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match preperation for reserve and youth teams

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I'm having problems changing the match preperation levels for my reserve and youth teams. Have read last 2 pages of threads on here (easy to get distracted :)) so sorry if this has been asked before, but is it adjustable?

I have tried doing it the same as with first team, but it just changes back. Also when it does, it sends all my youth players to the first team! Time consuming, as it sends my youths made available for reserves aswell...

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Sorry to ask again, but could anyone shed light on this? Is it possible?

If players develope better while playing well surely they need match preperation? And puts players in better to position to move up teams? I always use first team tactics on all teams for this reson

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Match preparations isn't really that important for the youth team; the results of the matches are not what matters. Indeed, I think they would do best with only minimal match preps, better to use most of the training time on stuff that increases their skills and physics. I have mine set on the next to last notch on the intensity slider.

The other question, why you can't make your settings for the youth team to stay where you put it, I don't know. But I have the same problem. I guess that it's the U18 assistant manager (or whoever is in charge of your youths) that overrules you.

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I agree that match prep is less important youths, but form is important as well.

Also it takes the senior squad so long to train my tactics from scratch, on more training than the youths. So if they cant train it properly there is no real advantage to having them on same tactics? Thats what I assume, though its an area that has always been guess work?

If its something that I cant control and causes problems with my players moving squad does it count as a bug? Admittedly not a big one, and a lot easier than if we still had individual training available for youths

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