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Some help with tactics, mainly setpieces needed please.

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I have managed to make myself a tactic that I'm on the whole happy with but I'm having some problems mainly with setpieces.

I'm seeing pretty good play overall but I do struggle to score goals when being an underdog, however for now I'm mostly putting that down to my players just not being good enough as I am newly promoted from 3d division so not too concerned about this. But any advice is welcome :)

First of all I'm looking for advice/feedback on the tactic in general as I'm still very much trying to learn how this works so anything constructive is welcome!

This is the main tactic and setup: The only player overrides to this is everyone but defense line is set to long shots rarely and the Keeper is set to distribute short to the left back.

(Right click and View picture for larger pics seems forums scale them down)


Secondly I'm having a really hard time getting anything dangerous out of setpieces and I cant for the life of me figure out how to setup these. I'm mostly concerned about corners but any help on both corners and free kicks are most welcome.

Attacking Corners:


Attacking free Kicks:


Thirdly I'm still conceding a bit too much on corners. In general I'm defending corners well but I am conceding a bit too many Near Post so any tweaks will be tried.


Have so far not had any trouble at all with defending setpieces other then the odd looooong kick from their own half to a sprinting forward for a tap in, but I'll add a pic of that too for good measure as I'm open to suggestions.


If I have missed to show anything needed for you to give me advice let me know and I will provide what I can.

Thank you in advance for any help!

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Well I'll give this one last try :)

Have been changing things around for attacking corners trying to get more people going forward and targeting corners into box but my team still totaly fail and have only managed 2!?! Goals from corners in a whole season...

Right now I have my 2 Fb's staying back, Cbr challenging keeper, Cbl attacking from deep, dmc lurking outside area, strattacking near post, stl attacking far post and everyone else on going forward.

Any help at all would be really helpful, my team is far from great but 2 goals from corners in a whole season still feels horrible so I must be doing something terribly wrong.

I did manage to finish 4th in my first season in second divison though so beside the trouble with corners I'm on the whole happy with the tactic I have. However I'm finding it hard to defend a lead sometimes as just changing to defend seems to invite the other team to score at will. Any pointers on how to set up a defensive version of my main tactic are most welcome!

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