reading through this thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/323600-Starting-an-honest-game and then futher into Cleons masterful thread http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/305067-The-Full-90-Minutes-What-I-Do

I got the best tip. Watch the full game!

Made a new tac, 4-2-3-1 wide, with short passing, and deafault/standard menality/philosophy, everything else on default. Set roles as suited my team, BWM on def in centre as advised here (even more importand on this formation i guess).

Then i saw all my friendlies on full. Did some minor tweaks, like taking down mentality on BWM and setting pressing to default.

I actually feel stupid now, after trying to use shouts when watching the games on extended. And now with everything on default the are incredibly effective:) Start out every game on standard tactics then just use shouts for everything I want to do.

And with very good results(for now), won all friendlies comfortably, including a 4-0 home victory over Bayern, then a 7-0 over some Icelandic team in EURO cup (yes I ended up 5th in leauge!)

Cant wait to get home playing, yey!

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