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How to get the game when you're in trapped?

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Hello everyone,

I don't know whether this had been asked but I can't find it.

I live in Germany and for licensing issues (Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea Annnnd Germany??), they are not selling FM2013 here. So I would just like to know whether its possible to get the game in any way?

If I ask someone to buy it, then get the steam authentication code from them will I be able to download it? I have a small laptop with no DVD-drive so a boxed copy is out of the question.

Or should I just get used to the fact that like every second youtube video, Germany just doesn't want you to have access to fun stuff. Seriously, it's maddening around here.

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Thanks for the replies, but as I said, my Laptop (a 13" Lenovo Thinkpad) doesn't have a dvd drive, so a boxed copy is not possible.

What I don't get is that I bought Fm2012 easily, so I would be interested to know what dispute makes it impossible.

I have no possibilities of getting over the border until Christmas, but my family lives in Eastern Europe, you know, a magical place of freedom where a man can actually buy a game.

What I want to know is, if I get them to get the Activation code can I use it on Steam here and will the auto-update (hotfixes whatnot) work while I'm in Germany???

Thanks for the help!

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Hey thanks, I'll try that. Otherwise I'll wait till Christmas, buy the game myself and then hope it gets updated when I'm back in Germany.

And if it gets deleted: sorry mods, I didn't know this question was frowned upon, just couldn't find any solution to my problem you see...

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Thanks for the replies, but as I said, my Laptop (a 13" Lenovo Thinkpad) doesn't have a dvd drive, so a boxed copy is not possible.

What I don't get is that I bought Fm2012 easily, so I would be interested to know what dispute makes it impossible.

I have no possibilities of getting over the border until Christmas, but my family lives in Eastern Europe, you know, a magical place of freedom where a man can actually buy a game.

What I want to know is, if I get them to get the Activation code can I use it on Steam here and will the auto-update (hotfixes whatnot) work while I'm in Germany???

Thanks for the help!

The boxed versions still have a code. You don't need to use the disk.

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They have it on Amazon.de as well. You pretty much buy it from other online retailer than Sega.

Amazon.uk ships to Germany within couple days. Then, use the code within to download from Steam. No DVD needed. It will activate despite you being abroad.

And for the licensing issues, the German Football League still haven't understood that one could make more money perhaps by selling the rights to more than just one party. Or, EA must be paying them an insanely sum to keep all others out.

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Thanks, I'll probably order online then.

And yeah, I don't know if you've been to Germany, but like half of Youtube videos, sometimes from official channels are not viewable because of copyright and licensing and whatnot. It really tires you out.

thanks for all the help!

For this, there are fake proxies. I'm in South America atm, and to get to view what I want, I pay for such proxy service. There is always a way.

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