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Filtered Shortlist?

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Hi Folks

In FM12 I was able to filter a shortlist and then save/export the shortlist so that only the filtered players appeared in the shortlist file. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working in FM13 (or I haven't yet worked out how to do it). E.g. I have a shortlist with 13,736 players in it, I tick 'Unrealistic Transfers' and the number drops to 8849. I then save this shortlist, but all 13,736 players are saved. In FM12 it would have been only the 8849 filtered players.... Any ideas?? Thx

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Even on fm12 if you only clicked unrealistc transfers, it would save the whole file...

If you set some actual parameters though, such as EU only players, it will save those filters...

This hasn't changed since fm12 AFAIK?

Which makes sense, as 'Unrealistic Transfers' is dynamic between teams, it will change depending on the team/rep .

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Hmmmm. I see. I'll try a test and find out exactly what's doing what hehe.

In FM12 :

I do a player search. 12970 results

I tick 'Unrealistic transfers'. 4657 results

I 'Save as new shortlist'

I go into the Shortlist section

I select my shortlist and it shows 4657 players, whether or not the 'Unrealistic transfers' is ticked.

So, it's definitely saving ONLY the filtered players. Just tested this in an external scout program and it's loaded the expected 4657 only. So that works as I expect.

In FM13 (obviously the numbers will be different, but the idea is the same):

I do a player search. 13736 results

I tick 'Unrealistic transfers'. 8849 results

I 'Save as new shortlist'

I go into the Shortlist section

I select my shortlist and it shows 13736 players, and 8849 when 'Unrealistic transfers' is ticked.

So FM13 is saving all the players, unlike FM12 which only saved filtered ones.... Does that all make sense, or am I missing something?? :-)

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No it makes perfect sense.

I didn't know it worked like that for fm12.

For me, the new fm13 way makes much more sense. As like I say, Unrealistic Transfers is only really considers players for that team at that time (reputation etc).

I guess SI decided to change it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem. It appears SI has eliminated the "export shortlist" function from this version of the game, likely to irritate people like me who use Genie Scout. It's their way of saying how much they appreciate our business. Passive/aggressive behavior toward your paying customers is a great way to build good will.

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Yeah, the arrogance is really stunning. These people are a bunch of self-righteous snobs. But they have a monopoly on decent football sims, so we're stuck with them. But one of these days I'm going to say "screw it" and stop buying their products. I despise this kind of aloofness. How hard is it to assign a company person to respond to every thread inquiry? It's not as if they'd be overwhelmed by the numbers. Again, no one cares. Or, at least that's the message being sent by their paucity of response. Truly shameful.

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Yeah, the arrogance is really stunning. These people are a bunch of self-righteous snobs. But they have a monopoly on decent football sims, so we're stuck with them. But one of these days I'm going to say "screw it" and stop buying their products. I despise this kind of aloofness. How hard is it to assign a company person to respond to every thread inquiry? It's not as if they'd be overwhelmed by the numbers. Again, no one cares. Or, at least that's the message being sent by their paucity of response. Truly shameful.

Words of wisdom. I'm with you. ;-)

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I've figured out a way to do it. Say you have your default shortlist which has been filtered to 4000 players, you need to create a new shortlist, go back to the default shortlist and highlight all 4000 players (this can be done by holding Shift, clicking the top player and then clicking the bottom player), then move them all to the new shortlist you created. This shortlist can then be saved and exported.

I suck at explaining things, so if that makes no sense, let me know which part.

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I've figured out a way to do it. Say you have your default shortlist which has been filtered to 4000 players, you need to create a new shortlist, go back to the default shortlist and highlight all 4000 players (this can be done by holding Shift, clicking the top player and then clicking the bottom player), then move them all to the new shortlist you created. This shortlist can then be saved and exported.

I suck at explaining things, so if that makes no sense, let me know which part.

The only problem is that there appears to be a maximum of 500 players selectable at one time. So, you would have to copy/paste eight times in order to do this. And this is all really moot, isn't it? The "export shortlist" function has been in every version of this game since ... the beginning, I believe. Why remove it, except to troll your own customers?

Still waiting for a reply or an explanation, SI. Any day, now, would be nice.

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