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How much strength & aerobic training during the season to develop my players correctly?

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Good evening!

I am about for the first time to make individual training schedules (FM 12) for my Chelsea team. I want to mould my players in a special way, using individual schedulesfor my best players. I will make my schedules according to which role I see for my player. For example, Hazard, Oscar and Mata in my Chelsea team. I want to crank up the attacking sliders as high as possible depending on each player's attributes. But how low can I keep the strength & aerobic training? I want to keep them as low as possible so that I can maximise the attacking sliders, but of course I don't want to harm their long term development with too low fitness training. But If they already have acceptable levels of speed and strength, how low can I set them to keep them at this level or maybe even increase just a little bit.

Hope you understand what I am after. I haven't been able to find an appropriate thread for this. I understand that it depends on age, but I am looking for some solid guidelines to follow when I set-up my new training schedules.

Grateful for help,

Anders, Sweden

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